4,513 research outputs found

    Conservando la flora y los hábitats silvestres con las comunidades locales en el Sur y Este de la Región Mediterránea (IPA Med)

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    La Región Mediterránea está reconocida a nivel internacional como uno de los principales centros mundiales de diversidad, albergando un 10% de las plantas vasculares conocidas del planeta en el 1,6% de su superficie (Médail & Quézel, 1997). Además de contar con una gran riqueza de especies (estimada en 25.000) cabe destacar que más de la mitad son endemismos que sólo se encuentran en esta región. Esta diversidad vegetal es, asimismo, un valioso y vital recurso natural que sustenta a los seres vivos, entre ellos la población humana que habita en esta regió

    Farms' technical inefficiencies in the presence of government programs

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    We focus on determining the impacts of government programs on farms’ technical inefficiency levels. We use Kumbhakar’s stochastic frontier model that accounts for both production risks and risk preferences. Our theoretical framework shows that decoupled government transfers are likely to increase (decrease) DARA (IARA) farmers’ production inefficiencies if variable inputs are risk decreasing. However, the impacts of decoupled payments cannot be anticipated if variable inputs are risk increasing. We use farm-level data collected in Kansas to illustrate the model.Just and Pope production function, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management,

    Effects of policy instruments on farm investments and production decisions in the Spanish cop sector

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    Our paper asses the impacts of the partially decoupled (PD) scheme, implemented during the 1990s and first half of the 2000s in the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), on on-farm investment as well as on other production decisions. The Spanish COP sector was taken as a case study due to its economic and political relevance. The empirical analysis is applied on farm-level data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN), observed from 2000 to 2004, based on. We use a reduced-form application of the dual model of investment under uncertainty and a system of censored and non censored equations is estimated. PD payments are found to increase short-run production and to generate a statically significant increase in the investment in farm assets. Results also show the importance of assessing the effects of PD payments in a dynamic framework as the one applied in this paper.farm investments, Common Agricultural Policy, decoupling, production., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    The Determinants of Survival of Spanish Consumers Fronting the BSE Crisis

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    The impact of food scares on meat consumption has been traditionally investigated by estimating food demand systems using aggregated time series. Only a few have considered micro data but none of them has tried to quantify consumers’ reaction to food scares and the speed of such reactions. In this study we apply duration analysis techniques with the aim of analysing the effect of different explanatory variables on both the risk of reducing beef consumption and the timing of this reduction. Our results suggest that the maximum hazard occurs during the few months after the occurrence of the food crisis and then the reducing consumption hazard tend to diminish. Moreover, economic factors such as prices and income could be considered as the most determinant factors of the survival of the Spanish consumers facing the BSE crisis while other socioeconomic characteristics such as the age, the gender, etc., have a small, if any, effect on the occurrence and the speed of beef consumption reduction indicating a quite homogenous reaction among Spanish consumers to BSE crisis. These results provide interesting insights about how policy makers could orientate food policies in order to recover consumption after a food scare.Food scare, BSE, duration analysis, reaction timing, Spain, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries, C41, D1,

    Differential Uncertainties and Risk Attitudes between Conventional and Organic Producers: The Case of Spanish COP Farmers

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    The growing importance of economic factors in farmers decision to go organic has raised interest in characterizing the economic behavior of organic versus conventional farms. Published analyses so far have not considered differential uncertainties and farmers risk preferences between conventional and organic practices when comparing these techniques. Our article attempts to assess this issue. We use a model of farmer decision under risk to analyze the differential values between Spanish COP organic and conventional farms and to assess the incentives for adoption of organic practices. Results show that organic and conventional farms do have different abilities to control production risk as well as different risk preferences. Organic price premiums and subsidies are found to be powerful instruments to motivate adoption of organic techniques.Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Are The Spanish Citrus Farms Efficient?

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    Spain occupies the first position in the European and Mediterranean rankings of citrus production and trade. In our analysis we assess the technical efficiency with which this sector is operating. The main objective of this study is to analyze productivity and technical efficiency of Spanish citrus sector through citrus farms with high orange production. A stochastic frontier production model is estimated in which the technical inefficiency effects are defined by the time-varying inefficiency model. A primal approach is used to decompose Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth into its various components. Results indicate improvement in efficiency scores of Spanish citrus farms along the period studied. Allocative efficiencies, technical efficiency change, and scale effects are found to be the main factors that increase TFP growth.Productivity Analysis,

    Non-parametric and Parametric Modeling of Biodiesel - Sunflower Oil - Crude Oil Price Relationships

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    Multivariate local linear regression and parametric error correction models are applied to assess price linkages and price transmission patterns between food and energy prices in Spain. Weekly biodiesel, sunflower and crude oil prices observed from November 2006 to October 2010 are used in the empirical analysis. Results suggest the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between the three prices studied. Biodiesel is the only variable that adjusts to deviations from this long-run parity. Local linear regression techniques show that the speed of adjustment of biodiesel prices is higher when biodiesel is cheap than when it is expensive. Energy prices are also found to influence sunflower oil prices through the short-run price dynamics.Price transmission, local linear regression, biodiesel, Spain, Demand and Price Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Los viajes a las Indias: el descubrimiento de las palabras

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    This work explains the acquisition process of neologism referred to the New World realities, incorporated to the Italian and Spanish languages during the XVIth century. As a significant example, it shows the route of the words caimán and tiburón

    Aplicación de los masajes en el aula de educación física

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    Esta unidad didáctica dedicada a la aplicación de los masajes surgió como una continuación en el desarrollo de los contenidos que marca la Conselleria de Educación y Ciencia como currículo del Bachillerato en la Comunidad Valenciana. Dicha unidad podría incluirse dentro del bloque de contenidos titulado “la condición física y la salud”. En este artículo se justifica la necesidad de la aplicación de los masajes en el ámbito escolar y se propone tratarlo desde el área de educación física como un contenido práctico a desarrollar en el aula o gimnasio. El artículo contiene, además de una justificación del tema, una exposición de contenidos y objetivos, el material e instalaciones necesarias para poder llevar a cabo la unidad, la ubicación de la unidad dentro de la programación anual del área, una propuesta metodológica y una ejemplo de evaluación o calificación. Por último aparece una explicación a modo de ejemplo de diez sesiones en las cuales se realizan diferentes masajes: masaje de 15 min, automasaje, masaje facial, masaje de brazos, masaje de piernas, masaje de espalda y masaje de cuello. También aparece como anexo una propuesta de dossier o material sobre nociones de historia, normas y técnicas básicas sobre la realización de los masajes que se facilita a los alumnos al inicio de la unidad didáctica

    Aplicació dels massatges a l’aula d’Educació Física

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    Aquesta unitat didàctica dedicada a l’aplicació dels massatges va sorgir com una continuació al desenvolupament dels continguts que marca la Conselleria d’Educació i Ciència com a currículum del Batxillerat a la Comunitat Valenciana. La unitat esmentada podria incloure’s dintre del bloc de continguts titulat “la condició física i la salut”. En aquest article es justifica la necessitat de l’aplicació dels massatges en l’àmbit escolar i es proposa de tractar-ho des de l’àrea d’educació física com un contingut pràctic a desenvolupar a l’aula o al gimnàs. L’article conté, a més a més d’una justificació del tema, una exposició de continguts i objectius, les instal·lacions i el material necessaris per poder portar a terme la unitat, la ubicació de la unitat dintre de la programació anual de l’àrea, una proposta metodològica i un exemple d’avaluació o qualificació. Finalment, hi ha una explicació, a manera d’exemple, de deu sessions en les quals es realitzen diferents massatges: massatge de 15 minuts, automassatge, massatge facial, massatge de braços, massatge de cames, massatge d’esquena i massatge de coll. També apareix com a annex una proposta de dossier o material sobre nocions d’història, normes i tècniques bàsiques sobre la realització dels massatges que es facilita als alumnes a l’inici de la unitat didàctica