314 research outputs found

    Antioxidant and Free Radical-Scavenging Activity of Tulipa Systola Roots, Leaves and Flowers Collected in the Kurdistan Region of Iraqz

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    We report the first investigation on the antioxidant and antiradical properties of extracts of roots, leaves, and flowers of Tulipa systola Stapf, which is used as a pain-relief in the traditional medicine of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The study has revealed that all parts of the plant contain significant amounts of phenolics and other antioxidant metabolites; In the Folin-Ciocalteu assay the total antioxidant capacity of the ethanol extract of flowers was even higher than that of ascorbic acid. The DPPH radical scavenging activity, the hydrogen peroxide and Fe (III) reducing powers have also been measured. The values were different for the different extracts, clearly reflecting the great variety of contents of secondary metabolites. These compounds possibly have different redox properties and radical quenching properties in vitro, and exert their effects through different mechanisms. Results are in great subtend to become a starting point for in vivo investigation in the next steps, isolation and characterization of the responsible antiradical and antioxidant secondary metabolites. Keywords: Tulipa systola, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Antioxidant and antiradical scavenging activities

    Identification of the Major Urinary Metabolite of the Highly Reactive Cyclopentenone Isoprostane 15-A2t-Isoprostane in Vivo

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    The cyclopentenone isoprostanes (A(2)/J(2)-IsoPs) are formed in significant amounts in humans and rodents esterified in tissue phospholipids. Nonetheless, they have not been detected unesterified in the free form, presumably because of their marked reactivity. A(2)/J(2)-IsoPs, similar to other electrophilic lipids such as 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) and 4-hydroxynonenal, contain a highly reactive alpha,beta-unsaturated carbonyl, which allows these compounds to react with thiol-containing biomolecules to produce a range of biological effects. We sought to identify and characterize in rats the major urinary metabolite of 15-A(2t)-IsoP, one of the most abundant A(2)-IsoPs produced in vivo, in order to develop a specific biomarker that can be used to quantify the in vivo production of these molecules. Following intravenous administration of 15-A(2t)-IsoP containing small amounts of [(3)H(4)]15-A(2t)-IsoP, 80% of the radioactivity excreted in the urine remained in aqueous solution after extraction with organic solvents, indicating the formation of a polar conjugate(s). Using high pressure liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, the major urinary metabolite of 15-A(2t)-IsoP was determined to be the mercapturic acid sulfoxide conjugate in which the carbonyl at C9 was reduced to an alcohol. The structure was confirmed by direct comparison to a synthesized standard and via various chemical derivatizations. In addition, this metabolite was found to be formed in significant quantities in urine from rats exposed to an oxidant stress. The identification of this metabolite combined with the finding that these metabolites are produced in in vivo settings of oxidant stress makes it possible to use this method to quantify, for the first time, the in vivo production of cyclopentenone prostanoids

    disrupting the pcsk9 ldlr protein protein interaction by an imidazole based minimalist peptidomimetic

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    We report on a tetraimidazole-based β-strand minimalist peptidomimetic as a novel inhibitor of LDLR–PCSK9 protein–protein interaction, a promising target for hypercholesterolemia

    Mycobacterium microti at the environment and wildlife interface

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    10openInternationalItalian coauthor/editorAn unexpected high presence of Mycobacterium microti in wild boar in Northern Italy (Garda Lake) has been reported since 2003, but the factors contributing to the maintenance of this pathogen are still unclear. In this study, we investigated the presence of M. microti in wild rodents and in water and soil samples collected at wild boar aggregation areas, such as watering holes, with the aim of clarifying their role in M. microti transmission. In total, 8 out of 120 captured animals tested positive for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) as assessed by real-time PCR, and six samples were confirmed to be M. microti. A strain with a genetic profile similar to those previously isolated in wild boars in the same area was isolated from one sample. Of the 20 water and 19 mud samples, 3 and 1, respectively, tested positive for the presence of MTBC, and spacer oligotype SB0118 (vole type) was detected in one sample. Our study suggests that wild rodents, in particular Apodemus sylvaticus, Microtus sp. and Apodemus flavicollis, play roles in the maintenance of M. microti infections in wild boar through ingestion or by contact with either infected excreta or a contaminated environment, such as at animal aggregation sitesopenTagliapietra, V.; Boniotti, M.B.; Mangeli, A.; Karaman, I.; Alborali, G.; Chiari, M.; D’Incau, M.; Zanoni, M.; Rizzoli, A.; Pacciarini, M.L.Tagliapietra, V.; Boniotti, M.B.; Mangeli, A.; Karaman, I.; Alborali, G.; Chiari, M.; D’Incau, M.; Zanoni, M.; Rizzoli, A.; Pacciarini, M.L

    Native Study of the Behaviour of Magnetite Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Treatment during the Initial Moments of Intravenous Administration

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) present outstanding properties making them suitable as therapeutic agents for hyperthermia treatments. Since the main safety concerns of MNPs are represented by their inherent instability in a biological medium, strategies to both achieve longterm stability and monitor hazardous MNP degradation are needed. We combined a dynamic approach relying on flow field flow fractionation (FFF)-multidetection with conventional techniques to explore frame-by-frame changes of MNPs injected in simulated biological medium, hypothesize the interaction mechanism they are subject to when surrounded by a saline, protein-rich environment, and understand their behaviour at the most critical point of intravenous administration. In the first moments of MNPs administration in the patient, MNPs change their surrounding from a favorable to an unfavorable medium, i.e., a complex biological fluid such as blood; the particles evolve from a synthetic identity to a biological identity, a transition that needs to be carefully monitored. The dynamic approach presented herein represents an optimal alternative to conventional batch techniques that can monitor only size, shape, surface charge, and aggregation phenomena as an averaged information, given that they cannot resolve different populations present in the sample and cannot give accurate information about the evolution or temporary instability of MNPs. The designed FFF method equipped with a multidetection system enabled the separation of the particle populations providing selective information on their morphological evolution and on nanoparticle– proteins interaction in the very first steps of infusion. Results showed that in a dynamic biological setting and following interaction with serum albumin, PP-MNPs retain their colloidal properties, supporting their safety profile for intravenous administration

    Correlating electroluminescence characterization and physics-based models of InGaN/GaN LEDs: Pitfalls and open issues

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    Electroluminescence (EL) characterization of InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes (LEDs), coupled with numerical device models of different sophistication, is routinely adopted not only to establish correlations between device efficiency and structural features, but also to make inferences about the loss mechanisms responsible for LED efficiency droop at high driving currents. The limits of this investigative approach are discussed here in a case study based on a comprehensive set of current- and temperature-dependent EL data from blue LEDs with low and high densities of threading dislocations (TDs). First, the effects limiting the applicability of simpler (closed-form and/or one-dimensional) classes of models are addressed, like lateral current crowding, vertical carrier distribution nonuniformity, and interband transition broadening. Then, the major sources of uncertainty affecting state-of-the-art numerical device simulation are reviewed and discussed, including (i) the approximations in the transport description through the multi-quantum-well active region, (ii) the alternative valence band parametrizations proposed to calculate the spontaneous emission rate, (iii) the difficulties in defining the Auger coefficients due to inadequacies in the microscopic quantum well description and the possible presence of extra, non-Auger high-current-density recombination mechanisms and/or Auger-induced leakage. In the case of the present LED structures, the application of three-dimensional numerical-simulation-based analysis to the EL data leads to an explanation of efficiency droop in terms of TD-related and Auger-like nonradiative losses, with a C coefficient in the 10−30 cm6/s range at room temperature, close to the larger theoretical calculations reported so far. However, a study of the combined effects of structural and model uncertainties suggests that the C values thus determined could be overestimated by about an order of magnitude. This preliminary attempt at uncertainty quantification confirms, beyond the present case, the need for an improved description of carrier transport and microscopic radiative and nonradiative recombination mechanisms in device-level LED numerical models

    Microwave and Millimeter-Wave GaN HEMTs: Impact of Epitaxial Structure on Short-Channel Effects, Electron Trapping, and Reliability

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    Application of gallium nitride high-electron-mobility transistors (GaN HEMTs) to millimeter-wave power amplifiers requires gate length scaling below 150 nm: in order to control short-channel effects, the gate-to-channel distance must be decreased, and the device epitaxial structure has to be completely redesigned. A high 2-D electron gas (2DEG) carrier density can be preserved even with a very thin top barrier layer by substituting AlGaN with AlN, InAl(Ga)N, or ScAlN. Moreover, to prevent interaction of hot electrons with compensating impurities and defects in the doped GaN buffer, the latter has to be separated from the channel by a back barrier. Other device designs consist in adopting a graded channel (which controls the electric field) or to adopt nitrogen-polar (N-polar) GaN growth (which decreases the distance between gate and channel, thus attenuating short-channel effects). The aim of this article is to review the various options for controlling short-channel effects, improve off-state characteristics, and reduce drain–source leakage current. Advantages and potential drawbacks of each proposed solution are analyzed in terms of current collapse (CC), dispersion effects, and reliability

    Mechanisms of Step-Stress Degradation In Carbon-Doped 0.15 μm AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for Power RF Applications

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    We discuss the degradation mechanisms of C-doped 0.15-μm gate AlGaN/GaN HEMTs tested by drain step-stress experiments. Experimental results show that these devices exhibit cumulative degradation effects during the step stress experiments in terms of either (i) transconductance (gm) decrease without any threshold-voltage (VT) change under OFF-state stress, or (ii) both VT and gm decrease under ON-state stress conditions. To aid the interpretation of the experiments, two-dimensional hydrodynamic device simulations were carried out. Based on obtained results, we attribute the gm decrease accumulating under OFF-state stress to hole emission from CN acceptor traps in the gate-drain access region of the buffer, resulting in an increase in the drain access resistance. On the other hand, under ON-state stress, channel hot electrons are suggested to be injected into the buffer under the gate and in the gate-drain region where they can be captured by CN traps, leading to VT and gm degradation, respectively
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