32 research outputs found

    DĂ©veloppement de produits prĂȘts Ă  ĂȘtre administrĂ©s Ă  partir de formulations existantes de mĂ©dicaments nĂ©cessitant une reconstitution avant leur administration par voie intraveineuse

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    Les traitements oncologiques basĂ©s sur la chimiothĂ©rapie ont dĂ©butĂ© dans les annĂ©es 1940. Depuis ces annĂ©es, le nombre de cas de cancer et donc de traitements ainsi que le nombre de molĂ©cules pouvant ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es ont augmentĂ©. Ces traitements reposent en gĂ©nĂ©ral sur l’administration d’une dose de produits par voie intraveineuse (IV) en fonction de la surface corporelle du patient. Elle est aussi adaptĂ©e aux rĂ©actions du patient (des analyses biologiques sont rĂ©alisĂ©es au cours du traitement). Cette personnalisation nĂ©cessite une manipulation par le service de pharmacie du centre de soins. La personnalisation des doses, couplĂ©e Ă  l’augmentation du nombre de traitements, peut mener Ă  des problĂšmes logistiques dans les centres de soins. Cette manipulation du produit peut entraĂźner non seulement des contaminations du produit et donc avoir un impact sur la santĂ© du patient, mais Ă©galement une contamination de l’environnement et du personnel de santĂ©. Les donnĂ©es de stabilitĂ© des quatre produits Ă©tudiĂ©s – Doxorubicine, Épirubicine, Irinotecan et Docetaxel –, fournies par les recommandations d’utilisation des produits, portent sur de trĂšs courtes pĂ©riodes. Peu d’études ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour obtenir des donnĂ©es de stabilitĂ© Ă  long terme dans les solutions de perfusion. La connaissance de la stabilitĂ© de ces produits sous leur forme administrable permettra une prĂ©paration en avance de ces produits pour limiter les risques de contamination citĂ©s prĂ©cĂ©demment. Lors de cette thĂšse, il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© que l’Irinotecan est stable 28 mois lorsqu’il est entreposĂ© Ă  5 °C aussi bien avec du NaCl 0,9 % que du glucose 5 % et dans des bouteilles en polypropylĂšne claires ou ambrĂ©es, pour une concentration de 0,012 mg.mL-1. L’Épirubicine entreposĂ©e Ă  5 °C et dans des bouteilles en polypropylĂšne claires est stable 12 mois si elle est en solution dans du NaCl 0,9 % et 24 mois si elle est en solution dans du glucose 5 %, pour une concentration de 0,04 mg.mL-1. La Doxorubicine est stable 12 mois lorsqu’elle est entreposĂ©e Ă  5 °C en solution autant avec du NaCl 0,9 % que du glucose 5 % et dans des bouteilles en polypropylĂšne claires ou ambrĂ©es. Lorsqu’elle est entreposĂ©e Ă  25 °C, en solution avec du NaCl 0,9 %, elle est stable trois mois, que les bouteilles en polypropylĂšne soient claires ou ambrĂ©es. Lorsqu’elle est entreposĂ©e Ă  25 °C, en solution avec du glucose 5 %, elle est stable six mois, que les bouteilles en polypropylĂšne soient claires ou ambrĂ©es. La concentration testĂ©e dans toutes les conditions est de 0,04 mg.mL-1. Le Docetaxel n’est pas stable en solution peu importe les conditions, pour une concentration de 0,15 mg.mL-1. Des particules apparaissent en suspension et il arrive qu’un prĂ©cipitĂ© se forme. Ces diffĂ©rents rĂ©sultats permettent d’envisager d’autres formes de production du produit fini afin de limiter les manipulations par le personnel de soin. Abstract Oncologic treatments using chemotherapy started in the beginning of the 40’s. The number of cancers has since increased as the number of treatments. Many new molecules also appeared on the market. These treatments are based on the intravenous (IV) administration of the drug product. The right dosage is calculated according to the patient’s body surface area. It is also adjusted according to how the patient reacts to the drug product (bioanalyses are performed during the treatment). This specific prescription requires that the product be handled by pharmacist, pharmaceutical technician or nurse at the medication center. The patient specific treatment added to the increase of the number of treatment could create logistic issues at the healthcare center. Each manipulation of the drug product could generate contamination of the product, the environment, or the physician, and possibly impact the patient’s health. The stability data for the four studied products, Doxorubicin, Epirubicin, Irinotecan, and Docetaxel, provided by the Physician Prescribing Information are for short periods of time. Few studies have been realized on the long term stability of the perfusion solution. The work done during this thesis has allowed establishing that Irinotecan is stable 28 months when it is stored in clear or amber polypropylene bottles at 5 °C in solution with NaCl 0.9% or with dextrose 5%, for a concentration of 0.012mg.mL-1. Epirubicin stored at 5 °C and in clear polypropylene bottle, is stable 12 months if the solutions are done with NaCl 0.9% and 24 months if the solutions are done with dextrose 5%, for a concentration of 0.04mg.mL-1. Doxorubicin is stable 12 months when stored at 5 °C in solution with NaCl 0.9% or with dextrose 5%, either in clear or amber polypropylene bottles. When it is stored at 25 °C in solution with NaCl 0.9% in clear or amber polypropylene bottles, the stability is 3 months. When it is stored at 25 °C in solution with dextrose 5% in clear or amber polypropylene bottles, the stability is 6 months. The concentration tested was 0.04mg.mL-1. Docetaxel is not stable in solution whatever the conditions (5 or 25 °C, NaCl 0.9% or dextrose 5%, clear or amber polypropylene bottles), for a concentration of 0.15mg.mL-1. Particles in suspension appeared in the solutions and in some bottles a precipitate also appeared. These different results make it possible to envision other forms of manufacturing of the finished product aimed at limiting the handling by the healthcare staff

    Freeze-thaw conditioning of sludge

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    Freeze-thaw conditioning of sludge

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    George P. Gillium Letters, MSS.2023

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    Abstract: This collection consists of five letters written to Mr. George P. Gillium, Louisville, Kentucky from his two daughters, Jane Gillium and Merrie Browder, Florence, Alabama, and his grandson (Merrie's son), Marion Castner Browder, Jr., Florence, Alabama. Jane Gillium's two letters discuss her need for money as she nears graduation and is attending the commencement ceremony at The University of Alabama.Scope and Content Note: This collection consists of five letters written to Mr. George P. Gillium, Louisville, Kentucky from his two daughters, Jane Gillium and Merrie Browder, Florence, Alabama, and his grandson (Merrie's son), Marion Castner Browder, Jr., Florence, Alabama.Jane Gillium's two letters consist of needing money for school. She is about to graduate and mentions commencement activities, and she had been invited to attend commencement at the University of Alabama. Her letters are dated April 11 and April 23, 1904.Merrie Browder's two letters are about sickness, marriage, and her father's birthday. Her letters are dated April 10 and 25, 1904.Marion Castner Browder, Jr.'s letter, dated April 25, 1904, discusses what he received for his birthday and helping his mother, Merrie Browder.Biographical/Historical Note: An important event occurred in Florence, Alabama in 1904 -- the towns of Sheffield and Tuscumbia were linked via railroad to Florence making the three small towns seem like one big town that rivaled Birmingham.Source: "Alabama Industrial News." The Atlanta Constitution 15 May 1904

    Root confinement and irrigation frequency affect growth of ‘Rough lemon’ (

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    Introduction. Root restriction occurs when seedlings are grown in increasingly small containers and it reduces plant growth in different ways. Therefore, the objectives of our study were to investigate the effects of varying container sizes and irrigation frequency on growth parameters of ‘Rough lemon’ (C. limon) plants Maseno, Kenya. Materials and methods. The treatments tested the effect of three container volumes (1.7 L, 2.7 L and 4.5 L) and three irrigation frequencies [every day (W1), every two days (W2) and every 3 days (W3)]. The design of the experiment was completely randomized with three replications. Growth parameters studied were plant height, canopy height, shoot and root weight, number of leaves and shoot to root ratio. Results and discussion. Increasing container volumes generally increased the height of plants, height of canopy, weight of whole plants and weight of roots, but it did not affect number of leaves, stem diameter or shoot to root ratio. Irrigation frequency increased number of leaves, height of plants, height of canopy, stem diameter and weight of shoots and roots, but this factor had no effect on weight of whole plants. These findings are explained by reduced root restriction in the largest container volumes. Conclusion. Increasing container volumes from 1.7 L to 4.5 L and irrigation frequency from every 3 days to every day increases plant growth as expressed in the various plant growth parameters