84 research outputs found

    EGFR: A Master Piece in G1/S Phase Transition of Liver Regeneration

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    Unraveling the molecular clues of liver proliferation has become conceivable thanks to the model of two-third hepatectomy. The synchronicity and the well-scheduled aspect of this process allow scientists to slowly decipher this mystery. During this phenomenon, quiescent hepatocytes of the remnant lobes are able to reenter into the cell cycle initiating the G1-S progression synchronously before completing the cell cycle. The major role played by this step of the cell cycle has been emphasized by loss-of-function studies showing a delay or a lack of coordination in the hepatocytes G1-S progression. Two growth factor receptors, c-Met and EGFR, tightly drive this transition. Due to the level of complexity surrounding EGFR signaling, involving numerous ligands, highly controlled regulations and multiple downstream pathways, we chose to focus on the EGFR pathway for this paper. We will first describe the EGFR pathway in its integrity and then address its essential role in the G1/S phase transition for hepatocyte proliferation. Recently, other levels of control have been discovered to monitor this pathway, which will lead us to discuss regulations of the EGFR pathway and highlight the potential effect of misregulations in pathologies

    La dérégulation de l'axe GH/EGFR inhibe la régénération du foie dans le cadre de la stéatose hépatique

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    Ce travail doctoral est centré sur la régénération du foie en conditions normales et au cours de la stéatose hépatique. Ces dernières décennies, de nombreux travaux ont utilisé des modèles d invalidations géniques afin d identifier les acteurs important au cours de la régénération hépatique. Dans ce contexte, il avait été observé que des animaux dont le signal de l hormone de croissance était inhibé présentait un défaut majeur de prolifération hépatocytaire après hépatectomie. Dans un premier temps, notre laboratoire s est donc intéressé à comprendre comment l hormone de croissance contrôle la régénération hépatique au niveau moléculaire. Pour cela, nous avons pratiqué des hépatectomies sur des animaux dépourvus en récepteur de l hormone de croissance (GHrKO). Nous avons ainsi montré que l hormone de croissance jouait un rôle majeur au cours de la régénération hépatique en contrôlant l expression d EGFR ainsi que l activation de Erk1/2. Dans un second temps, je me suis intéressée à une situation pathologique associée à une dérégulation de la voie de l hormone de croissance : la stéatose hépatique. De façon intéressante, de nombreux modèles murins de stéatose hépatique présentent également une inhibition importante de la prolifération après hépatectomie partielle. Chez l Homme, cette maladie (NAFLD pour Non alcoholic fatty liver disease) représente un facteur de risque lors de transplantations hépatiques et de résections majeures du foie. Grâce à l analyse quantifiée de plusieurs paramètres issue de biopsies de patients obèses, nous avons montré l existence d une forte corrélation entre stéatose hépatique et diminution de l expression de l EGFR sur l Homme. Nous avons également pratiqué des hépatectomies sur deux modèles de stéatose, l un génétique (ob/ob) l autre induit par un régime déficient en méthionine et choline (MCD). Les cinétiques de régénération post hépatectomie nous ont permis de confirmer un défaut de régénération hépatique chez les souris ob/ob et MCD. D autre part, l étude de ces modèles de stéatose nous a amenés à valider la dérégulation de la voie de l hormone de croissance et la diminution transcriptionnelle de l EGFR avant et après hépatectomie partielle. En parallèle, nous avons souligné l implication de la voie inhibitrice de prolifération TGF-b, dans l altération de la prolifération hépatocytaire des animaux ob/ob. En effet, de nombreux acteurs de cette voie sont surexprimés après l hépatectomie partielle, participant certainement au défaut de régénération plus drastique observé sur ce modèle. Pour finir, nous avons également montré que l injection sur une courte période d hormone de croissance sur les animaux ob/ob restaure la prolifération hépatocytaire post hépatectomie. Ce sauvetage phénotypique est associé à une réexpression transcriptionnelle et protéique de l EGFR. A terme, ces travaux nous amènent à proposer que la dérégulation de l axe hormone de croissance/EGFR représente un mécanisme général associé à la stéatose hépatique et responsable du défaut de régénération du foie lié à cette maladie.This doctoral work focused on liver regeneration in physiological conditions and during steatosis. These last decades, several studies used gene invalidation models to identify important actors during the liver regeneration. In this context, it had been observed that animals displaying a defect of growth hormone pathway had a drastic defect of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Initially, we started this work by focusing on understanding how growth hormone controls liver regeneration at the molecular level. To do so, we performed partial hepatectomies on animals deleted for the growth hormone receptor gene (GHrKO). These results showed that growth hormone plays a central role in the control of liver regeneration through the expression of EGFR and the activation of Erk1/2. Secondly, we focused our attention on a pathological situation showing a defect of growth hormone signaling : hepatic steatosis. Interestingly, many mice models of hepatic steatosis also present a drastic inhibition of hepatocytes proliferation after partial hepatectomy. In Humans, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents an important risk factor regarding liver transplantations and resections. Through quantified analysis of several parameters from obese patient biopsies, we showed the existence of a strong correlation between hepatic steatosis and decrease in EGFR expression on humans. We also performed partial hepatectomies on two models of hepatic steatosis, one being genetic (ob/ob) and the other one being induced by a methionine choline deficient diet (MCD). Kinetics of regeneration post hepatectomy led us to confirm the defect of liver regeneration in on ob/ob and MCD mice. Moreover, the study of these steatotic models allowed us to corroborate the downregulation of the growth hormone signaling and the transcriptional decrease of EGFR expression. We also underlight the importance of TGF-b, a signaling pathway inhibiting proliferation, in the liver regeneration defect observed in ob/ob mice. Indeed, many members of this pathway have been found to be upregulated after partial hepatectomy, possibly being involved in the drastic regeneration defect observed in ob/ob mice. To finish, we also showed that growth hormone injections on a small period of time in ob/ob mice were capable of rescuing hepatocyte proliferation post hepatectomy. This phenotypic rescue was associated with a reexpression of EGFR at the transcription and protein level. This work led us to propose that the defect of the growth hormone/EGFR pathway represents a general mechanism associated with hepatic steatosis and is responsible for the liver regeneration defect linked to this disease.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinomas exhibit progenitor features and activation of Wnt and TGFβ signaling pathways

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    Intrahepatic malignant tumours include hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC), cholangiocarcinomas (CC) and combined hepatocholangiocarcinomas (cHCC-CC), a group of rare and poorly characterized tumours that exhibit both biliary and hepatocytic differentiation. The aim of the study was to characterize the molecular pathways specifically associated with cHCC-CC pathogenesis. We performed a genome-wide transcriptional analysis of 20 histologically defined cHCC-CC and compared them with a series of typical HCC and of CC. Data were analysed by gene set enrichment and integrative genomics and results were further validated in situ by tissue microarray using an independent series of 152 tumours. We report that cHCC-CC exhibit stem/progenitor features, a down-regulation of the hepatocyte differentiation program and a commitment to the biliary lineage. TGFβ and Wnt/β-catenin were identified as the two major signalling pathways activated in cHCC-CC. A β-catenin signature distinct from that observed in well-differentiated HCC with mutant β-catenin was found in cHCC-CC. This signature was associated with microenvironment remodelling and TGFβ activation. Furthermore, integrative genomics revealed that cHCC-CC share characteristics of poorly differentiated HCC with stem cell traits and poor prognosis. The common traits displayed by CC, cHCC-CC and some HCC suggest that these tumours could originate from stem/progenitor cell(s) and raised the hypothesis of a potential continuum between intrahepatic CC, cHCC-CC and poorly differentiated HC

    Monoacylglycerol lipase reprograms hepatocytes and macrophages to promote liver regeneration

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    Background & Aims: Liver regeneration is a repair process in which metabolic reprogramming of parenchymal and inflammatory cells plays a major role. Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is an ubiquitous enzyme at the crossroad between lipid metabolism and inflammation. It converts monoacylglycerols into free fatty acids and metabolises 2-arachidonoylglycerol into arachidonic acid, being thus the major source of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins in the liver. In this study, we investigated the role of MAGL in liver regeneration. Methods: Hepatocyte proliferation was studied in vitro in hepatoma cell lines and ex vivo in precision-cut human liver slices. Liver regeneration was investigated in mice treated with a pharmacological MAGL inhibitor, MJN110, as well as in animals globally invalidated for MAGL (MAGL-/-) and specifically invalidated in hepatocytes (MAGLHep-/-) or myeloid cells (MAGLMye-/-). Two models of liver regeneration were used: acute toxic carbon tetrachloride injection and two-thirds partial hepatectomy. MAGLMye-/- liver macrophages profiling was analysed by RNA sequencing. A rescue experiment was performed by in vivo administration of interferon receptor antibody in MAGLMye-/- mice. Results: Precision-cut human liver slices from patients with chronic liver disease and human hepatocyte cell lines exposed to MJN110 showed reduced hepatocyte proliferation. Mice with global invalidation or mice treated with MJN110 showed blunted liver regeneration. Moreover, mice with specific deletion of MAGL in either hepatocytes or myeloid cells displayed delayed liver regeneration. Mechanistically, MAGLHep-/- mice showed reduced liver eicosanoid production, in particular prostaglandin E2 that negatively impacts on hepatocyte proliferation. MAGL inhibition in macrophages resulted in the induction of the type I interferon pathway. Importantly, neutralising the type I interferon pathway restored liver regeneration of MAGLMye-/- mice. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that MAGL promotes liver regeneration by hepatocyte and macrophage reprogramming. Impact and Implications: By using human liver samples and mouse models of global or specific cell type invalidation, we show that the monoacylglycerol pathway plays an essential role in liver regeneration. We unveil the mechanisms by which MAGL expressed in both hepatocytes and macrophages impacts the liver regeneration process, via eicosanoid production by hepatocytes and the modulation of the macrophage interferon pathway profile that restrains hepatocyte proliferation.The authors thank V. Fauveau, Institut Cochin, for help in surgery experiments; Olivier Thibaudeau of the Plateau de Morphologie Facility (INSERM UMR 1152, France) and Nicolas Sorhaindo of the Plateforme de Biochimie (CRI, INSERM UMR1149) for their help in the histology and liver function tests; and K. Bailly from the cytometry platform of Cochin Institute and H. Fohrer-Ting from the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris University, for cell sorting analyses.Scopu


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