12 research outputs found


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    Educational system that managed by any institutions should be seen as an obligation given by all of the educational stakeholders in the country. Ofcourse, the people trust must be returned back to the community by providing the best educational services by which all partises could be delighted. In this context, the quality of education that can fully satisfied the stakeholders is a zero defect practical educational system. This perfect educational system could only be established by managing the educational system; input, process, dan output, that is orientated to a quality standard. This aproach is well known as Total Quality Management or simply just TQM.  This paper present the discussion on the understanding, background, strength, and the application strategy of TQM into educational management system including its relationship with BOMM (Bantuan Operational Management Mutu or Operational Subsidy for Quality Management)


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya program bimbingan yang diselenggarakan oleh program studi pendidikan luar biasa, fakultas keguruan Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung untuk mengembangkan sikap dan kebiasaan belajar dalam menyelesaikan studi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) memperoleh gambaran tentang kondisi objektif penyelenggaraan bimbingan bagi mahasiswa tunanetra; 2) menemukan model Bimbingan belajar dalam meningkatkan prestasi; 3) menemukan model hasil validasi dan siap diimplementasikan.Pendekatan yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah perpaduan antara pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Lokasi penelitian di prodi PLB FKIP Uninus. Data yang diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan teknik Focus Group Discussion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: keberadaan bimbingan belajar belum optimal, artinya dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan tindak lanjut belum sesuai dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa tunanetra. Sebagai upaya untuk mengoptimalkan bimbingan tersebut, maka disusun model konseptual yang telah divalidasi dan diimplementasikan. Model bimbingan belajar memiliki sembilan komponen untuk membangun sikap dan kebiasaan belajar yang positif

    The Analysis of Functional Needs on Undergraduate Thesis Information System Management: A Case Study in Indonesian Universities

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    Undergraduate thesis is a scientific paper that students must complete to get a bachelor’s degree. During the completion of the thesis, many students face difficulties in determining research topics, supervision, and administration processes so that they cannot graduate on time. This study aims to analyze the functional needs of the undergraduate thesis information system management that is needed by both students and administrators. This system serves to accelerate the thesis preparation process that is useful for students, supervisors, and thesis administration managers. The procedure of the study was conducted by compiling matrix planning and data collection. As the data source, this study involved 20 students who were writing their undergraduate thesis and 10 alumni who have completed their theses. This sample was selected with the criteria of students or alumni who have been involved in the undergarduate thesis business process. In the process of taking samples reseachers used a purposive sampling method. In addition, difficulties in managing the thesis were also explored by supervisors and study program management. Furthermore, the data were analyzed through PIECES (Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency, Service). This study produces a list of functional needs on the thesis management system that can encourage students to graduate on time, in which universities can implement this system and socialize it to users


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    Abstract:. This paper is intended to present a practical set of tone controllers in an audio amplifier using the LM 741 Operating Amplifier (Op.Amp.) Type and is easily obtainable on the market. The discussion is supplemented by the calculation used to determine the value of the resistor filter component R and the capacitor (C) according to the desired cutoff frequency (fc). For practical purposes, drawing a connection pattern on Printed Circuit Board (PCB) is also presented. Since the discussion is still theoretical, it is suggested that once the circuit is built, test the frequency response of the circuit by feeding the audio signal from the AF Generator and draw the Bode diagram to show the frequency response. Keyword: Op.Amp LM741, RC circuit, the frequency response.  Abstrak: Makalah ini ditujukan untuk menyajikan perangkat pengatur nada yang praktis dalam penguat audio menggunakan  Penguat Operasional  LM 741 (Op.Amp.) yang mudah didapat di pasaran. Pembahasan dilengkapi dengan perhitungan untuk menentukan nilai komponenfilter,resistor(R) dan kapasitor (C) sesuai dengan frekuensi cutoff (fc)yang diinginkan. Untuk keperluan praktis, gambar pola koneksi pada papan sirkuit tercetak atau Printed Circuit Board (PCB) juga ditampilkan. Karena pembahasannya masih bersifat teoritis, disarankan agar setelah rangkaian dibangun, lakukan uji tanggapan frekuensi rangkaian dengan memberi isinyal audio yang bervariasi dari Generator AF dan menggambarkandiagram Bode dari tanggapan frekuensinya.Kata Kunci: Op.Amp LM741, rangkaian RC, respon frekuensi

    Esensi praktis : belajar dan pembelajaran/ Gintings

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    xxi, 266 hal.: ill, tab.; 23 cm

    Esensi praktis : belajar dan pembelajaran/ Gintings

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    xxi, 266 hal.: ill, tab.; 23 cm

    Manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan

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    xxxii,517 hlm,;23 c

    Esensi praktis : belajar dan pembelajaran/ Gintings

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    xxi, 266 hal.: ill, tab.; 23 cm

    Esensi praktis : belajar dan pembelajaran/ Gintings

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    xxi, 266 hal.: ill, tab.; 23 cm

    Esensi praktis : belajar dan pembelajaran/ Gintings

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    xxi, 266 hal.: ill, tab.; 23 cm