55 research outputs found

    Tight embeddability of proper and stable metric spaces

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    We introduce the notions of almost Lipschitz embeddability and nearly isometric embeddability. We prove that for p∈[1,∞]p\in [1,\infty], every proper subset of LpL_p is almost Lipschitzly embeddable into a Banach space XX if and only if XX contains uniformly the ℓpn\ell_p^n's. We also sharpen a result of N. Kalton by showing that every stable metric space is nearly isometrically embeddable in the class of reflexive Banach spaces.Comment: 19 page

    Embeddings of locally finite metric spaces into Banach spaces

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    We show that if X is a Banach space without cotype, then every locally finite metric space embeds metrically into X.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the AM

    Approximation properties and Schauder decompositions in Lipschitz-free spaces

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    We prove that the Lipschitz-free space over a doubling metric space has the bounded approximation property. We also show that the Lipschitz-free spaces over ℓ1N\ell_1^N or ℓ1\ell_1 have monotone finite-dimensional Schauder decompositions

    On Uniformly Convex and Uniformly Kadec-Klee Renomings

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    We give a new construction of uniformly convex norms with a power type modulus on super-reflexive spaces based on the notion of dentability index. Furthermore, we prove that if the Szlenk index of a Banach space is less than or equal to ω (first infinite ordinal) then there is an equivalent weak* lower semicontinuous positively homogeneous functional on X* satisfying the uniform Kadec-Klee Property for the weak*-topology (UKK*). Then we solve the UKK or UKK* renorming problems for Lp(X) spaces and C(K) spaces for K scattered compact space

    Szlenk indices of convex hulls

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    We study the general measures of non-compactness defined on subsets of a dual Banach space, their associated derivations and their ω\omega-iterates. We introduce the notions of convexifiable and sublinear measure of non-compactness and investigate the properties of its associated fragment and slice derivations. We apply our results to the Kuratowski measure of non-compactness and to the study of the Szlenk index of a Banach space. As a consequence, we obtain that the Szlenk index and the convex Szlenk index of a separable Banach space are always equal. We also give, for any countable ordinal α\alpha, a characterization of the Banach spaces with Szlenk index bounded by ωα+1\omega^{\alpha+1} in terms of the existence of an equivalent renorming. This extends a result by Knaust, Odell and Schlumprecht on Banach spaces with Szlenk index equal to ω\omega.Comment: This is the final revised version of this pape

    Weak∗^* dentability index of spaces C([0,α])C([0,\alpha])

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    We compute the weak∗^*-dentability index of the spaces C(K)C(K) where KK is a countable compact space. Namely Dz(C([0,ωωα]))=ω1+α+1{Dz}(C([0,\omega^{\omega^\alpha}])) = \omega^{1+\alpha+1}, whenever 0≀α<ω10\le\alpha<\omega_1. More generally, Dz(C(K))=ω1+α+1{Dz}(C(K))=\omega^{1+\alpha+1} if KK is a scattered compact whose height η(K)\eta(K) satisfies ωα<η(K)≀ωα+1\omega^\alpha<\eta(K)\leq \omega^{\alpha+1} with an α\alpha countable

    Approximation and Schur properties for Lipschitz free spaces over compact metric spaces

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    We prove that for any separable Banach space XX, there exists a compact metric space which is homeomorphic to the Cantor space and whose Lipschitz-free space contains a complemented subspace isomorphic to XX. As a consequence we give an example of a compact metric space which is homeomorphic to the Cantor space and whose Lipschitz-free space fails the approximation property and we prove that there exists an uncountable family of topologically equivalent distances on the Cantor space whose free spaces are pairwise non isomorphic. We also prove that the free space over a countable compact metric space has the Schur property. These results answer questions by G. Godefroy.Comment: 9 page

    Isometric embeddings of compact spaces into Banach spaces

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    We show the existence of a compact metric space KK such that whenever KK embeds isometrically into a Banach space YY, then any separable Banach space is linearly isometric to a subspace of YY. We also address the following related question: if a Banach space YY contains an isometric copy of the unit ball or of some special compact subset of a separable Banach space XX, does it necessarily contain a subspace isometric to XX? We answer positively this question when XX is a polyhedral finite-dimensional space, c0c_0 or ℓ1\ell_1.Comment: 8 page
