25 research outputs found

    Nesta Pain, the entangled media producer.

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    The Entangled Media Histories approach to media historiography has produced new approaches to the practice of media history. The main emphasis in the entangled approach is on transnational and transmedial analysis but there is also an interest in the ‘cultural translator’, an individual who expresses cross-border or cross-boundary entanglement through their professional work. Such a person is the twentieth century BBC producer, Nesta Pain (1905 – 1995) whose career began during the Second World War when she contributed to the ‘Projection of Britain’ for the Overseas Service. Her reputation was made immediately after the end of the war at the time when the Features Department was separated from Drama and the innovative Third Programme was established. Nesta Pain utilised these new opportunities to create highly imaginative cross-genre radio features and especially those dealing with science. She made a major contribution to science education and the popularising of science but at the same time was also a budding radio drama producer. She produced John Mortimer’s Prix Italia winning ‘The Dock Brief’ and her adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s ‘There Will Come Soft Rains’ was ground-breaking. Nesta Pain showed it was possible to ignore the entrenched boundaries of the BBC; gender, departmental and genre as well as the gulf between radio and television and represents an important example of the ‘cultural translator’

    'Countries in the Air': Travel and Geomodernism in Louis MacNeice's BBC Features

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    In the middle stretch of his twenty-two-year BBC career, the poet and producer Louis MacNeice earned a reputation as one of the ‘undisputed masters of creative sound broadcasting’, a reputation derived, in part, from a huge range of radio features that were founded upon his journeys abroad. Through close examination of some of his most significant overseas soundscapes – including Portrait of Rome (1947) and Portrait of Delhi (1948) – this article will consider the role and function of travel in shaping MacNeice’s engagement with the radio feature as a modernist form at a particular transcultural moment when Britain moved through the end of the Second World War and the eventual disintegration of its empire

    Intermedial Relationships of Radio Features with Denis Mitchell’s and Philip Donnellan’s Early Television Documentaries

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    Writing of the closure in early 1965 of the Radio Features Department, Asa Briggs identifies one of the reasons for the controversial decision as ‘the incursion of television, which was developing its own features.’ ‘[Laurence] Gilliam and his closest colleagues believed in the unique merits of “pure radio”. The screen seemed a barrier’ (The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom, Vol. 5, p. 348). Rather than the screen being ‘a barrier’ for them, a number of the creators of the emerging television documentary were from the late 1950s onwards able to transfer and transform distinctive techniques of ‘pure radio’ into highly effective visual forms. Two key figures were the producers of ‘poetic’ documentaries Denis Mitchell and Philip Donnellan, who employed layered voices, imaginative deployments of music and effects, and allusive juxtapositions of sound and image, to develop an alternative (although always marginal) tradition to the supposedly objective approaches of current affairs and, later, veritĂ© filmmakers. And a dozen years after the dismemberment of the Features Department, Donnellan paid tribute to it in his glorious but little-seen film Pure Radio (BBC1, 3 November 1977). Taking important early films by Mitchell and Donnellan as case studies, this paper explores the impact of radio features on television documentaries in the 1950s and early 1960s, and assesses the extent to which the screen in its intermedial relationships with ‘pure radio’ was a barrier or, in the work of certain creators, an augmentation

    The making of healthy and moral snacks: A multimodal critical discourse analysis of corporate storytelling

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    This paper examines how snack brands represent themselves as producers of healthy food through corporate stories on their websites. The increased emphasis on health in “the new public health era” has created a market for products promoted as healthy or with some kind of wellbeing association. Riding on this trend, many companies have emerged and positioned themselves as providing good food options. Employing the theory of social semiotics and using multimodal critical discourse analysis, we ask the following questions: How do these companies use corporate stories to make themselves appear as a better alternative than their competitors? How do they make their products appear healthy and attractive to consumers? And how can this kind of marketing help consumers choose healthier products? The analysis of 22 corporate stories of healthy snack companies shows that healthy eating is colonized by a moral discourse for marketing and branding purposes. Furthermore, the health qualities these companies claim to have are abstract, symbolic, and commercialized. We argue that these corporate stories provide no meaningful indication as to the healthiness of these products and can mislead consumers to consume less healthy food while having the intention to eat healthily

    Prey selectivity affects reproductive success of a corallivorous reef fish

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    Most animals consume a narrower range of food resources than is potentially available in the environment, but the underlying basis for these preferences is often poorly understood. Foraging theory predicts that prey selection should represent a trade-off between prey preferences based on nutritional value and prey availability. That is, species should consume preferred prey when available, but select less preferred prey when preferred prey is rare. We employed both field observation and laboratory experiments to examine the relationship between prey selection and preferences in the obligate coral-feeding filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris. To determine the drivers of prey selection, we experimentally established prey preferences in choice arenas and tested the consequences of prey preferences for key fitness-related parameters. Field studies showed that individuals fed almost exclusively on live corals from the genus Acropora. While diet was dominated by the most abundant species, Acropora nobilis, fish appeared to preferentially select rarer acroporids, such as A. millepora and A. hyacinthus. Prey choice experiments confirmed strong preferences for these corals, suggesting that field consumption is constrained by availability. In a longer-term feeding experiment, reproductive pairs fed on non-preferred corals exhibited dramatic reductions to body weight, and in hepatic and gonad condition, compared with those fed preferred corals. The majority of pairs fed preferred corals spawned frequently, while no spawning was observed for any pairs fed a non-preferred species of coral. These experiments suggest that fish distinguish between available corals based on their intrinsic value as prey, that reproductive success is dependent on the presence of particular coral species, and that differential loss of preferred corals could have serious consequences for the population success of these dietary specialists