57 research outputs found

    Shakespeare’s wanton hours. Indices d’un jeu d’esprit moral dans l’art thĂ©Ăątral et pictural

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    Shakespeare semble prendre un malin plaisir Ă  donner Ă  certaines de ses piĂšces des allures de vĂ©ritable jeu de dupes, tant pour les protagonistes que pour le public. Dans King John, piĂšce dont les tournures satiriques font hĂ©siter entre comĂ©die et tragĂ©die, le dramaturge a savamment mĂȘlĂ© des lieux communs moraux Ă  l’intrigue historique comme autant d’indices ironiques. Ainsi, devant les manigances du prĂ©lat du pape, le dauphin Louis perd toute mesure dans le jeu du pouvoir et des apparences qu’il croit dominer, et commet l’impair suprĂȘme de transformer le conflit en une partie de cartes (v.ii.104-114). Une erreur de taille en termes d’image, qui lui sera nĂ©faste. L’intrigue rejoint alors le niveau de la farce et les protagonistes seront engagĂ©s dans une guerre de pantins. Les termes contradictoires « gallant head of war » ou « lusty trumpets » trouvent ensuite leur reflet dans la description que le BĂątard donne de l’armĂ©e française imberbe : « This harness’d masque and unadvised revel » troublante rĂ©miniscence des jeux d’enfants dans l’art pictural et mĂ©taphore de la folie humaine. Chez Shakespeare le jeu de « sociĂ©té » auquel le public est conviĂ© mĂšne alors parfois vers une rĂ©flexion salutaire sur l’aveuglement envers soi et envers le monde.In some of his plays Shakespeare seems to invite his characters as well as the spectator to what could be seen as a fool’s game. King John, halfway between comedy and tragedy by its satiric overtones, is one of these plays. The author links a number of moral common places to the historical canvas, ironic hints that serve as so many moral touchstones. In this way, the Dauphin is shown to lose all control in the game of power and ceremony he ironically felt he was about to master when he compares the conflict to a game of cards, definitely a mistake in terms of moral imagery (v.ii.104-114). Subsequently, the plot seems to turn into a farce and the characters are shown engaged in a puppet’s strife. The contradictory terms of “gallant head of war” and “lusty trumpets” find its echoes in the Bastards description of the beardless French army: “this harness’d masque and unadvised revel”, that is in many ways reminiscent of a pictorial genre, the Children’s games, held up as a mirror to adult human folly. Thus, Shakespeare’s witty “recreation” may lead the spectators to a salutary meditation on man and society’s ethical blindness

    Shakespeare et la gravure morale de l’Europe du Nord

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    À la Renaissance, l’humanisme nordique se trouvait au cƓur d’une imagerie collective importante employĂ©e par le thĂ©Ăątre et l’art visuel. La gravure nĂ©erlandaise, vĂ©ritable lexique des schĂ©mas majeurs de la pensĂ©e humaniste, semble Ă  mĂȘme de rĂ©vĂ©ler les faces inattendues de certaines tournures verbales courantes Ă  l’époque. L’univers pictural de Pieter Bruegel l’ancien, CornĂ©lis Anthonisz, Maarten van Heemskerck, et David Vinckboons, parmi d’autres, porte la trace de ses relations avec le discours humaniste sur l’art visuel et les rĂ©jouissances populaires. La prĂ©fĂ©rence prodigieuse pour les estampes flamandes et nĂ©erlandaises au xvie siĂšcle, observĂ©e par Anthony Wells-Cole dans Art and Decoration in Elizabethan and Jacobean England pourrait s’expliquer par le ton moralisateur caractĂ©ristique de la gravure de genre nordique. Les rĂ©fĂ©rences rĂ©currentes Ă  l’art pictural chez Shakespeare et ses contemporains tĂ©moignent de l’étendue de cette imagerie typique. Aussi, l’analyse de certains thĂšmes et motifs propres Ă  l’art pictural dans le texte shakespearien permettra d’entrevoir la morale Ă  travers des perspectives parfois obliques.Shakespeare, Early Modern Moral Topoi, and Dutch Prints  Lately a renewed interest in Northern Humanism with its particularities and its relation to sixteenth-century literature and theatre has been the subject of some interesting studies. Yet it appears that Dutch moral engraving, a virtual lexicon of some major humanist thought schemes, still has some intriguing patterns to disclose. The position of Dutch prints as a vector and recipient of Northern Humanism at large can be seen as consonant with the model of Fernand Braudel adapted by Peter Burke to explain areas of cultural influence and homogeneity. The pictorial worlds of Pieter Bruegel, CornĂ©lis Anthonisz, Maarten van Heemskerck, Hendrick Goltzius, David Vinckboons among others bear witness to their links with humanist discourse concerning visual art, theatre and popular amusement. When taking a closer look at particular visual themes and motifs it happens that prints help to decipher some of the playwright’s verbal imagery. Ambiguous passages in several of Shakespeare’s plays and in those of his fellow playwrights appear to be allusions to thematic issues also dealt with in moral engraving. This paper will give a succinct outline of Dutch engraving as a moral phenomenon before giving a short analysis of some major motifs partly based on my previous research on the relation between moral prints and Elizabethan drama

    Images de l’excùs : Shakespeare et l’art graphique des pays du Nord

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    L’art pictural du Nord s’attache aux images de l’excĂšs et de la transgression qui sont une façon de renouer avec la catharsis antique. Le thĂšme humaniste du miroir de la folie est le dĂ©nominateur commun de beaucoup de ces images qui se rattachent Ă  la thĂ©matique du monde Ă  l’envers et Ă  l’art de l’allusion satirique et Ă  la parodie burlesque. Dans As You Like It, Shakespeare semble nous inviter Ă  imaginer une interface entre la satire morale de la gravure et le texte dramatique, lorsqu’Orlando accuse Monsieur MĂ©lancolie (Jaques) d’emprunter aux lieux communs imagĂ©s des tissus peints pour rĂ©primander les dĂ©rĂšglements de Dame Monde (iii.ii.268-69). Nous Ă©tudierons les rĂ©currences de certains des motifs du discours visuel sur l’excĂšs au sein du texte dramatique et plus particuliĂšrement dans Hamlet, Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra et Coriolanus. Car, si le texte shakespearien adopte les bribes de ce discours, le dramaturge peut aussi en subvertir le sens et en sonder les limites.Images of excess in print: Shakespeare and the pictorial traditions of the north. Early modern pictorial art of the North pretended to mend morals with images of transgression and excess. The humanist theme of the mirror of folly was the leitmotiv of most of these images, which can be put into relation with the German and Dutch narrenliteratur, the topic of the world upside down and with social satire. In As You Like It, Shakespeare hints at a possible interaction between this visual medium of moral satire and the dramatic text when Orlando mocks Monsieur Melancholy’s use of moral maxims found in painted-cloths in order to rail against the misconduct of mistress the world (iii.ii.268-69). The playwright draws on this visual discourse on excess and its moral commonplaces in many of his plays. We will study the recurrence of some of these motifs in Hamlet, Timon of Athens, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus

    Nouvel accÚs à des building blocks hétéroaromatiques comportant divers groupements fluorés

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    The current trend is to lower the amounts of active ingredients used, in pharmaceutical chemistry and in agrochemistry. Therefore, it is important to produce molecules which are more biologically active. It is known that heterocycles are bioactive, and that fluorine can enhance this activity. With this aim in mind, we have taken an interest in the development of heteroaromatic building blocks bearing diversely fluorinated substituents in order to provide new options for the preparation of bioactive compounds. Three projects have resulted in the opening of new synthetic routes towards pyridines bearing trifluoromethoxy, chlorodifluoromethoxy and dichlorofluoromethoxy substituents. A regioselective method for the preparation of 3,5-bis(fluoroalkyl) pyrazoles has also been developed. All these routes have been studied with the aim of obtaining the building blocks in a few steps from commercially available products and are transposable to an industrial scale.Dans un contexte oĂč il est prĂ©fĂ©rable de limiter les quantitĂ©s de principes actifs, aussi bien dans les mĂ©dicaments que dans les produits phytosanitaires, il est important de dĂ©velopper des produits dont l’activitĂ© biologique est augmentĂ©e. Pour ce faire, il est possible d’utiliser des hĂ©tĂ©rocycles aromatiques contenant des groupements fluorĂ©s. Ainsi, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au dĂ©veloppement de voies d’accĂšs Ă  des building blocks hĂ©tĂ©roaromatiques portant divers groupements fluorĂ©s afin de fournir de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s pour la prĂ©paration de composĂ©s d’intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique et phytosanitaire. Trois projets ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s, et ont rĂ©sultĂ© en la prĂ©paration efficace de pyridines comportant des groupements trifluoromĂ©thoxy, chlorodifluoromĂ©thoxy et dichlorofluoromĂ©thoxy. Une voie de synthĂšse rĂ©giosĂ©lective de 3,5-bis(fluoroalkyl) pyrazoles a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mise au point. Tous ces mĂ©thodes de synthĂšse ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es de maniĂšre Ă  obtenir les produits en peu d’étapes Ă  partir de produits commerciaux et sont transposables Ă  grande Ă©chelle

    Nouvel accÚs à des building blocks hétéroaromatiques comportant divers groupements fluorés

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    Dans un contexte oĂč il est prĂ©fĂ©rable de limiter les quantitĂ©s de principes actifs, aussi bien dans les mĂ©dicaments que dans les produits phytosanitaires, il est important de dĂ©velopper des produits dont l activitĂ© biologique est augmentĂ©e. Pour ce faire, il est possible d utiliser des hĂ©tĂ©rocycles aromatiques contenant des groupements fluorĂ©s. Ainsi, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s au dĂ©veloppement de voies d accĂšs Ă  des building blocks hĂ©tĂ©roaromatiques portant divers groupements fluorĂ©s afin de fournir de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s pour la prĂ©paration de composĂ©s d intĂ©rĂȘt thĂ©rapeutique et phytosanitaire. Trois projets ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s, et ont rĂ©sultĂ© en la prĂ©paration efficace de pyridines comportant des groupements trifluoromĂ©thoxy, chlorodifluoromĂ©thoxy et dichlorofluoromĂ©thoxy. Une voie de synthĂšse rĂ©giosĂ©lective de 3,5-bis(fluoroalkyl) pyrazoles a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mise au point. Tous ces mĂ©thodes de synthĂšse ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es de maniĂšre Ă  obtenir les produits en peu d Ă©tapes Ă  partir de produits commerciaux et sont transposables Ă  grande Ă©chelle.The current trend is to lower the amounts of active ingredients used, in pharmaceutical chemistry and in agrochemistry. Therefore, it is important to produce molecules which are more biologically active. It is known that heterocycles are bioactive, and that fluorine can enhance this activity. With this aim in mind, we have taken an interest in the development of heteroaromatic building blocks bearing diversely fluorinated substituents in order to provide new options for the preparation of bioactive compounds. Three projects have resulted in the opening of new synthetic routes towards pyridines bearing trifluoromethoxy, chlorodifluoromethoxy and dichlorofluoromethoxy substituents. A regioselective method for the preparation of 3,5-bis(fluoroalkyl) pyrazoles has also been developed. All these routes have been studied with the aim of obtaining the building blocks in a few steps from commercially available products and are transposable to an industrial scale.STRASBOURG-Bib.electronique 063 (674829902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Stereoselective and Stereospecific Triflate‐Mediated Intramolecular Schmidt Reaction: Ready Access to Alkaloid Skeletons

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    The stereoselectivity and stereospecificity of the triflate-mediated intramolecular Schmidt reaction of substituted 3-(1-azidocyclohexyl)propanol derivatives leading to octahydro-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-a]azepine, the structural skeleton of several important families of alkaloids such as the Stemona alkaloids, has been examined. The reaction involves an initial intramolecular SN2 reaction between the azide moiety and the triflate affording an intermediate spirocyclic aminodiazonoium salt that undergoes the expected 1,2-shift/N2-elimination followed by hydride-mediated iminium salt reduction. Remarkably, chiral alcohols are converted to the azabicyclic derivative with no or limited racemization. The initial asymmetric alcohol center controls the diastereoselectivity of the whole process, leading to the formation of one out of the four possible diastereoisomers of disubstituted octahydro-1H-pyrrolo[1,2-a]azepine. The origin of the stereoselectivity is rationalized based on theoretical calculations. The concise synthesis of (−)-(cis)-3-propylindolizidine and (−)-(cis)-3-butyllehmizidine, two alkaloids found in the venom of workers of the ant Myrmicaria melanogaster, is reported

    A New Synthesis and Process Development of Bis(fluoroalkyl)pyrazoles As Novel Agrophores

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    The synthesis of 3,5-bis(fluoroalkyl)-pyrazoles as novel agrophores is described. Commercially available fluoroacetoacetates are treated with BF3-activated TFEDMA affording in a straightforward one-pot sequence pyrazole carboxylates in good yields and with excellent regioselectivity. The carboxylate intermediates have been converted into the corresponding pyrazolic acids and submitted to decarboxylation, affording valuable building blocks for the design of novel bioactive ingredients. The found process is suitable for scale up and preparation of compounds in kilogram quantity
