256 research outputs found

    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): we don't leave women alone

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    Breastfeeding duration and reduced risk of NAFLD in midlife of parous women

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    the observational studies available so far and the result of our analysis reinforce the assertion that breastfeeding is relevant for the long-term health of the mother, with a protective effect on the risk of NAFLD

    Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Risk of Macro- and Microvascular Complications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome. To date, NAFLD is the most frequent chronic liver disease seen day by day in clinical practice across most high-income countries, affecting nearly 25-30% of adults in the general population and up to 70% of patients with T2DM. Over the last few decades, it clearly emerged that NAFLD is a "multisystemic disease" and that the leading cause of death among patients with NAFLD is cardiovascular disease (CVD). Indeed, several observational studies and some meta-analyses have documented that NAFLD, especially its advanced forms, is strongly associated with fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events, as well as with specific cardiac complications, including sub-clinical myocardial alteration and dysfunction, heart valve diseases and cardiac arrhythmias. Importantly, across various studies, these associations remained significant after adjustment for established cardiovascular risk factors and other confounders. Additionally, several observational studies and some meta-analyses have also reported that NAFLD is independently associated with specific microvascular conditions, such as chronic kidney disease and distal or autonomic neuropathy. Conversely, data regarding a potential association between NAFLD and retinopathy are scarce and often conflicting. This narrative review will describe the current evidence about the association between NAFLD and the risk of macro- and microvascular manifestations of CVD, especially in patients with T2DM. We will also briefly discuss the biological mechanisms underpinning the association between NAFLD and its advanced forms and macro- and microvascular CVD

    TBC1D24 and non-syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss: the identification of an additional Italo-American family carrying the p.(S178L) mutation

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    Hearing loss is the most common sensorineural disorder, affecting approximately 1:1000 new-borns. In developed countries, more than half of the cases of congenital hearing loss are due to genetic causes and both syndromic and non-syndromic forms may be recognized. Approximately 20% of the cases of nonsyndromic hearing loss are inherited according to an autosomal dominant pattern. Autosomal dominant hereditary hearing loss (ADHHL) is characterized by a wide genetic heterogeneity and by inter- and intrafamilial clinical variability, making genotype-phenotype correlations extremely complicated. Here we describe a large multi-generation Italo-American kindred affected by ADHHL. After a complete clinical evaluation and hearing function assessment through pure tone audiometry, the proband underwent a multiple-step genetic testing. Eventually, whole exome sequencing was performed on his and other selected family members’ DNA leading to the identification of a heterozygous missense variant in the TBC1D24 gene. Mutations in this gene have been associated with a variety of conditions that are inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern and that may or may not include hearing loss. Interestingly, the variant identified in our kindred is the only mutation in the TBC1D24 gene that has been associated with ADHHL in previous studies. Our case report confirms the role of the TBC1D24 gene and specifically of the p.(S178L) variant in the etiopathogenesis of ADHHL, underlining once again the clinical variability associated with variants in this gene

    Which Came First? When Usher Syndrome Type 1 Couples with Neuropsychiatric Disorders

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    Usher syndrome (USH) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by sensorineural hearing loss (HL), retinopathy, and vestibular areflexia, with variable severity. Although a high prevalence of behavioural and mental disorders in USH patients has been reported, few studies on these psychiatric and psychological issues have been conducted. This work describes the case of a 16-year-old boy affected by congenital bilateral sensorineural HL, presenting a suddenly altered behaviour concomitant with a decrease in visual acuity. To establish a molecular diagnosis, Whole-Exome Sequencing analysis was performed, detecting a pathogenetic homozygous variant (c. 5985C>A, p.(Tyr1995*)) within the CDH23 gene. CDH23 is a known USH type 1 causative gene, recently associated with schizophrenia-like symptoms and bipolar disorders. To date, no studies have provided evidence of a direct genotype–phenotype correlation between USH patients carrying CDH23 variants and mental/behavioural issues; however, considering the multiple biological functions of CDH23, it can be hypothesised that it could have a pleiotropic effect. Overall, this study highlights the relevance of a continuous clinical evaluation of USH patients, to monitor not only the disease progression, but to early detect any psychological or behavioural alterations, thus allowing a rapid implementation of therapeutic strategies aimed at improving their quality of life and well-being

    The date mussel Lithophaga lithophaga: Biology, ecology and the multiple impacts of its illegal fishery

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    none8The date mussel Lithophaga lithophaga is an edible endolithic bivalve, protected by the EU Habitats Directive and other international agreements, living inside carbonate rocks. Its illegal harvesting is carried by breaking the rockswhere the bivalve grows. The impact has cascade consequences as it causes permanent changes in the substrate characteristics, the removal of benthic species, a shift from highly complex to structurally simplified habitats. As a result, the rich biodiversity of rocky reefs turns into a biological desert, named “barren”. Alongwith the over exploitation of fish, this practice leads to the increase of sea urchin density and grazing pressure on habitats, hampering the resilience of the associated biodiversity and functions. This paper summarizes the information on date mussel biology, ecology, ecotoxicology, fishery and the legal framework regulating its protection. Evidence indicates that illegal harvesting is still operated and widespread along the Mediterranean and has huge costs in terms of loss of natural capital and ecosystem services, and in terms of active ecological restoration. Two case study areas (the Sorrento and Salento peninsulas) were selected to assess the economic costs of this practice. Tangible economic costs in terms of ecosystems services' loss are huge (from ca. 35,000 to more than 400,000 euros/year in 6.6 km of Sorrento and ca. 1.8 million euros/year along the 69 km of Salento). These costs are, on average, ca. 30 times lower than those of ecosystem restoration. Data mining from websites indicates that date mussels are presently commercialized in hundreds of restaurants in Greece, Balkan countries, Spain and Italy, favoured also by the lack of appropriate consumer information. This practice should be controlled and contrasted at local scale, enforced by national legislations, and implemented by transnational initiatives. Social campaigns are needed to increase public awareness of the serious consequences of date-mussel fishery and consumptionopenAlberto Colletti; Beatrice Savinelli; Giorgia Di Muzio; Lucia Rizzo; Laura Tamburello; Simonetta Fraschetti; Luigi Musco; Roberto DanovaroColletti, Alberto; Savinelli, Beatrice; Di Muzio, Giorgia; Rizzo, Lucia; Tamburello, Laura; Fraschetti, Simonetta; Musco, Luigi; Danovaro, Robert

    Il Registro e la comunicazione interna

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    La comunicazione interna ? un processo complesso, i cui obiettivi e attivit? sono complementari a quelli della comunicazione esterna. Per essere veramente efficace, la rete di comunicazione interna e la connessa produzione di contenuti devono essere precedentemente pianificate e coordinate. Il circuito di comunicazione interna, se gestito correttamente, si presta quindi ad usi diversi che si concretizzano in effetti benefici nei risultati operativi e nel generale clima interno dell\u27organizzazione. Le attivit? di comunicazione interna del Registro sono state quindi pianificate a sostegno del piano di comunicazione esterna, avviato nel 2009, dopo l\u27aggiudicazione tramite gara europea del relativo bando. In questa nota vengono descritti obiettivi, strumenti e fasi di attuazione messi in atto ad integrazione e sostegno della campagna di comunicazione con l\u27obiettivo di rafforzare il senso di appartenenza all\u27ente, lo spirito collaborativo l\u27efficienza organizzativa

    Effects of usnic acid to prevent infections by creating a protective barrier in an in vitro study

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    Nasal sprays are medical devices useful for preventing infection and the subsequent spread of airborne pathogens. The effectiveness of these devices depends on the activity of chosen compounds which can create a physical barrier against viral uptake as well as incorporate different substances with antiviral activity. Among antiviral compounds, UA, a dibenzofuran derived from lichens, has the mechanical ability to modify its structure by creating a branch capable of forming a protective barrier. The mechanical ability of UA to protect cells from virus infection was investigated by analyzing the branching capacity of UA, and then the protection mechanism in an in vitro model was also studied. As expected, UA at 37 °C was able to create a barrier confirming its ramification property. At the same time, UA was able to block the infection of Vero E6 and HNEpC cells by interfering with a biological interaction between cells and viruses as revealed also by the UA quantification. Therefore, UA can block virus activity through a mechanical barrier effect without altering the physiological nasal homeostasis. The findings of this research could be of great relevance in view of the growing alarm regarding the spread of airborne viral diseases

    Long-lasting BDNF signaling alterations in the amygdala of adolescent female rats exposed to the activity-based anorexia model

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    Introduction: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disorder characterized by a pathological fear of gaining weight, excessive physical exercise, and emotional instability. Since the amygdala is a key region for emotion processing and BDNF has been shown to play a critical role in this process, we hypothesized that alteration in the amygdalar BDNF system might underline vulnerability traits typical of AN patients.Methods: To this end, adolescent female rats have been exposed to the Activity-Based Anorexia (ABA) protocol, characterized by the combination of caloric restriction and intense physical exercise.Results: The induction of the anorexic phenotype caused hyperactivity and body weight loss in ABA animals. These changes were paralleled by amygdalar hyperactivation, as measured by the up-regulation of cfos mRNA levels. In the acute phase of the pathology, we observed reduced Bdnf exon IX, exon IV, and exon VI gene expression, while mBDNF protein levels were enhanced, an increase that was, instead, uncoupled from its downstream signaling as the phosphorylation of TrkB, Akt, and S6 in ABA rats were reduced. Despite the body weight recovery observed 7 days later, the BDNF-mediated signaling was still downregulated at this time point.Discussion: Our findings indicate that the BDNF system is downregulated in the amygdala of adolescent female rats under these experimental conditions, which mimic the anorexic phenotype in humans, pointing to such dysregulation as a potential contributor to the altered emotional processing observed in AN patients. In addition, since the modulation of BDNF levels is observed in other psychiatric conditions, the persistent AN-induced changes of the BDNF system in the amygdala might contribute to explaining the onset of comorbid psychiatric disorders that persist in patients even beyond recovery from AN
