85 research outputs found

    Cognitive Poetics and the relevance of authorial intention in the creation, communication and interpretation of meaning

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    Abstract This thesis examines the processes of meaning-making by writers and readers from a cognitive poetic perspective. It does this by comparing cognitive poetic methodology with naturalistic data gathered from poets and writers by means of questionnaires and commentaries. Six poets provide data about their working practices and intentions, while two provide further commentaries, on four each of their poems. Finally, 21 readers respond to these poems and their feedback is compared with the poets’ declarations of intended meaning and effect. The central aims of the thesis are to provide empirical evidence of the practices both of working poets and ordinary readers when creating and interpreting poetry – in this case autobiographical lyrical poetry on the topic of loss and grief - and to examine the evidence of the impact of authorial intention and reader experiences both on the creation of these works and on their interpretation. As a result of the analysis of this data, this thesis proposes that the current paucity within cognitive poetic criticism of reference to writers’ intentions and to the empirically evidenced responses of ‘real’ readers to poetic texts, whether deliberate or by omission, diminishes the capacity of these critical approaches fully to theorise how meaning is created, communicated and interpreted. In particular this thesis suggests that the importance of authorial intention, including the need more fully to conceptualise this in analyses of poets’ work, is currently under-acknowledged, and that this omission weakens cognitive poetic practice in this area. This research aims mainly to be a contribution to the fields of cognitive poetics and stylistics. It approaches this theoretically through drawing attention to the role of the author in the creating of meaning and effect for examining how meaning and effect are created, analytically through the discussion of the research poems and methodologically through the utilisation of data from poets and readers to inform the conclusions. This is a study of work from, and responses to, a very specific genre of poetry, and the conclusions invite a range of areas for further study

    The archaeology of memory : inquiry into studio production

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    This study into my creative process as an artist is based on a qualitative analysis of my artmaking process. It focuses on the production of a body of artwork and the subsequent exhibition, "The Archaeology of Memory," which opened in Montreal on August 22, 2002 at Galerie Gora. Using the theme of memory and narrative, culled from artefacts such as family photograph albums, heirlooms, and journal accounts, I investigate the layers of meaning that form personal identity. My insights grow broader as I examine the construction of a national identity through the notion of "collective memory." The purpose of this exploration is also to demonstrate how the 'praxis' of art making and exhibiting, may inform and revitalize the teaching practice of art educators

    Nurses’ education, knowledge and perceptions of peripheral intravenous catheter management: A web-based, cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) are the most used invasive medical device. Unfortunately, PIVCs fail for a variety of reasons and failure often results in serious adverse events leading to patient discomfort, infection, delays in treatment, increased healthcare costs, and even death. In Australia, qualified nurses assess, manage, and remove a PIVC as part of their clinical role. To date, no study has described the current state of knowledge and confidence (self-efficacy) about PIVCs from the perspectives of qualified nurses working in Australian hospital settings. Aims: To describe the current state of knowledge and confidence (self-efficacy) about PIVC management from the perspectives of qualified nurses working in Australian hospital settings. To explore how these related to the education received by these nurses. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey. Findings: Qualified nurses in Australia thought that education about PIVCs was important and that it should be underpinned by evidence-based guidelines. Knowledge Test score for the sample was 12.4/17 (SD 2.1), this equates to a mean grade of 73.0%. Respondents reported very high levels of confidence about caring for a patient with a PIVC in situ. Conclusion: Despite the frequent and increasing use of PIVCs and importantly the documented adverse events associated with poor assessment, management and inappropriate removal, qualified nurses’ knowledge and confidence remain poorly reported. We demonstrated fundamental gaps in qualified nurses’ knowledge in relation to assessment, management, and removal of PIVCs

    Superoxide dismutase downregulation in osteoarthritis progression and end-stage disease

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    Oxidative stress is proposed as an important factor in osteoarthritis (OA). To investigate the expression of the three superoxide dismutase (SOD) antioxidant enzymes in OA. SOD expression was determined by real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry using human femoral head cartilage. SOD2 expression in Dunkin–Hartley guinea pig knee articular cartilage was determined by immunohistochemistry. The DNA methylation status of the SOD2 promoter was determined using bisulphite sequencing. RNA interference was used to determine the consequence of SOD2 depletion on the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) using MitoSOX and collagenases, matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1) and MMP-13, gene expression. All three SOD were abundantly expressed in human cartilage but were markedly downregulated in end-stage OA cartilage, especially SOD2. In the Dunkin–Hartley guinea pig spontaneous OA model, SOD2 expression was decreased in the medial tibial condyle cartilage before, and after, the development of OA-like lesions. The SOD2 promoter had significant DNA methylation alterations in OA cartilage. Depletion of SOD2 in chondrocytes increased ROS but decreased collagenase expression. This is the first comprehensive expression profile of all SOD genes in cartilage and, importantly, using an animal model, it has been shown that a reduction in SOD2 is associated with the earliest stages of OA. A decrease in SOD2 was found to be associated with an increase in ROS but a reduction of collagenase gene expression, demonstrating the complexities of ROS function

    Identification of Salmonella enterica Serovar Dublin-Specific Sequences by Subtractive Hybridization and Analysis of Their Role in Intestinal Colonization and Systemic Translocation in Cattle

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin is a host-restricted serovar associated with typhoidal disease in cattle. In contrast, the fowl-associated serovar S. enterica serovar Gallinarum is avirulent in calves, yet it invades ileal mucosa and induces enteritis at levels comparable to those induced by S. enterica serovar Dublin. Suppression subtractive hybridization was employed to identify S. enterica serovar Dublin strain SD3246 genes absent from S. enterica serovar Gallinarum strain SG9. Forty-one S. enterica serovar Dublin fragments were cloned and sequenced. Among these, 24 mobile-element-associated genes were identified, and 12 clones exhibited similarity with sequences of known or predicted function in other serovars. Three S. enterica serovar Dublin-specific regions were homologous to regions from the genome of Enterobacter sp. strain 638. Sequencing of fragments adjacent to these three sequences revealed the presence of a 21-kb genomic island, designated S. enterica serovar Dublin island 1 (SDI-1). PCR analysis and Southern blotting showed that SDI-1 is highly conserved within S. enterica serovar Dublin isolates but rarely found in other serovars. To probe the role of genes identified by subtractive hybridization in vivo, 24 signature-tagged S. enterica serovar Dublin SD3246 mutants lacking loci not present in Salmonella serovar Gallinarum SG9 were created and screened by oral challenge of cattle. Though attenuation of tagged SG9 and SD3246 Salmonella pathogenicity island-1 (SPI-1) and SPI-2 mutant strains was detected, no obvious defects of these 24 mutants were detected. Subsequently, a DeltaSDI-1 mutant was found to exhibit weak but significant attenuation compared with the parent strain in coinfection of calves. SDI-1 mutation did not impair invasion, intramacrophage survival, or virulence in mice, implying that SDI-1 does not influence fitness per se and may act in a host-specific manner

    Blood pressure change across pregnancy in white British and Pakistani women: analysis of 1 data from the Born in Bradford cohort

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    The incidence of gestational hypertension (GH) and pre-eclampsia (PE) is increasing. Use of blood pressure (BP) change patterns may improve early detection of BP abnormalities. We used Linear spline random-effects models to estimate BP patterns across pregnancy for white British and Pakistani women. Pakistani women compared to white British women had lower BP during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, irrespective of the development of GH or PE or presence of a risk factor. Pakistani compared to white British women with GH and PE showed steeper BP increases towards the end of pregnancy. Pakistani women were half as likely to develop GH, but as likely to develop PE than white British women. To conclude; BP trajectories differ by ethnicity. Because GH developed evenly from 20 weeks gestation, and PE occurred more commonly after 36 weeks in both ethnic groups, the lower BP up to the third trimester in Pakistani women resulted in a lower GH rate, whereas PE rates, influenced by the steep third trimester BP increase were similar. Criteria for diagnosing GH and PE may benefit from considering ethnic differences in BP change across pregnancy

    Hormone replacement therapy and false positive recall in the Million Women Study: patterns of use, hormonal constituents and consistency of effect

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    INTRODUCTION: Current and recent users of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have an increased risk of being recalled to assessment at mammography without breast cancer being diagnosed ('false positive recall'), but there is limited information on the effects of different patterns of HRT use on this. The aim of this study is to investigate in detail the relationship between patterns of use of HRT and false positive recall. METHODS: A total of 87,967 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 64 years attending routine breast cancer screening at 10 UK National Health Service Breast Screening Units from 1996 to 1998 joined the Million Women Study by completing a questionnaire before screening and were followed for their screening outcome. RESULTS: Overall, 399 (0.5%) participants were diagnosed with breast cancer and 2,629 (3.0%) had false positive recall. Compared to never users of HRT, the adjusted relative risk (95% CI) of false positive recall was: 1.62 (1.43–1.83), 1.80 (1.62–2.01) and 0.76 (0.52–1.10) in current users of oestrogen-only HRT, oestrogen-progestagen HRT and tibolone, respectively (p (heterogeneity) < 0.0001); 1.65 (1.43–1.91), 1.49 (1.22–1.81) and 2.11 (1.45–3.07) for current HRT used orally, transdermally or via an implant, respectively (p (heterogeneity) = 0.2); and 1.84 (1.67–2.04) and 1.75 (1.49–2.06) for sequential and continuous oestrogen-progestagen HRT, respectively (p (heterogeneity) = 0.6). The relative risk of false positive recall among current users appeared to increase with increasing time since menopause, but did not vary significantly according to any other factors examined, including duration of use, hormonal constituents, dose, whether single- or two-view screening was used, or the woman's personal characteristics. CONCLUSION: Current use of oestrogen-only and oestrogen-progestagen HRT, but not tibolone, increases the risk of false positive recall at screening

    Children must be protected from the tobacco industry's marketing tactics.

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