3,390 research outputs found

    Oviposition of Culex pipiens in water at different temperatures

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    At 20C air temperature, female <i>Culex pipiens</i> L. laid the greatest number of egg rafts at water temperatures between 20 and 25C. They laid very few at 15 or 35C even when given no alternative site. The possibility is discussed of manipulating temperature in a mosquito control programme

    Internal thermal noise in the LIGO test masses : a direct approach

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    The internal thermal noise in LIGO's test masses is analyzed by a new technique, a direct application of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem to LIGO's readout observable, x(t)=x(t)=(longitudinal position of test-mass face, weighted by laser beam's Gaussian profile). Previous analyses, which relied on a normal-mode decomposition of the test-mass motion, were valid only if the dissipation is uniformally distributed over the test-mass interior, and they converged reliably to a final answer only when the beam size was a non-negligible fraction of the test-mass cross section. This paper's direct analysis, by contrast, can handle inhomogeneous dissipation and arbitrary beam sizes. In the domain of validity of the previous analysis, the two methods give the same answer for Sx(f)S_x(f), the spectral density of thermal noise, to within expected accuracy. The new analysis predicts that thermal noise due to dissipation concentrated in the test mass's front face (e.g. due to mirror coating) scales as 1/r021/r_0^2, by contrast with homogeneous dissipation, which scales as 1/r01/r_0 (r0r_0 is the beam radius); so surface dissipation could become significant for small beam sizes.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, 1 figur

    Oviposition of Culex pipiens in water at different temperatures

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    At 20C air temperature, female Culex pipiens L. laid the greatest number of egg rafts at water temperatures between 20 and 25C. They laid very few at 15 or 35C even when given no alternative site. The possibility is discussed of manipulating temperature in a mosquito control programme

    Stability of adhesion clusters under constant force

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    We solve the stochastic equations for a cluster of parallel bonds with shared constant loading, rebinding and the completely dissociated state as an absorbing boundary. In the small force regime, cluster lifetime grows only logarithmically with bond number for weak rebinding, but exponentially for strong rebinding. Therefore rebinding is essential to ensure physiological lifetimes. The number of bonds decays exponentially with time for most cases, but in the intermediate force regime, a small increase in loading can lead to much faster decay. This effect might be used by cell-matrix adhesions to induce signaling events through cytoskeletal loading.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 Postscript files include

    Noise Characteristics of Feed Forward Loops

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    A prominent feature of gene transcription regulatory networks is the presence in large numbers of motifs, i.e, patterns of interconnection, in the networks. One such motif is the feed forward loop (FFL) consisting of three genes X, Y and Z. The protein product of x of X controls the synthesis of protein product y of Y. Proteins x and y jointly regulate the synthesis of z proteins from the gene Z. The FFLs, depending on the nature of the regulating interactions, can be of eight different types which can again be classified into two categories: coherent and incoherent. In this paper, we study the noise characteristics of FFLs using the Langevin formalism and the Monte Carlo simulation technique based on the Gillespie algorithm. We calculate the variances around the mean protein levels in the steady states of the FFLs and find that, in the case of coherent FFLs, the most abundant FFL, namely, the Type-1 coherent FFL, is the least noisy. This is however not so in the case of incoherent FFLs. The results suggest possible relationships between noise, functionality and abundance.Comment: 17 page

    The role of N(1535)N^*(1535) in ppppϕpp \to pp \phi and πpnϕ\pi^- p \to n \phi reactions

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    The near threshold ϕ\phi meson production in proton-proton and πp\pi^- p collisions is studied with the assumption that the production mechanism is due to the sub-NϕN\phi-threshold N(1535)N^*(1535) resonance. The π0\pi^0, η\eta and ρ0\rho^0-meson exchanges for proton-proton collisions are considered. It is shown that the contribution to the ppppϕpp \to pp \phi reaction from the t-channel π0\pi^0 meson exchange is dominant. With a significant N(1535)NϕN^*(1535)N\phi coupling (gN(1535)Nϕ2/4πg^2_{N^*(1535)N \phi}/4 \pi = 0.13), both ppppϕpp \to pp \phi and πpnϕ\pi^- p \to n \phi data are very well reproduced. The significant coupling of the N(1535)N^*(1535) resonance to NϕN \phi is compatible with previous indications of a large ssˉs \bar{s} component in the quark wave function of the N(1535)N^*(1535) resonance and may be the real origin of the significant enhancement of the ϕ\phi production over the naive OZI-rule predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Numerical simulation of unconstrained cyclotron resonant maser emission

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    When a mainly rectilinear electron beam is subject to significant magnetic compression, conservation of magnetic moment results in the formation of a horseshoe shaped velocity distribution. It has been shown that such a distribution is unstable to cyclotron emission and may be responsible for the generation of Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) an intense rf emission sourced at high altitudes in the terrestrial auroral magnetosphere. PiC code simulations have been undertaken to investigate the dynamics of the cyclotron emission process in the absence of cavity boundaries with particular consideration of the spatial growth rate, spectral output and rf conversion efficiency. Computations reveal that a well-defined cyclotron emission process occurs albeit with a low spatial growth rate compared to waveguide bounded simulations. The rf output is near perpendicular to the electron beam with a slight backward-wave character reflected in the spectral output with a well defined peak at 2.68GHz, just below the relativistic electron cyclotron frequency. The corresponding rf conversion efficiency of 1.1% is comparable to waveguide bounded simulations and consistent with the predictions of kinetic theory that suggest efficient, spectrally well defined radiation emission can be obtained from an electron horseshoe distribution in the absence of radiation boundaries.Publisher PD

    Comment on "Why quantum mechanics cannot be formulated as a Markov process"

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    In the paper with the above title, D. T. Gillespie [Phys. Rev. A 49, 1607, (1994)] claims that the theory of Markov stochastic processes cannot provide an adequate mathematical framework for quantum mechanics. In conjunction with the specific quantum dynamics considered there, we give a general analysis of the associated dichotomic jump processes. If we assume that Gillespie's "measurement probabilities" \it are \rm the transition probabilities of a stochastic process, then the process must have an invariant (time independent) probability measure. Alternatively, if we demand the probability measure of the process to follow the quantally implemented (via the Born statistical postulate) evolution, then we arrive at the jump process which \it can \rm be interpreted as a Markov process if restricted to a suitable duration time. However, there is no corresponding Markov process consistent with the Z2Z_2 event space assumption, if we require its existence for all times tR+t\in R_+.Comment: Latex file, resubm. to Phys. Rev.

    Partial waves of baryon-antibaryon in three-body B meson decay

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    The conspicuous threshold enhancement has been observed in the baryon-antibaryon subchannels of many three-body B decay modes. By examining the partial waves of baryon-antibaryon, we first show for B- -->pp-bar K- that the pK- angular correlation rules out dominance of a single pp-bar partial wave for the enhancement, for instance, the resonance hypothesis or the strong final-state interaction in a single channel. The measured pK- angular correlation turns out to be opposite to the naive expectation of the short-distance picture. We study the origin of this reversed angular correlation in the context of the pp-bar partial waves and argue that NN-bar bound states may be the cause of this sign reversal. Dependence of the angular correlation on the pp-bar invariant mass is very important to probe the underlying problem from the experimental side.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, the version for journal publicatio

    Pulsed ultraviolet light decontamination of artificially-generated microbiological aerosols

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    Airborne transmission of infectious organisms is a major public health concern, particularly within healthcare and communal public environments. Methods of environmental decontamination utilising pulsed ultraviolet (UV) light are currently available, however it is important that germicidal efficacy against airborne contamination is established. In this study bacterial aerosols were generated and exposed to short duration pulses (~20 µs) of UV-rich light emitted from a xenon-filled flashlamp. The lamp was operated using a 1 kV solid–state pulsed power source, with a pulse frequency of 1 Hz, and output energy of 20 J/pulse. Post-treatment, air samples were extracted from the chamber and the surviving fraction was enumerated using standard microbiological culture methods. Results demonstrate successful aerosol inactivation, with a 92.1% reduction achieved with only 5 pulses of UV-rich light (P=<0.0002). Inactivation using continuous UV light was also investigated in order to quantify the comparative efficacy of these antimicrobial light sources. Overall, results provide evidence of the comparative efficacy of pulsed and continuous UV light for inactivation of airborne bacterial contamination. For practical application, given the safety restrictions limiting its application for decontamination of unoccupied environments, or within sealed enclosures such as air handling units, the reduced treatment times with PUV provides significant operational advantages over continuous light treatment