8 research outputs found

    Pneumoperitoneum by using a Veress needle puncture in the left hypochondriac region: a prospective, randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: In the creation of the pneumoperitoneum with the Veress neddle, all reported incidents occurred during the puncture in the midline of the abdomen. Albeit rare, such type of incident has a high mortality rate as it normally severs the large vessels. The objective of this research is to test the efficacy of a safer alternative method of puncture in the left hipocondrium. METHODS: Sixty two patients, distributed randomly into two groups were studied. Group HE: puncture in the left hipocondrium (n = 30), and Group LM: puncture in the medline of the abdomen (n = 32). An evaluation was carried out of the results of the tests as to the positioning of the needle, the number of failed attempts to access the peritoneal cavity and the time taken for the creation of the pneumoperitoneum. Real flows, intraperitoneal pressure, and injected volumes were recorded at 20 second intervals, until pressure had reached 12mmHg. RESULTS: The results of the test regarding the positioning of the Needle were equally positive. There were two unsuccessful attempts at piercing in Group LM and one in Group HE. The time taken for the creation of the pneumoperitoneum was on average of 3 minutes and 46 seconds for Group HE and of 4 minutes and 2 seconds for Group LM. The average measures recorded regarding flow, pressure and volume were equivalent in each Group, respectively. The statistical analysis has demonstrated that piercing of the left hypocondrium was as effective in the creation of the pneumoperitoneum as it was the case as regards the piercing of the medium line of the abdomen. CONCLUSION: The left hipocondrium must be the preferred place for the puncture with the Veress needle so as to create the artificial pneumoperitoneum by the closed technique, as it entails a smaller risk.OBJETIVO: Na criação do pneumoperitônio com agulha de Veress por punção na linha média do abdome têm sido relatados acidentes que, apesar de raros, afetam freqüentemente os grandes vasos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é testar a eficácia da punção alternativa no hipocôndrio esquerdo e avaliar a eficácia e segurança desta punção. MÉTODO: Sessenta e dois pacientes distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos foram estudados prospectivamente: grupo HE, punção no hipocôndrio esquerdo (n = 30), e grupo LM, punção na linha média do abdome (n = 32). Foram avaliados os testes de posicionamento da agulha, o número de tentativas frustradas e a duração da instalação do pneumoperitônio. Os fluxos correntes, as pressões intraperitoneais e os volumes injetados foram registrados a cada 20 segundos, até 12mmHg. RESULTADOS: Os testes de posicionamento foram positivos em ambos os grupos. Ocorreram duas tentativas infrutíferas de punção no grupo LM e uma no grupo HE. O tempo de duração para o estabelecimento do pneumoperitônio foi em média de 3 minutos e 46 segundos para o Grupo HE e de 4 minutos e 2 segundos para o grupo LM. As médias dos fluxos, das pressões e dos volumes foram respectivamente equivalentes entre os grupos. A análise estatística demonstrou que a punção no HE foi tão eficaz no estabelecimento do pneumoperitônio quanto a punção na LM do abdome. CONCLUSÕES: A punção no HE deve ser o local de escolha para a punção com agulha de Veress na criação do pneumoperitônio artificial pela técnica fechada, por ser segura e eficaz.Hospital do Servidor PúblicoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)CNPqUNIFESP Setor de VideocirurgiaUNIFESHospital do Servidor Público Setor de VideocirurgiaUNIFESP, Setor de VideocirurgiaSciEL

    Structural changes in intestinal enteroendocrine cells after ileal interposition in normal rats

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    INTRODUCTION: No therapeutic approach has significantly impacted the progression of diabetes. As early improvement of glicaemic control is observed after bariatric surgeries, there is currently a search for surgical procedures that can promote euglycemia also in non-obese patients. Glicaemic control can be achieved by increasing the blood concentration of GLP-1, a hormone produced by L cells that are more densely concentrated in the terminal ileum. The interposition of ileal segment to a more anterior region (proximal jejunum) can promote a greater stimulation of the L cells by poorly digested food, increasing the production of GLP-1 and reflecting on glicaemic control.
AIMS: To investigate long-term histological modifications of intestinal mucosa of rats submitted to interposition of ileum segment to a proximal region (jejunum).
METHODS: Forty 8-week old male Wistar-EPM1 rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were randomly distributed into 3 groups: the Interposition Group (IG) was subjected to ileal interposition, the Sham Group (SG) was subjected to sham operations, and the Control Group (CG) was not subjected to surgery. All animals were followed until the 60th postoperative day (8 postoperative week) when they were euthanized. Segments of jejunum and ileum from all groups were collected and analyzed by optical microscopy and immunohistochemistry.
RESULTS: No structural nor histological changes in intestinal L cells in the interposed intestinal segment and other intestinal segments were noted after ileal interposition surgery. 
CONCLUSION: As L cells endocrine characteristics were likely maintained, the use of metabolic surgical techniques for the treatment of metabolic diseases, especially diabetes, seems to be justified

    Organic consequences of ileal transposition in rats with diet-induced obesity

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    INTRODUCTION: The clinical management of metabolic syndrome - especially diabetes mellitus type 2 - is notoriously complex due to the progressive nature of this disease. At present, there is a need for a surgical procedure that is effective for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2, even in non-obese individuals. The isolated ileal transposition theory could lead to an effective alternative therapy. This intervention has not yet been performed in humans, and there are no reports of its use in an experimental model of diet-induced metabolic syndrome.
 OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the physiological effects of ileal transposition in rats with diet-induced metabolic syndrome. The effects of this procedure on glucose and lipid metabolism will be assessed. 
METHODS: Forty 12-week-old male rats (albino Rattus norvegicus, Wistar, 2BAW, heterogeneous) will be divided into four groups of 10 animals each: the ileal transposition group (TG) comprising animals on a hypercaloric-hyperlipidic diet; the sham group (SG) containing animals that receive the same diet and undergo the sham surgery; control group 1 (CG1), which will receive a hypercaloric-hyperlipidic diet and will not undergo surgery; and control group 2 (CG2), which will consume standard feed and will not undergo surgery. The surgeries will be performed in 20-week-old animals. Blood samples for laboratory testing will be collected from 12-week-old animals on the day of surgery and after eight postoperative weeks, following determination of the weights of the animals and the administration of anesthesia. The levels of serum glucose, insulin, triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions, glucagon-like peptide-1, C-peptide and glycated hemoglobin will be assessed in all of the animals. The insulin tolerance test will be performed using PRISMA software, and insulin resistance will be calculated by the HOMA-IR indirect test. On specific days, two 20-week-old rats will be separated and randomly distributed in TG and SG. These animals will be followed until the eighth postoperative week. Subsequently, they will be euthanized, and the retroperitoneal and periepididymal fat deposits will be collected and weighed using a precision scale. In addition, the pancreas, liver and intestinal segments will be sent for pathological and immunohistochemical studies.

    Metabolic and morphological intestinal repercussions after isolated ileal interposition in rats

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    Objetivos: Conhecer os efeitos da interposicao ileal isolada em animais de experimentacao normais (nao obesos e nao diabeticos), avaliando as modificacoes metabolicas e morfologicas intestinais. Metodos: Estudo experimental em ratos normais (Wistar-EPM1), com 12 semanas de vida, distribuidos em dois grupos, Grupo Interposicao (GI) com 11 animais, submetidos a interposicao ileal isolada, e Grupo Sham (GS) com 14 animais, submetidos a operacao simulada. Foram avaliados parametros metabolicos (peso, consumo alimentar e bioquimicos) e histologicos (gerais e enteroendocrinos) antes e apos oito semanas do procedimento cirurgico. Resultados: Nao houve diferenca entre os grupos quanto aos seguintes parametros: peso, consumo alimentar, glicemia, insulina, teste de tolerancia insulinica (TTI), niveis de colesterol total, HDL-colesterol e triglicerides. No entanto, na analise isolada de cada grupo, observou-se elevacao dos niveis de glicemia (p=0,032) e de triglicerides (p=0,009) apenas no GS ao final do experimento; bem como diminuicao dos niveis de colesterol total (p=0,004) e aumento dos niveis de insulina (p=0,016) e de HDL-colesterol (p<0,001) apenas no GI. O segmento ileal interposto no GI apresentou aumento da altura de vilosidades (p=0,002) e da relacao vilosidade/cripta (p=0,021), adquirindo caracteristicas semelhantes ao jejuno. Todavia, manteve a quantidade de celulas L enteroendocrinas inalterada. Os demais segmentos intestinais nao apresentaram diferencas estruturais entre os grupos. Conclusoes: A interposicao ileal isolada nao promove perda ponderal ou diminuicao da inGestão alimentar, nao provoca hipoglicemia, nem modifica a sensibilidade a insulina em animais euglicemicos. Pode modificar favoravelmente alguns aspectos do metabolismo glicidico e lipidico. O segmento ileal interposto mantem a quantidade de celulas L enteroendocrinas apos a interposicao ileal isolada, apesar da ojejunizacaoo da mucosa. Por conseguinte, a interposicao ileal isolada deve ser considerada como um potencial procedimento cirurgico para o tratamento de casos selecionados de diabetes tipo 2BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe

    Injuries caused by Veress needle insertion for creation of pneumoperitoneum: a systematic literature review

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    Background the aim of this study was to assess the prevalence, risks, and outcomes of injuries caused by the Veress needle described in the literature.Methods Iatrogenic injuries caused by Veress needle insertion during diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopies in humans were researched, with no language restriction, in the Medline, Lilacs, Embase, Scielo, and Cochrane Library databases. the following words were combined: Veress'' or insufflation needle'' or pneumoperitoneum needle,'' and complications'' or injuries'' or lesions.'' the bibliographic references of the selected articles were also analyzed. We considered the following: (1) number of injuries described in the literature, (2) relationship between number of injuries and number of patients who underwent Veress needle insertion in the studies that reported Veress needle injury, (3) organs and structures injured (retroperitoneal vessels, digestive tract, and self-limited, minor injuries), and (4) outcome (death, conversion to laparotomy, laparoscopic repair, spontaneous resolution).Results Thirty-eight selected articles included 696,502 laparoscopies, with 1,575 injuries (0.23%), 126 (8%) of which involved blood vessels or hollow viscera (0.018% of all laparoscopies). of the 98 vascular injuries, 8 (8.1%) were injuries to major retroperitoneal vessels. There were 34 other reported retroperitoneal injuries, but the authors were not specific as to which vessel was injured. of the 28 injuries to hollow viscera, 17 were considered major injuries, i.e., 60.7% (0.0024% of the total cases assessed).Conclusion the insertion of the Veress needle in the abdominal midline, at the umbilicus, poses serious risk to the life of patients. Therefore, further studies should be conducted to investigate alternative sites for Veress needle insertion.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Operat Tech & Expt Surg, Dept Surg, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Operat Tech & Expt Surg, Dept Surg, BR-04023900 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc