4 research outputs found

    Two possible in vitro alternatives to evaluate the effect of gastric acid on resin-based composites

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    Objective: To compare two in-vitro protocols to study the effect of simulated gastric acid on the mechanical properties of resins based composites(RBCs). Three RBC FILTEK Supreme XTE (FS), BRILLIANT EverGlow (BE), GrandioSo (GS) were used. They were ra

    Preparaciones dentarias en pr贸tesis fija dentosoportada: revisi贸n sistem谩tica

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    Los principios de la preparaci贸n del diente se dividen habitualmente en tres partes fundamentales: biol贸gicos, biomec谩nicos y est茅ticos. Los factores biol贸gicos influyen en la salud de los tejidos periodontal y pulpar; los biomec谩nicos (o t茅cnicos), van a afectar la integridad y durabilidad de las restauraciones, y factores est茅ticos se refieren a la apariencia natural de las restauraciones, y factores est茅ticos se refieren a la apariencia natural de las restauraciones. Estos principios son rutinariamente modificados para adaptarse a diversas situaciones cl铆nicas. Una adecuada preparaci贸n de la pieza dentaria destinada a un tratamiento prostod贸ntico deber谩 permitir la reproducci贸n exitosa de los contornos anat贸micos y perfiles de emergencia. Adem谩s brindar un espesor apropiado para cada tipo de estructura, sin superar las limitaciones de cada material, as铆 como mantener la integridad biol贸gica de los tejidos involucradosThe principles of tooth preparation are commonly as: biological, biomechanical an aesthetic. Biological factors are influencing the health of periodontal tissues and pulp, the biomechanical (or technical) will affect the integrity and durability of the restorations, and aesthetic factors are related to the natural appearance of the restorations. These principles are routinely modified to suit various clinical situations. Proper tooth preparation intended to prosthodontics treatment should allow successful reproduction of anatomical contours and emergence profiles. Besides providing an appropiate thickness for each type of structure, without exceeding the limitations of each material as well as maintain the biological integrity of the related tissuesEspecialista en Rehabilitaci贸n OralCuenc

    Two possible in vitro alternatives to evaluate the effect of gastric acid on resin-based composites

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    Background: Objective: To compare two in-vitro protocols to study the effect of simulated gastric acid on the mechanical properties of resins based composites(RBCs). Material and Methods: Three RBC FILTEK Supreme XTE (FS), BRILLIANT EverGlow (BE), GrandioSo (GS) were used. They were randomly divided into a control group (CG) and two groups exposed to simulated gastric acid: a 6-month daily protocol (DG) and an accelerated 90-min protocol (AG). Vickers microhardness (VH) and flexural strength were evaluated at baseline and six months. Statistical analysis was performed using repeated measures ANOVA tests for VH and three-way for flexural strength data (伪=0.05). Results: Daily exposure in the CG and DG groups caused a reduction in VH values and flexural strength (p<0.05). The majority of values in the AG remained stable, after an exposure of 90 min; FS (p=0.118) and GS (p=0.729) in VH and FS (p=0.377), BE (p=0.692) and GS (p=0.672) in flexural strength. Conclusions: Daily exposure during 6 months caused significant changes in the VH values and flexural strength of the RBCs. The acid-accelerated protocol did not cause the same magnitude of change in VH values and flexural strength seen at six months of daily exposure 漏 2022,Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry