178 research outputs found

    Attitudes towards insurance: the role of propensity to hold liquid asset

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    There’s a lack of research on the relationship between families’ attitudes toward insurance and their financial behavior. The Italian insurance market appears weak with regard to non life and non motor insurance: Italy ranks only 18th in Europe in terms of the ratio between non life and non motor premiums and GDP. The propensity to subscribe to an insurance contract appears largely to depend on geographical area, qualification and job activity. Regardless of their wealth, families subscribing to a non life and non motor insurance policy show a significantly lower propensity for financial liquidity. This relationship suggests an opportunity: selling insurance products to high liquidity families offers financial industry the possibility to sell them new financial assets too. There is a final benefit for Italian families, whose high liquidity indicates risk adversity while their propensity not to buy insurance exposes them to great real risks: buying more insurance products they will be less exposed to real risks and have a better return on their financial investments.Insurance markets, Risk adversity, Italian families

    Rapporto sul mercato del lavoro della provincia di Bologna nel 2013 : uscire dal labirinto

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    The paper contains the main informations about labour market in the county of Bologna during 2013. T in 2008he Bologna labour market suffers deeply of the effects of the economic crisis started goes through great transformations: from full employment to mass unemployment. Moreover, it witnessed an heavy diffusion of short term jobs and other non standard contracts. The paper shows that this changes are shared with what has happened at regional and national levels

    An analysis of the role of liking on the memorial response to advertising

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    After the publication of the results of the Advertising Research Foundation’s Copy Research Validity Project, ad liking has been extensively used as copy test predictor of campaign’s performance. Less favourable findings have been recently presented on the basis of its delayed effects. This paper addresses the question of carryover effects of ad liking on the recall, jointly modelling the patterns of recall, ad pressure and ad liking, by means of the specification of a vector autoregressive model with GRPs acting as exogenous variable. The approach is innovative since literature has mainly investigated until now only the simultaneous relationship between advertising, recall and liking. The analysis is carried out for the markets of small automobiles, deodorants and shampoos. Main empirical findings for the analysed categories highlight that: 1) carryover effects of ad liking on the recall measures may be detected but not systematically, and 2) the ad liking role of ad likeability on memorial responses varies among product categories. Moreover 3) a further finding shows that, whereas positive influences are thoroughly retrievable (in the small car category), ad likeability influences more advertising than brand awareness and more total than unaided awareness.Advertising effectiveness; Ad Liking; Recall; VARX models;

    A data mining approach for the monitoring of active labour market policies

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    The paper addresses the problem of evaluation of the effectiveness of Active Labour Policies in the province of Bologna, a manufacturing district in Northern Italy, during the period 2004/2006. Using surviving analysis through Kaplan Meier filter and a new approach to propensity score computation, the Authors shows that the policies run by the Labor Market Authorities are able to compensate the disavatanges that secondary labor forces such as migrants, old age or less educated workers have in getting a job when fired. Moreover, they put new light on the transitions from temporary job to permanent jobs, and show that the probability of transitions is very low.Mercato del lavoro, PrecarietĂ , Valutazione delle politiche Labour Market, Temporary Jobs, Evaluation of Policy Effectiveness

    The effects of marketing activities on fast moving consumer good purchases : the case of yoghurt Italian market.

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    This paper examines whether sales promotions effectiveness depends upon the consumer’s brand loyalty and her buying behaviour and whether consumer’s behavioural characteristics in term of purchase frequency and level affect the response to promotional activities and moderate the effect of brand loyalty during the consumer choice process. Different specifications for the utility function, exploiting information on selling price, promotional activities such as displays usage, ad features in the store, 3x2 and discount, and differently brand loyalty measures have been estimated into a discrete choice framework, that is into the rational brand choice paradigm, paying attention to their effects on individuals’ probabilities to choose the specific brand during each purchase occasion. The application is run on a ACNielsen dataset of Italian households consumer panel, observed to buy at least two yoghurt packages during a year, matched to store panel data with respect to quantities, prices and promotions.promotional effectiveness, brand loyalty, purchase volume, purchase frequency, random utility model, multinomial logit,

    Attitudes towards insurance: the role of propensity to hold liquid asset

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    There’s a lack of research on the relationship between families’ attitudes toward insurance and their financial behavior. The Italian insurance market appears weak with regard to non life and non motor insurance: Italy ranks only 18th in Europe in terms of the ratio between non life and non motor premiums and GDP. The propensity to subscribe to an insurance contract appears largely to depend on geographical area, qualification and job activity. Regardless of their wealth, families subscribing to a non life and non motor insurance policy show a significantly lower propensity for financial liquidity. This relationship suggests an opportunity: selling insurance products to high liquidity families offers financial industry the possibility to sell them new financial assets too. There is a final benefit for Italian families, whose high liquidity indicates risk adversity while their propensity not to buy insurance exposes them to great real risks: buying more insurance products they will be less exposed to real risks and have a better return on their financial investments

    Chapter The effectiveness of marketing tools in a consumer goods market in Italy during the Great Recession (2010-2015)

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    In the case of markets characterized by a stationary primary demand, the relevant dimension for measuring a company’s success is represented by market shares. The paper aims to build and comment on a model that gauges the competitive effects of marketing maneuvers on market shares, with reference to tea-based beverages in Italy in the period November 2010 – October 2015. This analysis will be instrumental in establishing the effectiveness of marketing policies based on promotions or advertising. We estimate such a model on weekly data provided by IRI Infoscan and Nielsen, involving the top five brands in the Italian market. After a descriptive analysis and a stationarity test, we estimate a Multinomial Logit model, making use of the Seemingly Unrelated Regressions method. The results allow us to identify the effectiveness of each brand’s marketing policies. Moreover, they enable us to derive the matrices of direct and cross elasticities of brands’ market shares with respect to the main marketing tools (price, promotions, distribution, advertising investments) and to compare basic and average market shares. Based on these results, it is therefore possible to identify the market’s competitive structure, revealing the most incisive factors to be price and weighted distribution, while advertising investments are significant in only a few cases and elasticities are remarkably low. The competitive structure appears to be of a horizontal type (i.e., cross elasticities do not vary greatly)

    Chapter Measuring the effectiveness of COVID-19 containment policies in Italian regions: are we doing enough?

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    A successful fight against COVID-19 greatly depends on citizens’ adherence to the restrictive measures, which may not suffice alone. Making use of a containment index, data on sanctions, and Google’s movement trends across Italian regions, complemented by other sources, we investigate the extent to which compliance with the mobility limitations has affected the number of deaths over time in the period from the 24th of February 2020 to the 9th of November 2020, by using panel data for Italian regions, analysed through a negative binomial regression method. We also differentiated the study period, estimating two distinct models on two subsamples: until the 13th of September and since the 14th of September. In so doing, we show how the pandemic dynamics have changed between the first and the second wave of the emergency. Our results highlight that the importance of the restrictive measures and of citizens’ accord on their abidance has greatly increased since the end of the summer, also because the stringency level of the adopted measures has critically declined. Informing citizens about the effects and purposes of the restrictive measures is of paramount importance, especially in the current phase of the pandemic

    A data mining approach for the monitoring of active labour market policies

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    The paper addresses the problem of evaluation of the effectiveness of Active Labour Policies in the province of Bologna, a manufacturing district in Northern Italy, during the period 2004/2006. Using surviving analysis through Kaplan Meier filter and a new approach to propensity score computation, the Authors shows that the policies run by the Labor Market Authorities are able to compensate the disavatanges that secondary labor forces such as migrants, old age or less educated workers have in getting a job when fired. Moreover, they put new light on the transitions from temporary job to permanent jobs, and show that the probability of transitions is very low

    Il dualismo del mercato del lavoro e la transizione da lavoro temporaneo a lavoro a tempo indeterminato in provincia di Bologna

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    In this present study we are going to avail ourselves of figures regarding new employment and employment termination, registered at the Bologna Provincial Labour Exchange for the three-year period 2004-2006, in order to calculate the duration of job placements, according to the type of contract, and the likelihood of temporary workers being made unemployed: in order to do so, we shall utilise the survival curves method based on the Kaplan and Maier filter (Cox and Oates, 1984). Given the impossibility of estimating true transition matrices, in that the database fails to \u201ccover\u201d all outgoing events, the survival curves method at least enables us to estimate the \u201cduration\u201d of permanence in a given state. The utilisation of the Bologna Provincial Employment Centre\u2019s records enables us to cover a sufficiently long period of time, which in turn enables us to obtain sufficiently stable estimates unaffected by contingencies. Clearly, the results may not be generalised for the whole of Italy, although they do nevertheless provide a meaningful insight into the situation of temporary workers (also given the healthy state of the Bologna province\u2019s labour market)
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