8 research outputs found

    Les Factueurs Socioculturels de la Mendicite des Mineurs Talibes de la Commune de Parakou (Benin)

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    La ville de Parakou Ă  l’instar de nombreuses villes africaines est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une croissance dĂ©mographique importante. Outre cet aspect, certains enfants s’adonnent Ă  l’activitĂ© illicite telle que la mendicitĂ©. Cet article qui traite du phĂ©nomène de la mendicitĂ© des enfants mineurs, s’appuie sur les donnĂ©es empiriques qualitatives auprès des  maĂ®tres coraniques, des enfants talibĂ©s, d’un Centre de Promotion Social (CPS) et deux anciens talibĂ©s de la commune de Parakou. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que confrontĂ©s Ă  la pauvretĂ©, certains parents n’arrivent plus Ă  subvenir aux besoins de leur progĂ©niture. La croyance religieuse des parents permet de confier les enfants Ă  l’école coranique Ă  des fins d’apprentissages du Coran. Le respect et les vertus associĂ©s Ă  l’image du maĂ®tre coranique lui valent la confiance absolue des parents d’enfants. Cependant, l’étude a aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que ces enfants sous la responsabilitĂ© du maitre coranique mendient pour satisfaire ses exigences et pour manger Ă  leur faim. Cette pratique vise davantage Ă  exploiter les enfants qu’à les Ă©duquer. Un système de reconversion de ces enfants avec l’implication de tous les acteurs permettrait de rĂ©duire considĂ©rablement ce phĂ©nomène.   The city of Parakou, like many African cities, is characterized by significant population growth. Besides this aspect, some children indulge in illicit activity such as begging. This article, which deals with the phenomenon of begging by minor children, is based on qualitative empirical data from Koranic teachers, talibĂ© children, a Center for Social Promotion (CPS) and two former talibĂ©s from the municipality of Parakou. The results revealed that faced with poverty, some parents can no longer provide for the needs of their offspring. The religious belief of the parents makes it possible to entrust the children to the Koranic school for the purpose of learning the Koran. The respect and virtues associated with the image of the Koranic master earned him the absolute trust of parents of children. However, the study also revealed that these children under the responsibility of the Koranic master beg to meet his requirements and to eat their fill. This practice aims more to exploit children than to educate them. A retraining system for these children with the involvement of all stakeholders would considerably reduce this phenomenon

    Les Factueurs Socioculturels de la Mendicite des Mineurs Talibes de la Commune de Parakou (Benin)

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    La ville de Parakou Ă  l’instar de nombreuses villes africaines est caractĂ©risĂ©e par une croissance dĂ©mographique importante. Outre cet aspect, certains enfants s’adonnent Ă  l’activitĂ© illicite telle que la mendicitĂ©. Cet article qui traite du phĂ©nomène de la mendicitĂ© des enfants mineurs, s’appuie sur les donnĂ©es empiriques qualitatives auprès des  maĂ®tres coraniques, des enfants talibĂ©s, d’un Centre de Promotion Social (CPS) et deux anciens talibĂ©s de la commune de Parakou. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que confrontĂ©s Ă  la pauvretĂ©, certains parents n’arrivent plus Ă  subvenir aux besoins de leur progĂ©niture. La croyance religieuse des parents permet de confier les enfants Ă  l’école coranique Ă  des fins d’apprentissages du Coran. Le respect et les vertus associĂ©s Ă  l’image du maĂ®tre coranique lui valent la confiance absolue des parents d’enfants. Cependant, l’étude a aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que ces enfants sous la responsabilitĂ© du maitre coranique mendient pour satisfaire ses exigences et pour manger Ă  leur faim. Cette pratique vise davantage Ă  exploiter les enfants qu’à les Ă©duquer. Un système de reconversion de ces enfants avec l’implication de tous les acteurs permettrait de rĂ©duire considĂ©rablement ce phĂ©nomène.   The city of Parakou, like many African cities, is characterized by significant population growth. Besides this aspect, some children indulge in illicit activity such as begging. This article, which deals with the phenomenon of begging by minor children, is based on qualitative empirical data from Koranic teachers, talibĂ© children, a Center for Social Promotion (CPS) and two former talibĂ©s from the municipality of Parakou. The results revealed that faced with poverty, some parents can no longer provide for the needs of their offspring. The religious belief of the parents makes it possible to entrust the children to the Koranic school for the purpose of learning the Koran. The respect and virtues associated with the image of the Koranic master earned him the absolute trust of parents of children. However, the study also revealed that these children under the responsibility of the Koranic master beg to meet his requirements and to eat their fill. This practice aims more to exploit children than to educate them. A retraining system for these children with the involvement of all stakeholders would considerably reduce this phenomenon

    Gender stereotypes in the UK primary schools: student and teacher perceptions

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    Gender stereotypes are often an unconscious notion, which can unjustly confine individuals’ pathways to that of those deemed acceptable in society. Therefore, this qualitative study aimed to explore whether such ideals are shown by primary school students’ and their teachers. Results showed that gender stereotypes were present, with both students and teachers expressing this. Students indicated that all six professions explored had large stereotypes. Teachers were largely in agreement, noting that although they felt able to challenge such ideals, many of them had no formal training throughout their teaching program. The results offer a rationale for more initial teacher training programs to explore the effects of gender stereotypes, preparing teachers to challenge these early on while children are developing their long-term beliefs, to avoid unjust bias

    Les Facteurs Socioculturels et Socioeconomiques de la Mendicite des Mineurs Talibes de la Commune de Parakou (Benin)

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    Les enfants talibĂ©s sont des enfants inscrits dans une Ă©cole coranique et confiĂ©s Ă  un maĂ®tre par leur parent en vue d”apprendre le coran et les valeurs sociales. Durant cet apprentissage, ces enfants sont conviĂ©s Ă  mendier pour des raisons diverses. Cependant, le phĂ©nomène de la mendicitĂ© de ces enfants devient de plus en plus remarquable suscitant des recherches. Cet article qui traite du phĂ©nomène de la mendicitĂ© des enfants mineurs, s”appuie sur les donnĂ©es recueillies Ă  l”aide du guide d”entretien auprès des maĂ®tres coraniques, des enfants talibĂ©s, d”un Centre de Promotion Sociale (CPS) et deux anciens talibĂ©s de la commune de Parakou. Les rĂ©sultats ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que confrontĂ©s Ă  la pauvretĂ©, certains parents n”arrivent plus Ă  subvenir aux besoins de leur progĂ©niture. La croyance religieuse des parents permet de confier les enfants Ă  lӎcole coranique Ă  des fins d”apprentissages du Coran. Le respect et les vertus associĂ©s Ă  l”image du maĂ®tre coranique lui valent la confiance absolue des parents d”enfants. Cependant, lӎtude a aussi rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que ces enfants sous la responsabilitĂ© du maitre coranique mendient pour satisfaire ses exigences et pour manger Ă  leur faim. Cette pratique vise davantage Ă  exploiter les enfants plutĂ´t quӈ les Ă©duquer. Un système de reconversion de ces enfants avec l”implication de tous les acteurs permettrait de rĂ©duire considĂ©rablement ce phĂ©nomène.   TalibĂ© children are enrolled in a coranic school and entrusted to a teacher by their parent in order to learn the coran and social values. During this apprenticeship, these children are invited to beg for various reasons. The phenomenon of begging by these children is becoming more and more remarkable and has prompted the need for research. This paper, which deals with the phenomenon of begging by minor children, is based on data collected through interview guide with coranic teachers, talibĂ© children, a Social Advancement Center (SAC), and two former talibĂ©s of the commune of Parakou. The results revealed that due to poverty, some parents are no longer able to provide for the needs of their offspring to entrust the children to coranic school for the purpose of learning the coran. The respect and virtues associated with the image of the coranic master earned him the absolute trust of parents and their children. The study also revealed that these children, under the responsibility of the coranic master, beg to meet his requirements and to eat to their fill. This practice is more aimed at exploiting children than educating them. A retraining system for these children with the involvement of all stakeholders would considerably reduce this phenomenon

    The Flying Fish Persistent Ocean Surveillance Platform

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77030/1/AIAA-2009-1902-584.pd

    The role of structured inpatient lipid protocols in optimizing non-statin lipid lowering therapy: a review and single-center experience

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    Dyslipidemia is a leading contributor to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). There has been a significant improvement in the treatment of dyslipidemia in the past 10 years with the development of new pharmacotherapies. The intent of this review is help enhance clinicians understanding of non-statin lipid lowering therapies in accordance with the 2022 American College of Cardiology Expert Consensus Clinical Decision Pathway on the Role of Non-statin Therapies for LDL-Cholesterol Lowering. We also present a single-center experience implementing a systematic inpatient protocol for lipid lowering therapy for secondary prevention of ASCVD

    NOTUM from Apc-mutant cells biases clonal competition to initiate cancer

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgements We thank the Core Services and Advanced Technologies at the Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute (C596/A17196 and A31287), and particularly the Biological Services Unit, Histology Service and Molecular Technologies; members of the Sansom and Katajisto laboratories for discussions of the data and manuscript; and BRC Oxford for supplying patient material. O.J.S. and his laboratory members were supported by Cancer Research UK (A28223, A21139, A12481 and A17196). D.J.F. and M.C.H. were supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/R017247/1 and MR/J50032X/1, respectively). SpecifiCancer CRUK Grand Challenge (C7932/A29055) is funded by Cancer Research UK and the Mark Foundation for Cancer Research. P.K. and his laboratory members were supported by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence MetaStem (266869, 304591 and 320185), the ERC Starting Grant 677809, the Swedish Research Council 2018-03078, the Cancerfonden 190634, the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation and the Cancer Foundation Finland. N.P. was supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Biomedicum Helsinki Foundation, the Orion Research Foundation sr and The Paulo Foundation. P.V.F. was supported by Alzheimer’s Research UK and The Francis Crick Institute. The ARUK UCL Drug Discovery Institute receives its core funding from Alzheimer’s Research UK (520909). The Francis Crick Institute receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK (FC001002), the UK Medical Research Council (FC001002) and the Wellcome Trust (FC001002). Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited.The tumour suppressor APC is the most commonly mutated gene in colorectal cancer. Loss of Apc in intestinal stem cells drives the formation of adenomas in mice via increased WNT signalling(1), but reduced secretion of WNT ligands increases the ability of Apc-mutant intestinal stem cells to colonize a crypt (known as fixation)(2). Here we investigated how Apc-mutant cells gain a clonal advantage over wild-type counterparts to achieve fixation. We found that Apc-mutant cells are enriched for transcripts that encode several secreted WNT antagonists, with Notum being the most highly expressed. Conditioned medium from Apc-mutant cells suppressed the growth of wild-type organoids in a NOTUM-dependent manner. Furthermore, NOTUM-secreting Apc-mutant clones actively inhibited the proliferation of surrounding wild-type crypt cells and drove their differentiation, thereby outcompeting crypt cells from the niche. Genetic or pharmacological inhibition of NOTUM abrogated the ability of Apc-mutant cells to expand and form intestinal adenomas. We identify NOTUM as a key mediator during the early stages of mutation fixation that can be targeted to restore wild-type cell competitiveness and provide preventative strategies for people at a high risk of developing colorectal cancer.Peer reviewe