696 research outputs found

    Desistance From Childhood Aggression

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    This longitudinal study of disadvantaged boys (N = 258) had three aims. The first aim was to identify individuals who desisted from high early physical aggression (PA). A group-based trajectory analysis with different, age-sensitive measures of PA revealed that most aggressive young boys desisted (i.e., dropped to normative levels of PA) by middle childhood. Second, the study sought to discover predictors of desistance. In particular, analyses tested the proposition that desisters experience high child risk, low caregiving risk, and positive life transitions. The results provided partial support for this view. As anticipated, desisters were indistinguishable from chronically aggressive boys in PA and impulsivity at age 2. Contrary to expectation, however, desisters resembled boys with persistently low PA on a measure of fearfulness and exhibited intermediate risk (i.e., between chronics and lows) on toddlerhood measures of maternal depression, harsh parenting, and family adversity. Furthermore, life transition variables (e.g., changes in parenting, relationships with teachers and peers) failed to discriminate desisters from chronics or lows after accounting for early child and family factors. The third aim was to determine whether boys who desisted from early aggression experienced continuing difficulties in the form of social skills deficits or nonaggressive conduct problems. As expected, desisters improved in both domains according to maternal, teacher, and youth reports. In fact, by the end of middle childhood, desisters were indistinguishable from lows on these measures, with one exception: Mothers of desisters rated their sons higher on nonaggressive conduct problems


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    To one who has accumulated sufficient savings to earn the position of a prospective purchaser of corporate securities there is presented an impressive and somewhat mystifying list of interests from which he may choose, advisedly or otherwise. Between orthodox common stock at one extreme and secured bonds at the other, ranges an endless variety of stocks embodying some bond characteristics, bonds bearing stock attributes, and a welter of certificates professing to be neither stocks nor bonds. Because individual sources of funds needed for industry do differ in their convictions as to relative advantages of different characteristics of securities, issuing corporations, in an effort to attract every available dollar under every imaginable market or credit condition, over a long period of time have devised the amazing spectrum of hazily distinguishable investments currently displayed to potential purchasers

    Sandia National Laboratories

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    Sandia National Laboratories has identified technology transfer to U.S. industry as a laboratory mission which complements our national security mission and as a key component of the Laboratory's future. A number of technology transfer mechanisms - such as CRADA's, licenses, work-for-others, and consortia - are identified and specific examples are given. Sandia's experience with the Specialty Metals Processing Consortium is highlighted with a focus on the elements which have made it successful. A brief discussion of Sandia's potential interactions with NASA under the Space Exploration Initiative was included as an example of laboratory-to-NASA technology transfer. Viewgraphs are provided

    Searching for Truth: Constructing a Collective Memory of Aldo Moro in Italian Cinema

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    This dissertation will address Aldo Moro’s presence in film and the changing manifestations of the politician in film throughout the years. I will argue that through film a comprehensive collective memory can be formed from examining what is known of the statesman, before and after his death, helping to ease the continuing sense of guilt felt by the Italian people in regards to his tragic end. In the first chapter of my dissertation I will discuss the concept of martyrdom in two films that depict Aldo Moro before his death; Elio Petri’s Todo Modo (1976) and Marco Tulio Giordana’s Romanzo di una strage (2012). Although two totally different films, historically and stylistically, both films portray a devoutly Catholic Moro and a rhetoric dealing with political martyrdom. In the second chapter of my dissertation I will address the conspiracy theories surrounding Aldo Moro’s death depicted in the films Il caso Moro (Ferrara 1986) and Piazza delle cinque lune (Martinelli 2003). Both films present their retellings of the Moro affair as revelations of the truth, focusing on the possible involvement of the Italian government, as well as the United States, in Moro’s death. The third chapter of my dissertation will focus on the role of Aldo Moro as a cultural symbol in films dealing with other historic events. The two films I will discuss are Michele Placido’s Romanzo criminale (2005) and Paolo Sorrentino’s Il divo (2008). The final chapter of my dissertation will address the use of the oneiric in Marco Bellocchio’s 2003 film Buongiorno, notte. I will employ ideas from psychoanalysis in my analysis of Buongiorno, notte, due to the importance of dreams and imagining in the film. By analyzing the entire cannon of films that involve Aldo Moro, this project aims to create a “total picture” of how Moro is viewed before and after his kidnapping and death.Doctor of Philosoph

    Simulation and performance of a high frequency cycloconverter

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    With modern naval vessels headed in the direction of integrated power systems, new attention must be paid to efficiency of both power and space. However, modern designs for ship power systems often incorporate DC link converters, or synchroconverters, into their design. Not only does this add extra steps into the power conversion process, it also adds the DC link, which requires large capacitors and can aggravate problems experienced in a short circuit. Modern research for cycloconverters is showing that they have many advantages over the synchroconverter when used in a ship power system. However, cycloconverters also have downsides. One of these problems is the incorporation of harmonics into the supply current, distorting the generator output, as well as voltage harmonics at the output of the converter, which can cause problems at the various loads. Most disastrous of all, additions of subharmonics, or interharmonics which occur below the fundamental can appear. Subharmonics are nearly unfilterable and they can cause serious problems for any power system. This study specifically considers higher frequency inputs to see if these subharmonics can be mitigated in a cycloconverter system.http://archive.org/details/simulationndperf109452773US Navy (USN) author.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Titanacyclobutanes Derived from Strained, Cyclic Olefins: A New Living Polymerization System

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    Reaction of precursors of "Cp2Ti=CH2" (Cp = η5-C5H5) with cyclobutene yields polybutadiene. The preparation of the titanacyclobutane 3 by the addition of 3,3-dimethylcyclopropene to "Cp2Ti=CH2" is described. When phosphines PMeR2 (R = Me, Ph) are added to 3, phosphine adducts of the isomeric α-substituted titanium-carbene compound are obtained. Reaction with AlMe2Cl affords a heterobimetallic complex. Poly(dimethylpropenamer) is produced from reaction of 3 with excess olefin. The observed reactivity is consistent with productive cleavage of the metal-containing ring in 3 to "Cp2Ti=CHC(CH3)2CHCH2." Titanacyclobutanes 7 and 11 have been prepared from the reaction of norbornene with precursors of "Cp2Ti=CH2" and with metallacycle 3, respectively. On thermolysis, both 7 and 11 produce products consistent with the intermediacy of α-substituted titanocene-carbene compounds. Thermolysis at 65°C in the presence of excess norbornene affords ring-opened polynorbornene with a cis to trans ratio of 38:62. The polymerizations are highly efficient in catalyst and yield polymers of controlled molecular weight. Polymer prepared from 11 shows polydispersities as low as 1.07 based on gel permeation chromatography versus polystyrene standards. The molecular weight distributions of polymers obtained with 7 are always broader than those obtained with 11. The kinetics of both polymerizations are zero-order in monomer with ΔG‡338 = 24 kcal/mol, ΔH‡ = 27 kcal/mol, and ΔS‡ = 9 e.u. Polymerization with 7 shows an induction period corresponding to a first-order decay of 7 with t1/2 = 80 min at 65°C, whereas the polymerization with 11 is linear throughout. Simultaneous incorporation of d2-norbornene into the polymer by all active sites confirms that this system is best described as a living polymer. The polymerization mechanism is discussed as an olefin metathesis with rate-limiting cleavage of trisubstituted titanacyclobutanes affording high energy carbene intermediates. Reaction of endo-dicyclopentadiene with "Cp2Ti=CH2" and 3 affords titanacyclobutanes 15 and 16 with exclusive addition to the bicyclic double bond. The X-ray diffraction study of 15 indicates a puckered metal-containing ring. Polymerization of endo-dicyclopentadiene occurs with cleavage of the bicyclic ring system. Preliminary results demonstrate that cyclopentene can be polymerized with 3 at high monomer concentrations. The polymerization of norbornadiene to a linear ring-opened polymer is described. Reaction of these catalysts with 1,4-epoxy-1,4-dihydronapthalene occurs at the double bond and yields oligomers. Analysis of the microstructure of polymers prepared from methyl-norbornenes indicates that the double bonds in these polymers are predominantly trans. The catalysts exhibit a moderate head-to-tail selectivity. The preferred tacticity of dyads at trans double bonds is racemic while that at cis double bonds is meso.</p
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