2,279 research outputs found

    Rocket radio measurement of electron density in the nighttime ionosphere

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    One experimental technique based on the Faraday rotation effect of radio waves is presented for measuring electron density in the nighttime ionosphere at midlatitudes. High frequency linearly-polarized radio signals were transmitted to a linearly-polarized receiving system located in a spinning rocket moving through the ionosphere. Faraday rotation was observed in the reference plane of the rocket as a change in frequency of the detected receiver output. The frequency change was measured and the information was used to obtain electron density data. System performance was evaluated and some sources of error were identified. The data obtained was useful in calibrating a Langmuir probe experiment for electron density values of 100/cu cm and greater. Data from two rocket flights are presented to illustrate the experiment

    Passive remote sensing of artificial relativistic electron beams in the middle atmosphere

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76955/1/AIAA-1999-4532-160.pd

    Effects of neutral gas release on current collection during the CHARGE-2 rocket experiment

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    Observations of current collection enhancements due to cold nitrogen gas control jet emissions from a highly charged rocket payload in the ionosphere are reported. These observations were made during the second cooperative high altitude rocket gun experiment (CHARGE-2) which was an electrically tethered mother/daughter payload system. The current collection enhancement was observed at the daughter payload located 100 to 400 m away from the mother which was firing an energetic electron beam. The authors interpret these results in terms of an electrical discharge forming in close proximity to the daughter during the short periods of gas emission. The results indicate that it is possible to enhance the electron current collection capability of positively charged vehicles by means of deliberate neutral gas releases into an otherwise undisturbed space plasma. These results can also be compared with recent laboratory observations of hollow cathode plasma contactors operating in the ignited mode. Experimental observations of current collection enhancements due to cold nitrogen gas control jet emissions from a highly charged, isolated daughter payload in the nighttime ionosphere were made. These observations were derived from the second cooperative high altitude rocket gun experiment (CHARGE-2) which was an electrically tethered mother-daughter payload system. The rocket flew from White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) in December, 1985. The rocket achieved an altitude of 261 km and carried a 1 keV electron beam emitting up to 48 mA of current (Myers, et al., 1989a). The mother payload, carried the electron beam source, while the daughter acted as a remote current collection and observation platform and reached a distance of 426 m away from the main payload. Gas emissions at the daughter were due to periodic thruster jet firings to maintain separation velocity between the two payloads

    Flexible microwave system to measure the electron number density and quantify the communications impact of electric thruster plasma plumes

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    An advanced microwave interferometric system operating in the Ku (12–18 GHz) band has been implemented for use in very large vacuum chambers to determine the effects of electromagnetic wave propagation through a plasma plume created by a space electric propulsion thruster. This diagnostic tool is used to nonintrusively obtain the local electron number density as well as provide information necessary for understanding impact to communications and other spacecraft electromagnetic systems. The use of a nonintrusive electromagnetic measurement provides highly accurate line integrated density and avoids problems caused by intrusive measurement techniques. If the plasma is symmetrical, local plasma density can also be determined accurately using well known inversion techniques. A network analyzer acts as a transmitter and receiver while a two axis positioning system maps the amplitude and phase variation of a transmitted signal over one plane of the plasma plume. The utilization of a 6 m×9 m vacuum chamber effectively minimizes plasma boundary effects, but the longer cable path lengths have required a frequency conversion circuit to reduce power loss and phase uncertainty at high frequencies. Two studies are presented: the first is a measurement of the local electron density in the plume of a 1 kW arcjet and the second is a measurement of attenuation in the plume of a stationary plasma thruster. Both the arcjet and SPT emit a steady state conical unmagnetized plasma that is radially symmetric. The arcjet peak density is 1015–1016 m−3 along centerline and the SPT peak density is 1016–1017 m−3 along centerline. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71094/2/RSINAK-68-2-1189-1.pd

    Modeling Relativistic Electron Precipitation Bremsstrahlung X-Ray Intensities at 10-100 km Manned Vehicle Altitudes

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    Relativisitic electron precipitation (REP) events occur when beams or bunches of relativistic electrons of magnetospheric origin enter the Earth's atmosphere, typically at auroral latitudes. REP events are associated with a variety of space weather effects, including production of transitional and bremsstrahlung radiation, catalytic depletion of stratospheric ozone, and scintillation of transionospheric radio waves. This study examines the intensities of xrays produced at airliner, manned balloon, and space reuseable launch vehicles (sRLVs). The monoenergetic beam is modeled in cylindrical symetry using the paraxial ray equation. Bremsstrahlung photon production is calculated using the traditional SauterElwert crosssection, providing xray emission spectra differential in energy and angle. Attenuation is computed for a planestratified standard atmosphere, and the loss processes include photoionization, Rayleigh and Compton scattering, electronpositron pair production, and photonuclear interaction. Peak altitudes of electron energy deposition and bremsstrahlung xray production were calculated for beams of energies from 1 MeV through 100 MeV. The altitude peak of bremsstrahlung deposition was consistently and significantly lower that that of the electron deposition due to the longer mean free paths of xrays compared to electrons within the atmosphere. For example, for a nadirdirected monoenergetic 5 MeV beam, the peak deposition altitude was calculated to be 42 km, but the resulting bremsstrahlung deposition peaked at 25 km. This has implications for crew and passenger safety, especially with the growth of the space tourism industry. A survey of results covering the 1100 MeV spectrum for the three altitude ranges of interest will be presented

    RF signal impact study of an SPT

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76213/1/AIAA-1996-2706-928.pd

    Analytic Solution for the Critical State in Superconducting Elliptic Films

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    A thin superconductor platelet with elliptic shape in a perpendicular magnetic field is considered. Using a method originally applied to circular disks, we obtain an approximate analytic solution for the two-dimensional critical state of this ellipse. In the limits of the circular disk and the long strip this solution is exact, i.e. the current density is constant in the region penetrated by flux. For ellipses with arbitrary axis ratio the obtained current density is constant to typically 0.001, and the magnetic moment deviates by less than 0.001 from the exact value. This analytic solution is thus very accurate. In increasing applied magnetic field, the penetrating flux fronts are approximately concentric ellipses whose axis ratio b/a < 1 decreases and shrinks to zero when the flux front reaches the center, the long axis staying finite in the fully penetrated state. Analytic expressions for these axes, the sheet current, the magnetic moment, and the perpendicular magnetic field are presented and discussed. This solution applies also to superconductors with anisotropic critical current if the anisotropy has a particular, rather realistic form.Comment: Revtex file and 13 postscript figures, gives 10 pages of text with figures built i

    Ample consumption period available until use-by dates: a potential, marketing position for store brands

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    Traditionally store brands in Australia are viewed with suspicion in regard to their quality and are usually purchased because of the "value for money" that they offer. Australian supermarket majors are considering introducing a new suite of store brands in the higher price brackets. The danger of moving upscale however is that these store brands are relinquishing their value for money appeal and will come head to head with the manufactured brands. Store brands will now require some quality dimension to compete. This paper after studying the attitudes and behavioural response of grocery shoppers to use by dates, is proposing that that the promise of "generous" use-by dates as a surrogate for quality, could be considered as a positioning plank to promote store brands as alternatives to manufactured brands. Logit analysis is employed to explain shoppers' perception and response to use-by dates, of products that they regularly buy, and of alternative products which they have never bought before if the use-by dates of their regular items are perceived to be too shor

    Plume characterization of the SPT-100

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76626/1/AIAA-1996-3298-655.pd

    Lineage dynamics of murine pancreatic development at single-cell resolution.

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    Organogenesis requires the complex interactions of multiple cell lineages that coordinate their expansion, differentiation, and maturation over time. Here, we profile the cell types within the epithelial and mesenchymal compartments of the murine pancreas across developmental time using a combination of single-cell RNA sequencing, immunofluorescence, in situ hybridization, and genetic lineage tracing. We identify previously underappreciated cellular heterogeneity of the developing mesenchyme and reconstruct potential lineage relationships among the pancreatic mesothelium and mesenchymal cell types. Within the epithelium, we find a previously undescribed endocrine progenitor population, as well as an analogous population in both human fetal tissue and human embryonic stem cells differentiating toward a pancreatic beta cell fate. Further, we identify candidate transcriptional regulators along the differentiation trajectory of this population toward the alpha or beta cell lineages. This work establishes a roadmap of pancreatic development and demonstrates the broad utility of this approach for understanding lineage dynamics in developing organs
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