42 research outputs found

    Overcoming treatment-resistant depression with machine-learning based tools: a study protocol combining EEG and clinical data to personalize glutamatergic and brain stimulation interventions (SelecTool Project)

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    © 2024 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) poses a substantial health and economic challenge, persisting as a major concern despite decades of extensive research into novel treatment modalities. The considerable heterogeneity in TRD’s clinical manifestations and neurobiological bases has complicated efforts toward effective interventions. Recognizing the need for precise biomarkers to guide treatment choices in TRD, herein we introduce the SelecTool Project. This initiative focuses on developing (WorkPlane 1/WP1) and conducting preliminary validation (WorkPlane 2/WP2) of a computational tool (SelecTool) that integrates clinical data, neurophysiological (EEG) and peripheral (blood sample) biomarkers through a machine-learning framework designed to optimize TRD treatment protocols. The SelecTool project aims to enhance clinical decision-making by enabling the selection of personalized interventions. It leverages multi-modal data analysis to navigate treatment choices towards two validated therapeutic options for TRD: esketamine nasal spray (ESK-NS) and accelerated repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (arTMS). In WP1, 100 subjects with TRD will be randomized to receive either ESK-NS or arTMS, with comprehensive evaluations encompassing neurophysiological (EEG), clinical (psychometric scales), and peripheral (blood samples) assessments both at baseline (T0) and one month post-treatment initiation (T1). WP2 will utilize the data collected in WP1 to train the SelecTool algorithm, followed by its application in a second, out-of-sample cohort of 20 TRD subjects, assigning treatments based on the tool’s recommendations. Ultimately, this research seeks to revolutionize the treatment of TRD by employing advanced machine learning strategies and thorough data analysis, aimed at unraveling the complex neurobiological landscape of depression. This effort is expected to provide pivotal insights that will promote the development of more effective and individually tailored treatment strategies, thus addressing a significant void in current TRD management and potentially reducing its profound societal and economic burdens.Peer reviewe

    An atypical assessment of Ebstein’s anomaly in an 86-year-old man

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    We present the echocardiographic analysis of an 86- year-old man affected by Ebstein’s anomaly. In the natural history of this congenital disease only 5% of patients survive beyond the fifth decade. The patient presented severe right atrial dilatation and right heart failure, and he was referred to our institution for supraventricular tachycardia

    Parathyroid Retrospective Analysis of Neoplasms Incidence (pTRANI Study): An Italian Multicenter Study on Parathyroid Carcinoma and Atypical Parathyroid Tumour

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    Background: Parathyroid cancer (PC) is a rare sporadic or hereditary malignancy whose histologic features were redefined with the 2022 WHO classification. A total of 24 Italian institutions designed this multicenter study to specify PC incidence, describe its clinical, functional, and imaging characteristics and improve its differentiation from the atypical parathyroid tumour (APT). Methods: All relevant information was collected about PC and APT patients treated between 2009 and 2021. Results: Among 8361 parathyroidectomies, 351 patients (mean age 59.0 ± 14.5; F = 210, 59.8%) were divided into the APT (n = 226, 2.8%) and PC group (n = 125, 1.5%). PC showed significantly higher rates (p < 0.05) of bone involvement, abdominal, and neurological symptoms than APT (48.8% vs. 35.0%, 17.6% vs. 7.1%, 13.6% vs. 5.3%, respectively). Ultrasound (US) diameter >3 cm (30.9% vs. 19.3%, p = 0.049) was significantly more common in the PC. A significantly higher frequency of local recurrences was observed in the PC (8.0% vs. 2.7%, p = 0.022). Mortality due to consequences of cancer or uncontrolled hyperparathyroidism was 3.3%. Conclusions: Symptomatic hyperparathyroidism, high PTH and albumin-corrected serum calcium values, and a US diameter >3 cm may be considered features differentiating PC from APT. 2022 WHO criteria did not impact the diagnosis

    Rare Defects: Looking at the Dark Face of the Thrombosis.

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) constitutes a serious and potentially fatal disease, often complicated by pulmonary embolism and is associated with inherited or acquired factors risk. A series of risk factors are known to predispose to venous thrombosis, and these include mutations in the genes that encode anticoagulant proteins as antithrombin, protein C and protein S, and variants in genes that encode instead pro-coagulant factors as factor V (FV Leiden) and factor II (FII G20210A). However, the molecular causes responsible for thrombotic events in some individuals with evident inherited thrombosis remain unknown. An improved knowledge of risk factors, as well as a clear understanding of their role in the pathophysiology of VTE, are crucial to achieve a better identification of patients at higher risk. Moreover, the identification of genes with rare variants but a large effect size may pave the way for studies addressing new antithrombotic agents in order to improve the management of VTE patients. Over the past 20 years, qualitative or quantitative genetic risk factors such as inhibitor proteins of the hemostasis and of the fibrinolytic system, including fibrinogen, thrombomodulin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, and elevated concentrations of factors II, FV, VIII, IX, XI, have been associated with thrombotic events, often with conflicting results. The aim of this review is to evaluate available data in literature on these genetic variations to give a contribution to our understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms involved in physiologic and pathophysiologic clot formation and their role in clinical practice

    Identification of Ancestry Informative Markers in Mediterranean Trout Populations of Molise (Italy): A Multi-Methodological Approach with Machine Learning

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    Brown trout (Salmo trutta), like many other freshwater species, is threated by the release in its natural environment of alien species and the restocking with allochthonous conspecific stocks. Many conservation projects are ongoing and several morphological and genetic tools have been proposed to support activities aimed to restore genetic integrity status of native populations. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of degree of introgression reached up after many generations of crossing, the use of dichotomous key and molecular markers, such as mtDNA, LDH-C1* and microsatellites, are often not sufficient to discriminate native and admixed specimens at individual level. Here we propose a reduced panel of ancestry-informative SNP markers (AIMs) to support on field activities for Mediterranean trout management and conservation purpose. Starting from the genotypes data obtained on specimens sampled in the main two Molise’s rivers (Central-Southern Italy), a 47 AIMs panel was identified and validated on simulated and real hybrid population datasets, mainly through a Machine Learning approach based on Random Forest classifier. The AIMs panel proposed may represent an interesting and cost-effective tool for monitoring the level of introgression between native and allochthonous trout population for conservation purpose and this methodology could be also applied in other species

    Genotyping of Two Mediterranean Trout Populations in Central-Southern Italy for Conservation Purposes Using a Rainbow-Trout-Derived SNP Array

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    Mediterranean trout is a freshwater fish of particular interest with economic significance for fishery management, aquaculture and conservation biology. Unfortunately, native trout populations’ abundance is significantly threatened by anthropogenic disturbance. The introduction of commercial hatchery strains for recreation activities has compromised the genetic integrity status of native populations. This work assessed the fine-scale genetic structure of Mediterranean trout in the two main rivers of Molise region (Italy) to support conservation actions. In total, 288 specimens were caught in 28 different sites (14 per basins) and genotyped using the Affymetrix 57 K rainbow-trout-derived SNP array. Population differentiation was analyzed using pairwise weighted FST and overall F-statistic estimated by locus-by-locus analysis of molecular variance. Furthermore, an SNP data set was processed through principal coordinates analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components and admixture Bayesian clustering analysis. Firstly, our results demonstrated that rainbow trout SNP array can be successfully used for Mediterranean trout genotyping. In fact, despite an overwhelming number of loci that resulted as monomorphic in our populations, it must be emphasized that the resulted number of polymorphic loci (i.e., ~900 SNPs) has been sufficient to reveal a fine-scale genetic structure in the investigated populations, which is useful in supporting conservation and management actions. In particular, our findings allowed us to select candidate sites for the collection of adults, needed for the production of genetically pure juvenile trout, and sites to carry out the eradication of alien trout and successive re-introduction of native trout