35 research outputs found

    The 12 prophets dataset

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    The "Ajeijadinho 3D" project is an initiative supported by the University of S\~ao Paulo (Museum of Science and Dean of Culture and Extension), which involves the 3D digitization of art works of Brazilian sculptor Antonio Francisco Lisboa, better known as Aleijadinho. The project made use of advanced acquisition and processing of 3D meshes for preservation and dissemination of the cultural heritage. The dissemination occurs through a Web portal, so that the population has the opportunity to meet the art works in detail using 3D visualization and interaction. The portal address is http://www.aleijadinho3d.icmc.usp.br. The 3D acquisitions were conducted over a week at the end of July 2013 in the cities of Ouro Preto, MG, Brazil and Congonhas do Campo, MG, Brazil. The scanning was done with a special equipment supplied by company Leica Geosystems, which allowed the work to take place at distances between 10 and 30 meters, defining a non-invasive procedure, simplified logistics, and without the need for preparation or isolation of the sites. In Ouro Preto, we digitized the churches of Francisco of Assis, Our Lady of Carmo, and Our Lady of Mercy; in Congonhas do Campo we scanned the entire Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos and his 12 prophets. Once scanned, the art works went through a long process of preparation, which required careful handling of meshes done by experts from the University of S\~ao Paulo in partnership with company Imprimate.Comment: Full dataset online at http://aleijadinho3d.icmc.usp.br/data.htm

    Características químicas de um latossolo adubado com uréia e cloreto de potássio em ambiente protegido

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    A produção de vegetais mais sadios e de boa qualidade e o fornecimento contínuo no mercado são fatores que têm determinado a adoção do sistema de cultivo protegido por um número maior de produtores. Porém, devido ao pouco conhecimento sobre o manejo do solo nessas condições, tem-se aplicado altas doses de fertilizantes, ocasionando problemas de salinidade e desequilíbrio nutricional. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da uréia e do cloreto de potássio nas características químicas de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Destrófico, principalmente nos índices de acidez e saturação em potássio. O N e o K foram aplicados em cobertura, nas doses equivalentes de 13,3 e 39,9 g m-2 de N e 5,5 e 16,6 g m-2 de K, em esquema fatorial (2x2+1), com tratamento adicional, sem a aplicação dos nutrientes. Cultivou-se pimentão, cultivar Mayata, em condições de ambiente protegido, durante 34 semanas. Após o pegamento das mudas, foi aplicado 1/6 dos nutrientes a cada dez dias. Ao final do ciclo, as formas de N nítrico e N amoniacal representaram melhor as doses do nutriente aplicados ao solo e não houve acidificação. As raízes tiveram significativo crescimento após a aplicação de N, enquanto que o aumento da dose de K, aplicado como KCl, prejudicou o crescimento radicular, provavelmente associado à alta concentração de K no solo e possíveis efeitos salinos, correspondendo a mais de 5,0 mmol c dm-3 e mais que 5,3% de saturação do K no complexo de troca, na camada superficial do solo

    Morte súbita dos citros: suscetibilidade de seleções de limão-cravo e uso de interenxertos Citrus sudden death: susceptibility of rangpur lime selections and the use of interstocks

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    A morte súbita dos citros é uma doença que afeta cultivares de laranjas e tangerinas enxertadas nos limões-Cravo e Volkameriano. Ela foi observada em plantas com dois a seis anos de idade que, após mostrarem sintomas gerais de declínio, entraram em colapso e morreram. A retirada da casca dos porta-enxertos suscetíveis revela o amarelecimento na região cambial, sendo esse o sintoma-diagnóstico da doença e que precede os sintomas da copa. As plantas enxertadas nas tangerinas Cleópatra e Sunki, no trifoliata e no citrumelo Swingle, não mostram sintomas da doença. A transmissão por borbulha e a evolução espacial sugerem que a morte súbita dos citros seja causada por patógeno transmitido por vetor alado. Com o objetivo de selecionar porta-enxertos tolerantes à doença, laranjeiras Valência enxertadas em 254 porta-enxertos foram plantadas em maio de 2003 e 2004 em solos onde foram erradicados pomares afetados pela morte súbita dos citros e próximos a pomares afetados pela doença. Em novembro de 2006, o sintoma-diagnóstico da doença estava presente em dez seleções de limão-Cravo: Santa Barbara red lime, Borneo red lime, Limão-Cravo Taquaritinga, Rangpur India C-26-1, Rangpur rose lemon, Rangpur Kusaie lime, Rangpur red lime D-33-40, Rangpur Egyptian lime, Rangpur lemon India e Japanshe citroen. A presença de interenxerto de trifoliata ou de tangerina Cleópatra, entre o limão-Cravo e a laranja Valência, não impediu a manifestação da doença.<br>Citrus sudden death (CSD) or morte súbita dos citros affects sweet orange cultivars and some mandarin trees grafted on Rangpur lime and Volkamer lemon rootstocks. The disease was observed in trees with ages ranging from two to six years; after showing general decline symptoms, the affected trees suddenly collapse and die. Trees on Cleopatra and Sunki mandarins, 'Swingle' citrumelo and trifoliate orange showed no symptoms of CSD. Cambial yellowing in the rootstock can be observed being this the main diagnostic symptom of the disease. The transmission of CSD by graft-inoculation and the spatial evolution suggest that CSD is caused by an insect-vectored pathogen. In order to search for tolerant rootstocks five nursery trees of Valencia sweet orange budded on each of 254 rootstocks were planted in May 2003 and May 2004 in soils were citrus trees affected by CSD were eradicated. Until November 2006, symptoms of the disease were observed on trees budded on the following Rangpur lime selections: Santa Barbara red lime, Borneo red lime, Limão Cravo Taquaritinga, Rangpur India C-26-1, Rangpur rose lemon, Rangpur Kusaie lime, Rangpur red lime D-33-40, Rangpur Egyptian lime, Rangpur lemon India and Japanshe citroen. The use of an interstock of trifoliate or Cleopatra mandarin between Rangpur lime and the Valencia sweet orange scion did not avoid the disease

    Influence of apocynin on cardiac remodeling in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus

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    Abstract Background Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation in diabetes mellitus (DM) is an important mechanism leading to diabetic cardiomyopathy. Apocynin, a drug isolated from the herb Picrorhiza kurroa, is considered an antioxidant agent by inhibiting NADPH oxidase activity and improving ROS scavenging. This study analyzed the influence of apocynin on cardiac remodeling in diabetic rats. Methods Six-month-old male Wistar rats were assigned into 4 groups: control (CTL, n = 15), control + apocynin (CTL + APO, n = 20), diabetes (DM, n = 20), and diabetes + apocynin (DM + APO, n = 20). DM was induced by streptozotocin. Seven days later, apocynin (16 mg/kg/day) or vehicle was initiated and maintained for 8 weeks. Left ventricular (LV) histological sections were used to analyze interstitial collagen fraction. NADPH oxidase activity was evaluated in LV samples. Comparisons between groups were performed by ANOVA for a 2 × 2 factorial design followed by the Bonferroni post hoc test. Results Body weight (BW) was lower and glycemia higher in diabetic animals. Echocardiogram showed increased left atrial diameter, LV diastolic diameter, and LV mass indexed by BW in both diabetic groups; apocynin did not affect these indices. LV systolic function was impaired in DM groups and unchanged by apocynin. Isovolumic relaxation time was increased in DM groups; transmitral E/A ratio was higher in DM + APO compared to DM. Myocardial functional evaluation through papillary muscle preparations showed impaired contractile and relaxation function in both DM groups at baseline conditions. After positive inotropic stimulation, developed tension (DT) was lower in DM than CTL. In DM + APO, DT had values between those in DM and CTL + APO and did not significantly differ from either group. Myocardial interstitial collagen fraction was higher in DM than CTL and did not differ between DM + APO and CTL + APO. Serum activity of antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase was lower in DM than CTL; apocynin restored catalase and SOD levels in DM + APO. Myocardial NADPH oxidase activity did not differ between groups. Conclusion Apocynin restores serum antioxidant enzyme activity despite unchanged myocardial NADPH oxidase activity in diabetic rats