12,432 research outputs found

    Dilatation of Lateral Ventricles with Brain Volumes in Infants with 3D Transfontanelle US

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    Ultrasound (US) can be used to assess brain development in newborns, as MRI is challenging due to immobilization issues, and may require sedation. Dilatation of the lateral ventricles in the brain is a risk factor for poorer neurodevelopment outcomes in infants. Hence, 3D US has the ability to assess the volume of the lateral ventricles similar to clinically standard MRI, but manual segmentation is time consuming. The objective of this study is to develop an approach quantifying the ratio of lateral ventricular dilatation with respect to total brain volume using 3D US, which can assess the severity of macrocephaly. Automatic segmentation of the lateral ventricles is achieved with a multi-atlas deformable registration approach using locally linear correlation metrics for US-MRI fusion, followed by a refinement step using deformable mesh models. Total brain volume is estimated using a 3D ellipsoid modeling approach. Validation was performed on a cohort of 12 infants, ranging from 2 to 8.5 months old, where 3D US and MRI were used to compare brain volumes and segmented lateral ventricles. Automatically extracted volumes from 3D US show a high correlation and no statistically significant difference when compared to ground truth measurements. Differences in volume ratios was 6.0 +/- 4.8% compared to MRI, while lateral ventricular segmentation yielded a mean Dice coefficient of 70.8 +/- 3.6% and a mean absolute distance (MAD) of 0.88 +/- 0.2mm, demonstrating the clinical benefit of this tool in paediatric ultrasound

    The effect of stellar-mass black holes on the structural evolution of massive star clusters

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    We present the results of realistic N-body modelling of massive star clusters in the Magellanic Clouds, aimed at investigating a dynamical origin for the radius-age trend observed in these systems. We find that stellar-mass black holes, formed in the supernova explosions of the most massive cluster stars, can constitute a dynamically important population. If a significant number of black holes are retained (here we assume complete retention), these objects rapidly form a dense core where interactions are common, resulting in the scattering of black holes into the cluster halo, and the ejection of black holes from the cluster. These two processes heat the stellar component, resulting in prolonged core expansion of a magnitude matching the observations. Significant core evolution is also observed in Magellanic Cloud clusters at early times. We find that this does not result from the action of black holes, but can be reproduced by the effects of mass-loss due to rapid stellar evolution in a primordially mass segregated cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters; 2 figures, 1 tabl

    The Emergence of the Thick Disk in a CDM Universe II: Colors and Abundance Patterns

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    The recently emerging conviction that thick disks are prevalent in disk galaxies, and their seemingly ubiquitous old ages, means that the formation of the thick disk, perhaps more than any other component, holds the key to unravelling the evolution of the Milky Way, and indeed all disk galaxies. In Paper I, we proposed that the thick disk was formed in an epoch of gas rich mergers, at high redshift. This hypothesis was based on comparing N-body/SPH simulations to a variety of Galactic and extragalactic observations, including stellar kinematics, ages and chemical properties.Here examine our thick disk formation scenario in light of the most recent observations of extragalactic thick disks. In agreement, our simulted thick disks are old and relatively metal rich, with V-I colors that do not vary significantly with distance from the plane. Further, we show that our proposal results in an enhancement of alpha-elements in thick disk stars as compared with thin disk stars, consistent with observations of the relevant populations of the Milky Way. We also find that our scenario naturally leads to the formation of an old metal weak stellar halo population with high alpha-element abundances.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars

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    We present an analysis of the space motions of 742 subdwarf stars based on the sample of Carney et al. (1994, CLLA). Hipparcos parallaxes, TYC2+HIP proper motions and Tycho2 proper motions were combined with radial velocities and metallicities from CLLA. The kinematical behavior is discussed in particular in relation to their metallicities. The majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of [Fe/H] >-1 and represent the thick disk population. The halo component, with [Fe/H] <-1.6, is characterized by a low mean rotation velocity and a radially elongated velocity ellipsoid. In the intermediate metallicity range (-1.6 < [Fe/H] <-1), we find a significant number of subdwarfs with disklike kinematics. We interpret this population of stars as a metal-weak thick disk population.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Inner Galaxy resolved at IJK using DENIS data

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    We present the analysis of three colour optical/near-infrared images, in IJK, taken for the DENIS project. The region considered covers 17.4 square deg and lies within |l|<5 deg, |b|<1.5 deg. The adopted methods for deriving photometry and astrometry in these crowded images, together with an analysis of the deficiencies nevertheless remaining, are presented. The numbers of objects extracted in I,J and K are 748000, 851000 and 659000 respectively, to magnitude limits of 17,15 and 13. 80% completeness levels typically fall at magnitudes 16, 13 and 10 respectively, fainter by about 2 magnitudes than the usual DENIS limits due to the crowded nature of these fields. A simple model to describe the disk contribution to the number counts is constructed, and parameters for the dust layer derived. We find that a formal fit of parameters for the dust plane, from these data in limited directions, gives a scalelength and scaleheight of 3.4+-1.0 kpc and 40+-5 pc respectively, and a solar position 14.0+-2.5 pc below the plane. This latter value is likely to be affected by localised dust asymmetries. We convolve a detailed model of the systematic and random errors in the photometry with a simple model of the Galactic disk and dust distribution, to simulate expected colour-magnitude diagrams. These are in good agreement with the observed diagrams, allowing us to isolate those stars from the inner disk and bulge. After correcting for local dust-induced asymmetries, we find evidence for longitude-dependent asymmetries in the distant J and K sources, consistent with the general predictions of some Galactic bar models. We consider complementary L-band observations in a second paper.Comment: 14 pages, 33 figures, LaTeX, MNRAS accepte

    The Physical Basis for Long-lived Electronic Coherence in Photosynthetic Light Harvesting Systems

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    The physical basis for observed long-lived electronic coherence in photosynthetic light-harvesting systems is identified using an analytically soluble model. Three physical features are found to be responsible for their long coherence lifetimes: i) the small energy gap between excitonic states, ii) the small ratio of the energy gap to the coupling between excitonic states, and iii) the fact that the molecular characteristics place the system in an effective low temperature regime, even at ambient conditions. Using this approach, we obtain decoherence times for a dimer model with FMO parameters of ≈\approx 160 fs at 77 K and ≈\approx 80 fs at 277 K. As such, significant oscillations are found to persist for 600 fs and 300 fs, respectively, in accord with the experiment and with previous computations. Similar good agreement is found for PC645 at room temperature, with oscillations persisting for 400 fs. The analytic expressions obtained provide direct insight into the parameter dependence of the decoherence time scales.Comment: 5 figures; J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2011

    Disentangling the Hercules stream

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    Using high-resolution spectra of nearby F and G dwarf stars, we have investigated the detailed abundance and age structure of the Hercules stream. We find that the stars in the stream have a wide range of stellar ages, metallicities, and element abundances. By comparing to existing samples of stars in the solar neighbourhood with kinematics typical of the Galactic thin and thick disks we find that the properties of the Hercules stream distinctly separate into the abundance and age trends of the two disks. Hence, we find it unlikely that the Hercules stream is a unique Galactic stellar population, but rather a mixture of thin and thick disk stars. This points toward a dynamical origin for the Hercules stream, probably caused by the Galactic bar.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The story of the discovery of Mount Morgan retold

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    Contamination control program plan for the ultraviolet spectrometer experiment, revision E

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    The contamination control program plan delineates the cleanliness requirements to be attained and maintained, and the methods to be utilized, in the fabrication, handling, test, calibration, shipment, pre-installation checkout and installation for the ultraviolet spectrometer experiment prototype, qualification and flight equipment
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