3,788 research outputs found

    Fault Modeling of Graphene Nanoribbon FET Logic Circuits

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    [EN] Due to the increasing defect rates in highly scaled complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) devices, and the emergence of alternative nanotechnology devices, reliability challenges are of growing importance. Understanding and controlling the fault mechanisms associated with new materials and structures for both transistors and interconnection is a key issue in novel nanodevices. The graphene nanoribbon field-effect transistor (GNR FET) has revealed itself as a promising technology to design emerging research logic circuits, because of its outstanding potential speed and power properties. This work presents a study of fault causes, mechanisms, and models at the device level, as well as their impact on logic circuits based on GNR FETs. From a literature review of fault causes and mechanisms, fault propagation was analyzed, and fault models were derived for device and logic circuit levels. This study may be helpful for the prevention of faults in the design process of graphene nanodevices. In addition, it can help in the design and evaluation of defect- and fault-tolerant nanoarchitectures based on graphene circuits. Results are compared with other emerging devices, such as carbon nanotube (CNT) FET and nanowire (NW) FET.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government under the research project TIN2016-81075-R and by Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), under the project 200190032.Gil Tomás, DA.; Gracia-Morán, J.; Saiz-Adalid, L.; Gil, P. (2019). Fault Modeling of Graphene Nanoribbon FET Logic Circuits. Electronics. 8(8):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8080851S11888International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2013http://www.itrs2.net/2013-itrs.htmlSchuegraf, K., Abraham, M. C., Brand, A., Naik, M., & Thakur, R. (2013). Semiconductor Logic Technology Innovation to Achieve Sub-10 nm Manufacturing. IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 1(3), 66-75. doi:10.1109/jeds.2013.2271582International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) 2015https://bit.ly/2xiiT8PNovoselov, K. S. (2004). Electric Field Effect in Atomically Thin Carbon Films. Science, 306(5696), 666-669. doi:10.1126/science.1102896Geim, A. K., & Novoselov, K. S. (2007). The rise of graphene. Nature Materials, 6(3), 183-191. doi:10.1038/nmat1849Wu, Y., Farmer, D. B., Xia, F., & Avouris, P. (2013). Graphene Electronics: Materials, Devices, and Circuits. Proceedings of the IEEE, 101(7), 1620-1637. doi:10.1109/jproc.2013.2260311Choudhury, M. R., Youngki Yoon, Jing Guo, & Mohanram, K. (2011). Graphene Nanoribbon FETs: Technology Exploration for Performance and Reliability. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 10(4), 727-736. doi:10.1109/tnano.2010.2073718Avouris, P. (2010). Graphene: Electronic and Photonic Properties and Devices. Nano Letters, 10(11), 4285-4294. doi:10.1021/nl102824hBanadaki, Y. M., & Srivastava, A. (2015). Scaling Effects on Static Metrics and Switching Attributes of Graphene Nanoribbon FET for Emerging Technology. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 3(4), 458-469. doi:10.1109/tetc.2015.2445104Avouris, P., Chen, Z., & Perebeinos, V. (2007). Carbon-based electronics. Nature Nanotechnology, 2(10), 605-615. doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.300Banerjee, S. K., Register, L. F., Tutuc, E., Basu, D., Kim, S., Reddy, D., & MacDonald, A. H. (2010). Graphene for CMOS and Beyond CMOS Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 98(12), 2032-2046. doi:10.1109/jproc.2010.2064151Schwierz, F. (2013). Graphene Transistors: Status, Prospects, and Problems. Proceedings of the IEEE, 101(7), 1567-1584. doi:10.1109/jproc.2013.2257633Fregonese, S., Magallo, M., Maneux, C., Happy, H., & Zimmer, T. (2013). Scalable Electrical Compact Modeling for Graphene FET Transistors. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 12(4), 539-546. doi:10.1109/tnano.2013.2257832Chen, Y.-Y., Sangai, A., Rogachev, A., Gholipour, M., Iannaccone, G., Fiori, G., & Chen, D. (2015). A SPICE-Compatible Model of MOS-Type Graphene Nano-Ribbon Field-Effect Transistors Enabling Gate- and Circuit-Level Delay and Power Analysis Under Process Variation. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 14(6), 1068-1082. doi:10.1109/tnano.2015.2469647Ferrari, A. C., Bonaccorso, F., Fal’ko, V., Novoselov, K. S., Roche, S., Bøggild, P., … Pugno, N. (2015). Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems. Nanoscale, 7(11), 4598-4810. doi:10.1039/c4nr01600aHong, A. J., Song, E. B., Yu, H. S., Allen, M. J., Kim, J., Fowler, J. D., … Wang, K. L. (2011). Graphene Flash Memory. ACS Nano, 5(10), 7812-7817. doi:10.1021/nn201809kJeng, S.-L., Lu, J.-C., & Wang, K. (2007). A Review of Reliability Research on Nanotechnology. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 56(3), 401-410. doi:10.1109/tr.2007.903188Srinivasu, B., & Sridharan, K. (2017). A Transistor-Level Probabilistic Approach for Reliability Analysis of Arithmetic Circuits With Applications to Emerging Technologies. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66(2), 440-457. doi:10.1109/tr.2016.2642168Teixeira Franco, D., Naviner, J.-F., & Naviner, L. (2006). Yield and reliability issues in nanoelectronic technologies. annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, 61(11-12), 1422-1457. doi:10.1007/bf03219903Lin, Y.-M., Jenkins, K. A., Valdes-Garcia, A., Small, J. P., Farmer, D. B., & Avouris, P. (2009). Operation of Graphene Transistors at Gigahertz Frequencies. Nano Letters, 9(1), 422-426. doi:10.1021/nl803316hLiao, L., Lin, Y.-C., Bao, M., Cheng, R., Bai, J., Liu, Y., … Duan, X. (2010). High-speed graphene transistors with a self-aligned nanowire gate. Nature, 467(7313), 305-308. doi:10.1038/nature09405Wang, X., Tabakman, S. M., & Dai, H. (2008). Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides on Pristine and Functionalized Graphene. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(26), 8152-8153. doi:10.1021/ja8023059Geim, A. K. (2009). Graphene: Status and Prospects. Science, 324(5934), 1530-1534. doi:10.1126/science.1158877Mistewicz, K., Nowak, M., Wrzalik, R., Śleziona, J., Wieczorek, J., & Guiseppi-Elie, A. (2016). Ultrasonic processing of SbSI nanowires for their application to gas sensors. Ultrasonics, 69, 67-73. doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2016.04.004Jesionek, M., Nowak, M., Mistewicz, K., Kępińska, M., Stróż, D., Bednarczyk, I., & Paszkiewicz, R. (2018). Sonochemical growth of nanomaterials in carbon nanotube. Ultrasonics, 83, 179-187. doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2017.03.014Chen, X., Seo, D. H., Seo, S., Chung, H., & Wong, H.-S. P. (2012). Graphene Interconnect Lifetime: A Reliability Analysis. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33(11), 1604-1606. doi:10.1109/led.2012.2211564Wang, Z. F., Zheng, H., Shi, Q. W., & Chen, J. (2009). Emerging nanodevice paradigm. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 5(1), 1-19. doi:10.1145/1482613.1482616Dong, J., Xiang, G., Xiang-Yang, K., & Jia-Ming, L. (2007). Atomistic Failure Mechanism of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Small Diameters. Chinese Physics Letters, 24(1), 165-168. doi:10.1088/0256-307x/24/1/045Bu, H., Chen, Y., Zou, M., Yi, H., Bi, K., & Ni, Z. (2009). Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons. Physics Letters A, 373(37), 3359-3362. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2009.07.04

    Improving Error Correction Codes for Multiple-Cell Upsets in Space Applications

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Currently, faults suffered by SRAM memory systems have increased due to the aggressive CMOS integration density. Thus, the probability of occurrence of single-cell upsets (SCUs) or multiple-cell upsets (MCUs) augments. One of the main causes of MCUs in space applications is cosmic radiation. A common solution is the use of error correction codes (ECCs). Nevertheless, when using ECCs in space applications, they must achieve a good balance between error coverage and redundancy, and their encoding/decoding circuits must be efficient in terms of area, power, and delay. Different codes have been proposed to tolerate MCUs. For instance, Matrix codes use Hamming codes and parity checks in a bi-dimensional layout to correct and detect some patterns of MCUs. Recently presented, column¿line¿code (CLC) has been designed to tolerate MCUs in space applications. CLC is a modified Matrix code, based on extended Hamming codes and parity checks. Nevertheless, a common property of these codes is the high redundancy introduced. In this paper, we present a series of new lowredundant ECCs able to correct MCUs with reduced area, power, and delay overheads. Also, these new codes maintain, or even improve, memory error coverage with respect to Matrix and CLC codes.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the research Project TIN2016-81075-R.Gracia-Morán, J.; Saiz-Adalid, L.; Gil Tomás, DA.; Gil, P. (2018). Improving Error Correction Codes for Multiple-Cell Upsets in Space Applications. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 26(10):2132-2142. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2018.2837220S21322142261

    MCU Tolerance in SRAMs through Low Redundancy Triple Adjacent Error Correction

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    (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.[EN] Static random access memories (SRAMs) are key in electronic systems. They are used not only as standalone devices, but also embedded in application specific integrated circuits. One key challenge for memories is their susceptibility to radiation-induced soft errors that change the value of memory cells. Error correction codes (ECCs) are commonly used to ensure correct data despite soft errors effects in semiconductor memories. Single error correction/double error detection (SEC-DED) codes have been traditionally the preferred choice for data protection in SRAMs. During the last decade, the percentage of errors that affect more than one memory cell has increased substantially, mainly due to multiple cell upsets (MCUs) caused by radiation. The bits affected by these errors are physically close. To mitigate their effects, ECCs that correct single errors and double adjacent errors have been proposed. These codes, known as single error correction/double adjacent error correction (SEC-DAEC), require the same number of parity bits as traditional SEC-DED codes and a moderate increase in the decoder complexity. However, MCUs are not limited to double adjacent errors, because they affect more bits as technology scales. In this brief, new codes that can correct triple adjacent errors and 3-bit burst errors are presented. They have been implemented using a 45-nm library and compared with previous proposals, showing that our codes have better error protection with a moderate overhead and low redundancy.This work was supported in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, through the DesTT Research Project under Grant SP20120806; in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education under Project AYA-2009-13300-C03; in part by the Arenes Research Project under Grant TIN2012-38308-C02-01; and in part by the Research Project entitled Manufacturable and Dependable Multicore Architectures at Nanoscale within the framework of COST ICT Action under Grant 1103.Saiz-Adalid, L.; Reviriego, P.; Gil, P.; Pontarelli, S.; Maestro, JA. (2015). MCU Tolerance in SRAMs through Low Redundancy Triple Adjacent Error Correction. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems. 23(10):2332-2336. https://doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2014.2357476S23322336231

    La vajilla campaniforme en las comarcas de L’Alcoià y El Comtat: aproximación a través del Estilo cerámico

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    En este artículo se presenta la vajilla campaniforme de las comarcas de L’Alcoià y El Comtat a través de un trabajo de recopilación bibliográfica y presentación de nuevos materiales procedentes de excavaciones, rebuscas y prospecciones, todos ellos depositados en el Museu Arqueològic Municipal Camil Visedo Moltó de Alcoy, el Centre d’Estudis Contestans y el Museu Arqueològic d’Ontinyent i la Vall d’Albaida. El estudio se ha elaborado desde de la perspectiva del Estilo cerámico con el objetivo de sistematizar el trabajo de análisis y comparación de las formas, técnicas y decoraciones

    Long-term effects of the consumption of Stevia rebaudiana (Magnoliopsida, Asteraceae) on fertility mice’s

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el objetivo de conocer los efectos a largo plazo del consumo de extractos acuosos de hojas de Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) sobre el número de crías, la micromorfología de los órganos genitales, niveles de testosterona y estrógeno totales, de ratones albinos. Se Trabajó con cuatro grupos de ratones, cada grupo estuvo conformado por seis macho y seis hembras. Un grupo control (C) y tres tratamientos, el primero consumió alimento y agua mientras que los grupos tratamientos consumieron el mismo alimento pero en vez del agua un extracto de S. rebaudiana a concentraciones de (g/Kg) 3,75 (I), 7,5 (II) y 15 (III), por 120 días. Las crías fueron contadas y pesadas después de cada nacimiento, la histología de los órganos genitales entre los grupos fue comparada, se midió los niveles séricos de testosterona y estrógeno total por inmunoquimio-luminiscencia, así mismo se observó el comportamiento sexual. Los niveles de testosterona total (ng/mL) fueron significativamente diferentes entre los grupos (C= 1,02±0,03; I= 1,12±0,01; II= 1,16±0,02; III= 1,21±0,01). Así mismo los niveles de estrógeno total (pg/mL) también mostraron diferencias significativas (C= 20,77±7,22; I= 30,58±2,07; II= 33,08±3,45; III= 43,58±10,3). Sin embargo no se observaron diferencias significativas entre los pesos (g) de los úteros, trompas y ovarios (C= 0,065±0,005; I= 0,058±0,007; II= 0,058±0,007; III= 0,056±0,005). El peso (g) de testículos mostró diferencias significativas solamente con el tratamiento III (C= 0,153±0,005; I= 0,155±0,005; II= 0,145±0,005; III= 0,110±0,008). No se detectaron diferencias histológicas en los órganos genitales del grupo control y de los grupos tratamientos. La libido en los ratones machos tratados con SrB estuvo aumentada. Finalmente, el peso de las crías (g) fue mayor y estadísticamente diferente en los grupos II y III (C= 7,53±0,26; I= 7,86±0,47; II= 9,37±0,66; III= 9,35±0,45), mientras que el número de crías fue menor y significativamente diferente para los tratamientos II y III (C= 10,83±0,75; I= 11,83±1,17; II= 8,66±0,52; III= 9,17±0,98). Se concluye que el consumo a largo plazo de SrB no afectó la fertilidad de los ratones pero sí disminuyó notablemente el peso y el tamaño de los testículos. Sin embargo los niveles de testosterona y estrógenos aumentaron notablemente.The objective of this work was to determine the long-term effects of consuming aqueous extracts of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) leaves on the number of offspring, microscopic morphology of genitalia, and levels of testosterone and estrogens in albino mice. We studied four groups of mice, each consisting of 6 males and 6 females. One group was the control (C) and received food and plain water. Three groups received treatment of food and water with extract of S. rebaudiana at concentrations of (g/Kg) 3,75g (I), 7,5 (II) and 15 (III) for a period of 120 days. The offspring were counted and the histology of genitalia among the groups was compared. Serum levels of total testosterone and estrogens were measured by immunoassay and sexual behaviour was observed. Levels of total testosterone (ng/mL) were significantly different between groups (C= 1,02±0,03; I=1,12±0,01; II= 1,16±0,02; III= 1,21±0,01). Likewise were also significantly different the levels of total estrogens (pg/mL) (C= 20,77±7,22; I= 30,58±2,07; II= 33,08±3,45; III= 43,58±10,3). But no significant differences were observed between the weights (g) of the uterus, tubes and ovaries in group (C= 0,065±0,005; I= 0,058±0,007, II= 0,058±0,007; III= 0,056±0,005). The weight (g) of the testicles showed significant differences only with the treatment III (C= 0,153±0,005; I= 0,155±0,005, II= 0,145±0,005; III= 0,110±0,008). Histological differences in the genital organs between control group and the treatment groups were not detected. Libido in male mice treated with SrB was increased. The weight of the offspring (g) was higher and statistically different in groups II and III (C= 7,53±0,26; I= 7,86±0,47; II= 9,37±0,66; III= 9,35±0,45). The number of offspring was lower and significantly different for treatments II and III (C= 10,83±0,75; I= 11,83±1,17; II= 8,66±0,52; III= 9,17±0,98). We conclude that consumption of SrB does not affect fertility in mice. However, SrB consumption is associated with markedly diminished weight of the testicles accompanied by increased testosterone and estrogens levels

    The Cost of Loneliness: Assessing the Social Relationships of the Elderly via an Abbreviated Sociotype Questionnaire for inside and outside the Clinic

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    Gauging the social relationships of the elderly is a significant sociometric research subject and a deep biomedical concern-particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic. It is imperative for facultatives in primary care, for geriatric clinics, and for social care services. In this respect, this article explores the validity of an abbreviated version of the Sociotype Questionnaire (SOCQ), a tool previously developed by the authors for assessing the social relationships of the general population, now specifically addressed to the elderly population. The aim is to construct a 4-item dichotomous scale (SOCG-4) out of the 12 items of the original scale of the SOCQ, so that it can serve to discriminate among the patients in primary care and the geriatric clinic, helping the facultative to find those in need of social care or of psychosocial intervention. The population data have been obtained from a series of previous studies on social relationships in different segments of the elderly population (Ntotal = 915). The resulting abbreviated version of SOCG-4 was extracted by means of confirmatory factor analysis, with the congruence, validity, and relationship with the determinants as close to optimal. The significant correlations with SOCQ (0.82), UCLA (-0.55), Barthel (0.40), and other relevant tests are obtained. The test was also put to trial in a pilot study, being applied to 150 subjects via phone surveys, home visiting, and geriatric clinic-it becomes particularly useful for assessing the social relationships in geriatric clinic use. The 4-item Geriatric Sociotype scale (SOCG-4) appears as a valid measurement instrument for use in the clinic and in other social care instances

    A sparse mesh for Compact Finite Difference Fourier solvers with radius-dependent spectral resolution in circular domains

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    This paper presents a new method for the resolution of elliptic and parabolic equations in circular domains. It can be trivially extended to cylindrical domains. The algorithm uses a mixed Fourier-Compact Finite Difference method. The main advantage of the method is achieved by a new concept of mesh. The topology of the new grid keeps constant the aspect ratio of the cells, avoiding the typical clustering for radial structured meshes at the center. The reduction of the number of nodes has as a consequence the reduction in memory consumption. In the case of fluid mechanics problems, this technique also increases the time step for a constant Courant number. Several examples are given in the paper which show the potential of the method. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reservedThis work was supported by the Spanish Government in the frame of the Project "Metodos LES para la simulacion de chorros multifasicos", grant ENE2010-18542. We also are very grateful to one of the referees for his/her work.Torregrosa, AJ.; Hoyas, S.; Gil, A.; García Galache, JP. (2014). A sparse mesh for Compact Finite Difference Fourier solvers with radius-dependent spectral resolution in circular domains. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 67(6):1309-1318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2014.01.020S1309131867

    Effects of intermittent faults on the reliability of a Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) microprocessor

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    © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.With the scaling of complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology to the submicron range, designers have to deal with a growing number and variety of fault types. In this way, intermittent faults are gaining importance in modern very large scale integration (VLSI) circuits. The presence of these faults is increasing due to the complexity of manufacturing processes (which produce residues and parameter variations), together with special aging mechanisms. This work presents a case study of the impact of intermittent faults on the behavior of a reduced instruction set computing (RISC) microprocessor. We have carried out an exhaustive reliability assessment by using very-high-speed-integrated-circuit hardware description language (VHDL)-based fault injection. In this way, we have been able to modify different intermittent fault parameters, to select various targets, and even, to compare the impact of intermittent faults with those induced by transient and permanent faults.This work was supported by the Spanish Government under the Research Project TIN2009-13825 and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the Project SP20120806. Associate Editor: L. Cui.Gracia-Morán, J.; Baraza Calvo, JC.; Gil Tomás, DA.; Saiz-Adalid, L.; Gil, P. (2014). Effects of intermittent faults on the reliability of a Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) microprocessor. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 63(1):144-153. https://doi.org/10.1109/TR.2014.2299711S14415363

    Reducing the Overhead of BCH Codes: New Double Error Correction Codes

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    [EN] The Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes are a well-known class of powerful error correction cyclic codes. BCH codes can correct multiple errors with minimal redundancy. Primitive BCH codes only exist for some word lengths, which do not frequently match those employed in digital systems. This paper focuses on double error correction (DEC) codes for word lengths that are in powers of two (8, 16, 32, and 64), which are commonly used in memories. We also focus on hardware implementations of the encoder and decoder circuits for very fast operations. This work proposes new low redundancy and reduced overhead (LRRO) DEC codes, with the same redundancy as the equivalent BCH DEC codes, but whose encoder, and decoder circuits present a lower overhead (in terms of propagation delay, silicon area usage and power consumption). We used a methodology to search parity check matrices, based on error patterns, in order to design the new codes. We implemented and synthesized them, and compared their results with those obtained for the BCH codes. Our implementation of the decoder circuits achieved reductions between 2.8% and 8.7% in the propagation delay, between 1.3% and 3.0% in the silicon area, and between 15.7% and 26.9% in the power consumption. Therefore, we propose LRRO codes as an alternative for protecting information against multiple errors.This research was supported in part by the Spanish Government, project TIN2016-81075-R, by Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), project 20190032, and by the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA).Saiz-Adalid, L.; Gracia-Morán, J.; Gil Tomás, DA.; Baraza Calvo, JC.; Gil, P. (2020). Reducing the Overhead of BCH Codes: New Double Error Correction Codes. Electronics. 9(11):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics9111897S114911Fujiwara, E. (2005). Code Design for Dependable Systems. doi:10.1002/0471792748Xinmiao, Z. (2017). VLSI Architectures for Modern Error-Correcting Codes. doi:10.1201/b18673Bose, R. C., & Ray-Chaudhuri, D. K. (1960). On a class of error correcting binary group codes. Information and Control, 3(1), 68-79. doi:10.1016/s0019-9958(60)90287-4Chen, P., Zhang, C., Jiang, H., Wang, Z., & Yue, S. (2015). High performance low complexity BCH error correction circuit for SSD controllers. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits (EDSSC). doi:10.1109/edssc.2015.7285089IEEE 802.3-2018 - IEEE Standard for Ethernethttps://standards.ieee.org/standard/802_3-2018.htmlH.263: Video Coding for Low Bit Rate Communicationhttps://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.263/enVangelista, L., Benvenuto, N., Tomasin, S., Nokes, C., Stott, J., Filippi, A., … Morello, A. (2009). Key technologies for next-generation terrestrial digital television standard DVB-T2. IEEE Communications Magazine, 47(10), 146-153. doi:10.1109/mcom.2009.52738222013 ITRS—International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductorshttp://www.itrs2.net/2013-itrs.htmlIbe, E., Taniguchi, H., Yahagi, Y., Shimbo, K., & Toba, T. (2010). Impact of Scaling on Neutron-Induced Soft Error in SRAMs From a 250 nm to a 22 nm Design Rule. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 57(7), 1527-1538. doi:10.1109/ted.2010.2047907Gil-Tomás, D., Gracia-Morán, J., Baraza-Calvo, J.-C., Saiz-Adalid, L.-J., & Gil-Vicente, P.-J. (2012). Studying the effects of intermittent faults on a microcontroller. Microelectronics Reliability, 52(11), 2837-2846. doi:10.1016/j.microrel.2012.06.004Neubauer, A., Freudenberger, J., & Khn, V. (2007). Coding Theory. doi:10.1002/9780470519837Morelos-Zaragoza, R. H. (2006). The Art of Error Correcting Coding. doi:10.1002/0470035706Naseer, R., & Draper, J. (2008). DEC ECC design to improve memory reliability in Sub-100nm technologies. 2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems. doi:10.1109/icecs.2008.4674921Saiz-Adalid, L.-J., Gracia-Moran, J., Gil-Tomas, D., Baraza-Calvo, J.-C., & Gil-Vicente, P.-J. (2019). Ultrafast Codes for Multiple Adjacent Error Correction and Double Error Detection. IEEE Access, 7, 151131-151143. doi:10.1109/access.2019.2947315Saiz-Adalid, L.-J., Gil-Vicente, P.-J., Ruiz-García, J.-C., Gil-Tomás, D., Baraza, J.-C., & Gracia-Morán, J. (2013). Flexible Unequal Error Control Codes with Selectable Error Detection and Correction Levels. Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 178-189. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40793-2_17Saiz-Adalid, L.-J., Reviriego, P., Gil, P., Pontarelli, S., & Maestro, J. A. (2015). MCU Tolerance in SRAMs Through Low-Redundancy Triple Adjacent Error Correction. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 23(10), 2332-2336. doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2014.2357476Gracia-Moran, J., Saiz-Adalid, L. J., Gil-Tomas, D., & Gil-Vicente, P. J. (2018). Improving Error Correction Codes for Multiple-Cell Upsets in Space Applications. IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 26(10), 2132-2142. doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2018.2837220Cadence: Computational Software for Intelligent System Designhttps://www.cadence.comStine, J. E., Castellanos, I., Wood, M., Henson, J., Love, F., Davis, W. R., … Jenkal, R. (2007). FreePDK: An Open-Source Variation-Aware Design Kit. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE’07). doi:10.1109/mse.2007.44NanGate FreePDK45 Open Cell Libraryhttp://www.nangate.com/?page_id=232

    Multi-Sensor Localization and Navigation for Remote Manipulation in Smoky Areas

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    Abstract When localizing mobile sensors and actuators in indoor  environments  laser  meters,  ultrasonic  meters  or  even image processing techniques are usually used. On  the  other  hand,  in  smoky  conditions,  due  to  a  fire  or  building collapse, once the smoke or dust density grows,  optical  methods  are  not  efficient  anymore.  In  these  scenarios  other  type  of  sensors  must  be  used,  such  as  sonar,  radar  or  radiofrequency  signals.  Indoor  localization in low‐visibility  conditions due to  smoke is  one of the EU GUARDIANS [1] project goals.   The developed method aims to position a robot in front  of doors, fire extinguishers and other points of interest  with  enough  accuracy  to  allow  a  human  operator  to  manipulate the robot’s arm in order to actuate over the  element.  In  coarse‐grain  localization,  a  fingerprinting technique  based  on  ZigBee  and  WiFi  signals  is  used,  allowing  the robot  to  navigate  inside  the  building  in  order  to  get  near  the  point  of  interest  that  requires  manipulation.  In  fine‐grained  localization  a  remotely  controlled  programmable  high  intensity  LED  panel  is  used, which acts as a reference to the system in smoky  conditions.  Then,  smoke  detection  and  visual  fine‐ grained localization are used to position the robot with  precisely in the manipulation point (e.g., doors, valves,  etc.)