24 research outputs found

    Nodule inception recruits the lateral root developmental program for symbiotic nodule organogenesis in Medicago truncatula

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    To overcome nitrogen deficiencies in the soil, legumes enter symbioses with rhizobial bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium. Rhizobia are accommodated as endosymbionts within lateral root organs called nodules that initiate from the inner layers of Medicago truncatula roots in response to rhizobial perception. In contrast, lateral roots emerge from predefined founder cells as an adaptive response to environmental stimuli, including water and nutrient availability. CYTOKININ RESPONSE 1 (CRE1)-mediated signaling in the pericycle and in the cortex is necessary and sufficient for nodulation, whereas cytokinin is antagonistic to lateral root development, with cre1 showing increased lateral root emergence and decreased nodulation. To better understand the relatedness between nodule and lateral root development, we undertook a comparative analysis of these two root developmental programs. Here, we demonstrate that despite differential induction, lateral roots and nodules share overlapping developmental programs, with mutants in LOB-DOMAIN PROTEIN 16 (LBD16) showing equivalent defects in nodule and lateral root initiation. The cytokinin-inducible transcription factor NODULE INCEPTION (NIN) allows induction of this program during nodulation through activation of LBD16 that promotes auxin biosynthesis via transcriptional induction of STYLISH (STY) and YUCCAs (YUC). We conclude that cytokinin facilitates local auxin accumulation through NIN promotion of LBD16, which activates a nodule developmental program overlapping with that induced during lateral root initiation

    Identification and Characterization of Nodulation-Signaling Pathway 2

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    Calcium ion binding properties of medicago truncatula calcium/calmodulin- dependent protein kinase

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    A calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CCaMK) is essential in the interpretation of calcium oscillations in plant root cells for the establishment of symbiotic relationships with rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi. Some of its properties have been studied in detail, but its calcium ion binding properties and subsequent conformational change have not. A biophysical approach was taken with constructs comprising either the visinin-like domain of Medicago truncatula CCaMK, which contains EF-hand motifs, or this domain together with the autoinhibitory domain. The visinin-like domain binds three calcium ions, leading to a conformational change involving the exposure of hydrophobic surfaces and a change in tertiary but not net secondary or quaternary structure. The affinity for calcium ions of visinin-like domain EF-hands 1 and 2 (Kd = 200 ± 50 nM) was appropriate for the interpretation of calcium oscillations (∼125-850 nM), while that of EF-hand 3 (Kd ≤ 20 nM) implied occupancy at basal calcium ion levels. Calcium dissociation rate constants were determined for the visinin-like domain of CCaMK, M. truncatula calmodulin 1, and the complex between these two proteins (the slowest of which was 0.123 ± 0.002 s-1), suggesting the corresponding calcium association rate constants were at or near the diffusion-limited rate. In addition, the dissociation of calmodulin from the protein complex was shown to be on the same time scale as the dissociation of calcium ions. These observations suggest that the formation and dissociation of the complex between calmodulin and CCaMK would substantially mirror calcium oscillations, which typically have a 90 s periodicity

    Mastoparan Activates Calcium Spiking Analogous to Nod Factor-Induced Responses in Medicago truncatula Root Hair Cells1[W][OA]

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    The rhizobial-derived signaling molecule Nod factor is essential for the establishment of the Medicago truncatula/Sinorhizobium meliloti symbiosis. Nod factor perception and signal transduction in the plant involve calcium spiking and lead to the induction of nodulation gene expression. It has previously been shown that the heterotrimeric G-protein agonist mastoparan can activate nodulation gene expression in a manner analogous to Nod factor activation of these genes and this requires DOESN'T MAKE INFECTIONS3 (DMI3), a calcium- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CCaMK) that is required for Nod factor signaling. Here we show that mastoparan activates oscillations in cytosolic calcium similar but not identical to Nod factor-induced calcium spiking. Mastoparan-induced calcium changes occur throughout the cell, whereas Nod factor-induced changes are restricted to the region associated with the nucleus. Mastoparan-induced calcium spiking occurs in plants mutated in the receptor-like kinases NOD FACTOR PERCEPTION and DMI2 and in the putative cation channel DMI1, which are all required for Nod factor induction of calcium spiking, indicating either that mastoparan functions downstream of these components or that it uses an alternative mechanism to Nod factor for activation of calcium spiking. However, both mastoparan and Nod factor-induced calcium spiking are inhibited by cyclopiazonic acid and n-butanol, suggesting some common mechanisms underpinning these two calcium agonists. The fact that mastoparan and Nod factor both activate calcium spiking and can induce nodulation gene expression in a DMI3-dependent manner strongly implicates CCaMK in the perception and transduction of the calcium signal

    GRAS Proteins Form a DNA Binding Complex to Induce Gene Expression during Nodulation Signaling in Medicago truncatula[W]

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    The symbiotic association of legumes with rhizobia involves bacterially derived Nod factor, which is sufficient to activate the formation of nodules on the roots of the host plant. Perception of Nod factor by root hair cells induces calcium oscillations that are a component of the Nod factor signal transduction pathway. Perception of the calcium oscillations is a function of a calcium- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, and this activates nodulation gene expression via two GRAS domain transcriptional regulators, Nodulation Signaling Pathway1 (NSP1) and NSP2, and an ERF transcription factor required for nodulation. Here, we show that NSP1 and NSP2 form a complex that is associated with the promoters of early nodulin genes. We show that NSP1 binds directly to ENOD promoters through the novel cis-element AATTT. While NSP1 shows direct binding to the ENOD11 promoter in vitro, this association in vivo requires NSP2. The NSP1-NSP2 association with the ENOD11 promoter is enhanced following Nod factor elicitation. Mutations in the domain of NSP2 responsible for its interaction with NSP1 highlight the significance of the NSP1-NSP2 heteropolymer for nodulation signaling. Our work reveals direct binding of a GRAS protein complex to DNA and highlights the importance of the NSP1-NSP2 complex for efficient nodulation in the model legume Medicago truncatula

    Genetic strategies for improving crop yields

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    The current trajectory for crop yields is insufficient to nourish the world’s population by 20501. Greater and more consistent crop production must be achieved against a backdrop of climatic stress that limits yields, owing to shifts in pests and pathogens, precipitation, heat-waves and other weather extremes. Here we consider the potential of plant sciences to address post-Green Revolution challenges in agriculture and explore emerging strategies for enhancing sustainable crop production and resilience in a changing climate. Accelerated crop improvement must leverage naturally evolved traits and transformative engineering driven by mechanistic understanding, to yield the resilient production systems that are needed to ensure future harvests

    The Tomato NBARC-LRR Protein Prf Interacts with Pto Kinase in Vivo to Regulate Specific Plant Immunity

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    Immunity in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to Pseudomonas syringae bacteria expressing the effector proteins AvrPto and AvrPtoB requires both Pto kinase and the NBARC-LRR (for nucleotide binding domain shared by Apaf-1, certain R gene products, and CED-4 fused to C-terminal leucine-rich repeats) protein Prf. Pto plays a direct role in effector recognition within the host cytoplasm, but the role of Prf is unknown. We show that Pto and Prf are coincident in the signal transduction pathway that controls ligand-independent signaling. Pto and Prf associate in a coregulatory interaction that requires Pto kinase activity and N-myristoylation for signaling. Pto interacts with a unique Prf N-terminal domain outside of the NBARC-LRR domain and resides in a high molecular weight recognition complex dependent on the presence of Prf. In this complex, both Pto and Prf contribute to specific recognition of AvrPtoB. The data suggest that the role of Pto is confined to the regulation of Prf and that the bacterial effectors have evolved to target this coregulatory molecular switch