3,438 research outputs found

    Psychological distress and depression in urbanising elderly black persons

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    The findings of a comparative community survey of the socioeconomic, cultural and psychiatric state of elderly black persons in a newly settled township (Khayelitsha - 170 persons) and a long established one (Langa - 195 persons) revealed marked differences. Symptoms of psychological distress, depression and limitation of daily activities were generally more marked in the former and strikingly so among women: 66% had symptoms warranting further investigation and 44% would have been treated for a depressive disorder if seen by a psychiatrist. Extreme poverty existed in both townships but the Khayelitsha subjects were less well educated, their accommodation was poorer, and fewer had old-age pensions. Elderly black women in newly settled townships have therefore been identified as having high priority for psychiatric and social services


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    Valuable distillations of other people's experiencesHow To Do It. Vol. 3. Pp. x + 203. Illustrated. £9 (including postage by air). London: BMJ. 1990. (Also available from Libriger Book Distributors, Bloemfontein.)Medical dictionaryConcise Medical Dictionary. 3rd ed. Ed. By Elizabeth A. Martin. Pp. 1-759. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990.Paediatric cardiologyPrevention in Childhood and Youth of Adult Cardiovascular Diseases: Time for Action. Ed. by WHO Expert Committee. Pp. 1 - 105. Illustrated. Sw. Fr. 12. Geneva: WHO.1990.Contraceptive safety Safety Requirements for Contraceptive Steroids. Ed. by F. Michal. pp. xv - 467. Illustrated. £65,00. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1989.Psychiatry Textbook of Psychiatry. Ed. by P. J. V. Beumont and R. B. Hampshire. Pp. x + 520. Illustrated. PriCe £29,50. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 1989

    Caring for the caregiver: Why policy must shift from addressing needs to enabling caregivers to flourish

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    Policies supporting caregivers (“caregiver policies”) are limited in the extent to which they meet the needs of those who care for others. Where policies do exist, they focus on relieving the burdens associated with caring or the needs of the person they care for, rather than consider the holistic needs of the caregiver that would enable them to flourish. We argue that the established approach to caregiver policies reflects a policy failure, requiring a reassessment of current practice related to caregiver support. Often, caregiver policies target the care recipient rather than the caregiver's needs. Through a consultative exercise, we identified five areas of need that existing caregiver policies touch upon. Yet current approaches remain piecemeal and inadequate in a global context. Caregiver policies should not just relieve burden to the extent that caregivers can continue in the role, but they should support caregivers to flourish, and future work may benefit from drawing on related frameworks from positive psychology, such as the PERMA™ model; this is important for both policymakers and researchers

    Optimizing Exterior Lighting Illuminance and Spectrum for Human, Environmental, and Economic Factors.

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    With the recent widespread adoption of LED lighting in outdoor areas, numerous concerns have been raised about the potential for harmful effects on humans, animals, plants, and the night sky. These stem from the high blue light content of some LED bulbs and an incentive to increase lighting levels caused by higher efficiency and lower costs. While new lighting installations are often described as environmentally friendly due to their energy efficiency, factors such as light pollution are often neglected or not given enough weight. This research focuses on optimizing the design of exterior lighting for human, environmental, and economic factors using a multi-criteria decision analysis. Based on data in the literature and survey research, illuminance and spectrum alternatives were scored relative to each other using the analytic hierarchy process and multi-attribute utility theory. The findings of this study support the use of artificial illumination at levels similar to a full moon (0.01 fc) and a warm white spectrum (2700K or 2200K), with amber LED becoming a better choice if its energy efficiency and cost effectiveness improve in the future. This methodology can be used in the future as a framework for lighting design optimization in different settings

    Exploring the Law of Detrital Zircon: LA-ICP-MS and CA-TIMS Geochronology of Jurassic Forearc Strata, Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA

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    Uranium-lead (U-Pb) geochronology studies commonly employ the law of detrital zircon: A sedimentary rock cannot be older than its youngest zircon. This premise permits maximum depositional ages (MDAs) to be applied in chronostratigraphy, but geochronologic dates are complicated by uncertainty. We conducted laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and chemical abrasion-thermal ionization mass spectrometry (CA-TIMS) of detrital zircon in forearc strata of southern Alaska (USA) to assess the accuracy of several MDA approaches. Six samples from Middle–Upper Jurassic units are generally replete with youthful zircon and underwent three rounds of analysis: (1) LA-ICP-MS of ∼115 grains, with one date per zircon; (2) LA-ICP-MS of the ∼15 youngest grains identified in round 1, acquiring two additional dates per zircon; and (3) CA-TIMS of the ∼5 youngest grains identified by LA-ICP-MS. The youngest single-grain LA-ICP-MS dates are all younger than—and rarely overlap at 2σ uncertainty with—the CA-TIMS MDAs. The youngest kernel density estimation modes are typically several million years older than the CA-TIMS MDAs. Weighted means of round 1 dates that define the youngest statistical populations yield the best coincidence with CA-TIMS MDAs. CA-TIMS dating of the youngest zircon identified by LA-ICP-MS is indispensable for critical MDA applications, eliminating laser-induced matrix effects, mitigating and evaluating Pb loss, and resolving complexities of interpreting lower-precision, normally distributed LA-ICP-MS dates. Finally, numerous CA-TIMS MDAs in this study are younger than Bathonian(?)–Callovian and Oxfordian faunal correlations suggest, highlighting the need for additional radioisotopic constraints—including CA-TIMS MDAs—for the Middle–Late Jurassic geologic time scale

    Visions in monochrome: Families, marriage and the individualisation thesis

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    This paper takes issue with the way in which the individualisation thesis – in which it is assumed that close relationships have become tenuous and fragile - has become so dominant in ‘new’ sociological theorising about family life. Although others have criticised this thesis, in this paper the main criticism derives from empirical research findings carried out with members of transnational families living in Britain whose values and practices do not fit easily with ideas of individualisation. It is argued that we need a much more complex and less linear notion of how families change across generations and in time

    New measurement of the scattering cross section of slow neutrons on liquid parahydrogen from neutron transmission

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    Liquid hydrogen is a dense Bose fluid whose equilibrium properties are both calculable from first principles using various theoretical approaches and of interest for the understanding of a wide range of questions in many body physics. Unfortunately, the pair correlation function g(r)g(r) inferred from neutron scattering measurements of the differential cross section dσdΩd\sigma \over d\Omega from different measurements reported in the literature are inconsistent. We have measured the energy dependence of the total cross section and the scattering cross section for slow neutrons with energies between 0.43~meV and 16.1~meV on liquid hydrogen at 15.6~K (which is dominated by the parahydrogen component) using neutron transmission measurements on the hydrogen target of the NPDGamma collaboration at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The relationship between the neutron transmission measurement we perform and the total cross section is unambiguous, and the energy range accesses length scales where the pair correlation function is rapidly varying. At 1~meV our measurement is a factor of 3 below the data from previous work. We present evidence that these previous measurements of the hydrogen cross section, which assumed that the equilibrium value for the ratio of orthohydrogen and parahydrogen has been reached in the target liquid, were in fact contaminated with an extra non-equilibrium component of orthohydrogen. Liquid parahydrogen is also a widely-used neutron moderator medium, and an accurate knowledge of its slow neutron cross section is essential for the design and optimization of intense slow neutron sources. We describe our measurements and compare them with previous work.Comment: Edited for submission to Physical Review