5,715 research outputs found

    Anteproyecto de construcción de una estación de transferencia y adecuación de un punto limpio en el Pallars Sobirà

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    This final degree essay the preparation of a preliminary project for the construction of a transfer station and upgrade of an existing clean point in the municipality of Esterri d'Àneu. This facilities will serve 2,147 inhabitants of several municipalities at the Pallars Sobirà region. On 2015, the Regional Council modified the municipal system of waste collection for the region districts. The new system, called door-to-door (in Spanish PAP), includes delivering the waste in the front door of the house or shop, to the municipal collection service, according to a weekly and hourly stipulated schedule for each fraction collected. The system implementation calls for a municipal waste reception center as a first step of the final management of waste. The facilities arranged for this purpose are the existing clean point of the municipality of Esterri d'Àneu. The main objective is upgrade this clean point facilities to serve as a transfer station and reorganize the space for their complete adequacy in both areas. To this end, it is proposed the construction of a discharge dock and the arrangement of boxes and containers necessary to the collection of the waste stipulated by the Technical Standard for clean points in Catalonia. It also proposes the accommodation of offices, dressing rooms, restrooms and two warehouses. Finally, technical aspects of management and greening of facilities will be considered.Aquest treball de final de grau consisteixen en l'elaboració d'un avantprojecte de construcció d'una estació de transferència i adequació d'una deixalleria ja existent al municipi d'Esterri d'Àneu. Les instal·lacions atenderán 2.147 els habitants de diferents municipis de la comarca del Pallars Sobirà. L'any 2015 el Consell Comarcal va modificar el sistema de recollida de residus municipals per als municipis de la comarca. El nou sistema, anomenat porta a porta (PAP), consisteixen a lliurar els residus al servei municipal de recollida davant la porta de l'habitatge o comerç, segons un calendari setmanal per a cada fracció de recollida i en un horari estipulat. La implantació del sistema fa evident la necessitat d'un centre de recepció de residus municipals, com a pas previ a la gestió final dels residus. Les instal·lacions disposades són l'actual deixalleria del municipi d'Esterri d'Àneu. L'objectiu principal és acondicionar les instal·lacions de la deixalleria per a la funció d'estació de transferència i reorganitzar l'espai per a la seva completa competència en els dos àmbits. Amb aquest propòsit, es planteja la construcció d'un moll de descàrrega i la disposició de les caixes i contenidors necessaris per a la recollida dels residus estipulats per la Norma Tècnica per a deixalleries de Cataluña. També proposa l'adequació d'oficines, vestuaris, lavabos i dos magatzems. Finalment, es consideren aspectes tècnics de gestió i l'ambientalització de les instal·lacions.Este trabajo de final de grado consiste en la elaboración de un anteproyecto de construcción de una estación de transferencia y adecuación de un punto limpio ya existente en el municipio de Esterri d'Àneu. Las instalaciones atendrán a 2.147 habitantes de diferentes municipios de la comarca del Pallars Sobirà. En el año 2015 el Consejo Comarcal modificó el sistema de recogida de residuos municipales para los municipios de la comarca. El nuevo sistema, llamado puerta a puerta (PAP), consiste en entregar los residuos al servicio municipal de recogida delante de la puerta de la vivienda o comercio, según un calendario semanal para cada fracción recogida y en un horario estipulado. La implantación del sistema hace evidente la necesidad de un centro de recepción de residuos municipales, como paso previo a la gestión final de los residuos. Las instalaciones dispuestas para la función son el actual punto limpio del municipio de Esterri d'Àneu. El objetivo principal es acondicionar las instalaciones del punto limpio para la función de estación de trasferencia y reorganizar el espacio para su completa competencia en los dos ámbitos. Con este propósito, se plantea la construcción de un muelle de descarga y la disposición de las cajas y contenedores necesarios para la recogida de los residuos estipulados por la Norma Técnica para puntos limpios de Cataluña. También se propone la adecuación de oficinas, vestuarios, lavabos y dos almacenes. Por último, se considerarán aspectos técnicos de gestión y la ambientalización de las instalaciones

    Apsidal Motion of the Massive, Benchmark Eclipsing Binary V578 Mon

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    V578 Mon is a system of two early B-type stars in the Rosette Nebula star-forming region (NGC 2244), and is one of only nine eclipsing binaries with component masses greater than 10 M\odot whose physical parameters have been determined with an accuracy of better than 3%. It is therefore a benchmark system for evolutionary and stellar structure models of newly formed massive stars. Combining our multi-band light curves spanning 40 yr with previous light curve data from the literature, we fit a model light curve that for the first time includes the effects of apsidal motion of the system. We measure an apsidal period of 33.48+0.10-0.06 yr. As a consequence of incorporating the apsidal motion into the modeling of the system's orbital parameters, we determine an updated eccentricity of e = 0.07755+0.00022-0.00027, which differs significantly from the value previously reported in the literature. Evidently, the inclusion of apsidal motion in the light curve modeling significantly affects the eccentricity determination. Incorporating these key parameters into a comprehensive model of the system's physical parameters-including internal structure constraints- will bring V578 Mon to the next level of benchmark precision and utility.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the Astronomical Journa

    The Receptor-Like Kinase SERK3/BAK1 Is Required for Basal Resistance against the Late Blight Pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    BACKGROUND The filamentous oomycete plant pathogen Phytophthora infestans causes late blight, an economically important disease, on members of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), such as the crop plants potato and tomato. The related plant Nicotiana benthamiana is a model system to study plant-pathogen interactions, and the susceptibility of N. benthamiana to Phytophthora species varies from susceptible to resistant. Little is known about the extent to which plant basal immunity, mediated by membrane receptors that recognise conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), contributes to P. infestans resistance. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We found that different species of Phytophthora have varying degrees of virulence on N. benthamiana ranging from avirulence (incompatible interaction) to moderate virulence through to full aggressiveness. The leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) BAK1/SERK3 is a major modulator of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) in Arabidopsis thaliana and N. benthamiana. We cloned two NbSerk3 homologs, NbSerk3A and NbSerk3B, from N. benthamiana based on sequence similarity to the A. thaliana gene. N. benthamiana plants silenced for NbSerk3 showed markedly enhanced susceptibility to P. infestans infection but were not altered in resistance to Phytophthora mirabilis, a sister species of P. infestans that specializes on a different host plant. Furthermore, silencing of NbSerk3 reduced the cell death response triggered by the INF1, a secreted P. infestans protein with features of PAMPs. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE We demonstrated that N. benthamiana NbSERK3 significantly contributes to resistance to P. infestans and regulates the immune responses triggered by the P. infestans PAMP protein INF1. In the future, the identification of novel surface receptors that associate with NbSERK3A and/or NbSERK3B should lead to the identification of new receptors that mediate recognition of oomycete PAMPs, such as INF1.This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, BBSRC, Nuffield Foundation and the German Research Foundation (DFG). SS was supported by a personal research fellowship (SCHO1347/1-1). JPR is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow (FT0992129). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    When & How to Transfer with Transfer Learning

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    In deep learning, transfer learning (TL) has become the de facto approach when dealing with image related tasks. Visual features learnt for one task have been shown to be reusable for other tasks, improving performance significantly. By reusing deep representations, TL enables the use of deep models in domains with limited data availability, limited computational resources and/or limited access to human experts. Domains which include the vast majority of real-life applications. This paper conducts an experimental evaluation of TL, exploring its trade-offs with respect to performance, environmental footprint, human hours and computational requirements. Results highlight the cases were a cheap feature extraction approach is preferable, and the situations where an expensive fine-tuning effort may be worth the added cost. Finally, a set of guidelines on the use of TL are proposed

    Evaluación de la información sanitaria disponible en Internet sobre las recomendaciones de vacunación frente al Meningococo B

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    Fundamentos. La calidad de la información sanitaria en internet preocupa a gobiernos y usuarios. Nuestro objetivo fue determinar en qué medida la información disponible en la red sobre las recomendaciones de vacunación frente al meningococo B se adhiere a lo indicado por el Ministerio de Sanidad español. Métodos. Estudio transversal realizado en abril de 2017. Se evaluó la adhesión de la información sobre recomendaciones de recibir la vacuna. La información se obtuvo a través de Google utilizando veinte palabras clave. Se utilizó la prueba chi-cuadrado para estudiar la asociación entre obtener información adherida y el tipo de origen de la misma. Resultados. Se analizaron 186 enlaces web. Se detectaron recomendaciones adheridas entre el 52, 2% (97/186) de los enlaces para la indicación en personas con deficiencia de properdina/factores terminales del complemento, y el 79, 6% para las situaciones de brotes. Vacunar a niños a partir de los dos meses de edad fue una recomendación no elaborada por el Ministerio que se detectó en el 72, 6% de los enlaces. Para cada una de las recomendaciones del Ministerio, los organismos oficiales de salud pública siempre proporcionaron información adherida. Medios de comunicación digitales aportaron con una frecuencia significativamente mayor, que las Sociedades Científicas, información adherida sobre vacunar a personas con deficiencia de properdina/factores terminales del complemento (OR: 2, 72; IC95%: 1, 18-6, 28) y asplenia (OR: 3, 83; IC95%: 1, 66-8, 86). Conclusiones. Se evidencia una dificultad para obtener información adherida a lo indicado por la ponencia de vacunación del Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Se debe promocionar en los usuarios la consulta de páginas web de organismos oficiales de salud pública cuando busquen información sobre esta vacuna. Background. The quality of health information online is a concern to governments and users. Our objective was to determine the extent to which the information available online regarding meningococcal B vaccine recommendations adhere to the guidelines of the Spanish Ministry of Health. Methods. Cross-sectional study carried out in April 2017. The study assessed adherence of information regarding vaccine recommendations to official guidelines. The information was collected via Google with 20 keywords. The Chi-squared test was used to analyze the association between the adhered information and its origin. Results. In total, 186 web links were analyzed. Adhered recommendations were found in a range of links, from 52.2% (97/186) with an indication for people with properdin deficiency/termial component pathway deficiency, to 79.6% for outbreak situations. Vaccinating children from two months of age was a recommendation not issued by the Ministry that was found in 72.6% of the links. For each of the Ministry recommendations, official public health institutions always provide information adhering to them. Digital media provided information about vaccination adhering to official guidelines with a significantly higher frequency than scientific societies in cases of people with . properdin deficiency/terminal component pathway deficiency (OR: 2.72; 95%CI: 1.186.28) and asplenia (OR: 3.83; 95%CI: 1.66-8.86). Conclusions. We have observed a difficulty to obtain adhered information. Users must be encouraged to access websites of official public health institutions when looking for information about this vaccine

    The Prescription of Mobile Apps by Primary Care Teams: A Pilot Project in Catalonia

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    Mobile apps; Apps; MHealth; Primary health care; Telemedicine; TelemonitoringAplicacions mòbils; Aplicacions; Salut; Atenció primària; Telemedicina; TelemonitoritzacióAplicaciones móviles; Aplicaciones; MSalud; Atención primaria; Telemedicina; TelemonitoreoIn Catalonia, the Fundació TIC Salut Social's mHealth Office created the AppSalut Site to showcase to mobile apps in the field of health and social services. Its primary objective was to encourage the public to look after their health. The catalogue allows primary health care doctors to prescribe certified, connected apps, which guarantees a safe and reliable environment for their use. The generated data can be consulted by health care professionals and included in the patient's clinical history. This document presents the intervention and the major findings following a five-month pilot project conducted in the Barcelona area.This study was conducted with the support of the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge at the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Multimodal interaction on english testing academic assessment

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    [EN] Multimodal interaction methods applied to learning environments of the English language will be a line for future research from the use of adapted mobile phones or PDAs. Today's mobile devices allow access and data entry in a synchronized manner through different channels. At the academic level we made the first analysis of English language learning on a multimodal experimental platform. The research will evaluate the impact of college students use for future online applications aimed at improving language skills through self-learning. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Huseyin UzunboyluThis work was carried out through research conducted in the project: "Analysis and verification of adaptation and accessible multimodal interaction for language examinations on mobile devices". It has been funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València as part of the program: "Projects for new lines in multidisciplinary research PID-05-10".Magal Royo, T.; Giménez López, JL.; García Laborda, J. (2012). Multimodal interaction on english testing academic assessment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 46:5824-5827. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.522S582458274