2,248 research outputs found

    Early stopping for statistical inverse problems via truncated SVD estimation

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    We consider truncated SVD (or spectral cut-off, projection) estimators for a prototypical statistical inverse problem in dimension DD. Since calculating the singular value decomposition (SVD) only for the largest singular values is much less costly than the full SVD, our aim is to select a data-driven truncation level m^∈{1,
,D}\widehat m\in\{1,\ldots,D\} only based on the knowledge of the first m^\widehat m singular values and vectors. We analyse in detail whether sequential {\it early stopping} rules of this type can preserve statistical optimality. Information-constrained lower bounds and matching upper bounds for a residual based stopping rule are provided, which give a clear picture in which situation optimal sequential adaptation is feasible. Finally, a hybrid two-step approach is proposed which allows for classical oracle inequalities while considerably reducing numerical complexity.Comment: slightly modified version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1606.0770

    Effect of Sensory Feedback from the Proximal Upper Limb on Voluntary Isometric Finger Flexion and Extension in Hemiparetic Stroke Subjects

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    This study investigated the potential influence of proximal sensory feedback on voluntary distal motor activity in the paretic upper limb of hemiparetic stroke survivors and the potential effect of voluntary distal motor activity on proximal muscle activity. Ten stroke subjects and 10 neurologically intact control subjects performed maximum voluntary isometric flexion and extension, respectively, at the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the fingers in two static arm postures and under three conditions of electrical stimulation of the arm. The tasks were quantified in terms of maximum MCP torque [MCP flexion (MCPflex) or MCP extension (MCPext)] and activity of targeted (flexor digitorum superficialis or extensor digitorum communis) and nontargeted upper limb muscles. From a previous study on the MCP stretch reflex poststroke, we expected stroke subjects to exhibit a modulation of voluntary MCP torque production by arm posture and electrical stimulation and increased nontargeted muscle activity. Posture 1 (flexed elbow, neutral shoulder) led to greater MCPflex in stroke subjects than posture 2 (extended elbow, flexed shoulder). Electrical stimulation did not influence MCPflex or MCPext in either subject group. In stroke subjects, posture 1 led to greater nontargeted upper limb flexor activity during MCPflex and to greater elbow flexor and extensor activity during MCPext. Stroke subjects exhibited greater elbow flexor activity during MCPflex and greater elbow flexor and extensor activity during MCPext than control subjects. The results suggest that static arm posture can modulate voluntary distal motor activity and accompanying muscle activity in the paretic upper limb poststroke

    Modulation of Stretch Reflexes of the Finger Flexors by Sensory Feedback from the Proximal Upper Limb Poststroke

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    Neural coupling of proximal and distal upper limb segments may have functional implications in the recovery of hemiparesis after stroke. The goal of the present study was to investigate whether the stretch reflex response magnitude of spastic finger flexor muscles poststroke is influenced by sensory input from the shoulder and the elbow and whether reflex coupling of muscles throughout the upper limb is altered in spastic stroke survivors. Through imposed extension of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, stretch of the relaxed finger flexors of the four fingers was imposed in 10 relaxed stroke subjects under different conditions of proximal sensory input, namely static arm posture (3 different shoulder/elbow postures) and electrical stimulation (surface stimulation of biceps brachii or triceps brachii, or none). Fast (300°/s) imposed stretch elicited stretch reflex flexion torque at the MCP joints and reflex electromyographic (EMG) activity in flexor digitorum superficialis. Both measures were greatest in an arm posture of 90° of elbow flexion and neutral shoulder position. Biceps stimulation resulted in greater MCP stretch reflex flexion torque. Fast imposed stretch also elicited reflex EMG activity in nonstretched heteronymous upper limb muscles, both proximal and distal. These results suggest that in the spastic hemiparetic upper limb poststroke, sensorimotor coupling of proximal and distal upper limb segments is involved in both the increased stretch reflex response of the finger flexors and an increased reflex coupling of heteronymous muscles. Both phenomena may be mediated through changes poststroke in the spinal reflex circuits and/or in the descending influence of supraspinal pathways

    Birch pollen induces toll-like receptor 4-dependent dendritic cell activation favoring t cell responses

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    Seasonal exposure to birch pollen (BP) is a major cause of pollinosis. The specific role of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in BP-induced allergic inflammation and the identification of key factors in birch pollen extracts (BPE) initiating this process remain to be explored. This study aimed to examine (i) the importance of TLR4 for dendritic cell (DC) activation by BPE, (ii) the extent of the contribution of BPE-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and other potential TLR4 adjuvant(s) in BPE, and (iii) the relevance of the TLR4-dependent activation of BPE-stimulated DCs in the initiation of an adaptive immune response. In vitro, activation of murine bone marrow-derived DCs (BMDCs) and human monocyte-derived DCs by BPE or the equivalent LPS (nLPS) was analyzed by flow cytometry. Polymyxin B (PMB), a TLR4 antagonist and TLR4-deficient BMDCs were used to investigate the TLR4 signaling in DC activation. The immunostimulatory activity of BPE was compared to protein-/lipid-depleted BPE-fractions. In co-cultures of BPE-pulsed BMDCs and Bet v 1-specific hybridoma T cells, the influence of the TLR4-dependent DC activation on T cell activation was analyzed. In vivo immunization of IL-4 reporter mice was conducted to study BPE-induced Th2 polarization upon PMB pre-treatment. Murine and human DC activation induced by either BPE or nLPS was inhibited by the TLR4 antagonist or by PMB, and abrogated in TLR4-deficient BMDCs compared to wild-type BMDCs. The lipid-free but not the protein-free fraction showed a reduced capacity to activate the TLR4 signaling and murine DCs. In human DCs, nLPS only partially reproduced the BPE-induced activation intensity. BPE-primed BMDCs efficiently stimulated T cell activation, which was repressed by the TLR4 antagonist or PMB, and the addition of nLPS to Bet v 1 did not reproduce the effect of BPE. In vivo, immunization with BPE induced a significant Th2 polarization, whereas administration of BPE pre-incubated with PMB showed a decreased tendency. These findings suggest that TLR4 is a major pathway by which BPE triggers DC activation that is involved in the initiation of adaptive immune responses. Further characterization of these BP-derived TLR4 adjuvants could provide new candidates for therapeutic strategies targeting specific mechanisms in BP-induced allergic inflammation

    Étude de l’engagement des apprenants dans un mĂȘme cours en fonction de sa modalitĂ© : prĂ©sentiel vs vidĂ©o

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    Nous prĂ©sentons dans cet article l’étude de l’engagement des Ă©tudiants d’une Ă©cole d’ingĂ©nieur française dans un cours en fonction de sa modalitĂ© : cours en prĂ©sentiel ou cours-vidĂ©o. Sur la base de l’analyse de diverses donnĂ©es prises auprĂšs d’étudiants sur deux ans, deux questionnaires Ă©crits et 12 interviews, nous montrons que l’engagement est soutenu et indĂ©pendant de la modalitĂ©. Nous attribuons ce rĂ©sultat entre autres aux caractĂ©ristiques des apprenants qui sont fortement motivĂ©s et possĂšdent une bonne connaissance de soi ; ce qui leur permet de choisir et de crĂ©er des conditions de travail adaptĂ©es afin de rĂ©ussir leurs Ă©tudes. Finalement, nous examinons l’ensemble des spĂ©cificitĂ©s de cette Ă©tude de cas afin d’extraire les conditions favorables Ă  l’engagement des apprenants et concluons sur une possible transfĂ©rabilitĂ© dans d’autres contextes

    Initiating pollen sensitization: complex source, complex mechanisms

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    The mechanisms involved in the induction of allergic sensitization by pollen are not fully understood. Within the last few decades, findings from epidemiological and experimental studies support the notion that allergic sensitization is not only dependent on the genetics of the host and environmental factors, but also on intrinsic features of the allergenic source itself. In this review, we summarize the current concepts and newest advances in research focusing on the initial mechanisms inducing pollen sensitization. Pollen allergens are embedded in a complex and heterogeneous matrix composed of a myriad of bioactive molecules that are co-delivered during the allergic sensitization. Surprisingly, several purified allergens were shown to lack inherent sensitizing potential. Thus, growing evidence supports an essential role of pollen-derived components co-delivered with the allergens in the initiation of allergic sensitization. The pollen matrix, which is composed by intrinsic molecules (e.g.proteins, metabolites, lipids, carbohydrates) and extrinsic compounds (e.g.viruses, particles from air pollutants, pollen-linked microbiome), provide a specific context for the allergen and has been proposed as a determinant of Th2 polarization. In addition, the involvement of various pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), secreted alarmins, innate immune cells, and the dependency of DCs in driving pollen-induced Th2 inflammatory processes suggest that allergic sensitization to pollen most likely results from particular combinations of pollen-specific signals rather than from a common determinant of allergenicity. The exact identification and characterization of such pollen-derived Th2-polarizing molecules should provide mechanistic insights into Th2 polarization and pave the way for novel preventive and therapeutic strategies against pollen allergies
