229 research outputs found

    A classroom activity to work with real data and diverse strategies in order to build diverse models with the help of the computer

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    Taking into account that the majority of the models with more tradition in the mathematical curriculum to represent temporal evolutions of the number of individuals are continuous models in the class of empirical models, it has an added value to deal with these models, but where the parameters involved are claimed to have a biological meaning. These types of models are not completely mechanistic o heuristics, and therefore they are called pseudo-mechanistic models. It is a challenge to link mathematical tools and concepts with biological ideas, and also a chance to use the help that computers provide in this context. The aim of this study was to design a set of rich tasks to be performed with the help of the computer and implement them in the classroom in order to investigate a real data set to deal with empirical models and pseudo-mechanistic models. One of the main purposes in the designing of this set of tasks was to configure a framework showing different strategies to deal with the data and also, how each of these approaches could generate a variety of responses to the problem in hand. The sequence and structure of these tasks, according to the students’ perceptions collected, enhanced the understanding about the construction and use of these primary growth modelsPostprint (published version

    What do live agent-based models offer to teaching?

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    [EN] Biological systems or those formed by living entities (individuals) are complex systems, both for the “complexity” that each individual or live agent possesses, as well as for possible relationships that can be established between them, plus the possible relationships with the environment in which these individuals develop, live, compete and die, and which is therefore modified as a result of their actions. This work is based on the experience gained in recent years in the use of agent-based models in the field of biosystems at the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya. The aim of this paper is to provide elements of study and discussion to answer the following questions: i) What are live agent-based models? ii) How can you work with these computational models in the classroom? and iii) What can these models offer in an educational context? Also, specific information and references are provided to facilitate the incorporation of this type of model in the curriculum at different levels of mathematical and biological instruction, complementing other modelling methodologies.[ES] Los sistemas biológicos o sistemas formados por entidades vivas (individuos) son sistemas complejos, tanto por la “complejidad” que cada individuo o agente vivo tiene, como por las posibles relaciones que se pueden establecer entre ellos, así como por las posibles relaciones con el entorno o medioambiente en el que estos individuos se desarrollan, viven, compiten y mueren, y que por tanto, modifican como resultado de sus acciones. Este trabajo se basa en la experiencia acumulada en los últimos años en el uso de modelos basados en agentes en el ámbito de los biosistemas en la Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya. El objetivo es ofrecer elementos de estudio y discusión para poder responder a las siguientes preguntas: 1) ¿Qué son los modelos basados en agentes vivos?, 2) ¿Cómo se puede trabajar con estos modelos computacionales en el aula?, y 3) ¿Qué pueden ofrecer estos modelos en un entorno educativo? Asimismo, se proporciona información y referencias específicas para facilitar la incorporación de este tipo de modelo en planes de estudios con diferentes niveles de instrucción matemática y biológica, como complemento a otras metodologías de modelizaciónGinovart Gisbert, M. (2015). ¿Qué pueden ofrecer los modelos basados en agentes vivos en el contexto docente?. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 8(2):5-26. doi:10.4995/msel.2015.3486.SWORD5268

    Flaix de ciència. Massa petits per poder ser modelitzats? Models basats en l’individu per representar i investigar poblacions microbianes amb creixement no planctònic

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    Un model, una representació idealit­zada i aproximada, per a una població microbiana, pot ser desenvolupat a partir d’un disseny complicat i sofisti­cat, si es volen abordar qüestions en detall o tractar determinats aspectes amb profunditat, o pot ser generat a partir d’un disseny més simple, si prè­viament s’han fet moltes assumpcions i són diverses les hipòtesis que el su­porten.Postprint (published version

    Suggestions for teaching exploratory data analysis in engineering education within the European Credit Transfer System

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    Exploratory data analysis methods form an integral part of many engineering programs, as a component of a course in basic statistics. In this article a number of useful approaches are suggested to aid the instructor of the exploratory data analysis methods in engineering education within the framework of the European Credit Transfer System. These include ideas for oral presentations, projects, writing component, student-generated data, and cooperative learning. We believe these techniques help students develop an appreciation for the field of exploratory data analysis and the broad range of its applications in practice.Peer Reviewe

    Creating moodle quizzes for the subjects of mathematics and statistics corresponding to the first years in engineering studies

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    In 2005 the virtual campus Atenea of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) started to use Moodle, an open source learning management system that offers a wide variety of teaching tools [3]. One of these tools, the quiz module, represents an alternative to traditional face-to-face courses and paper-based testing. In order to explore how to apply this new strategy, in 2008 we started to carry out a project subsidised by the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the UPC. The project title was “Creating Moodle quizzes for the subjects of Mathematics and Statistics corresponding to the first years in engineering studies”. It covered the compulsory undergraduate subjects in applied mathematics included in the first- and second-year syllabus for all branches of Engineering. The aims were to elaborate a substantial range of Moodle question pools and to design, implement and assess a series of quizzes, to use Moodle quizzes to promote more effective, dynamic and autonomous learning, and to change teachers’ and students’ attitude towards the campus Atenea

    Una activitat docent per introduir la programació lineal en estudis d’Enginyeria de Biosistemes i Agroalimentària a través de problemes de dietes, planificació i produccions

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    L’optimització de funcions lineals amb restriccions lineals sobre les seves variables, o programació lineal, és un dels continguts dels fonaments matemàtics que s’imparteixen en els quatre graus d’Enginyeria de Biosistemes i Agroalimentària que es poden cursar a l’Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. L’objectiu d’aquesta contribució és presentar una activitat d’aula per introduir els fonaments de la programació lineal i aplicar-los a problemes de l’àmbit de l’Enginyeria de Biosistemes i Agroalimentària. Aquesta activitat s’ha dissenyat utilitzant dues estratègies de resolució diferents: 1) en el cas d’una funció lineal de dues variables, a partir de la representació gràfica del conjunt regió factible, s’estudia el comportament de la funció objectiu sobre aquest conjunt per trobar l’òptim; 2) fent ús de diversos programaris o recursos informàtics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Elaboration of a spontaneous gluten-free sourdough with a mixture of amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa flours analyzing microbial load, acidity, and pH

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    Pseudocereals are gluten-free, nutrient-dense raw materials that are being considered for the production of gluten-free products, especially bread. This study proposes a gluten-free sourdough formula based on equal amounts of amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa and with a dough yield of 250, and an elaboration method to obtain ripe sourdough.Postprint (updated version