5,735 research outputs found

    Conditional phase shifts using trapped atoms

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    We describe a scheme for producing conditional nonlinear phase shifts on two-photon optical fields using an interaction with one or more ancilla two-level atomic systems. The conditional field state transformations are induced by using high efficiency fluorescence shelving measurements on the atomic ancilla. The scheme can be nearly deterministic and is of obvious benefit for quantum information applications

    A study of reactive plasma deposited thin films

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    A state-of-the-art research laboratory was established to grow and characterize amorphous thin films that are useful in semi-conductor devices. Two film systems, nitride films and silicon dioxide films were studied. Over seventy deposition runs for nitride films were made. The films were deposited on silicon substrate using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. It was found that the uniformity of the films were affected by the location of the film on the platen

    Research on computational and display requirements for human control of space vehicle boosters. Part 1 - Theory and results Final report, 22 Jun. - 22 Oct. 1966

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    Computational and display requirements for man-computer guidance and control techniques for reusable manned spacecraf

    Generating optical nonlinearity using trapped atoms

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    We describe a scheme for producing an optical nonlinearity using an interaction with one or more ancilla two-level atomic systems. The nonlinearity, which can be implemented using high efficiency fluorescence shelving measurements, together with general linear transformations is sufficient for simulating arbitrary Hamiltonian evolution on a Fock state qudit. We give two examples of the application of this nonlinearity, one for the creation of nonlinear phase shifts on optical fields as required in single photon quantum computation schemes, and the other for the preparation of optical Schrodinger cat states.Comment: Substantially extended from quant-ph/020815

    Research on computational and display requirements for human control of space vehicle boosters. Part I - Theory and results Final report, 1 Mar. - 31 Aug. 1967

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    Optimization study of computation and display requirements for human control of reusable orbital transport ascen

    Efficient Parity Encoded Optical Quantum Computing

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    We present a linear optics quantum computation scheme with a greatly reduced cost in resources compared to KLM. The scheme makes use of elements from cluster state computation and achieves comparable resource usage to those schemes while retaining the circuit based approach of KLM

    Die Casting

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    Antipodean Owenite or Colonial Socialist: Charles Harper’s Economic Thought

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    Agricultural co-operation has long been recognised as an important institution in the development of Western Australia’s agricultural sector. Charles Harper (1842 – 1912) has long been considered the founding father of agricultural co-operation in Western Australia. Harper was instrumental in founding the Western Australian Co-operative Producers’ Union in 1902 which, among other things, eventually became Wesfarmers Ltd. Harper was also a long standing member of Parliament, a newspaperman, an explorer, a founder of schools, a philanthropist, and an agricultural experimentalist. He was also able to pass his legacy on to his son Walter who led the co-operative movement after Harper senior’s death in 1912 and saw to its integration into the mainstream of Western Australian political and economic systems. In considering Harper’s contribution to the economic and social development of Western Australia, it is difficult to determine the extent to which his economic thinking in relation to co-operation or other economic questions conformed to such socialistic ideas represented by Owenite Co-operation or Colonial Socialism. Harper was neither a protectionist nor a free trader. Indeed, in this paper, I will discuss Harper’s position in relation to a number of economic questions – tariffs, dumping, fair trade, land alienation - with a view to showing that Harper was a pragmatist focused on economic development and determined to place all resources and apply all leavers, regardless of source and political niceties, toward that end
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