34 research outputs found
Das Engagement fĂŒr Französisch als internationale Verkehrs- und Wirtschaftssprache
Evaluierung der französischen Sprachpolitik bis zum gegenwÀrtigen Stand
Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin, La métropolisation en question
La collection La ville en dĂ©bat des Presses Universitaires Françaises propose des ouvrages de synthĂšse sur des sujets touchant Ă lâurbain dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire (sociologie, gĂ©ographie, Ă©conomie, architecture). L'ouvrage prĂ©sentĂ© est celui de la gĂ©ographe Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin. SpĂ©cialiste des Ătats-Unis, elle travaille sur les transformations de la ville liĂ©es Ă la mondialisation. Elle nous livre ici une analyse « multisituĂ©e » (France, Ătats-Unis). Dans le contexte français ..
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Being heard: local people in negotiations over large-scale land deals. A case study from Madagascar
This thesis examines local peopleâs voices and influence in negotiations over large-scale land deals. Drawing on ethnographic work on a case study from southern Madagascar, it highlights the variety of agropastoralistsâ responses to, and experienced outcomes of, the implementation of an agribusiness project on their land. The purpose of this research was to understand the conditions under which certain local people get heard, and others silenced, in the context of corporate land access and the processes by which some of these local voices manage to influence the terms and conditions of the deal. It looked at how horizontal and vertical power dynamics interface with situated moral economies and contentious politics to inform variations in local peopleâs perspectives over, engagement with and experienced outcomes of the land deal.
I argue that local voices and opportunities for influence in the context of land transactions in Madagascar are constructed at the intersection of national and village politics. I draw attention to the practices and discourses through which local state officials produce âpowers of exclusionâ and âpowers of complianceâ in their mediation of land deals. I show that, in socially-differentiated local populations, formal compliance with dispossession reflects processes of different natures: âcompliance as acquiescenceâ for some, but also âconstrained hopeâ, and potential challenging of local structures of domination or âcompliance as resistanceâ for others. I explore the moral economies that underpin perspectives on corporate land access as well as choices to express, or suppress, subversive voices and observe a resistance, across social divides, to the âdemoralising of land dealsâ. I show how the vulnerability of state authorities to social movements combined with competition for the resources of patronage and of authority associated with the control of corporate land access open interstices for influence. In a context of institutional bias however, only those who manage to activate key alliances with state officials and to unify village voices beyond inter and intra-class differences stand a chance of being heard
Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin, La métropolisation en question
La collection La ville en dĂ©bat des Presses Universitaires Françaises propose des ouvrages de synthĂšse sur des sujets touchant Ă lâurbain dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire (sociologie, gĂ©ographie, Ă©conomie, architecture). L'ouvrage prĂ©sentĂ© est celui de la gĂ©ographe Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin. SpĂ©cialiste des Ătats-Unis, elle travaille sur les transformations de la ville liĂ©es Ă la mondialisation. Elle nous livre ici une analyse « multisituĂ©e » (France, Ătats-Unis). Dans le contexte français ..
Lionel Rougé, Christophe Gay, Sylvie LandriÚve, Anais Lefranc-Morin, Claire Nicolas (dir.), 2013, Réhabiliter le périurbain. Comment vivre et bouger durablement dans ces territoires ?
Cet ouvrage publiĂ© en septembre 2013 constitue la synthĂšse des interventions et des Ă©changes qui se sont dĂ©roulĂ©s lors des deuxiĂšmes Rencontres du Forum Vies Mobiles, intitulĂ©es « Des mobilitĂ©s durables dans le pĂ©riurbain, est-ce possible ? » Dans une perspective gĂ©ographique et sociologique, le propos du livre aborde le sujet trĂšs fĂ©cond du pĂ©riurbain sous un nouvel angle et loin de certains prĂ©jugĂ©s qui ont la vie dure (inefficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique, consommation dâespaces, entre-soi rĂ©sidentiel..
Conceptualising rural environmental justice in Europe in an age of climate-influenced landscape transformations
âą Driven by net-zero policies, major landscape shifts expected in rural Europe. âą Injustices arise from potential climate-influenced landscape transformations. âą Empirical environmental justice study of three rural European landscapes. âą Unequal land access central to rural environmental justice
Vers des territoires métropolisés en réseau ? : le cas émergent du sillon lorrain
The upheavals linked to metropolization induce a territorial restructuring process. With decentralization, cities build networks. "Inter-territoriality" becomes a new configuration, as relevant as inherited proximity links. In Lorraine, the cooperation between Nancy and Metz was reactivated in the 1990's with the emergence of the "Sillon Lorrain". Since 2012, along with Thionville and Ăpinal, Nancy and Metz form a "pĂŽle mĂ©tropolitain". The current reform of the regional administrative map reinforces the stakes in this emerging political space. Borders and metropolitan issues are becoming increasingly important.This PhD work was supervised by a "CIFRE" partnership. Using the tools of regional applied geography, this reflexion focuses on the functional reality of this emergent space. It highlights mobility flows, on a regional and cross-border context, and spatial differentiation.The thesis reveals the incomplete metropolization of the Sillon Lorrain. The process is both endogenous (Metz and Nancy) and exogenous (Luxembourg). Mobility flows constitute one of the facets of the functional reality in this space. They tend to transform the socio-economic characteristics, in spite of the strong industrial legacy. This work provides suggestions in order to manage discontinuous, dilated and transitional spaces.Les bouleversements induits par la mĂ©tropolisation ont pour consĂ©quence une recomposition territoriale Ă toutes les Ă©chelles. Avec lâaffirmation de la dĂ©centralisation, les villes tissent des liens inĂ©dits qui renouvellent le concept de rĂ©seau. Lâ« interterritorialitĂ© » compte autant que les liens de proximitĂ© hĂ©ritĂ©s. En Lorraine, la coopĂ©ration Nancy-Metz initiĂ©e dĂšs les annĂ©es 1960 a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e Ă la fin des annĂ©es 1990 avec lâĂ©mergence du Sillon Lorrain. Aux cĂŽtĂ©s de Thionville et dâĂpinal, Metz et Nancy constituent depuis 2012 un pĂŽle mĂ©tropolitain. La rĂ©cente rĂ©forme de la carte rĂ©gionale renforce les enjeux dans cet espace politique en construction oĂč les problĂ©matiques mĂ©tropolitaines et frontaliĂšres prennent une importance grandissante.Initialement portĂ© grĂące Ă un partenariat CIFRE, ce travail de recherche doctorale mĂšne une rĂ©flexion sur la rĂ©alitĂ© fonctionnelle de cet espace Ă©mergent en mobilisant les outils de la gĂ©ographie rĂ©gionale appliquĂ©e. Lâanalyse sâappuie notamment sur les liaisons de mobilitĂ© interurbaine, lâinscription du Sillon dans son contexte rĂ©gional (Grand Est) et transfrontalier (Grande RĂ©gion) et encore sur le dĂ©fi de la fragmentation socio-spatiale. Lâanalyse rĂ©vĂšle que la mĂ©tropolisation dans le sillon est partielle. Elle relĂšve de dynamiques tant endogĂšnes (Metz et Nancy) quâexogĂšnes (Luxembourg). Les mobilitĂ©s constituent lâune des facettes de la rĂ©alitĂ© fonctionnelle de cet espace. Elles tendent Ă remodeler les caractĂ©ristiques socio-Ă©conomiques, mĂȘme si le legs industriel demeure prĂ©gnant. Ce travail exploratoire est force de proposition. Il avance des pistes de rĂ©flexion et se veut utile pour gĂ©rer des espaces discontinus, dilatĂ©s et en transition