28 research outputs found

    An observational retrospective evaluation of 79 young men with long-term adverse effects after use of finasteride against androgenetic alopecia

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    Concern regarding adverse effects of finasteride is increasing. We aimed to determine the type and frequency of symptoms in men having long-term sexual and non-sexual side effects after finasteride treatment (a condition recently called post-finasteride syndrome, PFS) against androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Subjects were recruited at the Urology Unit of the Trieste University-Hospital, and from a dedicated website. Out of 79 participants, 34% were white Italians, mean age was 33.4\ua0\ub1\ua07.60\ua0years, mean duration of finasteride use was 27.3\ua0\ub1\ua033.21\ua0months; mean time from finasteride discontinuation was 44.1\ua0\ub1\ua034.20\ua0months. Symptoms were investigated by an ad hoc 100 questions' questionnaire, and by validated Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) and Aging Male Symptom Scale (AMS) questionnaires. By ASEX questionnaire, 40.5% of participants declared getting and keeping erection very difficult, and 3.8% never achieved; reaching orgasm was declared very difficult by 16.5%, and never achieved by 2.5%. By the ad hoc questionnaire, the most frequent sexual symptoms referred were loss of penis sensitivity (87.3%), decreased ejaculatory force (82.3%), and low penile temperature (78.5%). The most frequent non-sexual symptoms were reduced feeling of life pleasure or emotions (anhedonia) (75.9%); lack of mental concentration (72.2%), and loss of muscle tone/mass (51.9%). We contributed to inform about symptoms of PFS patients; unexpectedly loss of penis sensitivity was more frequent than severe erectile dysfunction and loss of muscle tone/mass was affecting half of the subjects. Further studies are necessary to investigate the pathophysiological and biochemical pathways leading to the post-finasteride syndrome

    Varicocele treatment: A 2-centers comparison between non microsurgical open correction, laparoscopic approach and retrograde percutaneous sclerotization on 463 cases

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    Objectives: To determine whether there are differences in sperm parameters improvement after different varicocele correction techniques. To determine the role of age in sperm parameters improvement. Methods: 2 different European centers collected pre- and postoperative sperm parameters of patients undergoing varicocele correction. Among 463 evaluated patients, 367 were included. Patients were divided in procedure-related and age-related groups. Ivanissevich inguinal open surgical procedure (OS), lymphatic-sparing laparoscopic approach (LSL) and retrograde percutaneous transfemoral sclerotization (RPS) were performed. As outcome measurements sperm count (millions/mL, SC) and percentage of mobile sperms were analyzed. Univariate and multivariate regression between the defined groups; bivariate regression analysis between age and sperm count and motility. Results: Number of patients: OS 78; LSL 85; RPS 204. Mean age 30.2 (SD 6.83); postoperative SC increased from 18.2 to 30.1 (CI 95% 27.3-32.9; p < 0,001); motility from 25.6 to 32.56% (30.9-34.2; p < 0.001). OS: SC varied from 16.9 to 18.2 (p < 0.001); sperm motility from 29% to 33% (p < 0.001). LSL: SC from 15.5 to 17.2 (p < 0.001); motility from 27 to 31% (p < 0.001). RPS: SC from 18.9 to 36.2 (p < 0.001); motility from 24% to 32% (p < 0.001). Univariate and multivariate analysis confirmed the significant difference of SC variation in RPS, compared to the other groups (p < 0.001). No significance between LSL and OS (p = 0.826). No significant differences regarding motility (p = 0.8). Conclusions: Varicocele correction is confirmed useful in improving sperm parameters; sclerotization technique leads to a better sperm improvement compared to other studied procedures; improvement in seminal parameters is not affected by age of the patients treated

    Validation of the Italian version of wisconsin stone quality of life (WISQOL): a prospective Italian multicenter study

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    Urolithiasis is a worldwide spread condition that affects patients' Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL), which measurement is an important tool for routine clinical and research practice. Disease-specific HRQOL measures demonstrated to perform better in assessing the effects of specific conditions. A disease-specific questionnaire for kidney stones, the WISQOL, has been validated in different languages, but an Italian version is still missing. Our aim is to produce and validate the Italian version of WISQOL (IT-WISQOL). Patients undergoing any elective treatment for upper urinary tract stones were enrolled. A multi-step process with forward- and back-translation was used to translate WISQOL into Italian. Patients were evaluated within 15 days pre-operatively and then at 30-, 90 days post-operatively and administered both IT-WISQOL and SF-36v2. Post-operative data such as 30 days postoperative complications, late stone-related events, successful status, and stone complexity were collected. Cronbach's α was used to evaluate the internal consistency of IT-WISQOL, while Spearman's rho was used for item and inter-domain correlations and IT-WISQOL with SF-36v2 correlation. We found excellent internal consistency across all domains (α ≥ 0.88), particularly when the total score is considered (α = 0.960). Test-retest reliability showed excellent results for the total questionnaire (Pearson correlation value: 0.85). The Inter-domain association ranged from 0.497 to 0.786. Convergent validity was confirmed by a good correlation with subdomains of the SF-36v2 measures. IT-WISQOL is a reliable tool to measure HRQOL in stone patients. It shows analog characteristics if compared to English WISQOL

    How to communicate with families living in complete isolation

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    The global emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has suddenly changed how we communicate with families in all the CoViD19 care settings, on account of the need to maintain complete social isolation. Far-reaching mental suffering manifests itself in widespread anxiety. Health workers are isolated from their families, and must manage the consequences of this isolation just like the patients under their care. Patients and their families perceive not only the clinical results but also the personal attitudes, closeness and psychological support from the care teams. This perception of genuine participation by the health worker in the course of the treatment is especially important when a patient dies, and may influence the whole process of grief

    cave hygropetric beetles and their feeding behaviour a comparative study of cansiliella servadeii and hadesia asamo coleoptera leiodidae cholevinae leptodirini

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    Several Leptodirini beetles (Leiodidae) are known to dwell in hygropetric habitats where films of water run down the cave walls, but observations of their behaviour are lacking. The ultra- specialised hygropetricolous beetles belonging to the genera Cansiliella and Hadesia are biogeographically and phylogenetically unrelated leptodirines. As the species of the former genus are known to be associated with the moonmilk deposits our study aimed to obtain data on their foraging behaviour, as well as to compare the feeding strategies of both genera. In situ monitoring of C. servadeii from the cave Grotta della Foos (Italy) and H. asamo from Bravenik Cave (Bosnia and Herzegovina), was complemented by video recordings to ensure accurate results. Mouthparts and tarsi of both species were examined using scanning electron microscopy and compared with H. weiratheri from Montenegro to evaluate potential morphological adaptations to the hygropetricolous ecological niches. The three species had significantly different mouthpart morphologies, likely due to differences in semi-aquatic feeding strategies and overall ecology. A series of new observations on site movement and feeding behaviour are presented, compared and discussed. Key words: Coleoptera, ecology, behaviour, moonmilk, cave hygropetric. Primerjava jamskih higropetricnih hroscev in njihovegaprehranjevanja; Cansiliella servadeii in Hadesia asamo (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Leptodirini) Stevilni hrosci iz poddružine Leptodirinae (Leiodidae) so prilagojeni na življenje v posebnem habitatu »jamskem higropetriku «, t.j. tankem sloju tekoce vode, ki tece po sigi. Zaenkrat je njihovo vedenje se precejsnja neznanka. Visoko specializirani higropetricni vrsti Cansiliella servadeii in Hadesia asamo sta geografsko loceni in filogenetsko nesorodni. Ker je prva ocitno vezana na depozite mehke sige (t.i. jamsko mleko), smo želeli raziskati iskanje hrane pri tej vrsti ter primerjati strategijo hranjenja obeh vrst. Da bi povecali zanesljivost rezultatov, smo poleg in situ opazovanja C. servadeii iz jame Grotta della Foos (Italija) in H. asamo iz jame Bravenik (Bosna in Hercegovina), njuno vedenje tudi posneli. Z vrsticnim elektronskim mikroskopom smo raziskali obustne okoncine in stopalca obeh vrst in jih primerjali s H. weiratheri iz Crne gore, da bi preverili potencialne morfoloske prilagoditve na specificno ekolosko niso. Bistvene razlike v zgradbi ustnega aparata so najverjetneje posledica razlik v strategiji hranjenja, kot tudi razlicne splosne ekologije omenjenih vrst. V prispevku predstavljamo, primerjamo in razpravljamo o novih opažanjih povezanih z gibanjem in prehranjevanjem higropetricnih hroscev. Kljucne besede: Coleoptera, ekologija, vedenje, jamsko mleko, jamski higropetrik

    The role of the general practictioner in the management of urinary calculi

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    Background: The prevalence of kidney stones tends to increase worldwide due to dietary and climate changes. Disease management involves a high consumption of healthcare system resources which can be reduced with primary prevention measures and prophylaxis of recurrences. In this field, collaboration between general practitioners (GPs) and hospitals is crucial. Methods: a panel composed of general practitioners and academic and hospital clinicians expert in the treatment of urinary stones met with the aim of identifying the activities that require the participation of the GP in the management process of the kidney stone patient. Results: Collaboration between GP and hospital was found crucial in the treatment of renal colic and its infectious complications, expulsive treatment of ureteral stones, chemolysis of uric acid stones, long-term follow-up after active treatment of urinary stones, prevention of recurrence and primary prevention in the general population. Conclusions: The role of the GP is crucial in the management and prevention of urinary stones. Community hospitals which are normally led by GPs in liaison with consultants and other health professional can have a role in assisting multidisciplinary working as extended primary care