77 research outputs found

    Estudio de la unión neuromuscular en el origen patogénico de la ELA

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    La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa progresiva que afecta rápidamente a las motoneuronas del cerebro y la médula espinal. Esta enfermedad, a día de hoy, no tiene cura. En alrededor del 90% de los casos el origen de la enfermedad es desconocido, pero en un 10% está causada por mutaciones genéticas de herencia mendeliana en más de 20 genes, entre los que destacan TARBDP, que codifica para TDP-43, y FUS. Recientes hallazgos han cuestionado el origen neurogénico de la enfermedad para situarlo en las células sostén de las motoneuronas dentro del sistema neuromuscular, como lo son las células de la glía y las células del músculo esquelético. Con el objetivo de tratar de esclarecer si el origen patogénico en la motoneurona es suficiente para causar enfermedad de ELA se ha llevado a cabo la generación y caracterización de dos modelos de Drosophila melanogaster que reproducen uno de los principales detonantes de la enfermedad, la pérdida de función del ortólogo de TDP-43 (Tbph) o FUS (Caz), en motoneurona mediante el silenciamiento condicionado de dichos genes en este tipo celular. Además, se ha comprobado la validez de estos modelos para ensayos de testado farmacológico usando un tratamiento con demostrada capacidad de proteger frente a los efectos de la disfunción de TDP-43 y FUS: la inhibición de FoxO. Los resultados muestran un déficit locomotor característico de la ELA en el modelo generado con el promotor de la proteína OK6, sin variaciones acordes en su longevidad. Dicho modelo fue tratado con un inhibidor selectivo de FoxO, AS1842856, el cual fue capaz de mitigar las anomalías locomotoras detectadas en las moscas con silenciamiento de Tbph. A falta de realizar estudios histopatológicos que demuestren neurodegeneración de motoneurona, se puede extraer de los presentes resultados que los modelos de inducción de pérdida de función de Tbph y Caz en motoneurona de Drosophila son capaces de provocar fenotipos compatibles con la ELA, y por tanto son legítimos para realizar tratamientos farmacológicos. Además, la inhibición de los factores de transcripción FoxO a nivel de motoneurona tiene efectos beneficiosos como tratamiento de la enfermedad.<br /

    Evaluation of cholinergic markers in Alzheimer's disease and in a model of cholinergic deficit

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    Cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), have been closely related to cholinergic deficits. We have compared different markers of cholinergic function to assess the best biomarker of cognitive deficits associated to cholinergic hypoactivity. In post-mortem frontal cortex from AD patients, acetylcholine (ACh) levels, cholinacetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity were all reduced compared to controls. Both ChAT and AChE activity showed a significant correlation with cognitive deficits. In the frontal cortex of rats with a selective cholinergic lesion, all cholinergic parameters measured (ACh levels, ChAT and AChE activities, "in vitro" and "in vivo" basal ACh release) were significantly reduced. AChE activity was associated to ChAT activity, and even more, to "in vivo" and "in vitro" basal ACh release. Quantification of AChE activity is performed by an easy and cheap method and therefore, these results suggest that determination of AChE activity may be used as an effective first step method to evaluate cholinergic deficits

    Maternal imprinting on cognition markers of wild type and transgenic Alzheimer's disease model mice.

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    The risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease (AD) is higher in individuals from AD-affected mothers. The purpose of this investigation was to study whether maternal transmission might produce AD-related alterations in progenies of mice that do not have any genotypic alteration. We used cognitively-intact mothers harbouring in heterozygosity the transgene for overexpressing the Swedish double mutant version of the human amyloid precursor protein (hAβPPswe). The phenotype of the offspring with or without the transgene resulting from crossing young Tg2576 females with wild-type males were compared with those of the offspring resulting from crossing wild-type females with Tg2576 males. The hAβPPswe-bearing offspring from Tg2576 mothers showed an aggravated AD-like phenotype. Remarkably, cognitive, immunohistochemical and some biochemical features displayed by Tg2576 heterozygous mice were also found in wild-type animals generated from Tg2576 females. This suggests the existence of a maternal imprinting in the wild-type offspring that confers a greater facility to launch an AD-like neurodegenerative cascade. Such progeny, lacking any mutant amyloid precursor protein, constitutes a novel model to study maternal transmission of AD and, even more important, to discover early risk markers that predispose to the development of AD

    Facilitation of cholinergic transmission by combined treatment of ondansetron with flumazenil after cortical cholinergic deafferentation

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    We have studied the effects of concomitant blockade of 5-HT(3) and GABA(A) receptors on acetylcholine (ACh) release in the frontal cortex of rats with a selective cholinergic lesion. Lesions were performed by microinjection of the cholinergic toxin 192 IgG-saporin into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. Single treatment with either the 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist ondansetron, 0.1 microg/kg, or the GABA(A) receptor benzodiazepine site antagonist flumazenil, 10 mg/kg, did not affect ACh release. However, the combined ondansetron + flumazenil administration significantly increased ACh release to a similar extent as a depolarising stimulus with K(+), 100 mM, at both 7 and 30 days post-lesion. Cortical perfusion with the combined ondansetron + flumazenil treatment also increased [(3)H]ACh efflux "in vitro" 30 days after lesion, suggesting that local events within the frontal cortex may participate in the interaction of ondansetron with GABAergic neurons, modulating ACh release in situations of cholinergic hypoactivity. No differences in the expression of 5-HT(3) and GABA(A) receptors in the frontal cortex were found after the cholinergic lesion. These results suggest that a combined ondansetron + flumazenil treatment would contribute to restoring a diminished cholinergic function and may provide a basis for using this treatment in the therapy of cognitive disorders associated with degeneration of the cholinergic system

    Insulin levels are decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid of women with prodomal Alzheimer's disease

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    Previous studies have failed to reach consensus on insulin levels in cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and on its relation to pathological features. We performed a new analysis in patients at different stages of AD, and investigated the relationship of insulin levels with biochemical disease markers and with cognitive score. We included 99 patients from our Memory Clinic (Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden), including: 27 patients with mild AD, 13 that progressed from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to AD in two years time, 26 with MCI stable after two years, and 33 with subjective cognitive impairment. Insulin was significantly decreased in the cerebrospinal fluid of both women and men with mild AD. Insulin deficits were seen in women belonging to both MCI groups, suggesting that this occurs earlier than in men. Insulin was positively associated with amyloid-β 1-42 (Aβ1-42) levels and cognitive score. Furthermore, total-tau/(Aβ1-42*insulin) ratio showed strikingly better sensitivity and specificity than the total-tau/Aβ1-42 ratio for early AD diagnosis in women

    Upregulation of brain renin angiotensin system by 27-hydroxycholesterol in Alzheimer's disease

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    In spite of the fact that cholesterol does not pass the blood-brain barrier, hypercholesterolemia has been linked to increase Alzheimer's disease (AD) risk. Hypertension is another risk factor and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity is known to be increased in AD. Furthermore, a lower incidence of AD has been reported in patients taking anti-hypertensive drugs. Here we show that the levels of angiotensinogen (AGT) and ACE are increased in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with mild cognitive impairment and AD. Moreover, we show ACE activity in the CSF to be positively correlated with both plasma and CSF levels of 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-OH), an oxysterol known to pass through the BBB and taken up from the circulation by the brain. In addition, treatment of rat primary neurons, astrocytes, and human neuroblastoma cells with 27-OH resulted in increased production of AGT. Our results demonstrate that upregulation of renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in AD brains occurs not only at the enzymatic level (ACE) but also at the substrate level (AGT). The possibility that 27-OH is part of a mechanism linking hypercholesterolemia with increased brain RAS activity and increased AD risk is discussed

    Cholinergic-serotonergic imbalance contributes to cognitive and behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer's disease

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms seen in Alzheimer's disease (AD) are not simply a consequence of neurodegeneration, but probably result from differential neurotransmitter alterations, which some patients are more at risk of than others. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that an imbalance between the cholinergic and serotonergic systems is related to cognitive symptoms and psychological syndromes of dementia (BPSD) in patients with AD. Cholinergic and serotonergic functions were assessed in post-mortem frontal and temporal cortex from 22 AD patients who had been prospectively assessed with the Mini-Mental State examination (MMSE) for cognitive impairment and with the Present Behavioral Examination (PBE) for BPSD including aggressive behavior, overactivity, depression and psychosis. Not only cholinergic deficits, but also the cholinacetyltransferase/serotonin ratio significantly correlated with final MMSE score both in frontal and temporal cortex. In addition, decreases in cholinergic function correlated with the aggressive behavior factor, supporting a dual role for the cholinergic system in cognitive and non-cognitive disturbances associated to AD. The serotonergic system showed a significant correlation with overactivity and psychosis. The ratio of serotonin to acetylcholinesterase levels was also correlated with the psychotic factor at least in women. It is concluded that an imbalance between cholinergic-serotonergic systems may be responsible for the cognitive impairment associated to AD. Moreover, the major findings of this study are the relationships between neurochemical markers of both cholinergic and serotonergic systems and non-cognitive behavioral disturbances in patients with dementia

    Corticosteroid-binding-globulin (CBG)-deficient mice show high pY216-GSK3β and phosphorylated-Tau levels in the hippocampus

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    Corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) is the specific carrier of circulating glucocorticoids, but evidence suggests that it also plays an active role in modulating tissue glucocorticoid activity. CBG polymorphisms affecting its expression or affinity for glucocorticoids are associated with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, headaches, depression, hypotension, and obesity with an altered hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. CBG has been localized in hippocampus of humans and rodents, a brain area where glucocorticoids have an important regulatory role. However, the specific CBG function in the hippocampus is yet to be established. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the absence of CBG on hippocampal glucocorticoid levels and determine whether pathways regulated by glucocorticoids would be altered. We used cbg-/- mice, which display low total-corticosterone and high free-corticosterone blood levels at the nadir of corticosterone secretion (morning) and at rest to evaluate the hippocampus for total- and free-corticosterone levels; 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase expression and activity; the expression of key proteins involved in glucocorticoid activity and insulin signaling; microtubule-associated protein tau phosphorylation, and neuronal and synaptic function markers. Our results revealed that at the nadir of corticosterone secretion in the resting state the cbg-/- mouse hippocampus exhibited slightly elevated levels of free-corticosterone, diminished FK506 binding protein 5 expression, increased corticosterone downstream effectors and altered MAPK and PI3K pathway with increased pY216-GSK3β and phosphorylated tau. Taken together, these results indicate that CBG deficiency triggers metabolic imbalance which could lead to damage and long-term neurological pathologies

    Maternal imprinting on cognition markers of wild type and transgenic Alzheimer's disease model mice

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    The risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is higher in individuals from AD-affected mothers. The purpose of this investigation was to study whether maternal transmission might produce AD-related alterations in progenies of mice that do not have any genotypic alteration. We used cognitively-intact mothers harbouring in heterozygosity the transgene for overexpressing the Swedish double mutant version of the human amyloid precursor protein (hAβPPswe). The phenotype of the offspring with or without the transgene resulting from crossing young Tg2576 females with wild-type males were compared with those of the offspring resulting from crossing wild-type females with Tg2576 males. The hAβPPswe-bearing offspring from Tg2576 mothers showed an aggravated AD-like phenotype. Remarkably, cognitive, immunohistochemical and some biochemical features displayed by Tg2576 heterozygous mice were also found in wild-type animals generated from Tg2576 females. This suggests the existence of a maternal imprinting in the wild-type offspring that confers a greater facility to launch an AD-like neurodegenerative cascade. Such progeny, lacking any mutant amyloid precursor protein, constitutes a novel model to study maternal transmission of AD and, even more important, to discover early risk markers that predispose to the development of AD

    Altered NCAM expression associated with the cholinergic system in Alzheimer's disease

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    Neurotransmitter system dysfunction and synapse loss have been recognized as hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our hypothesis is that specific neurochemical populations of neurons might be more vulnerable to degeneration in AD due to particular deficits in synaptic plasticity. We have studied, in postmortem brain tissue, the relationship between levels of synaptic markers (NCAM and BDNF), neurochemical measurements (cholinacetyltransferase activity, serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and glutamate levels), and clinical data (cognitive status measured as MMSE score). NCAM levels in frontal and temporal cortex from AD patients were significantly lower than control patients. Interestingly, these reductions in NCAM levels were associated to an ApoE4 genotype. Levels of BDNF were also significantly reduced in both frontal and temporal regions in AD patients. The ratio between plasticity markers and neurochemical measurements was used to study which of the neurochemical populations was particularly associated to plasticity changes. In both the frontal and temporal cortex, there was a significant reduction in the ChAT/NCAM ratio in AD samples compared to controls. None of the ratios to BDNF were different between control and AD samples. Furthermore, Pearson's product moment showed a significant positive correlation between MMSE score and the ChAT/NCAM ratio in frontal cortex (n=19; r=0.526*; p=0.037) as well as in temporal cortex (n=19; r=0.601*; p=0.018) in AD patients. Altogether, these data suggest a potential involvement of NCAM expressing neurons in the cognitive deficits in AD