563 research outputs found

    Political Persistence, Connections and Economic Growth

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    Using data on a panel of 56 democratic countries in the period 1975-2004, we find evidence of a negative association between political stability and economic growth which is stronger and empirically more robust in countries with high bureaucratic costs. Motivated by these results, which contrast with previous contributions, we develop a model of growth with quality improvements where political connections with long-term politicians can be exploited by low-quality producers to defend their monopoly position and prevent innovation and entry of high-quality competitors. This requires that the incumbent politician remains in office and that the red-tape cost advantage granted by political connections is large relative to the quality upgrade related to innovation. Consistently with our empirical findings, the model delivers a negative association between the probability that the incumbent politician remains in office and average economic growth in the presence of high bureaucratic costs.political persistence, growth, innovation

    Persistence of Politicians and Firms' Innovation

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    We empirically investigate whether the persistence of politicians in political institutions affects the innovation activity of firms. We use 12,000 firm-level observations from three waves of the Italian Observatory over Small and Medium Enterprises, and introduce a measure of political persistence defined as the average length of individual political careers in political institutions of Italian municipalities. Standard OLS shows no raw correlation between political persistence and firms’ innovation activity. However, once the causal effect is isolated by means of instrumental variables, using death of politicians as an exogenous source of variation of political persistence, we find a robust negative relation between political persistence and the probability of process innovation. This finding is consistent with the view that political stability may hinder firms’ incentive to innovate to maintain their competitiveness, as long as they can extract rents from long-term connections with politicians.innovation, politicians, tenure, instrumental variable

    Assegno di separazione ed assegno divorzile nel sistema italiano delle crisi familiari.

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    The paper analyzes the main problems concerning the quantification of the separation allowance and divorce allowance framing them in the current Italian system of marital crisis. The work highlights how the Italian legal system is characterized by overprotective interpretations of the position of the weaker part

    La responsabilidad del host provider por vulneración de los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial por parte de los propios usuarios.

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    El trabajo tiene como finalidad el examen de las especialidades que caracterizan la responsabilidad civil del provider por los contenidos que los usuarios publican sobre las plataformas informáticas por él gestionadas. En particular, se profundiza sobre la cuestión de la posible vulneración de la propiedad intelectual e industrial a través de internet, evidenciando que el provider sólo será responsable, si ha tenido un papel activo en la colocación en la red de los contenidos ilícitos.The work analyzes the peculiarities that characterize the provider's civil liability for contents that users post on the platforms managed from the same. In particular, the study investigates the specific issue of intellectual property and industrial property infringements through internet highlighting that the provider will be liable only if he have an active role in the placement on internet of the illegal contents

    La protección de los menores en el ámbito contractual

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    El trabajo analiza el grado de libertad reconocido por el ordenamiento jurídico al menor en la conclusión de negocios patrimoniales. Se pone de manifiesto que el actual sistema normativo, que vincula a la capacidad de obrar la posibilidad de concluir contratos es demasiado rígido. Niega, así, al menor de edad cualquier posibilidad de celebrar contratos válidos, limitando de este modo la posibilidad de expresar su propia personalidad a través de esta vía

    Autodeterminazione e capacità di discernimento del minore: Profili di diritto civile

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    The paper analyses the main problems concerning the level of autonomy that Italian law grants to children both in terms of tort liability, both in terms of the exercise of acts of private autonomy. The paper highlights the need to accorded a higher to children in order to facilitate appropriate development of their personalit

    La disciplina del contratto assicurazione in italia: Profili di attualità

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    The paper aims to analyze the evolution of the discipline of the insurance contract within the Italian regulatory landscape trying to identify the sources that led to the current regulatory framework. At the same time, it highlights the growing trend in order to assign to Italian insurance contract not only the realization of personal interests belonging to the contractors, but also of collective interests. All of this occurs within the compulsory insurance with which you try to avoid that particularly risky activities could generate damages to third parties not compensable

    Educación de la prole y responsabilidad civil de los padres por los daños ocasiones por el hijo menor en el derecho italiano

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    El trabajo analiza las más recientes orientaciones de la jurisprudencia de instancia italiana sobre la resposnabilidad civil de los padres por los daños causados por los hechos ilícitos de los hijos menores. Se evidencia que la tendencia de los Tribunales a objetivizar dicha responsabilidad no resulta idónea para estimular una correcta educación de los hijos por parte de sus progenitores.The work analyzes the most recent guidelines of the Italian case law on the civil liability of parents for the tort committed by the underage son in order to highlight that the recent court decisions, inclined to qualify this liability as objective, are not likely to encourage the education of children by their parents

    La jurisprudencia italiana en materia de reproducción asistida

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    Los problemas ligados a las técnicas de reproducción asistida son de extrema actualidad, en la medida en que afectan a una multiplicidad de intereses contradictorios. El trabajo pretende examinar la evolución jurisprudencial y doctrinal en la materia, buscando alcanzar un justo equilibrio entre la exigencia de reconocer el mayor margen posible a la libertad de la pareja para procrear y la de evitar poner en peligro los intereses del nacido y los de los terceros que resulten implicados.Problems related to medically assisted procreation are extremely current because they involve many conflicting interests. The paper aims to highlight the jurisprudential and doctrinal evolution on the topic trying to find the right balance between the need to recognize the widest margin of freedom of the couple to procreate and the need to avoid damaging the interests of the born and the others who are involved