219 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hak Pemilik Merek Terdaftar Atas Produk Amdk Terhadap Pelanggaran Yang Dilakukan Oleh Pelaku USAha Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang

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    The current use of water gallon with registered brand belongs to AMDK has raised a problem in the legal domain of Intellectual Property Rights. The brand which is owned and registered by a party should not be used by the other party for the item with the same kind and class, but in practice, the gallon with registered brand is frequently used by the refill drinking water depot. The use of the AQUA brand gallons of drinking water by the refill drinking water depot businessmen can be categorized as trademark violations if the gallons with registered brand are deliberately prepared by the refill drinking water depot businessmen for sale, while the constraints faced by the owner of the registered brand are internal and the external. Of the efforts to prevent the incident of trademark violation were done by providing sustainable and periodical trainings to optimalize the existence of transporter and distributor partners to actively supervise the use of the AQUA brand gallons of drinking water, and to educate the transporter and distributor partners about brand provisions, performing comprehensive efforts with law enforcement officers and other efforts by actively making several approaches to related agencies such as industry and trade services and the refill drinking water depot businessmen

    Identifikasi Gulma Resisten Herbisida Paraquat Pada Lahan Jagung Di Kecamatan Tigabinanga Kabupaten Karo

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    Paraquat is a herbicide commonly used for weed control in corn fields at Tigabinanga Subdistrict(TS), Karo District North Sumatera.The aim of this research was to identify paraquat resistant weedspecies (Echinochloa colonum and Eleusine indica) in corn fields at TS. This research consist of 3steps: seed collection, screening of paraquat resistant weed biotypes, and dose response test. Seed ofputative paraquat resistant biotypes were randomly collected from 28 corn fields in TS. Atscreening test, paraquat at the rate of 150 g a.i./ha was evaluated against weed populations to findresistant and susceptible biotypes. The experiment was performed in a randomized block designwith three replications. Dose response test was arranged in a randomized block design and fourreplications with eight levels of paraquat dose (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 g a.i./ha). Theresults showed that none of E. colonum TS population was resistant to paraquat whereas E. indicaTS populations were 2 population resistant, 4 population moderate resistant, and 21 populationsusceptible to paraquat. Resistant index of Benjire Village (ETB-14) and Perlamben Village (ETB-19) biotype were >5 and >9 times of susceptible population


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    ABSTRAK The high frequency of news coverage in the mass media that preach about child sexual abuse enough to make people overcome anxiety. The case of child sexual abuse remains an iceberg phenomenon where only a few can be revealed to the public. This can be due to the high fear of victims and reluctant to report the authorities. Therefore, as parents should be sensitive and observant to recognize the signs of children who have experienced sexual abuse. Sexual harassment that occurs in children will have a long-term impact, in addition to its current health impact will also cause a sense of trauma that prolonged, even into adulthood. The impact of trauma experienced by child sexual abuse is, among other things: the loss of the child's faith in the adult (betrayal); Traumatic sexualization; Feel powerlessness; And stigma (stigmatization). Physically it may be medically treatable, but psychologically it can cause trauma, revenge, and even addiction. If this is not handled seriously and deeply, it can have a wider social impact on society. The healing of psychic trauma due to sexual abuse must include all related elements, such as parents (family), neighbors (community), and state apparatuses as law enforcers. Because of this, in providing protection and security for children, there needs to be an approach that includes a family approach, a social, educational and judicial approach appropriate to suppress child abuse behavior. Keywords: child sexual abuse, children, impact, prevention.   

    Nutritional Support for Small Ruminant Development Based on Oil Palm By-products

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    Biomass by-products or plant residues from the plantation system would play a crucial role in animal production since the utilization of forages from the underneath tree crops would be less or minimal when the palm oil crop mature. By-products generated from the palm oil system vary, but in relation to the animal production they could be generally categorized into the fibrous by-products and the non-fibrous (concentrate) by-products. Palm oil mill effluent (POME) and palm kernel cake (PKC) are concentrate by-products produced during the processing of palm oil extraction which have great potency to support sheep and goat production, although limiting factors such as contamination of shell and high copper level in PKC need to be considered in their utilization as feed. The fibrous palm oil by-products include oil palm fronds (OPF) and oil palm trunk (OPT) generated from the palm crop trees and oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) and palm pressed fiber (PPF) generated from processing of fresh fruits to yield crude oil. These fibrous by-products cannot meet the metabolisable energy required for high growth rate and for lactation of sheep and goats due to low DM digestibility, low crude protein content, low fermentable carbohydrate and low level of intake. Limited inclusion level in ration should be applied for those by-products to yield an acceptable production level of sheep and goats. Pretreatments (physical, chemical, and biological) gave some improvement in their nutritional qualities, however additional cost of pretreatments need to be considered. In the future, there would be a great challenge for the utilization of those fibrous by-products as animal feed since bioconversion of lignocellulosic materials to products such as chemicals (bioethanol, sugar, and bioplastic), fuels, and organic fertilizers are receiving greater interest. Some comparative advantages of these natural wastes are their relatively low cost, renewable and widespread in nature for used in an industrial operation

    Sistem Pengontrolan Tangki Air Menggunakan Sensor Magnetik Via Gelombang Radio

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    A water tank control has been designed using wireless radio communication. The main control is taken by ATMega8 with its internal ADC where the sensors were placed. The level of the water in the tank is transmitted with two ways communication using standard UART data format. The system is worked as it is proposed

    Biomassa Tanaman Jagung sebagai Pakan Basal Kambing Boerka Sedang Tumbuh

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    Biomassa tanaman jagung (seluruh bagian tanaman jagung termasuk batang, daun dan buah jagung muda) yang dipanen pada umur tanaman 45–65 hari memiliki potensi untuk digunakan sebagai pakan kambing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan biomassa tanaman jagung sebagai pakan basal terhadap pertumbuhan kambing Boerka. Digunakan 24 ekor kambing jantan Boerka fase pertumbuhan (rataan bobot badan awal 14,96 kg ± 1,48) untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemanfaatan biomassa tanaman jagung sebagai pakan dasar terhadap pertumbuhannya. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan pakan dan 6 ulangan. Ternak secara acak dialokasikan ke dalam perlakuan pakan yaitu R0, konsentrat 40% + rumput 60%; R1, konsentrat 40% + rumput 40% + biomassa tanaman jagung 20%; R2, konsentrat 40% + biomassa tanaman jagung 40% + rumput 20% dan R3, konsentrat 40% + biomassa tanaman jagung 60%. Semua perlakuan pakan memiliki kandungan protein kasar 12% dan DE 2.800 Kkal/kg. Pemberian pakan dilakukan selama 12 minggu sebanyak 3,8% dari bobot badan berdasarkan bahan kering. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan konsumsi bahan kering pakan, kecernaan bahan kering, bahan organik, NDF dan ADF, pertambahan bobot hidup dan efisiensi penggunaan pakan tidak nyata (P>0,05) dipengaruhi oleh perlakuan pakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa biomassa tanaman jagung dapat menggantikan komponen rumput sebagai pakan basal hingga 100% pada kambing Boerka sedang tumbuh

    Pengaruh Pengetahuan Lingkungan terhadap Niat Membeli Produk Hijau pada Merek “Attack” dengan Kepedulian Lingkungan sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of environmental concern in mediating the effects of environmental knowledge on the intention to buy green products on the brand of “Attack” in Denpasar. The sample of this study is 100 people, with a non-probability sampling method especially purposive sampling. Data collected through questionnaires research where data were then analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that the knowledge of the environment has a positive and significant impact on the intention to buy green products and environmental concern, as well as environmental concern has a positive and significant impact on the intention to buy green product

    Respons Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Dua Varietas Selada (Lactuca Sativa L.) Terhadap Pemberian Berbagai Sumber Nitrogen

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    The research aims to determine the growth and production response of two varieties of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to the provision of various sources of nitrogen. This research was conducted in Lambar village, Tigapanah sub-district, Karo regency, Sumatera Utara Province with altitude of ± 1200 meters above sea level, which started on July to September 2017. This research used a factorial randomized block design with 2 factors namely varieties of lettuce (crop and lettuce) and sources of nitrogen (urea fertilizer, chicken manure and Liquid organic fertilizer of rabbit urine). The parameters observed were plant height, greenish leaves, crop circle, fresh weight of plant per sample and fresh weight of plant per plot. The results showed that both varieties were significantly different in the parameters of plant height, greenish leaves, the number of leaves, and the fresh weight of the plant per sample. Application of nitrogen source showed differences in plant height at 10 weeks after move planting and fresh weight of plant per sample