98 research outputs found

    Guidelines for a common port noise impact assessment: the ANCHOR LIFE project

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    Abstract The paper reports the main contents of the guidelines developed in the framework of the project ANCHOR, acronym of Advanced Noise Control strategies in HarbOuR, which is a European Project funded as part of the announcement Life 2017. The guidelines represent an updated version of those elaborated in the NoMEPorts project named 'Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management'; the aim is to define a common approach in port noise monitoring and assessment, considering the outcomes of previous EU funded projects and the algorithms defined by the European Directive 2015/996, in order to produce Port Noise Impact Assessments to be included in ports Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The procedures described in the guidelines will guide professionals in organizing and managing geographical data, in characterizing noise sources and defining, for each of them, the correct noise emission power level, in evaluating noise propagation and people exposure to noise and, finally, in selecting the most efficient mitigation action by means of a cost benefit analysis. Moreover, the paper reports the results of a comparison between noise mapping outcomes obtained using the new noise mapping algorithms defined by the 2015/996 Directive and the old 2002/49/EC Annex II ones; especially at long distances from the source the differences between the two methodologies are not negligible

    Early Short-Term Application of High-Frequency Percussive Ventilation Improves Gas Exchange in Hypoxemic Patients

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    Background: Hypoxemia in acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ALI/ARDS) patients represents a common finding in the intensive care unit (ICU) and frequently does not respond to standard ventilatory techniques. Objective: To study whether the early short-term application of high-frequency percussive ventilation (HFPV) can improve gas exchange in hypoxemic patients with ALI/ARDS or many other conditions in comparison to conventional ventilation (CV) using the same mean airway pressure (Paw), representing the main determinant of oxygenation and hemodynamics, irrespective of the mode of ventilation. Methods: Thirty-five patients not responding to CV were studied. During the first 12 h after admission to the ICU the patients underwent CV. Thereafter HFPV was applied for 12 h with Paw kept constant. They were then returned to CV. Gas exchange was measured at: 12 h after admission, every 4 h during the HFPV trial, 1 h after the end of HFPV, and 12 h after HFPV. Thirty-five matched patients ventilated with CV served as the control group (CTRL). Results: Pao2/Fio2 and the arterial alveolar ratio (a/A Po2) increased during HFPV treatment and a Pao2/Fio2 steady state was reached during the last 12 h of CV, whereas both did not change in CTRL. Paco2 decreased during the first 4 h of HFPV, but thereafter it remained unaltered; Paco2 did not vary in CTRL. Respiratory system compliance increased after HFPV. Conclusions: HFPV improved gas exchange in patients who did not respond to conventional treatment. This improvement remained unaltered until 12 h after the end of HFPV

    Marco Onado, Alla ricerca della banca perduta, Bologna, Il mulino, 2017, pp. 278

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    Recensione a 'Alla ricerca della banca perduta' (Bologna, Il mulino, 2017) di Marco Onado. L'autore si domanda: perch\ue9 il sistema finanziario si \ue8 trasformato da fattore di sviluppo in propagatore della crisi? E ancora, le nuove regole varate in molti paesi sono in grado di ripristinare gli aspetti virtuosi del nesso tra finanza e sviluppo economico

    Del Veneto rivisitato

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    Studi Storici Luigi Simeoni,2000.

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    Le tesi di Robert Brenner

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    Lettere di Angelo Messedaglia nell'epistolario di Marco Minghetti

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    Marco Minghetti fu due volte Presidente del Consiglio dopo l'unita' d'Italia. Angelo Messedaglia, economista insigne, Senatore del Regno, amico del Minghetti, ebbe con lui un fitto carteggio

    Marco Mondini, Il capo. La Grande Guerra del generale Luigi Cadorna, Bologna, Il mulino, 2017, pp. 388

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    Recensione a 'Il capo. La Grande Guerra del generale Luigi Cadorna' (Bologna, Il mulino, 2017), di Marco Mondini. Il libro rilegge la carriera e l'operato di Cadorna collocandone la figura nel contesto della cultura militare europea e della storia italiana dell'epoca. Luigi Cadorna appare così come il rappresentante, non eccezionale, di una generazione di professionisti delle armi ossessionata dal passato inglorioso, dalle umilianti sconfitte e dai difetti di un paese che ritenevano debole e indisciplinato
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