66 research outputs found

    Clinical Research Nurse involvement to foster a community based transcultural research in RODAM European study

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    Background and aim of the work: The Clinical Research Nurse (CRN) can be considered the fulcrum of clinical studies, being a vital link between patient, principal investigator, study sponsor and administrative staff. The clinical research’s way is still long and the contribution that CRNs can provide is crucial. In Italy, a CRN was employed in the study: Research on Obesity & Type 2 Diabetes among African Migrants (RODAM). The aim of the paper is to explore and describe the experience of this involvement. Methods: The CRN managed the project in order to gain a complete collaboration from the Ghanaian population. From the first contact, the CRN decided to adopt a transcultural approach with the aim to create a relationship of understanding, mutual trust respect for each other’s cultural diversity. The CRN also used organizational, technical and linguistic skills. Results: The day-to-day trial management from CRN included the following activities: obtaining local Ethics Committee study approval; recruiting the study staff; planning the study activities; identifying potential study participants; collaborating with the mediators; managing contacts with other RODAM centers; conducting a follow-up of patients. The most important results of CRN involvement have been the empowerment of Ghanaian community and the effective healthcare promotion. Conclusions: The project encouraged the Ghanaian community to increase their healthcare awareness and encouraged the Ghanaian population to create new strategies to face the hard health challenges. The CRN is the most versatile and appropriate health professional to deal the entire study

    The narrative interview for the assessment of the assisted person: structure, method and data analysis

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    Background and aim: If it is true that the impact of the symptoms of the disease is differently perceived by each person and that there is an incommunicability of the experiences of suffering, it is equally true that the narration provides an understandable representation, which derives from the network of representations that are part of a personal history. The aim of this study was to offer an in-depth analysis of the “narrative interview” collected during the assessment of a 74 years old diabetic woman. Methods: A case study was conducted by a nurse with advanced expertise in conducting narrative interview. Content analysis and Meaning analysis were performed using a Grounded theory approach and according with Gee’s Poetic Method. Results: The patient after the diagnosis felt disbelief, anger and confusion. The illness forces her to change her life, habits and social role, with high suffering. However she adjusted to this new condition and thanks to her strong and positive attitude and the social support she received, she has succeeded in activating her “post traumatic growth”. Conclusions: A good narrative interview starts long before the interview itself and it requires: a specific training in the use of the instrument; the strengthening of specific skills (e.g. the active listening); the choice of optimal setting and timing for the patient; the ability to offer encouragement in the expression of the subjective experience and to conduct an analysis of the patient’s words with a subjective lens, reflecting the uniqueness of each illness experience

    Opening the horizons of clinical reasoning to qualitative research

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    Clinical Reasoning (CR) is an important aspect of health professional education and effective prac-tice. It is a complex series of factors and cognitive functions, involving higher-level thinking to define prob-lems, examine the evidence and then making decisions and choices to improve the patient\u2019s physiological and psycho-social state.CR consists of 3 interconnected and interdependent sub-processes: clinical experience and clinical context and Evidence-Based Practice. This essay focuses on the opportunities that Qualitative Research offers during the CR process when the doctor finds the evidence to address a patient\u2019s health problem. Clini-cians are often faced with questions that randomized clinical trials or systematic reviews of efficacy studies can-not answer. For this reason, we considered it necessary to offer an expanded view of the process of interpretation of the scientific literature used in daily clinical practice through the complex process of Clinical Reasoning, through the use of studies conducted with qualitative methods, which are able to respond to a different range of clinical questions, and to support studies based on the effectiveness of treatments

    Palliative care training addressed to hospital healthcare professionals by palliative care specialists: a mixed-method evaluation

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    Despite the great advances in the concept of palliative care (PC) and its benefits, its application seems to be delayed, leaving unfulfilled the many needs of patients and family members. One way to overcome this difficulty could be to develop a new training programme by palliative care specialists to improve PC primary skills in healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the training's impact on trainees within a hospital setting using Kirkpatrick's and Moore's models

    Validation of the Italian version of Behavioral Pain Scale in sedated, intubated, and mechanically ventilated pediatric patients

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    Background and aim: Pain assessment in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) is a demanding challenge. The COMFORT-B scale is recognized as the gold standard in such patients. However, the use of this instrument in PICU setting is disputed. The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS), instead, is considered to be the gold standard for pain assessment in deeply sedated, mechanically ventilated adult patients. The BPS has been validated in Italian, requires a short observation time compared to the COMFORT-B and does not increase workloads. A first evaluation of BPS was made in PICU with good results regarding face validity and content validity, however suggesting further studies given the small sample on which it was tested. The aim of this study was the validation of the BPS in sedated, intubated, and mechanically ventilated pediatric patients. Methods: A descriptive, comparative design was used. A convenience sample of 84 non-verbal, sedated and mechanically ventilated critical care pediatric patients was included. Patient pain was assessed concurrently with three observational scales (BPS, COMFORT-B, NRS) before, during and after routine procedures that are considered painful and non-painful. Results: Internal consistency was α = .86. Correlations between BPS and the other instruments were high, demonstrating a good concurrent validity of the BPS. T test and assessment of ROC curves demonstrated a good discriminant validity of the BPS. Conclusions: The BPS proved to be valid and reliable for the assessment of pain also in the use with pediatric patients

    The impact of the alterations in caring for COVID-19 patients on Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue in Italian nurses: a multi method study

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    During COVID-19 first wave, healthcare professionals were exposed to a major psychological pressure related to uncertainty, a lack of therapies or a vaccine and shortages of healthcare resources. They developed higher levels of Burnout and Compassion Fatigue, and similar levels of Compassion Satisfaction. Aim is evaluating in Italian nurses Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue and impacting individual and relational variables. A multi-methods approach was used. Qualitative data were collected through 2 focus group. Quantitative data were collected through a web survey composed by an ad hoc questionnaire developed from the focus group results, the Professional Quality of Life Scale-5 and the Resilience Scale (RS-14). In the qualitative phase 6 categories emerged. From the quantitative analysis the sample reported a moderate level of Compassion Satisfaction, a low level of Burnout and a moderate level of Secondary Traumatic Stress. Compassion Satisfaction had as predictors resilience (β = .501), followed by feeling part of the team (β = .406) and collaboration with colleagues (β = .386). Secondary Traumatic Stress had as predictors the impact of PPE (β = .269), and feeling Covid-related individual sufferance (β = .212). The only predictor of Burnout was resilience (β = -2195). Conclusions: During COVID-19 first wave Italian nurses were exposed to a higher risk of Secondary Traumatic Stress, mainly impacted by frustration, loss of control, loss of possibility to properly care for patients, and personal threat. Relational and team support had a crucial role in sustaining Compassion Satisfaction

    The skill of nursing students trained in the evaluation of electrocardiographic trace: a comparison with emergency nurses

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    Background and aim of the work: Cardiovascular diseases represent the main cause of death in Italy. Early recognition of pathological electrocardiographic (ECG) trace is an important skill for nurses. The theo- retical knowledge and the practical skills on the recognition of pathological ECG trace of trained nursing students were compared with those of emergency nurses. Methods: The study involved 35 nursing students and 41 nurses from the emergency room, emergency medicine and ambulance service. Students were previously trained through a theoretical and practical ECG course. The data were collected using two questionnaires aimed at evaluating in the two groups the ability to recognize electrocardiographic signs. The tools were up- loaded to an online platform and remotely administered. Results: Both the students and the nurses showed a satisfactory theoretical knowledge of the ECG trace, with a statistically significant difference in favor of the nurses. Regarding practical skills, both groups showed difficulty in recognizing pathological electrocardio- graphic signs, particularly blockages and acute coronary syndromes. Conclusions: Nursing students’ knowledge of ECG did not differ much from that of nurses. Training through simulation probably played a key role in improving the skill of ECG evaluation among students. More theoretical and practical courses on ECG should be recommended in Nursing Programme

    Evaluation of fatigue in patients with pancreatic cancer receiving chemotherapy treatment: a cross-sectional observational study

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    Background and aim of the work: Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is one of the most common symptoms experienced by cancer patients (CPs) and negatively affects quality of life. Although CRF is frequently experienced, it is often underreported, underdiagnosed and undertreated. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the level of fatigue in patients with pancreatic cancer undergoing chemotherapy and to analyse its correlation with patients\u2019 demographic and clinical variables. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was implemented in the Oncology Day Hospital of a Northern Italian hospital. A sample of 48 patients receiving chemotherapy were evaluated through the Brief Fatigue Inventory Italian version (BFI-I) between 1 May and 12 October 2016. Data were statistically analysed. Results: Most of our patients (94%) experienced fatigue. Women as well as patients with an age 6565 years reported more fatigue. Anemia, pain and a weight loss of over 16 kg in the last 6 months were significantly related to the perception of fatigue. Regarding life habits, smoking was related to high global score of BFI-I. Conclusions: In accordance with literature, our study suggests that fatigue is a frequent symptom influenced by many constitutional, clinical and environmental factors. Our results highlight the need for an early and regular evaluation of fatigue among cancer patients, in order to implement all those pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions with proven efficacy in attenuating this symptom

    Peer-support: a coping strategy for nurses working at the Emergency Ambulance Service

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    Background and aim of the study: Working in the emergency medical service often exposes nurses to highly stressful situations and can impact their quality of life. Among the strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of this phenomenon, peer-supporting represents an emerging model used in the emergency medical service setting. The aim of the study is to explore the experiences, the opinions and feelings of emergency medical service nursing staff in relation to the use of the peer supporting model. Methods: A semi-structured interview was carried out. Participants were recruited on a voluntary basis from an emergency medical service in the north of Italy. Interviews were audio-recorded and the data extracted were anonymised. Results: 14 nurses participated in the study. The totality of the participants recognized that their daily clinical practice, especially when involving paediatric patients, can have a profound emotional impact on their life in general. Furthermore, interviewees admitted that their personal copying mechanisms did not seem to be entirely effective when processing their painful experiences. The majority of the participants were in favour of introducing a peer-supporter in the ambulance service. Conclusions: This study emphasises the need to implement emotional support tools for non-hospital emergency nurses in daily clinical practice, in order to facilitate emotional decompression secondary to particularly stressful interventions as soon as possible. The peer-supporting strategy could represent, in this direction, a valid and shared model

    Take a picture! The role of visual methods in understanding psychiatric patient's everyday life

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    Understanding the patient's experience of mental illness can foster better support for this population and greater partnership with healthcare professionals. This study aims to explore the application of visual methods in the psychiatric field and, in particular, the experience of people suffering from psychotic disorders because it is still an open question that has not been only partially empirically examined
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