104 research outputs found

    Host-probiotic interaction: new insight into the role of the endocannabinoid system by in vivo and ex vivo approaches

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    The endocannabinoid system plays an important role in regulating inflammation in several chronic or anomalous gut inflammatory diseases. In vivo and ex vivo studies showed that 30 days treatment with a probiotic mix activated the endocannabinoid system in zebrafish. These results highlight the potential of this probiotic mixture to regulate immune cell function, by inducing gene expression of toll-like receptors and other immune related molecules. Furthermore, TUNEL assay showed a decrease in the number of apoptotic cells, and this finding was supported by a reduction in pro-apoptotic factors and an increase in anti-apoptotic molecules. The results presented here strengthen the molecular mechanisms activated by probiotic mix controlling immune response and inflammation

    BPA-Induced Deregulation of Epigenetic Patterns: Effects on Female Zebrafish Reproduction

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the commonest Endocrine Disruptor Compounds worldwide. It interferes with vertebrate reproduction, possibly by inducing deregulation of epigenetic mechanisms. To determine its effects on female reproductive physiology and investigate whether changes in the expression levels of genes related to reproduction are caused by histone modifications, BPA concentrations consistent with environmental exposure were administered to zebrafish for three weeks. Effects on oocyte growth and maturation, autophagy and apoptosis processes, histone modifications, and DNA methylation were assessed by Real-Time PCR (qPCR), histology, and chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with qPCR analysis (ChIP-qPCR). The results showed that 5 μg/L BPA down-regulated oocyte maturation-promoting signals, likely through changes in the chromatin structure mediated by histone modifications, and promoted apoptosis in mature follicles. These data indicate that the negative effects of BPA on the female reproductive system may be due to its upstream ability to deregulate epigenetic mechanism

    Beneficial bacteria affect Danio rerio development by the modulation of maternal factors involved in autophagic, apoptotic and dorsalizing processes.

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    Background/Aims: Probiotic strains have been recognized to exert important roles in many biological systems, including immune response, growth, development and reproduction. However, to date, no studies have focused either on the relation among probiotics and maternal factors or on probiotics' ability to qualitatively and/or quantitatively modulate maternal transcripts. Methods: In this study, the effects of Lactobacillusrhamnosus administered to parental fish on the control of maternal factors involved in autophagic, apoptotic and dorsalizing processes during zebrafish embryo development were assessed through q-PCRs, WMISH and TUNEL assay. Results: The results we obtained show that probiotic induced significant changes in both maternal and zygotic mRNA levels involved in embryo development. The maternal autophagy-regulating genes herein investigated -ambra1a, ambra1b, beclin, lc3-, as well as those involved in the apoptotic process -caspase3, bcl2, bax- were modulated in disfavor and favor of the treated group, respectively. Also, the key transcripts ruling the dorsalizing process -goosecoid and chordin- were subject to a significant regulation of their gene expression. Conclusion: The results we acquired demonstrated that parentally administered Lactobacillusrhamnosus is able to modulate important physiological processes involved in zebrafish embryo development

    Zebrafish caudal fin as a model to investigate the role of probiotics in bone regeneration

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    : Probiotics are live microorganisms that confer several beneficial effects to the host, including enhancement of bone mineralization. However, probiotic action on bone regeneration is not well studied and therefore we analysed various effects of probiotic treatment on the caudal fin regeneration of zebrafish. Morphological analysis revealed an increased regenerated area with shorter and thicker lepidotrichia segments after probiotic treatment. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy imaging analysis highlighted the distribution of phosphate groups in the regenerated fins and probiotic group showed higher amounts of well-crystallized hydroxyapatite. At the midpoint (5 days post amputation) of regeneration, probiotics were able to modulate various stages of osteoblast differentiation as confirmed by the upregulation of some key marker genes such as runx2b, sp7, col10a1a, spp1 and bglap, besides suppressing osteoclast activity as evidenced from the downregulation of ctsk. Probiotics also caused an enhanced cell cycle by regulating the expression of genes involved in Retinoic acid (rarga, cyp26b1) and Wnt/β-catenin (ctnnb1, ccnd1, axin2, sost) signaling pathways, and also modulated phosphate homeostasis by increasing the entpd5a levels. These findings provide new outlooks for the use of probiotics as a prophylactic treatment in accelerating bone regeneration and improving skeletal health in both aquaculture and biomedical fields

    Aspects of Reproductive Biology of the European Hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea (GSA 17-Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The study focused on the macroscopic, histological, and biometric analysis of European hake females in GSA 17 (Central-North Adriatic Sea). From 2013 to 2015, 976 females were collected and analyzed monthly. Though females in spawning conditions were found during the whole year, the trend of GSI showed a peak of the reproductive season from April to July in 2014 and 2015. HSI and Kn reached the highest values in September, after the spawning peaks. In 2013, the trend of these indices did not highlight an evident peak, probably due to an adverse event that occurred in the previous winter in the Adriatic shelf. The length at first maturity (L50) was estimated by macroscopic and histological approaches, resulting in 30.81 cm for the macroscopical length and 33.73 cm for the histological length; both values are higher than the current catching legal size. For the first time in this area, batch and relative fecundity were estimated. Relative fecundity was similar to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic stocks, whereas batch fecundity values were lower compared to other fishing grounds. Overall, the analysis of reproductive parameters plays a fundamental role in the sustainable management of this resource in an area as overfished as the Central-North Adriatic Sea


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    This report details the third phase of biological sampling and associated analysis undertaken as part of an international swordfish biology program. The program was established in 2018 and sampling was conducted for swordfish in the North and South Atlantic and Mediterranean. Fish were sampled for size, sex, and maturity. Anal fin spines, otoliths, gonads, and tissues were obtained for ageing, growth, maturity and genetic analyses. These data will be used to inform ICCAT assessment and the ongoing management strategy evaluation process. In this report we examine sampling representativeness relative to spatial and temporal patterns in recent catch data. Samples were obtained from a broad temporal and spatial range, however, some improvements are required in spatial-temporal coverage.En prens


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    “The results, conclusions and recommendations contained in this Report only reflect what was discussed by the Group of scientists that participated in the 2021 Swordfish Biology Workshop. Therefore, these should be considered preliminary until the Swordfish Species Group and the SCRS discuss and possibly adopts them at its annual Plenary meeting and the Commission revise them at its Annual meeting. Accordingly, ICCAT reserves the right to comment, object and endorse this Report, until it is finally adopted by the Commission.”En prens

    Knockout of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Impairs Reproduction in Female Zebrafish

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    none8The pleiotropic effects of glucocorticoids in metabolic, developmental, immune and stress response processes have been extensively investigated; conversely, their roles in reproduction are still less documented. It is well known that stress or long-lasting therapies can cause a strong increase in these hormones, negatively affecting reproduction. Moreover, the need of glucocorticoid (GC) homeostatic levels is highlighted by the reduced fertility reported in the zebrafish glucocorticoid receptor mutant (nr3c1ia30/ia30) line (hereafter named gr-/-). Starting from such evidence, in this study, we have investigated the role of glucocorticoid receptor (Gr) in the reproduction of female zebrafish. Key signals orchestrating the reproductive process at the brain, liver, and ovarian levels were analyzed using a multidisciplinary approach. An impairment of the kiss-GnRH system was observed at the central level in (gr-/-) mutants as compared to wild-type (wt) females while, in the liver, vitellogenin (vtg) mRNA transcription was not affected. Changes were instead observed in the ovary, particularly in maturing and fully grown follicles (classes III and IV), as documented by the mRNA levels of signals involved in oocyte maturation and ovulation. Follicles isolated from gr-/- females displayed a decreased level of signals involved in the acquisition of competence and maturation, causing a reduction in ovulation with respect to wt females. Fourier transform infrared imaging (FTIRI) analysis of gr-/- follicle cytoplasm showed major changes in macromolecule abundance and distribution with a clear alteration of oocyte composition. Finally, differences in the molecular structure of the zona radiata layer of gr-/- follicles are likely to contribute to the reduced fertilization rate observed in mutants.openMaradonna, Francesca; Gioacchini, Giorgia; Notarstefano, Valentina; Fontana, Camilla Maria; Citton, Filippo; Dalla Valle, Luisa; Giorgini, Elisabetta; Carnevali, OlianaMaradonna, Francesca; Gioacchini, Giorgia; Notarstefano, Valentina; Fontana, Camilla Maria; Citton, Filippo; Dalla Valle, Luisa; Giorgini, Elisabetta; Carnevali, Olian

    Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) population structure revealed by microsatellite DNA: genetic diversity masked by population mixing in shared areas

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    Background The Mediterranean swordfish stock is overfished and considered not correctly managed. Elucidating the patterns of the Mediterranean swordfish population structure constitutes an essential prerequisite for effective management of this fishery resource. To date, few studies have investigated intra-Mediterranean swordfish population structure, and their conclusions are controversial. Methods A panel of 20 microsatellites DNA was used to investigate fine-scale population structuring of swordfish from six main fishing areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Results This study provides evidence to reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. DAPC analysis revealed the presence of three genetic clusters and a high level of admixture within the Mediterranean Sea. Genetic structure was supported by significant FST values while mixing was endorsed by the heterozygosity deficit observed in sampling localities indicative of a possible Wahlund effect, by sampling admixture individuals. Overall, our tests reject the hypothesis of a single swordfish population within the Mediterranean Sea. Homing towards the Mediterranean breeding areas may have generated a weak degree of genetic differentiation between populations even at the intra-basin scale