398 research outputs found

    The Validity of Automatic Methods for Estimating Skeletal Age in Young Athletes:A Comparison of the BAUSport Ultrasound System and BoneXpert with the Radiographic method of Fels.

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    This study examined the validity of two automated methods (BAUSport, BoneXpert software using Fels, Greulich-Pyle, Tanner-Whithouse III protocols) for estimating skeletal age (SA) in young athletes in comparison to a reference standard (Fels). 85 male and female athletes, nine to seventeen years of age, from multiple sports were assessed for SA as part of an annual medical and health screening programme. Intra-class correlations demonstrated high degrees of association between the automatic methods for estimating SA (BAUSport r =.98; BoneXpert r =.96-.99) and the discrepancy between SA and chronological age (SA-CA) (BAUSport r =.93; BoneXpert r =.88-.97), with the reference standard. Concordance analyses for the categorisation of participants as early, on-time and late maturing also demonstrated substantial levels of agreement for both methods (BAUSport Kappa = .71; BoneXpert Fels Kappa = .63) with the reference standard. Bland-Altman plots comparing the automatic methods with the reference standard identified statistically significant fixed biases, ranging in magnitude from small to large. Collectively, these results suggest that BoneXpert and BAUSport can provide comparable estimates of SA and SA-CA in young athletes relative to the Fels method. Biases in the estimation of SA should, however, be considered and the automatic methods should be implemented as part of a comprehensive growth and maturity screening protocol. The non-invasive nature of the BAUSport method affords particular advantages (no radiation exposure, portability) in contexts where the regular estimation of SA is recommended

    The Validity of Automatic Methods for Estimating Skeletal Age in Young Athletes:A Comparison of the BAUSport Ultrasound System and BoneXpert with the Radiographic method of Fels.

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    This study examined the validity of two automated methods (BAUSport, BoneXpert software using Fels, Greulich-Pyle, Tanner-Whithouse III protocols) for estimating skeletal age (SA) in young athletes in comparison to a reference standard (Fels). 85 male and female athletes, nine to seventeen years of age, from multiple sports were assessed for SA as part of an annual medical and health screening programme. Intra-class correlations demonstrated high degrees of association between the automatic methods for estimating SA (BAUSport r =.98; BoneXpert r =.96-.99) and the discrepancy between SA and chronological age (SA-CA) (BAUSport r =.93; BoneXpert r =.88-.97), with the reference standard. Concordance analyses for the categorisation of participants as early, on-time and late maturing also demonstrated substantial levels of agreement for both methods (BAUSport Kappa = .71; BoneXpert Fels Kappa = .63) with the reference standard. Bland-Altman plots comparing the automatic methods with the reference standard identified statistically significant fixed biases, ranging in magnitude from small to large. Collectively, these results suggest that BoneXpert and BAUSport can provide comparable estimates of SA and SA-CA in young athletes relative to the Fels method. Biases in the estimation of SA should, however, be considered and the automatic methods should be implemented as part of a comprehensive growth and maturity screening protocol. The non-invasive nature of the BAUSport method affords particular advantages (no radiation exposure, portability) in contexts where the regular estimation of SA is recommended

    Precaucions d’aïllament per evitar la transmissió d’agents infecciosos als centres sanitaris

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    Risc d'infeccions; Aïllaments; PrecaucionsRiesgo de infecciones; Aislamientos; PrecaucionesRisk of infection; Isolation ward; PrecautionsEn este documento se presentan las precauciones necesarias para minimizar el riesgo de transmisión de agentes patógenos en los centros sanitarios de Cataluña. También se describen las precauciones del ambiente protector, así como las medidas para reducir el riesgo de transmisión en ámbitos asistenciales determinados.En aquest document es presenten les precaucions que cal adoptar per tal de minimitzar el risc de transmissió d’agents patògens en els centres sanitaris de Catalunya. També es descriuen les precaucions d’ambient protector i les mesures per reduir el risc de transmissió en àmbits assistencials determinats.This document explains the precautions to take to minimize the transmission risk of pathogens in health centers of Catalonia. It also describes the precautions to be protective with atmosphere and the mesures to reduce the transmission risk in certain assistencial areas

    Out-of-equilibrium evolution of quantum fields in the hybrid model with quantum back reaction

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    The hybrid model with a scalar "inflaton" field coupled to a "Higgs" field with a broken symmetry potential is one of the promising models for inflation and (p)reheating after inflation. We consider the nonequilibrium evolution of the quantum fields of this model with quantum back reaction in the Hartree approximation, in particular the transition of the Higgs field from the metastable "false vacuum" to the broken symmetry phase. We have performed the renormalization of the equations of motion, of the gap equations and of the energy density, using dimensional regularization. We study the influence of the back reaction on the evolution of the classical fields and of the quantum fluctuations. We observe that back reaction plays an important role over a wide range of parameters. Some implications of our investigation for the preheating stage after cosmic inflation are presented.Comment: 35 pages, 16 eps figures, revtex4; v2: typos corrected and references added, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    READ-COGvid: A Database From Reading and Media Habits During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain and Italy

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    In the present paper, we present the READ-COGvid database, composed of responses of 4,800 individuals from Spain and Italy. While we focus on leisure and reading habits at different moments (before the confinement, shortly after confinement, and after 1 month confined), we also collected many other indices (socio-demographic, psychological, and reading-related) that may be of interest to researchers interested in adults' reading and related areas (e.g., communication research, cognitive sciences, social studies, health sciences, cross-cultural studies).Psicologí

    Col·leccions singulars a les biblioteques de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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    Les biblioteques de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona són, com la mateixa institució, entitats amb una història curta; però, malgrat que van començar la seva activitat fa menys de cinquanta anys, els seus fons han assolit una importància considerable i superen en quantitat els de moltes universitats centenàries del nostre context. Les col·leccions de fons antics de les biblioteques de la UAB són, per aquesta mateixa raó, limitades, si bé se n'han anat creant algunes d'especialitzades d'importància i valor singulars. Aquest llibre pretén donar-les a conèixer al món universitari, però també al públic en general. Moltes són col·leccions úniques, fruit del treball persistent del personal bibliotecari, del professorat i de la generositat de moltes persones particulars, que han donat o llegat a la nostra universitat els seus arxius, les seves biblioteques personals o les seves col·leccions especialitzades. Aquestes col·leccions comprenen molts àmbits de les ciències i de les humanitats i, molt sovint, es tracta de col·leccions úniques al nostre país. Hi trobareu també un ampli ventall de tipologies documentals en llengües diverses, des dels mapes fins als audiovisuals, des de les revistes i diaris fins als cartells, des dels fons antics fins als més actuals, arxius personals i fons institucionals. Les biblioteques de la Universitat, a més d'inventariar i catalogar aquests fons documentals, també porten a terme una tasca constant de preservació i difusió, que sovint inclou la digitalització dels documents, que després es posen a l'abast del públic general mitjançant el dipòsit digital institucional (ddd.uab.cat)

    Prevenció de la infecció nosocomial relacionada amb el desenvolupament d’obres als centres sanitaris

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    Risc d'infeccions; Obres de costrucció; Centres sanitarisRisk of infection; Construction; Health centersRiesgo de infecciones; Obras de construcción; Centros sanitariosEn aquesta monografia s'han revisat les evidències disponibles a escala nacional i internacional sobre el risc de contraure infeccions durant les activitats relacionades amb la construcció, renovació i manteniment d’espais als centres sanitaris.En esta monografía se han revisado las evidencias disponibles a nivel nacional e internacional sobre el riesgo de contraer infecciones durante las actividades relacionadas con la construcción, renovación y mantenimiento de espacios en los centros sanitarios.This monograph is a review of the available nationally and internationally evidences about the risk of infections during the activities related to the construction, renovation and maintenance of areas in health centers

    Autism as a disorder of neural information processing: directions for research and targets for therapy

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    The broad variation in phenotypes and severities within autism spectrum disorders suggests the involvement of multiple predisposing factors, interacting in complex ways with normal developmental courses and gradients. Identification of these factors, and the common developmental path into which theyfeed, is hampered bythe large degrees of convergence from causal factors to altered brain development, and divergence from abnormal brain development into altered cognition and behaviour. Genetic, neurochemical, neuroimaging and behavioural findings on autism, as well as studies of normal development and of genetic syndromes that share symptoms with autism, offer hypotheses as to the nature of causal factors and their possible effects on the structure and dynamics of neural systems. Such alterations in neural properties may in turn perturb activity-dependent development, giving rise to a complex behavioural syndrome many steps removed from the root causes. Animal models based on genetic, neurochemical, neurophysiological, and behavioural manipulations offer the possibility of exploring these developmental processes in detail, as do human studies addressing endophenotypes beyond the diagnosis itself