107 research outputs found

    Farm diversification decision-making stages

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    Ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliavimas yra aktuali mokslinė problema, nes ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo realizavimo tyrimai nėra dažni. Straipsnio tikslas – pateikti pagrindinius ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapus. Teoriniam ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo modeliui patikrinti naudota ekspertų apklausa. Buvo apklausta 14 ekspertų. Nustatyta, kad ūkio diversifikacijos tikslų susiejimas su identifikuotų galimybių išorinėje aplinkoje ar ūkininko ūkyje išnaudojimu, sukuria ūkio vystymo prielaidas. Identifikuoti nauji ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų formulavimo būdai. Patvirtiti šie ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo alternatyvų vertinimo kriterijai: sprendimo išorinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, vidinės įgyvendinamumo galimybės, sinerginiai ryšiai, rizikingumas. Mokymasis turėtų tapti permanentiniu procesu, jis aktualus visuose ūkio diversifikacijos sprendimo priėmimo etapuose.That the farmer's decision to diversify the farm will achieve its objectives, it must be properly designed. Modeling of farm diversification decision–making is a scientific problem, because tests of the farm diversification decision realization are not common in the scientific literature. It is achieved article aim – identified the main farm’s diversification decision–making stages. The expert survey was used to check the theoretical diversification farmer’s decision–making model. 14 experts were interviewed. The study found that the farm diversification objectives connection with identified opportunities in external environment or with farm exploitation creates preconditions for farm development. Expert interviews helped identify new formulation methods of farm diversification solution alternatives. The farm diversification decision alternatives are important to assess according to following criteria: decision outside feasibility, internal feasibility, synergies, riskiness. Learning should become a permanent process


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    Cooperation is a strategy of an enterprise, seeking to retain its market share. The cooperation means the establishment of long‐term relations of production between economically and legally independent enterprises. The measurement of the level of cooperation achieved plays an important part in this process because it helps to determine the effect of cooperation on the efficiency of commercial activities of an enterprise, as well as the extent of cooperation influence, the conditions required for effective cooperation of enterprises, etc. In the present investigation, the analysis of the cooperation influence on the competitiveness of an enterprise is made, based on the suggested formula for determining the level of the cooperation achieved by enterprises. The analysis performed shows that this influence is not strong, implying that the appropriate organisational forms of cooperation have not been found yet. Cooperation mainly affects the profitability of an enterprise. The analysis of cooperation in the area of production shows that cooperation in production, and the development of new technologies and new products is most important for achieving enterprise profitability. The number of partners also has a great influence on cooperation effectiveness. Santrauka Kooperacija yra vienas iš imones strategines elgsenos būdu siekiant išlikti rinkoje. Tai nuolatiniu il‐galaikiu gamybiniu ryšiu nustatymas tarp ūkiškai ir teisiškai savarankišku imoniu. Svarbus vaidmuo kooperacijoje tenka jos pasiekto lygio matavimui, nes be to neimanoma nagrineti jos poveikio imoniu komercines veiklos efektyvumui, nustatyti šio poveikio ribu, efektyvios kooperacijos salygu ir pan. Re‐miantis pasiūlyta imoniu kooperacijos pasiekto lygio nustatymo formule, atlikta kooperacijos poveikio imones konkurencines veiklos rezultatams analize parode, kad jis nera stiprus, vadinasi, dar nerastos tinkamos organizacines jos formos. Kooperacija daro didžiausia itaka imones turto pelningumui. Ga‐mybos funkciju kooperavimo analize parode, kad labiausiai imoniu turto pelninguma veikia gamybos bei nauju technologiju ir produkto išvystymo kooperavimas. Didele itaka kooperacijos efektyvumui taip pat turi partneriu skaičius. First Published Online: 09 Jun 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai: imones kooperacija, kooperacijos matavimas, kooperacijos poveikis imones komercines veiklos rezultatam

    The assessment of the integration of public and corporate social responsibility in Lithuania

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    The traditions of CSR are formed and developed in Lithuania using the experience of the EU and various international organisations. Various factors interact with each other and influence opportunities of CSR promotion and development. Former economic crisis has had a serious injury to the development of CSR. Many companies in the country in 2008-2010 reduced staff salaries and unemployment significantly increased. It is therefore very important that the CSR principles would be implemented also in difficult business conditions, not just declared. The recovery of the national economy created favourable conditions for the development of a new CSR impulse. Various companies and institutions should make better use of arising opportunities for CSR development. Job creation opportunities depend on the level of entrepreneurship. Successful socially responsible development of own business makes it easier to create attractive jobs. However, the statistical analysis of the data shows that the entrepreneurship of the population of the country (especially women) is rather low. This shows that in Lithuania the reserves of entrepreneurship is not used in sector of small business. As we can see from the publication material, there are many factors in Lithuania that both encourage and stop CSR. It can be said that CSR and its options depend on these factors and interactions. Objective knowledge about their impact on the development of CSR is lacking. Therefore, CSR development opportunities and the assessment of the factors influencing it significantly requires more investigationsVilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, [email protected] Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij