46 research outputs found

    Sviluppo di un codice per la previsione delle proprieta di fouling e slagging di carboni

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    Questo documento costituisce la relazione tecnica finale del contratto Servizio per lo sviluppo di un codice per la previsione delle proprietà di fouling e slagging di carboni, Contratto d'appalto nr. 44AV0671, stipulato tra il CRS4 e l'ENEL-CRT. In esso viene inizialmente descritto il modello fisico-matematico su cui è basato l'algoritmo per la descrizione delle caratteristiche delle ceneri volatili ottenute dalla combustione di particelle di una data specie di carbone. Carbone che, a sua volta, è descritto da un insieme di dati sperimentali che vanno dai dati ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) ai molto più dettagliati dati CCSEM (Computer Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy). Nella seconda parte del documento viene presentato l'algoritmo di calcolo e lo schema generale del codice, scritto in Fortran 90, che implementa un tale algoritmo. Il codice denominato CHARCO è il deliverable principale del contratto di cui sopra. Successivamente è presentata una descrizione dettagliata del codice numerico, delle strutture dei dati di input e output, e del suo utilizzo. Di ogni Subroutine viene data un'esplicita descrizione del suo ruolo con frequenti richiami alla parte modellistica, e del suo flusso di dati in input/output. Nella sezione dei risultati sono presentati alcuni degli output che è possibile ottenere dall'esecuzione del codice CHARCO. Sono riportati esempi di risultati ottenuti a partire da input sperimentali caratterizzanti il carbone Ashland. Tali input sono stati forniti dall'ENEL-CRT stesso. Un'interpretazione critica dei risultati è anch'essa presentata. Nella sezione riguardante gli sviluppi futuri viene brevemente descritta l'estensione modellistica e algoritmica necessaria per la descrizione dei processi di accrescimento dei depositi sui fasci tubieri scambiatori di calore. Tale estensione si configura come il deliverable significante, sia in termini interpretativi che di ritorno economico, del progetto di ricerca avente come oggetto la comprensione della tendenza al fouling/slagging delle ceneri ottenute dalla combustione di carboni polverizzati. Notiamo che una tale estensione costituisce la base di partenza per la produzione di pacchetti software per il controllo degli stessi fenomeni nei casi della combustione di miscele di carbone, di miscele con RDF (Refuse Derived Fuels), e nella gassificazione. Nella sezione finale sono riportate le conclusioni e un breve sommario. Al presente documento è allegato il codice CHARCO

    Prima esperienza di sviluppo di un sistema informativo geografico della piana di Capoterra (Sardegna)

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    Le informazioni acquisite in occasione di studi idrogeologici precedentemente svolti sulla piana alluvionale di Capoterra sono stati organizzati in un sistema informativo geografico, la cui prima esperienza ha riguardato lo studio della vulnerabilità intrinseca dell’acquifero superficiale all’inquinamento.The information acquire in occasion of hydrogeological studies previously carried out in the alluvial plain of Capoterra has stayed organized in a geographical information system, whose first experience has concerned the study of the intrinsic vulnerability of the phreatic aquifer to the pollution

    G.I.S. and Modeling for Studying Saltwater Intrusion in the Capoterra Alluvial Plain (Sardinia - Italy)

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    Previous experience at a regional scale has demonstrated that the greater the possibility of analyzing and managing information utilized for saltwater intrusion modeling in coastal aquifers, the more comprehensive and reliable the end results are likely to be. The contribution offered by Geographical Information Systems (G.I.S.) for achieving this goal is crucial. A G.I.S. allows to acquire, store, process and represent spatial information in real time and in a form suitable for further use in different application contexts. A wide range of problems can be addressed within the philosophy of a G.I.S., thematic mapping, land planning, environmental impact studies, natural resources management, location of environmental risk areas, demographic studies, modeling. The information acquired during earlier hydrogeological studies in the Capoterra alluvial plain have been organized into a G.I.S. for the purpose of modeling saltwater intrusion. The paper describes the modeling procedure adopted

    A rare association of ganglioglioma and cavernous malformation: Report of two cases and literature review

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    Background: Some glial tumors have been observed in association with different types of vascular malformations of the brain (angiogliomas). However, the association of ganglioglioma with other vascular malformations is extremely rare, with only few cases reported in the literature, one of which is referred to as “angioganglioglioma.” Case Description: Two patients presented with acute onset of neurological symptoms, with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) nding of cavernoma of the left middle cerebellar penduncle, and small mass of the chiasmatic region, respectively. After microsurgical excision, histopathological examination revealed mixed ganglioglioma and cavernous malformation in both cases. Postoperative course was uneventful, and follow‐up MRI showed complete removal of the tumor with no recurrence after 4 years. Conclusions: Angiogliomas are very uncommon tumors. In literature, we found different interpretations of such lesions, although they should most probably be considered as distinct pathological entities. Although the association of ganglioglioma with cavernoma is extremely rare, it could be considered as a most peculiar form of angioglioma, and supports the existence of angioganglioglioma

    The voxel-wise analysis of false negative fMRI activation in regions of provoked impaired cerebrovascular reactivity

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    Task-evoked Blood-oxygenation-level-dependent (BOLD-fMRI) signal activation is widely used to interrogate eloquence of brain areas. However, data interpretation can be improved, especially in regions with absent BOLD-fMRI signal activation. Absent BOLD-fMRI signal activation may actually represent false-negative activation due to impaired cerebrovascular reactivity (BOLD-CVR) of the vascular bed. The relationship between impaired BOLD-CVR and BOLD-fMRI signal activation may be better studied in healthy subjects where neurovascular coupling is known to be intact. Using a model-based prospective end-tidal carbon dioxide (CO2) targeting algorithm, we performed two controlled 3 tesla BOLD-CVR studies on 17 healthy subjects: 1: at the subjects' individual resting end-tidal CO2 baseline. 2: Around +6.0 mmHg CO2 above the subjects' individual resting baseline. Two BOLD-fMRI finger-tapping experiments were performed at similar normo- and hypercapnic levels. Relative BOLD fMRI signal activation and t-values were calculated for BOLD-CVR and BOLD-fMRI data. For each component of the cerebral motor-network (precentral gyrus, postcentral gyrus, supplementary motor area, cerebellum und fronto-operculum), the correlation between BOLD-CVR and BOLD-fMRI signal changes and t-values was investigated. Finally, a voxel-wise quantitative analysis of the impact of BOLD-CVR on BOLD-fMRI was performed. For the motor-network, the linear correlation coefficient between BOLD-CVR and BOLD-fMRI t-values were significant (p<0.01) and in the range 0.33-0.55, similar to the correlations between the CVR and fMRI Δ%signal (p<0.05; range 0.34-0.60). The linear relationship between CVR and fMRI is challenged by our voxel-wise analysis of Δ%signal and t-value change between normo- and hypercapnia. Our main finding is that BOLD fMRI signal activation maps are markedly dampened in the presence of impaired BOLD-CVR and highlights the importance of a complementary BOLD-CVR assessment in addition to a task-evoked BOLD fMRI to identify brain areas at risk for false-negative BOLD-fMRI signal activation

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Background: The National Research Council (CNR) prostate cancer monitoring project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) is an observational, prospective, ongoing, multicentre study aiming to monitor a sample of Italian males diagnosed as new cases of prostate cancer. The present study aims to present data on the quality of life at time prostate cancer is diagnosed. Methods: One thousand seven hundred five patients were enrolled. Quality of life is evaluated at the time cancer was diagnosed and at subsequent assessments via the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA-PCI) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: At diagnosis, lower scores on the physical component of the SF-12 were associated to older ages, obesity and the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities. Lower scores on the mental component were associated to younger ages, the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities and a T-score higher than one. Urinary and bowel functions according to UCLA-PCI were generally good. Almost 5% of the sample reported using at least one safety pad daily to control urinary loss; less than 3% reported moderate/severe problems attributable to bowel functions, and sexual function was a moderate/severe problem for 26.7%. Diabetes, 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities, T2 or T3-T4 categories and a Gleason score of eight or more were significantly associated with lower sexual function scores at diagnosis. Conclusions: Data collected by the Pros-IT CNR study have clarified the baseline status of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. A comprehensive assessment of quality of life will allow to objectively evaluate outcomes of different profile of care

    Hypermetabolism and impaired cerebrovascular reactivity beyond the standard MRI-identified tumor border indicate diffuse glioma extended tissue infiltration

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    Background Diffuse gliomas exhibit diffuse infiltrative growth, often beyond the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-detectable tumor lesion. Within this lesion, hypermetabolism and impaired cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) are found, but its exact distribution pattern into the peritumoral environment is unknown. Our aim was to better characterize the extent of diffuse glioma tissue infiltration, beyond the visible lesion (ie, beyond the T1-contrast-enhancing lesion and/or T2/FLAIR-defined tumor border), with metabolic positron emission tomography (PET), and functional MRI CVR (blood oxygenation-level-dependent CVR [BOLD-CVR]) mapping. Methods From a prospective glioma database, 18 subjects (19 datasets) with diffuse glioma (n = 2 with anaplastic astrocytoma, n = 10 with anaplastic oligodendroglioma, and n = 7 with glioblastoma) underwent a BOLD-CVR and metabolic PET study between February 2016 and September 2019, 7 of them at primary diagnosis and 12 at tumor recurrence. In addition, 19 matched healthy controls underwent an identical BOLD-CVR study. The tumor lesion was defined using high-resolution anatomical MRI. Volumes of interest starting from the tumor lesion outward up to 30 mm were created for a detailed peritumoral PET and BOLD-CVR tissue analysis. Student's t test was used for statistical analysis. Results Patients with diffuse glioma exhibit impaired BOLD-CVR 12 mm beyond the tumor lesion (P = .02) with normalization of BOLD-CVR values after 24 mm. Metabolic PET shows a difference between the affected and contralateral hemisphere of 6 mm (P = .05) with PET values normalization after 12 mm. Conclusion We demonstrate hypermetabolism and impaired CVR beyond the standard MRI-defined tumor border, suggesting active tumor infiltration in the peritumoral environment

    Investigating the Association of Wallerian degeneration and diaschisis after ischemic stroke with BOLD cerebrovascular reactivity

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    Introduction: Wallerian degeneration and diaschisis are considered separate remote entities following ischemic stroke. They may, however, share common neurophysiological denominators, since they are both related to disruption of fiber tracts and brain atrophy over time. Therefore, with advanced multimodal neuroimaging, we investigate Wallerian degeneration and its association with diaschisis. Methods: In order to determine different characteristics of Wallerian degeneration, we conducted examinations on seventeen patients with chronic unilateral ischemic stroke and persisting large vessel occlusion, conducting high-resolution anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and blood oxygenation-level dependent cerebrovascular reactivity (BOLD-CVR) tests, as well as Diamox 15^{15}(O)-H2_{2}O-PET hemodynamic examinations. Wallerian degeneration was determined using a cerebral peduncle asymmetry index (% difference of volume of ipsilateral and contralateral cerebral peduncle) of more than two standard deviations away from the average of age-matched, healthy subjects (Here a cerebral peduncle asymmetry index > 11%). Diaschisis was derived from BOLD-CVR to assess the presence of ipsilateral thalamus diaschisis and/or crossed cerebellar diaschisis. Results: Wallerian degeneration, found in 8 (47%) subjects, had a strong association with ipsilateral thalamic volume reduction (r 2^{2} = 0.60) and corticospinal-tract involvement of stroke (p < 0.001). It was also associated with ipsilateral thalamic diaschisis (p = 0.021), No cerebral peduncular hemodynamic differences were found in patients with Wallerian degeneration. In particular, no CBF decrease or BOLD-CVR impairment was found. Conclusion: We show a strong association between Wallerian degeneration and ipsilateral thalamic diaschisis, indicating a structural pathophysiological relationship

    Multiple Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Grape Vegetative Growth, Berry Quality and Pest Development in Mediterranean Vineyards

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    Nitrogen is a key macronutrient for the quantitative and qualitative yield of grapes; in addition, it influences the development and reproduction of grape pests. The multiple effects of different nitrogen rates were investigated on the red berry cultivar ‘Carignano’ and the grape pest Planococcus ficus in a two-year field trial. Different amounts of ammonium nitrate were compared: 0, 80 and 160 Units ha−1 for mineral nitrogen. The amount of nitrogen fertilization supplied influenced the nitrogen status of vines and increased the pruning weight and leaf area, as well as the overall grape yield, by increasing the cluster weight. However, doubling the nitrogen rate did not generally increase the vegetative and productive parameters of grapevines. At harvest, nitrogen supply did not influence the anthocyanin content, tritatable acidity, and soluble solids, although the latter parameter showed a clear, yet not significant, decreasing trend. Planococcus ficus exhibited higher fecundity, survival and shorter development time on grapevines provided with nitrogen, whereas its fertility was unaffected by nitrogen fertilization. Ultimately, nitrogen had a direct and positive effect on grape yield and vine mealybug development, highlighting the importance of integrated cultural and pest control practices to promote grape production