803 research outputs found

    El ácido úrico se asocia con características de un síndrome de resistencia insulínica en los niños obesos en etapas perdurables

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    Elevated plasma uric acid levels are associated with obesity and could be an expression of insulin-resistant state. The aim of the present study was to evaluate plasma uric acid in obese and normal-weight children exclusively at prepubertal stage and its relationship with anthropometric measurements, intake, and features of the insulin resistance syndrome. A study was performed in 34 obese and 20 normal- weight prepubertal children. Nutrient intake was determined using a 72 h recall questionnaire and a consumption food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric parameters and fasting plasma lipids, glucose, insulin, leptin, adiponectin, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α) and uric acid were measured. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify association of anthropometric parameters, nutrient intake and insulin resistance syndrome variables (arterial blood pressure, plasma glucose, insulin, homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance index- HOMA- triacylglycerols and, HDL-cholesterol) with uric acid. Plasma uric concentration was significantly higher in the obese group than in the control group and when adjusted by sex, age and BMI was positively associated with tricipital skinfold and insulin resistance, and negatively with adiponectin. In multiple regression analysis, BMI, HDL-cholesterol and adiponectin were independent predictors of plasma uric acid. In conclusion, elevated levels of uric acid in obese children, compared with lean subjects, at the prepubertal period, seems to be an early metabolic alteration that is associated with other features of insulin resistance syndrome.Los niveles elevados de ácido úrico plasmáticos se asocian a la obesidad y pueden ser la expresión de un estado de resistencia insulínica. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la concentración plasmática de ácido úrico en niños obesos y normales, exclusivamente en edad prepuberal, y determinar su relación con las medidas antropométricas, la ingesta dietética y los parámetros asociados al síndrome de resistencia insulínica. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 34 niños obesos y 20 controles en edad prepuberal a los cuales se les estimó su ingesta dietética mediante el registro de un cuestionario de ingesta de alimentos de 72 h y un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos y se determinaron, además de los parámetros antropométricos, la glucosa, la insulina, la leptina, la adiponectina y el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α) plasmáticos. Se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple para identificar la asociación entre los niveles de ácido úrico y los parámetros antropométricos, la ingesta de nutrientes y las variables clásicas relacionadas con el síndrome de resistencia insulínica (hipertensión, glucosa, insulina, índice de resistencia insulínica HOMA, triglicéridos y HDL-colesterol plasmáticos), así como con leptina, adiponectina y TNF-α. La concentración plasmática de ácido úrico fue significativamente más elevada en los niños obesos que en los controles y, cuando se ajustó por sexo, edad e índice de masa corporal, los niveles de ácido úrico se asociaron con el pliegue tricipital y la resistencia inulínica, y negativamente con la adiponectina. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, el índice de masa corporal, el HDL-colesterol y la adiponectina fueron predictores independientes del ácido úrico plasmático. En conclusión, los niveles elevados de ácido úrico en niños obesos en edad prepuberal, comparado con los de los niños normales, representan una alteración metabólica temprana asociada con la resistencia insulínica.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs, the Spanish National Program for Scientific Research, Development, and Technological Innovation (I+D+I), and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spanish National Health Research Institute), FEDER co-financed Project No. PI 051968. Mercedes Gil-Campos was a research scientist appointed on a training contract funded by the Carlos III Health Research Institute

    State of the art nano materials

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    ABSTRACT: The special issue of ANM2017 is a collection of papers from the 9th series ANM (Advanced Nano Materials) conference, which was held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, from 19-21 July 2017. State of the art results were discussed by eminent researchers on a wide range of subjects including nanomaterials, graphene materials, polymer nanocomposites, magnetic materials, spintronics materials, hydrogen energy, nanoelectronics and solar energy materials. We thank all the reviewers for their detailed reviews which immensely helped the authors to improve the quality of their papers. Advanced Nano Materials, ANM (https://www.advancednanomaterials-conference.com/) is an annual conference at the University of Aveiro, Portugal and we invite all our colleagues working in the field of energy materials to attend the next ANM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    State of the art energy materials

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    ABSTRACT: The special issue of AEM2017 is a collection of papers from the second series of AEM (Advanced Energy Materials) conference, which was held at the University of Surrey, England, from 11-13 September 2017. State of the art results were discussed by eminent researchers on a wide range of subjects including battery, fuel cells, catalysis, carbon materials, photovoltaics, biofuels, polymer-based hydrogen storage, hydrogen production by various methods, crystalline porous materials for hydrogen storage. We thank all the reviewers for their detailed reviews which immensely helped the authors to improve the quality of their papers. Advanced Energy Materials, AEM (www.advanced-energymaterialsconference.com) is an annual conference and we invite all our colleagues working in the field of energy materials to attend the next AEM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Longitudinal associations between cardiovascular biomarkers and metabolic syndrome during puberty: the PUBMEP study

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    Puberty has been described as a life stage of considerable metabolic risk specially for those with obesity. The low-grade systemic inflammatory status associated with obesity could be one of the connections with metabolic syndrome (MetS). Thus, we aimed to assess the relationship between inflammatory and cardiovascular biomarkers and the development of MetS during puberty. Seventy-five children from the PUBMEP study (33 females), aged 4–18 years, were included. Cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers were measured in the prepubertal and pubertal stage, including high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP), leptin, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα), interleukin 8 (IL8), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), total plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (tPAI), resistin, adiponectin, myeloperoxidase (MPO), and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1). MetS was diagnosed at each measurement point. Mixed-effects and logistic regressions were performed. Those children with MetS in puberty presented higher prepubertal values of several cardiometabolic biomarkers in comparison to those without MetS (z-score body mass index (zBMI), waist circumference, insulin, HOMA-IR, leptin, and tPAI (p < 0.05)). For prepubertal children with obesity, the odds of developing MetS in puberty were significantly higher in those having high zBMI (OR = 4.27; CI: 1.39–22.59) or high concentrations of tPAI (OR = 1.19; CI: 1.06–1.43). Conclusion: Those with obesity with higher prepubertal tPAI plasma levels had 19% higher odds of having MetS at puberty highlighting the existence of association between MetS, obesity, and inflammation already in puberty. Thus, assessing cardiometabolic and inflammatory status in children with obesity already at prepuberty is key to avoiding future comorbidities.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpringer NaturePlan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica (I + D + I), Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Health Research PI11/01425 PI11/02042 PI11/02059 PI16/01301 PI16/01205 PI16/00871 PI20/00563CIBEROBN Network CB15/00131 CB15/00043Redes tematicas de investigacion cooperativa RETIC Red SAMID RD12/0026/001

    Cardiovascular risk biomarkers and metabolically unhealthy status in prepubertal children: Comparison of definitions

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    Background and aims: The early onset of cardio-metabolic abnormalities, known as metabolically unhealthy (MU) status, is highly associated with obesity and cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as with increased morbidity and mortality later in life. Given the lack of a consensus MU classification for prepubertal children, we aimed to compare available MU definitions in terms of their association with CVD risk biomarkers. Methods and results: A total of 930 prepubertal children (622 with overweight/obesity, 462 males) aged 5–10.9 years were recruited, anthropometric measures were taken and biomarkers were analyzed. Children were classified using eight MU definitions based on different cut-offs for blood pressure, triacylglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose and homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). MU prevalence in children with overweight/obesity ranged between 30% and 60% across definitions. Plasma concentrations of resistin, leptin, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and total plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (tPAI-1) were higher, and those of adiponectin were lower, in MU compared to MH children with overweight/obesity. Linear regression analyses confirmed the contribution of MPO and tPAI-1 concentrations to MU status, with most significant results derived from definitions that use age and sex-specific criteria and that account for HOMA-IR. Conclusion: Plasma concentrations of MPO and tPAI-1 are increased in prepubertal MU children irrespective of having normal-weight or overweight/obesity. Inclusion of age and sex-specific cut-offs for cardio-metabolic components as well as insulin resistance criteria increases the quality of MU definitions as seen by their stronger association with CVD biomarkers concentrations

    Clutch size in great tits (Parus major) in orange-groves of Valencia and in the holm oak forest of Monte Poblet (Tarragona)

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    La estación de nidificación del Carbonero Común (Parus major) en la franja mediterránea ibérica comienza en abril y finaliza en julio. No obstante, la fecha media de puesta es diferente en distintas localidades. El tamaño medio de la puesta gira en torno a los 7 huevos por nido en las localidades estudiadas. Este valor es diferente del tamaño de la puesta al norte de los Pirineos y en regiones más occidentales de la Península Ibérica.In the Iberian Mediterranean area, the Great Tit's breeding season starts in April and finishes in July, but the mean laying date differs in different areas. The mean clutch size is about 7 eggs in the study sites. This values is significantly lower than mean clutch size both in more northern localities and in Salamanca (western Spain)


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    Metabolic syndrome before puberty: Myth or reality?

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is defined as a cluster of alterations related with insulin resistance (obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and impaired glucose metabolism), which are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in adults. Several definitions have been proposed for older children and adolescents. However, no definitions have been made in accordance with pubertal status, and those in prepubertal state have not received attention enough, despite there are data suggesting the early presence of risk factors. The new insights concerning healthy and unhealthy metabolic status or the addition of novel metabolic risk biomarkers, may contribute to the knowledge about the development of MetS in children. This manuscript reviews the available evidence on MetS during childhood, focusing on the prepubertal period

    Dietary patterns and their association with body composition and cardiometabolic markers in children and adolescents: Genobox cohort

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    Diet is a key factor for obesity development; however, limited data are available on dietary cluster analysis in children with obesity. We aimed to assess the associations between dietary patterns and obesity and several cardiometabolic markers. Anthropometry, bioelectrical impedance, blood pressure and plasma biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelial damage were determined in 674 Caucasian children, aged 5–16, with normal or excess weight. Using a food frequency questionnaire and cluster analysis, two consistent dietary patterns were shown, labeled as health conscious (HC) and sweet and processed (SP). The HC pattern included a greater proportion of participants with overweight/obesity than the SP cluster (80.1% vs. 63.8%). However, children with obesity within the HC cluster, showed less abdominal fat, through waist to hip (0.93 vs. 0.94) and waist to height (0.61 vs. 0.63) indexes (p < 0.01). Univariate general models showed several additional differences in cardiometabolic risk biomarkers in the global and stratified analyses, with a healthier profile being observed mainly in the HC cluster. However, multivariate models questioned these findings and pointed out the need for further studies in this field. Anyhow, our findings support the benefits of a healthy diet and highlight the importance of dietary patterns in the cardiometabolic risk assessment of children with overweight/obesity, beyond weight control

    Evaluation of Sedentary Behavior and Physical Activity Levels Using Different Accelerometry Protocols in Children from the GENOBOX Study

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    Background Physical activity (PA) has acquired a significant relevance due to the health benefits associated with its practice. Accelerometers are an effective tool to assess PA; however, the diversity of cut-off points used to define different PA intensities through accelerometry could interfere in the interpretation of the findings among studies. Objectives The present study aimed to examine the sedentary behavior (SB) and physical activity (PA) levels in children using six selected accelerometry protocols based on diverse cut-off points. Methods Clinical examination, anthropometric measurements, and PA evaluation by accelerometry were assessed in 543 selected children (10 +/- 2.4 years old) from the Spanish GENOBOX study. The ActiLife data scoring program was used to determine daily min spent in SB, and light, moderate, vigorous and moderate-vigorous PA using six validated accelerometry protocols differing in their cut-off points. Results Very different estimations for SB and PA intensity levels were found in children, independently of the non-wear-time algorithm selected, and considering puberty stages, age and body mass index. The time spent in daily SB varied from 471 to 663.7 min, PA ranged from 141 to 301.6 min, and the moderate-vigorous PA was reported between 20.7 and 180.2 min. Conclusion The choice of a particular accelerometry protocol considering these factors is important to evaluate SB or PA intensities to suit the characteristics of the sample researched. It seems necessary to establish future lines of research that include different analytical approaches to measure SB and PA by accelerometry based on standardized and validated methodology