862 research outputs found

    Riflessi della rappresentazione mediatica sulla giustizia "reale" e sulla giustizia "percepita"

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    Dopo aver analizzato le patologie dell’attuale informazione giudiziaria, il contributo individua le condizioni normative, professionali e deontologiche in grado di assicurare una rappresentazione mass-mediatica della realtà processuale che possa dirsi “costituzionalmente adeguata”, perché in grado di consentire un controllo democratico sull’amministrazione della giustizia. Si ritiene che una narrazione giudiziaria autorevole possa restituire autorevolezza anche alla giustizia, riuscendone a rappresentare la complessità, l’affidabilità, l’insostituibilità. Obiettivo di primaria importanza, in quanto la fiducia del popolo nella giustizia resa in suo nome è un fattore insostituibile di coesione sociale, tanto più democraticamente prezioso di questi tempi

    Un pregiudizio 'grave e attuale'? a proposito delle prime applicazioni del nuovo art. 35-ter ord.penit

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    Il contributo analizza le prime criticità applicative dell'art. 35-ter ord. penit. che, in ottemperanza ad una prescrizione della Corte europea (sent. 8 gennaio 2013, Torreggiani e altri contro Italia), ha introdotto nel nostro sistema «rimedi risarcitori conseguenti alla violazione» dell'art.3 C.e.d.u. (divieto di tortura) «nei confronti di soggetti detenuti o internati» e su cui la giurisprudenza ha da subito assunto posizioni personalizzanti, improprie e controproducenti. L'Autore cerca di individuare una soluzione de iure condito che garantisca appieno il rispetto dei diritti costituzionalmente e convenzionalmente tutelati

    Che fine hanno fatto gli stati generali?

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    Testo dell'intervento svolto dal Prof. Glauco Giostra, quale Coordinatore Scientifico degli Stati Generali dell'esecuzione penale, al convegno organizzato a Roma da Antigone, il 10 aprile 2017. Si affronta il tema dello stato dell'arte della riforma dell'ordinamento penitenziario, oggetto di delega conferita al governo per mezzo della l. 23 giugno 2017, n. 103

    LAND INTEGRATED PHOTOVOLTAICS. The New Energy Landscape of Europe

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    The European Union member states are committed to installing a total of 84,000 MW worth of photovoltaic systems by 2020, in order to help meet the target of 20% energy share from renewable sources, as mandated by Directive 2009/26/EC. Most importantly, a major portion of the new capacity will have to be installed as very large, open-field power plants. Much of the efforts to date by the photovoltaic industry and energy policy makers have been directed at creating efficient and economically viable models for the implementation of PV technology in the built environment. Today, however, growing public opposition to large-scale installations is becoming a significant obstacle to greatly expanding the photovoltaic installed capacity and to fulfilling the promises of independency from fossil fuels. If EU member states are to reach the target mandated by the European Commission, then social, aesthetic and cultural concerns – not just technical ones – must be addressed as well. Accordingly, the present concept for a demonstration of Land Integrated Photovoltaics aims at providing a culturally acceptable model for large-scale photovoltaic installations across the European landscape, in the context of the new energy policies of the European Union. The establishment of the City – from its very inception – is the result of a fundamental separation between places of consumption – located within the city limits – and places of production, where enough surpluses of raw materials and food are created to support city development. The impact of cities on places elsewhere, be it hinterlands or places far away – the so-called city footprint – is of extraordinary proportions. Yet the public at large, including policy makers and urban planners, seems utterly oblivious to the basic requirements of a functioning city: waste management and sewage treatment, air and water filtration, energy and heat generation, food production and processing are by and large still considered engineering annoyances to be hidden away or disregard altogether. As a result, the dislocation of production activities has only increased since the industrial revolution: over the past 150 years, the massive loss of natural land to the combined effect of relentless expansion of urban areas, modern infrastructures and extraction of minerals, resulted in a drastic reduction of biodiversity, in air and water pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. We believe that the key to reverting the current trend is the re-integration of places of production - including energy infrastructures - within the built environment. Historically, energy production has been based on a centralized model, where large power plants produce hundreds of megawatts in a single location. New energy technologies - such as photovoltaic, solar thermal, geothermal and wind micro-turbines - bring the promise of a decentralized model, with power produced at or near the point of consumption, with many advantages over the standard centralized model, in terms of both energy gains and reduced line losses. Interestingly, there is also a much lower pollution, noise, and visual impact associated to these technologies, allowing for the production plant to be near or in the city. Sunlight is a ubiquitous natural resource that can be found everywhere, yet current models of large-scale, open-field photovoltaic installations follow the paradigm of extractive industries - which depends on localized resources that only occur in small sporadic areas. The current study explores alternative logics of distribution that are not based exclusively on space efficiency or economy of scale; instead, it conceives of photovoltaic panels as a modular component distributed over large areas of land, enabling self-sufficient residential and productive districts. The project aims at identifying opportunities to supply the anthropized environment with solar energy technology systems, in ways that are more efficient, less costly and more sustainable than current energy production systems. Most importantly, the research attempts an investigation of both the cultural and the technological overlay of human activities, in order to identify strategies of occupations that are compatible with preexisting uses and that respect the natural vocation of the land

    La riforma della riforma penitenziaria: un nuovo approccio ai problemi di sempre

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    A quarant’anni dalla riforma penitenziaria è in discussione in Parlamento un disegno di legge delega per la sua modifica, con l’intento di dare “effettività” alla finalità rieducativa della pena. La storia della legislazione “penitenziaria”, tuttavia, dimostra come ad ogni apertura verso una visione non carcerocentrica dell’esecuzione penale segua di norma una sorta di “risacca legislativa” che ripercorre a ritroso gran parte del cammino percorso, introducendo preclusioni e limiti, che non consentono di predisporre un programma individualizzato di graduale reinserimento sociale. Proprio una simile consapevolezza deve avere presumibilmente indotto il Ministro della giustizia a concepire gli Stati generali dell’esecuzione penale. L’intento è quello di promuovere una consultazione pubblica sui profili nevralgici dell’esecuzione della pena. Una tale mobilitazione culturale e sociale , se ben gestita, dovrebbe anch’essa contribuire alla piena realizzazione della riforma. Non solo perché potrebbero scaturirne interessanti suggerimenti per l’elaborazione della normativa di attuazione della delega, ma soprattutto perché, per restituire effettività alla funzione rieducativa della pena, c’è bisogno di una società avvertita del contributo che può dare e ricevere nella difficile opera di recupero del condannato. Gli Stati generali potranno costituire, quindi, una sorta di “placenta culturale” per la riforma, sensibilizzando l’opinione pubblica, preparandone l’habitat sociale. Precondizione indispensabile, questa, poiché nessuna importante novità legislativa farà mai presa sulla realtà, se prima le ragioni che la ispirano non avranno messo radici nella coscienza civile del Paese.Forty years after the prison reform, the Parliament is discussing an enabling act bill for its amendment, aimed at making “effective” the re-educative purpose of the penalty. The history of penitentiary legislation, however, teaches that every opening towards a conception different from a prison-centric one is usually followed, like an undertow, by new acts that move backwards, introducing exceptions and limits, which prevent from introducing an individualized program of gradual reintegration into society of the convicted. This awareness presumably prompted the Minister of Justice to convene the States-General for criminal sentences execution, with the aim of launching a public consultation on the main aspects of the execution of criminal sentences. Such a cultural and social mobilization, if well managed, should also contribute to the full implementation of the reform, not only because it might make interesting suggestions for the drafting of the forthcoming legislative decrees, but mainly because, to make effective the rehabilitative goal of punishment, the society needs to be mindful of the contribution that can be given and received in the difficult work of reintegration of the detainees. For these reasons, StatesGeneral should become a sort of “cultural placenta” for the reform, by raising public awareness and preparing an appropriate social habitat. This is a necessary precondition, since no important new legislation will ever be effective, if the reasons inspiring it do not take root in the social consciousness

    Ritorno a Castelseprio La ripresa delle indagini nel castrum e nel borgo

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    This report summarizes the activities and results of the archaeological investigations conducted by the Catholic University of Milan in Castelseprio (Varese) in 2016 and planned activities for 2017. An excavation was carried out in the medieval house in the south-western sector of the castle and two different phases of occupation have been documented. A sample excavation identified the underlying stratigraphy, allowing to retrieve data and finds from late ancient and early medieval settlement. A survey around the church of Santa Maria foris portas recognized some ancient accumulations, which proved to be collapsed walls of medieval buildings. These finds are the first traces of the "village" outside the castle and in the vicinity of the small church, well known for its important paintings

    Si schiude un nuovo orizzonte per l’esecuzione penale? Delega penitenziaria e stati generali: brevi considerazioni a margine

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    Il diktat della Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo ha generato una stagione di novelle “penitenziarie” approssimative quanto a formulazione tecnica, ma senza dubbio finalizzate al progresso dell’ordinamento. I recenti innesti normativi, tuttavia, non possono essere un punto d’arrivo, ma la premessa di un processo riformatore organico. In questo senso, il disegno di legge delega in materia penitenziaria costituisce un segnale politico di effettiva volontà di riforma, realizzabile nella misura in cui gli Stati generali dell’esecuzione penale sapranno preparare un adeguato e condiviso terreno sociale

    Folded-BISC: a parametric design approach to building integrated solar collectors

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    The paper discusses an innovative multi-functional façade system with building-integrated solar collectors (BISC) that generates on-site renewable energy, is highly energy efficient, and produces a new vocabulary for sustainable construction. The work includes a preliminary evaluation of the system applied to a doubleskin unitized curtain wall for a re-cladding project on a high-rise building in New York City. The study presents a workflow implementing the latest digital parametric tools, pairing environmental analysis with geometric form finding, so that factors such as solar irradiation, sun angle and sun shading inform a novel and differential façade system tailored to its environment and orientation. Preliminary energy analysis shows approximately 48.5% energy savings, resulting from both the interactive effects of individual energy conservation measures, sun control, and the production of electricity from façade integrated photovoltaics, fulfilling the target of a net-zero lighting retrofit for a Class-A office building

    Characteristics of Gravity Waves over an Antarctic Ice Sheet during an Austral Summer

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    While occurrences of wavelike motion in the stable boundary layer due to the presence of a significant restoring buoyancy force are rarely disputed, their modalities and interaction with turbulence remain a subject of active research. In this work, the characteristics of gravity waves and their impact on flow statistics, including turbulent fluxes, are presented using data collected above an Antarctic Ice sheet during an Austral Summer. Antarctica is an ideal location for exploring the characteristics of gravity waves because of persistent conditions of strong atmospheric stability in the lower troposphere. Periods dominated by wavelike motion have been identified by analysing time series measured by fast response instrumentation. The nature and characteristic of the dominant wavy motions are investigated using Fourier cross-spectral indicators. Moreover, a multi-resolution decomposition has been applied to separate gravity waves from turbulent fluctuations in case of a sufficiently defined spectral gap. Statistics computed after removing wavy disturbances highlight the large impact of gravity waves on second order turbulent quantities including turbulent flux calculations

    Protective Factors against Emergency Stress and Burnout in Healthcare and Emergency Workers during Second Wave of COVID-19

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    Working as healthcare workers (HCWs) and emergency workers (EWs) during the first wave of COVID-19 has been associated with high levels of stress and burnout, while hardiness, coping strategies and resilience have emerged as protective factors. No studies have so far investigated these psychological factors during the second wave. We aimed to verify the trend of stress levels, burnout, coping strategies and resilience during the pandemic in Italian healthcare and emergency workers by comparing a first sample recruited from the first COVID-19 wave (N = 240) with a second sample relating to the second wave (N = 260). Through an online platform we administered questionnaires to measure stress, burnout, resilience, hardiness and coping strategies. The results showed that in the two waves the total stress levels of HCWs and EWs did not differ, while the physical stress and hardiness scores in the second wave were greater. No differences were found in the coping strategies used. An analysis of burnout levels in the second wave sample found that stress showed a high predictive power in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scales. Hardiness and resilience emerged as protective factors in reducing stress. The implications for the need to provide support and to improve hardiness for HCWs and EWs are discussed
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