6 research outputs found

    Fracturas diafisarias de h煤mero en adultos: estudio retrospectivo de 53 casos

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    Se estudian retrospectivamente 53 pacientes adultos con fractura diafisaria de h煤mero, 36 de los cuales siguieron el tratamiento ortop茅dico funcional. En otros 17 casos, pacientes politraumatizados o con fracturas de tercio medio transversas, realizamos tratamiento quir煤rgico. La edad media de los pacientes fue 48 卤 2 2 a帽os. Se afect贸 m谩s el lado derecho, siendo el antecedente etiol贸gico m谩s frecuente el accidente casual. No hubo diferencia entre el tiempo de consolidaci贸n con el tratamiento ortop茅dico-funcional (60 卤 14 d铆as) y el tratamiento quir煤rgico (56 卤1 2 d铆as). Como complicaciones hubo 7 pseudoartrosis (4 tras tratamiento ortop茅dico-funcional y 3 tratamiento quir煤rgico). La edad media de los pacientes con pseudoartrosis fue superior a la de los pacientes con consolidaci贸n completa. Ocho casos cursaron con lesi贸n del nervio radial, obteniendo una recuperaci贸n funcional del 100% en un tiempo medio de 38 卤 30 semanas. Valorando los resultados con arreglo a los criterios de Gayet, hemos obtenido un 80% de buenos y muy buenos resultados con tratamiento ortop茅dico funcional y un 70% con tratamiento quir煤rgico.Fifty three adult patients with fracture of the humeral shaft were retrospectively studied. Orthopaedic-functional treatment was applied in 36 cases. Seventeen patients with either multiple injuries or transverse middle-shaft fractures were surgically treated. The mean age of patients was 48 卤 21 years. Right side was most frecuently affected and casual fall was the predominated etiology. There were no differences regarding the average consolidation period between fractures treated conservatively (60 卤 14 days) and those undergoing surgery (56 卤 12 days). As complications, there were 7 monounions (4 conservative and 3 operative treatment). The mean age of patients with non-unions was higther than those with complete fracture consolidation. Radial nerve injury was seen in 8 cases. In all there patients, a complete functional were recovery was obtained with a mean average time of 38 卤 30 weeks. When evaluating functional results according to Gayet, satisfactory results were found in 80 per cent of patients with conservative treatment and 70 per cent of those surgically treated

    Aplasia del arco posterior del Atlas

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    Las anomal铆as cong茅nitas del arco posterior del Atlas son poco frecuentes. Se presenta el caso de una paciente, que tras sufrir un accidente se diagnostic贸 de aplasia parcial del atlas. Esta lesi贸n es considerada como una variante anat贸mica benigna de la regi贸n cr谩neovertebral. Se expone el desarrollo y el significado de esta anomal铆a.Congenital anomalies of the posterior arch of the atlas are uncommon. This paper presents the case of a patient who, as result of an accident, was diagnosed as having a congenital partial agenesia of the posterior arch of the atlas. This finding is considered as a benign anatomical variation of the craniovertebral junction region. The development and clinical significance of this anomaly are discussed

    Valoraci贸n cl铆nico-radiol贸gica de la articulaci贸n femoropatelar en pr贸tesis que conservan los ligamentos cruzados

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    Se realiz贸 un estudio retrospectivo en 104 pacientes con 116 pr贸tesis tricompartimentales de rodilla que conservan los dos ligamentos cruzados. Se analiz贸 la situaci贸n radiol贸gica de la r贸tula, su relaci贸n con el implante prot茅sico y los efectos de estos factores sobre la movilidad de la rodilla. Se realizaron proyecciones radiogr谩ficas AP, lateral y axial a 30掳 y se obtuvieron las siguientes variables: espesor residual rotuliano, posici贸n del componente met谩lico respecto a la r贸tula, 谩ngulo de Laurin, y grado de subluxaci贸n rotuliana. Se compar贸 la relaci贸n existente entre las diferentes variables, y 茅stas con respecto a los grados de flexi贸n. Un 52,2% de las patelas presentaban una alineaci贸n central. Se obtuvo una relaci贸n significativa entre el 谩ngulo de inclinaci贸n y el grado de subluxaci贸n patelar, sin embargo las variables a estudio no han presentado influencia en el grado de movilidad prot茅sica, dentro de los rangos expuestos.A retrospective study was performed in 104 patients with 116 tricompartimental non-constrained knee prostheses. The radiological possition of the patella, its relationwith the prosthetic implant and the effect of these factors in the final range of movement of the knee were analyzed. AP, lateral and 30掳 axial radiological views were taken and the following variables were studied: residual patellar thickness, position of the metallic component with respect to the patella, Laurin''s angle and subluxation of the patella.The relation between these findings and also respect to postoperative maximum flexion were investigated. Overall, 52% of the patella tracked centrally. A statystical significant relation between the inclination angle and the patellar subluxation degree was obtained. However, within the exposed ranges, the studied variables have not demonstrated influence in the prosthetic range of movement

    S铆ndrome del t煤nel tarsiano: a prop贸sito de un caso

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    El S铆ndrome del t煤nel tarsiano est谩 causado por el atrapamiento del nervio tibial posterior o sus ramas a nivel del retin谩culo flexor en el tobillo. Se describe un caso de s铆ndrome de t煤nel tarsiano causado por un quiste sinovial. El paciente refer铆a dolor desde hac铆a 1 mes a nivel retromaleolar irradiado a planta del pie y primer dedo. Al mes de iniciado los s铆ntomas se apreci贸 una tumoraci贸n a nivel retromaleolar. Se exponen los hallazgos EMG, ecograf铆a y R.M.N. Cuando la causa de esta entidad es una lesi贸n ocupante de espacio, est谩 indicada la cirug铆a, siendo el pron贸stico mejor cuanto m谩s precoz es la intervenci贸n.Tarsal tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy caused by compression of the posterior tibial nerve or one of its branches beneath the ankle flexor retinaculum. We present a case of tarsal tunnel syndrome caused by synovial cyst. Since one month the patient complained about pain retromaleolarly radiating to the sole of the foot and first toe. At retromaleolar level a mass was found one month after the onset of symptoms. We report the E.M.G., ultrasonography and R.N.M. findings. When the cause of this syndrome is a space-occupying lesion surgery is indicated. The results of surgery are worse when operation is delayed

    Osteos铆ntesis con tornillos de Kadar en las fracturas de cuello femoral

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    Se estudian retrospectivamente 30 pacientes con fractura de cuello femoral, tipo I y II de Garden, tratadas con osteos铆ntesis a compresi贸n mediante tornillos de esponjosa tipo Kadar. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 70卤19 a帽os, siendo el accidente casual la etiolog铆a de todas ellas. Se valor贸 la calidad de la reducci贸n y de la fijaci贸n mediante criterios radiogr谩ficos, siendo la reducci贸n 贸ptima en el 93 % de los pacientes y la fijaci贸n en el 50%. Como complicaciones hubo 2 desplazamientos precoces de la fractura. No ha habido ninguna pseudoartrosis ni necrosis avascular. Valorando los resultados con arreglo a los criterios de Merle d'Aubign茅, hemos obtenidos un 84% de buenos resultados. Creemos que el factor pron贸stico m谩s importante es la reducci贸n anat贸mica de la fractura.Thirty patients with Garden's type I and II femoral neck fracture treated by Kadar's spongiosa compressive screws were retrospectively studied. The mean age of patients was 70卤9 years. In all cases, the etiology was a casual accident. Fracture reduction and positioning of the osteosynthesis were assessed by radiographic criteria. Satisfactory reduction was achieved in 93 percent of the patients, and the osteosynthesis was accurate in 50 per cent. As for complications, there were 2 early fracture redisplacement. There were neither non-union nor avascular necrosis. When evaluating functional results according to Merle d'Aubign茅 criteria, satisfactory results were found in 84 per cent of patients. In our opinion, the more important pronostic factor is the anatomic reduction of the fracture

    Luxaci贸n Traum谩tica de Cadera en el Ni帽o

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    La luxaci贸n traum谩tica de cadera en el ni帽o es una lesi贸n poco frecuente. Los autores presentan un caso de luxaci贸n anterior de cadera en un ni帽o de 4 a帽os producida por traumatismo m铆nimo. La exploraci贸n realizada en urgencias mostr贸 impotencia funcional para la deambulaci贸n y gran dolor. El seguimiento ha sido de 18 meses tras los cuales el paciente no presenta complicaciones. Exponen su experiencia en el caso y revisi贸n de la bibliograf铆a.Traumatic hip dislocation of the hip is rare in children. The authors report a case of anterior hip dislocation in a 4-year-old boy who received relatively minor trauma. He was unable to walk and was in severe pain when seen in emergency room. He was followed-up for 18 months and no complications have appeared. They report here their experience with one case and review the literature