199 research outputs found
Fold & Cut
This paper describes a method of constructing 3d fractal objects by stretching/folding about simple geometric objects. The history of fold/cut construction as related to Mathematics is explored. The major new contribution of this paper is to generalize the concept of folding and cutting paper to folding and cutting space
Obblighi internazionali in materia di tortura e ordinamento italiano
The introduction of a distinct offence of torture in the Italian legal order will be the most effec-tive way of implementing Article 4 of the 1984 UN Convention against Torture. Those States parties which have introduced a separately specific offence of torture have nonetheless frequently adopted defini-tions which are not entirely adequate in the light of the scope of the Convention. Problematic areas in-clude “mental” torture, the role of state agents in the practice of torture and exceptions which are differ-ent from those “lawful sanctions” exception provided for in the Convention itself. The Italian case is a good illustration of the kind of obstacles which frequently arise when States are invited to introduce an ad hoc offence of torture
La pandemia COVID-19 e la tutela dei diritti umani nel sistema delle Nazioni Unite
EnCovid-19 has put a strain on, among other things, the stability of States with regard to the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms: the consequences produced by the pandemic on the effective enjoyment of these rights have been numerous and serious freedom, indeed. For this reason, this paper aims to examine the current health crisis in the context of the UN system for the protection of human rights. The interventions of the Human Rights Council, but also of other bodies and procedures of the UN will therefore be analyzed. Furthermore, recently (on 1st July, 2020), the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2532 (2000), the first of this body on the Covid-19 epidemic. Previously (April 2, 2020) the General Assembly unanimously issued the resolution "Global solidarity to fight the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)". These two important resolutions will also be analyzed.ItIl Covid-19 ha messo dura prova, fra le altre cose, anche la tenuta degli Stati con riferimento al rispetto dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali in quanto numerose e gravi sono state le conseguenze prodotte dalla pandemia sull'effettivo godimento di tali diritti e libertà . Per questo motivo il presente scritto si propone di esaminare l'attuale crisi sanitaria nel contesto del sistema ONU di tutela dei diritti umani. Saranno dunque analizzati gli interventi (sotto varie forme) del Consiglio dei diritti umani, ma anche di altri organismi e procedure delle NU (Alto Commissario, organi di controllo dei trattati, procedure speciali). Inoltre, recentemente (il 1° luglio 2020), il Consiglio di sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato la risoluzione 2532 (2000), la prima di questo organo sull'epidemia da Covid-19. Precedentemente (il 2 aprile 2020) l'Assemblea generale aveva emanato all'unanimità la risoluzione Global solidarity to fight the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Anche queste due importanti risoluzioni – pur se non (come le precedenti) direttamente collegate alla tutela dei diritti umani – saranno oggetto di analisi
Immigrazione, diritto d'asilo e ruolo dell'UNHCR. Scritto in ricordo del seminario leccese di Pedro Felipe Camargo
Il fenomeno migratorio ha ormai assunto una configurazione permanente, trasformandosi in realtà strutturale della società contemporanea. Le analisi delle cause del fenomeno migratorio concordano nell'affermare che i fattori espulsivi dei Paesi di esodo e i fattori attrattivi dei Paesi di arrivo non cesseranno nel breve periodo, sicché si tratta di un fenomeno con il quale il mondo è destinato a confrontarsi ancor di più nei prossimi anni. Per tali motivi ci si propone di effettuare una disamina delle questioni più rilevanti concernenti la materia in esame, che comunque è molto ampia e in continua evoluzione. Attenzione particolare sarà poi dedicata al ruolo dell'UNHCR dato il suo ruolo peculiare per la protezione dei rifugiati
Donne, pace e sicurezza: a vent’anni dalla “The Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS Agenda)” delle Nazioni Unite.
The Women, Peace and Security (“WPS”) agenda was formally initiated by the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), which was adopted on 31 October 2000. UNSCR 1325 affirmed the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace-building initiatives. The WPS agenda rests on four pillars: prevention, participation, protection and relief and recovery. In the years since the adoption of UNSCR 1325, the UN Security Council has adopted nine more resolutions on women, peace and security, in order to provide a detailed guidance on specific aspects related to war and its impact on women, addressing different issues such as sexual and gender-based violence, human trafficking and the gendered aspects of peacekeeping efforts. The aim of this paper is thus to scrutinize the different status of women in the contest of conflicts: as victims and as active actors in peace processes
Diritti delle persone con disabilitĂ : Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite e ruolo svolto dal Consiglio dei diritti umani
The Human Rights Council is a subsidiary body of the General Assembly of the United Nations, in charge of promoting worldwide the respect and protection of the rights of every man without any discrimination. In 2018 Italy, which had already been member of the Council twice, has been reelected and will be a member until 2021. At the time of its candidacy, Italy presented a document of commitments - entitled "Voluntary pledges and commitments pursuant to General Assembly resolution 60/251" - in which a series of priority themes were listed. Among them, a focus on "the rights of persons with disabilities" was included. Starting from this circumstance, the aim of this paper is to scrutinize the recent action of the Human Rights Council dealing with the rights of persons with disabilities
Recension de l’Esthétique de la danse. Le danseur, le réel et l’expression de Julia Beauquel
Partant du constat que « la danse n’existe encore guère davantage pour les philosophes analytiques que n’existe pour les danseurs ce type de philosophie », Julia Beauquel se propose de confronter la philosophie analytique et la danse. Esthétique de la danse. Le danse, le réel et l’expression ne s’attache pas à l’étude d’un type de danse ni à l’adoption d’un point de vue, mais ouvre les perspectives au maximum, s’intéressant aussi bien à la pratique quotidienne du danseur, à la poïétique, à l’expérience du plateau qu’à la réception. Pour autant, l’auteur ne renonce pas à illustrer son propos par l’évocation de témoignages, d’œuvres, de séquences de spectacles ou de mouvements dansés particuliers, s’appuyant tant sur les propos de chorégraphes majeurs de l’histoire de la danse occidentale que sur son expérience de danseuse et de spectatrice, et quelquefois sur des écrits de chercheurs en danse. L’enjeu de l’ouvrage est de montrer que la danse constitue un critérium efficace pour identifier ce que Julia Beauquel nomme les « avantages » et les « inconvénients » des doctrines et concepts de la philosophie analytique de l’art et, par là , de souligner les conceptions qui se révèlent les plus appropriées pour penser l’art chorégraphique.Considering that “dance does not yet exist for analytical philosophers more than analytical philosophy does for dancers,” Julia Beauquel intends to compare analytical philosophy and dance. La danse, le réel et l’expression does not focus on the study of a specific type of dance, neither on one point of view, but it opens up perspectives, examining not only the daily practice of the dancer, the poïesis and the experience of the set but also the audience reception. However, the author resorts to testimonies, works, excerpts from performances or particular dance movements to illustrate her analyses. She relies both on the statements of major choreographers of western dance history, and her own experience as a dancer and spectator, and sometimes on the writings of dance researchers. Julia Beauquel shows that dance is an effective criterion for identifying the “advantages” and “disadvantages” of analytical doctrines and concepts of philosophy of art, and thereby, highlights those that are most appropriate to conceive chorographical art
Donne, pace e sicurezza: a vent'anni dalla "The Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS Agenda)" delle Nazioni Unite.
The Women, Peace and Security ("WPS") agenda was formally initiated by the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000), which was adopted on 31 October 2000. UNSCR 1325 affirmed the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and in peace-building initiatives. The WPS agenda rests on four pillars: prevention, participation, protection and relief and recovery. In the years since the adoption of UNSCR 1325, the UN Security Council has adopted nine more resolutions on women, peace and security, in order to provide a detailed guidance on specific aspects related to war and its impact on women, addressing different issues such as sexual and gender-based violence, human trafficking and the gendered aspects of peacekeeping efforts. The aim of this paper is thus to scrutinize the different status of women in the contest of conflicts: as victims and as active actors in peace processes
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