7,983 research outputs found

    Design and Synthesis of Organic Molecules with New Physical and Biological Properties

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    Poly(cyclic urea) compounds were synthesized and tested as substitutes of hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA). HMPA is a potent carcinogen but demonstrates excellent properties as an additive in organometal chemistry. The poly(cyclic urea), which showed similar properties to HMPA in solution, was attached to a variety of resins in an effort to create a new polymer-supported reagent. Polymer-supported HMPA was also prepared by suspension polymerization. In diverse reactions, these reagents showed very similar properties to HMPA, were easily removed by filtration and could be recycled without loss of chemical activity.Highly functionalized spiroketals were designed and synthesized as mimics of calyculin A, a known protein phosphatase inhibitor. Regio- and stereoselective reductions, hetero-Diels-Alder reactions and spiroketalizations gave eight diastereomeric spiroketal compounds. Additionally, through asymmetric crotylations, phosphorylations and cross-metathesis, a series of new phosphoric acid compounds were also synthesized

    Analysis Of The Merluccius Merluccius Market Chain. Estimated Results For Production In Galicia

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    Hake is the preferred groundfish in Southern European markets. Spain is the largest hake market in the world, and accounts for one half of the total European consumption of hake. The aim of this study is to analyse the evolution of prices at first-hand sale level, at wholesale level and retail level in the commercialisation chain of one of the most-fished demersal species in the north-east Atlantic’s mixed fisheries, the Merluccius merluccius. In particular, we are testing a dynamic model to identify and measure the effect the level of price uncertainty has on the evolution of commercial margins, using monthly data relating to the last five years for this species in a regional market (Galicia, NW Spain), significant for its volume of landings. The results show that transitory changes in prices at first-hand sale level are absorbed neither by the wholesale level nor the retail level. A counter-cyclical price effect is observed, with the result that in periods when prices at first-hand sale level are low the wholesale and retail percentage margin is higher

    Computing Storyline Visualizations with Few Block Crossings

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    Storyline visualizations show the structure of a story, by depicting the interactions of the characters over time. Each character is represented by an x-monotone curve from left to right, and a meeting is represented by having the curves of the participating characters run close together for some time. There have been various approaches to drawing storyline visualizations in an automated way. In order to keep the visual complexity low, rather than minimizing pairwise crossings of curves, we count block crossings, that is, pairs of intersecting bundles of lines. Partly inspired by the ILP-based approach of Gronemann et al. [GD 2016] for minimizing the number of pairwise crossings, we model the problem as a satisfiability problem (since the straightforward ILP formulation becomes more complicated and harder to solve). Having restricted ourselves to a decision problem, we can apply powerful SAT solvers to find optimal drawings in reasonable time. We compare this SAT-based approach with two exact algorithms for block crossing minimization, using both the benchmark instances of Gronemann et al. and random instances. We show that the SAT approach is suitable for real-world instances and identify cases where the other algorithms are preferable.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Quantification of Additional Reinforcement Cost from Severe 3-Phase Imbalance

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    This letter is an enhancement to our previous paper that quantifies additional reinforcement costs (ARCs) for low voltage (LV) assets under moderate degree of 3-phase imbalance. The original formulas cause an overestimation of the ARCs under severe imbalance. This letter first quantifies the threshold of the severe degree of imbalance (DIB), below which the original formulas are applicable. Then, the ARC formulas are extended to account for the whole range of DIB. Case studies demonstrate that when the asset loading level is below 33.3% (50%) for a feeder (a transformer), the DIB never exceeds the threshold and the original ARC formulas are applicable; otherwise, the DIB can exceed the threshold and the extended formulas yield correct ARCs

    Processing Of Marine Products: Sustainability, Competitiveness And Financial Viability Of The Canned Food Industry In Spain

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    For many decades Spain has been an important fish producer, the fact of which has created an important fish product processing sector. The main sub-sector is the canned food industry; in fact, Spain is the main canned fish and seafood producer in the EU. This paper studies the economic and financial structure of the canned food industry in Galicia, a region where the majority of the sector is located. The study is presented from the point of view of a prospective increase in demand and the risks associated with greater international competition, which obliges companies in the sector to apply more competitive strategies in order to guarantee the activitys future, both from the perspectives of access to consumers as well as business organisation and scale. The result will impact on the regional economy and on the way in which fishing resources are dealt with

    The Effect Of Dimension Companies On The Level Of Debt: A Study Of The Fishing Industry In Spain

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    The present concern that exists in the economy on account of the high level of debt facing non-financial companies in Spain also exists in the fish and seafood processing industry, particularly to the extent that it might affect the fisheries sector as a whole. Given that Spain has generated an important processing sector and has become the main producer of canned fish and seafood in the EU, it is undoubtedly a pertinent case of reference to analyse this problem.  Along these lines, this study specifically looks at the economic structure and financial viability of the canning industry in Spain’s largest area of production (Galicia), analysing the possible interrelationships that may exist between debt levels and the business structure in this sector of the economy. Furthermore, the study is carried out in a scenario of increased demand and of risks associated with international competition, which makes the implementation of competitive strategies to guarantee the future of this activity recommendable. The results obtained show the existence of a close relationship between the size of the companies and the debt level

    Supersymmetric Model of Neutrino Mass and Leptogenesis with String-Scale Unification

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    Adjoint supermultiplets (1,3,0) and (8,1,0) modify the evolution of gauge couplings. If the unification of gauge couplings occurs at the string scale, their masses are fixed at around 101310^{13} GeV. This scale coincides with expected gaugino condensation scale in the hidden sector Mstring2/3m3/21/3∼1013M_{string}^{2/3} m^{1/3}_{3/2} \sim 10^{13} GeV. We show how neutrino masses arise in this unified model which naturally explain the present atmospheric and solar neutrino data. The out-of-equilibrium decay of the superfield (1,3,0) at 101310^{13} GeV may also lead to a lepton asymmetry which then gets converted into the present observed baryon asymmetry of the Universe.Comment: Improved by including constraints imposed by gravitino decay, new references added, corrections and changes made. Accepted for publication in Physics Letters.

    Catalogació i millora de vendes d'una llibreria

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    En aquest projecte s'ha desenvolupat un entorn web per la gestió de productes a la Llibreria Roca de Manresa que permet la venda en línia, a més d'un entorn on els possibles clients poden consultar tot el catàleg d'ofertes que ofereix l'empresa. Així la botiga, a més de poder controlar els seus productes de forma més eficient, els podrà servir a molta més gent un cop l'entorn estigui preparat.En este proyecto se ha desarrollado un entorno web para la gestión de productos en la Librería Roca de Manresa que permite la venta en línea, ademas de un entorno donde los posibles clientes pueden concultar todo el catálogo de ofertas que ofrece la empresa. Así la tienda, además de poder controlar sus productos de forma más eficiente, los podrá servir a mucha más gente una vez el entorno esté preparado

    Genética y Deporte

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    Los últimos avances en el estudio del genoma humano están afectando a diversas áreas de las ciencias relacionadas con el deporte. En los últimos años se ha observado que el número de artículos aparecidos en las revistas científicas relacionados con la genética y el deporte ha sufrido un incremento exponencial. Este hecho pone de manifiesto una inquietud creciente en el mundo científico por el conocimiento y las posibilidades que la genética aplicada a distintas áreas del deporte. Paralelamente a los estudios técnicos están apareciendo voces que alertan de los posibles problemas éticos que pueden surgir de la aplicación de modificaciones genéticas en el deporte. Organismos como el Comité Olímpico Internacional, la World Anti-Doping Agency, el United States President’s Council on Bioethics y el Australian Law Reforms Comisión han estado revisando los últimos desarrollos en investigación genética y se han planteado diferentes argumentos sobre su aplicación legal en el deporte. Normalmente, las noticias que aparecen en la prensa no especializada presentan un panorama poco alentador: casi siempre se asocia la genética a nuevas formas de doping. Con el fin de conocer la realidad actual, quitando dramatismo y buscando la información más objetiva, hemos reunido a dos especialistas en medicina del deporte (Nicolás Terrados y Gil Rodas) que están inmersos en trabajos de investigación relacionados con la genética y el deporte y a un investigador en genética y biología molecular no relacionado con el mundo del deporte (Narciso Campos). Juntos hemos preparado las cinco preguntas que creemos que pueden aportar más información sobre la situación actual. Las respuestas definitivas han sido resumidas a partir de las aportaciones de cada uno de los especialistas invitados, ya que hemos observado que ha habido total coincidencia en las respuestas
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