682 research outputs found

    STOP-IT: strategic, tactical, operational protection of water infrastructure against cyberphysical threats

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    Water supply and sanitation infrastructures are essential for our welfare, but vulnerable to several attack types facilitated by the ever-changing landscapes of the digital world. A cyber-attack on critical infrastructures could for example evolve along these threat vectors: chemical/biological contamination, physical or communications disruption between the network and the supervisory SCADA. Although conceptual and technological solutions to security and resilience are available, further work is required to bring them together in a risk management framework, strengthen the capacities of water utilities to systematically protect their systems, determine gaps in security technologies and improve risk management approaches. In particular, robust adaptable/flexible solutions for prevention, detection and mitigation of consequences in case of failure due to physical and cyber threats, their combination and cascading effects (from attacks to other critical infrastructure, i.e. energy) are still missing. There is (i) an urgent need to efficiently tackle cyber-physical security threats, (ii) an existing risk management gap in utilities’ practices and (iii) an un-tapped technology market potential for strategic, tactical and operational protection solutions for water infrastructure: how the H2020 STOP-IT project aims to bridge these gaps is presented in this paper.Postprint (published version

    The role of education towards sustainable development: The case study of AIESEC & Harvesting Future Leaders’ Education Project in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    The Agenda 2030 with its seventeen Sustainable Development Goals is the most comprehensive, universal and ambitious document ever adopted by the United Nations, whose ultimate goals is to leave no-one behind, taking into account the needs of all people, especially the different vulnerable groups in the society. This focus on inclusiveness underscores the need to identify who is being left behind and in what ways. The purpose of the study is to elaborate on the importance of the role of education and its positive impact as a potential foundation of the sustainable development agenda, while evaluating how AIESEC has facilitated the development of leadership skills among the youth population by encouraging them to think critically as well as take action towards the achievement of a more sustainable world. As such, the dissertation assessed the work conducted by Harvesting Future Leaders in providing quality and innovative education to rural children in Jakarta, Indonesia. Moreover, the dissertation will consider that a key issue is to define the most effective enabler and accelerator of sustainable development, to nurture the power of sustainability and development multipliers of every society. Accordingly, it will be addressed the ways the debate on sustainable development should turn from ‘what’ to ‘how’ in order to implement the Agenda 2030. People are asking how we can turn ambitious goals into meaningful improvements, regarding which education is a crucial part of the answer.A Agenda 2030 com os seus dezassete Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável constitui o documento mais universal e ambicioso alguma vez adotado pelas Nações Unidas, cujo objetivo é não deixar ninguém para trás, tendo em conta as necessidades de todas as pessoas, principalmente dos grupos mais vulneráveis que constituem uma sociedade. A importância atribuída à inclusão sublinha, portanto, a necessidade de identificar quem é deixado para trás e de que maneira. O objetivo do estudo aqui apresentado é abordar a importância do papel da educação como pilar fundamental na consecução da Agenda 2030. Analisar o contributo da AIESEC no desenvolvimento de capacidades de liderança nos jovens, encorajando-os a pensar, a criticar e a incentivá-los a tomarem atitudes tendo em vista a concretização de um mundo sustentável. Para servir este propósito, a dissertação analisou o trabalho conduzido pela Harvesting Future Leaders que tem como objetivo principal proporcionar uma educação de qualidade e inovadora a crianças que vivem em zonas rurais em Jacarta, Indonésia. Acima de tudo, o objetivo aqui em análise é tentar encontrar o procedimento que deve ser utilizado e que melhor se adequa à concretização do desenvolvimento sustentável em qualquer sociedade. Desta maneira, será analisado como é que este estudo sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável deve passar de Quê? para Como? a fim de implementar a Agenda 2030. As pessoas perguntam como é que podemos tornar objetivos ambiciosos em mais-valias para as sociedades - para a qual a educação é a parte mais relevante da resposta

    Family disruption in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights

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    Comunicação apresentada na 47th Annual Conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts – Traversing the trail of alienation: mountains of emotion, rocky relationships, mile high conflict, Denver, Colorado, 5th June 2010This workshop aims to analyse the principles drawn out by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights in regard to family disruption matters, such as custody and access, children taken into public care and the right to respect for family life of prisoners and immigrants. The right to respect for family life, within the meaning of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, requires a positive obligation of Member States to act in a manner calculated to allow family ties to develop normally. Furthermore, as the Strasbourg Court often stresses, the mutual enjoyment by parents and children of each other’s company constitutes a fundamental element of family life and thus one of the objectives pursued by Article 8. Therefore, the restriction or non-enforcement of custody and visiting rights, as well as the compulsory taking of children into public care and the implementation of care measures, or the limitation or prohibition of visits from family members to prisoners, or even the refusal of family reunification of immigrants, represent an interference with the right to respect for family life under Article 8. In this workshop, we intend to study under which grounds, according to this Court, Member States may legitimately interfere with the enjoyment of this right. This case-law analysis will allow us to conclude, e.g.¸ that, although a wide margin of appreciation may be granted to Member States in this field, the respect for family life will not be considered to be violated if parents’ procedural rights are safeguarded, if good faith efforts to enforce access arrangements are made, if measures of public care are taken with a view to the reunification of the family and if a fair balance between the conflicting interests is made

    Principles of Stochastic Generation of Hydrologic Time Series for Reservoir Planning and Design: A Case Study.

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    Simulation has been an important tool for planners in many fields of knowledge. In the field of water resources the uncertainties due to unknown data population and the short length of the records work together to make the simulation especially important. The major utilization of water resources at the level needed in modern society makes water storage essential for satisfying the demand. Therefore, the need to reduce the uncertainty in the design of water storage capacity is an important problem in the field of water resources utilization. This problem can only be satisfactorily solved with the aid of simulation. On the other hand, the implementation of adequate exploration politics also needs to use simulations in order to obtain results with low uncertainty. In simulation of water resources systems the use of synthetic time series is a current practice. In this study the number of generated time series to use in the problems described are analyzed. Annual and monthly synthetic flows were generated preserving the relevant statistics of the available historical data and then the number of time series to generate was determined. The results of the case studies indicate that the proposed methodology is a plausible approach to solve the analyzed problem and lead to the conclusion that the number of time series to generate should be 1200

    Lipid oxidation inhibition by natural tocopherols increases the nutritional value of tuna salami

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    Introduction: The quality attributes of fish products deteriorate due to the lipid oxidation during processing and storage. Tuna salami is highly susceptible to oxidation, which can precipitate health hazards and economic losses in terms of inferior product quality. Methods: The effect of adding different natural antioxidants on the lipid oxidation, colour and fatty acid profile of tuna salami after nine days of storage at 4 ºC was assessed. Three different commercial mixes of tocopherols were added during the production of the tuna salami and samples were sliced and refrigerated for 9 days. Results: The lipid oxidation increased from 0.98 to 4.03 mg of malondialdehyde/kg. The oxidation process was inhibited by DLT-100 and VIT-100; however, RNX10 did not blunt the oxidative process. VIT and dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) reduced the total unsaturated fatty acid reduction. The RNX did not prevent the reduction of the a* value. Conclusion: It was concluded that tocopherols supplementation kept the nutritional value of tuna salami mainly by lipid oxidation inhibition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of Hearing Perception and Phonological Awareness: The Contribution of Digital Educational Resources

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    One of the basic prerequisites for acquiring reading and writing is phonological awareness. A child with hearing impairment does not correctly identify speech sounds, reproduces errors in reading, and subsequently in writing. The development of auditory perception and phonological awareness are essential for the complete development of the child. The purpose of this research was to promote the use of digital educational resources, to develop skills in the phonological process and to implement play activities that motivate the child to learn. It is intended to answer the research question: “Can digital educational resources be a facilitator of the promotion of auditory perception and phonological awareness in a hearing impaired child?”. After the theoretical framework, an intervention plan was drawn up and through the digital educational resources: “Cochleando”, “Comunikit: Rhymes and Initial Sounds” and the Sign Language Dictionary “Spread the Sign”, we conclude that they are an asset to development of phonological awareness in the teaching-learning process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Protocolos de conservación y restauración aplicables a la colección de aves y mamíferos naturalizados del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (MNCM-CSIC)

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    El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (MNCN-CSIC) data de 1776, momento en que se constituyó como Real Gabinete de Historia Natural con la adquisición de las colecciones de Pedro Franco Dávila (1711-1786). Posee una colección de mamíferos y aves formada por unos 57.000 especímenes preparados como pieles, fluidos, esqueletos y especímenes montados entre otros, provenientes principalmente del territorio español y de áreas de influencia colonial (América del Sur y Centroamérica, Guinea Ecuatorial, Filipinas y Marruecos). La colección de especímenes montados está compuesta por 3415 ejemplares que abarcan periodos desde el siglo XVIII hasta el XX, entre los que cabe destacar algunos ejemplares extintos. Las naturalizaciones más reconocidas, formando generalmente grupos biológicos, están realizadas por los hermanos Benedito. También cabe subrayar algún ejemplar de Rowland Ward Ltd. Las colecciones del museo han sufrido numerosos avatares y deterioros que han ocasionado pérdidas de ejemplares y daños diversos como ataques de plagas, desmembramientos, disociación, etc. Además, los ejemplares destinados a exposición poseen una estructura compleja y gran variedad de materiales diferentes en su constitución, lo que origina problemas técnicos para conservar íntegramente su morfología. Pero el problema más grave y acuciante es la falta de espacio y asignación económica, conservándose la gran mayoría de los ejemplares en unos almacenes en Arganda del Rey que no reúnen las condiciones medioambientales idóneas para su salvaguarda, por lo que siguen deteriorándose a pesar de haber sido restaurados. Actualmente varios de estos ejemplares requieren de operaciones de recuperación. Hoy en día en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid se están aplicando tratamientos de conservación preventiva y la intención de la presente tesis doctoral es investigar sobre aquellos criterios museísticos y de conservación y restauración que permitan establecer, a través de procedimientos científicos, los protocolos de actuación en el caso de las colecciones de aves y mamíferos de modo que complementen los trabajos ya realizados por esta institución..