50 research outputs found

    Profilo di storia del medioevo latino-germanico. Sommario

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    Introduzione alla medievistica

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    A New Way to Assess Banking Competition

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    Market structure and competition: an empirical analysis of the U.S. airline industry

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    This thesis studies degree of competitiveness in the airline industry inferred by investigation of market structure. Chapter 2 documents empirical evidence that endogenous sunk costs investments in advertising and in expanding route network play a crucial role in determining equilibrium market structure and, that the industry is a natural oligopoly. In chapter 3 we perform an empirical analysis of market structure beyond the bounds approach, to explain firm numbers and market share asymmetry for city pair markets. In addition, splitting firms into two types, leaders and non-leaders, it is proposed evidence that nature of competition depends on presence of leader airlines. In particular, there is evidence consistent with learning; that is, non-leaders infer profitability of routes from the number and identity of leaders. Chapter 4 proposes two econometric models of entry to analyze market sharing agreements

    Market Structure and Intensity of Price Competition in EU Banking Industry

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    Medievistica del Novecento

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    A comprehensive collection spanning five decades of full-length book reviews and short synopses by Giovanni Tabacco, whose scholarly concerns were never separate from a lifelong engagement as an exacting critical reader. Inspired by wide-ranging historical interests and with a special emphasis on issues of power and culture, these essays provide a valuable commentary to the progression of Medieval Studies during the twentieth century. Guglielmotti, Paola (ed.)È qui raccolto un corpus imponente di recensioni e note bibliografiche pubblicate nell'arco di un cinquantennio, un esercizio di rigore critico che ha accompagnato senza interruzione l'attività scientifica di Giovanni Tabacco. Scritte con larghezza di interessi e con particolare attenzione ai temi del potere e della cultura, sono pagine che costituiscono un prezioso commento agli sviluppi della medievistica nel Novecento. A cura di Paola Guglielmotti

    La relazione fra i concetti di potere temporale e di potere spirituale nella tradizione cristiana fino al secolo XIV

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    ITALIANO: «Date a Cesare quel che è di Cesare, a Dio ciò che è di Dio»: a partire dalla non facile interpretazione del celeberrimo passo del vangelo di Matteo (22,21), la monografia di Giovanni Tabacco qui riproposta percorre le tappe che definirono e plasmarono le relazioni tra potere civile e potere religioso in Occidente lungo tutto il millennio medievale. Pubblicato una prima volta nel 1950 dalla Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, lo studio del grande medievista torinese appartiene ai "classici" mai dimenticati della storiografia medievistica italiana. La monografia è preceduta da tre interventi introduttivi (Laura Gaffuri, Giovanni Miccoli, Gian Maria Varanini) dedicati al significato e all'attualità della riflessione di Giovanni Tabacco, e all'importante stagione di studi che, tra primo Novecento e immediato secondo dopoguerra, si interrogò sulle origini delle relazioni stato-chiesa. / ENGLISH: «Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God»: starting from the not easy interpretation of the most famous verses by Matthew's Gospel (22,21), Giovanni Tobacco's volume traces the evolution of the relationship between secular authority and religious power in the West world, along the medieval millenium. Published for the first time in 1950 by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Turin, the renowned historian’s work is one of the milestones of the Italian Medievalist historiography. The book is introduced by three essays (by Laura Gaffuri, Giovanni Miccoli, and Gian Maria Varanini), which point out the current significance of Giovanni Tobacco’s thought, and highlight the studies that – between the first XXth century and the II World War – investigated into the origins of the State-Church relationship

    La relazione fra i concetti di potere temporale e di potere spirituale nella tradizione cristiana fino al secolo XIV

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    Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, to God what belongs to God: starting from the challenging interpretation of the famous passage from the Gospel of Matthew (22:21), the here presented monograph by Giovanni Tabacco goes through the stages that defined and shaped the relations between civil and religious powers in the West throughout the medieval millennium. Published for the first time in 1950 by the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Turin, the study of the great medievalist belongs to the never forgotten "classics" of Italian medieval historiography. The monograph is preceded by three introductory interventions (Laura Gaffuri, Giovanni Miccoli, Gian Maria Varanini) dedicated to the meaning and relevance of Giovanni Tabacco's reflection, and to the important period of studies that, between the early twentieth century and the immediate second postwar period, questioned the origins of church-state relations