262 research outputs found

    Evolution and Features of Dust Devil-Like Vortices in Turbulent Rayleigh-BĂ©nard Convection—A Numerical Study Using Direct Numerical Simulation

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    Dust devils are convective vortices with a vertical axis of rotation that are made visible by entrained soil particles. These soil particles contribute to the atmospheric aerosol input, influencing the Earth radiation budget. Quantifying this contribution requires reliable information about the statistics of dust devils, their formation process, and how they are maintained. In the past, this information was mainly derived from field experiments and large-eddy simulations (LESs). Field experiments suffer from the erratic occurrence of dust devils and the limited area that can be monitored reliably. In LESs, dust devils cannot be resolved completely, especially close to the ground. Additionally, they are affected by numerical features of surface boundary conditions, as well as subgrid-scale models in an unknown way. To mitigate these limitations, we employ direct numerical simulations (DNSs) to improve our understanding of dust devils. We comprehensively investigate the statistics and structure of dust devils for Rayleigh numbers up to 1011 using DNS of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection between two plates for the first time. We find that dust devil-like structures occur in DNS with Rayleigh numbers much lower than in the atmosphere (≄107). These results support previous DNS studies in which vortices with vertical axes were observed but not further investigated. The dust devil statistics strongly depend on the Rayleigh number and velocity boundary conditions, but depend little on the aspect ratio of the model domain. Simulated dust devils show very similar properties to convective vortices analyzed in LESs of the atmospheric boundary layer. © 2021. The Authors

    Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects of Grid Spacing, Background Wind, and Surface Heterogeneities

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    Dust devils are convective vortices with a vertical axis of rotation made visible by lifted soil particles. Currently, there is great uncertainty about the extent to which dust devils contribute to the atmospheric aerosol input and thereby influence Earth's radiation budget. Past efforts to quantify the aerosol transport and study their formation, maintenance, and statistics using large-eddy simulation (LES) have been of limited success. Therefore, some important features of dust devil-like vortices simulated with LES still do not compare well with those of observed ones. One major difference is the simulated value of the core pressure drop, which is almost 1 order of magnitude smaller compared to the observed range of 250 to 450 Pa. However, most of the existing numerical simulations are based on highly idealized setups and coarse grid spacings. In this study, we investigate the effects of various factors on the simulated vortex strength with high-resolution LES. For the fist time, we are able to reproduce observed core pressures by using a high spatial resolution of 2 m, a model setup with moderate background wind and a spatially heterogeneous surface heat flux. It is found that vortices mainly appear at the lines of horizontal flow convergence above the centers of the strongly heated patches, which is in contrast to some older observations in which vortices seemed to be created along the patch edges

    Die Weltwirtschaft im Wandel: Symposium 1975

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    Seit einigen Jahren verstĂ€rkt sich der Eindruck, daß die Weltwirtschaft in einem raschen Wandel begriffen ist. Die EntwicklungslĂ€nder fordern eine neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Auf die weltweite Hochkonjunktur ist eine scharfe und recht lange anhaltende Rezession gefolgt; aber noch immer dominieren inflationĂ€re Tendenzen. Den Konjunktureinbruch ĂŒberlagert hat die Vervielfachung des Ölpreises Ende 1973. Sie wurde von vielen Beobachtern als Beginn einer Phase mit zunehmendem Rohstoffmangel und nie gekannten Ungleichgewichten in den Zahlungsbilanzen gedeutet. Von den vielfach geĂ€ußerten BefĂŒrchtungen haben sich manche als ĂŒbertrieben erwiesen; denn viele Schwierigkeiten konnte der Markt viel besser als erwartet und ziemlich gerĂ€uschlos bewĂ€ltigen. Gleichwohl erscheint es geraten, die alten und die neuen Probleme der Weltwirtschaft stĂ€ndig zu beobachten. Vom 23. -27. Juni, traf sich in Kiel eine Gruppe unabhĂ€ngiger Ökonomen aus Japan, Nordamerika und der EuropĂ€ischen Gemeinschaft in der Absicht, die Situation der Weltwirtschaft zu analysieren und VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene auszuarbeiten. Das Institut fĂŒr Weltwirtschaft war Gastgeber. Das Kieler Symposium ist ein Glied in einer Reihe trilateraler Konferenzen ĂŒber weltwirtschaftliche Fragen, die von der Brookings Institution in Washington, dem Japan Economic Research Center in Tokio und dem Institut fĂŒr Weltwirtschaft gemeinsam veranstaltet werden. Die Ergebnisse werden jeweils in englischer, japanischer und deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht; frĂŒhere Berichte in der deutschen Fassung sind als Kieler DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge Nr. 31 "Welthandel und Strukturanpassung in den IndustrielĂ€ndern" und Nr. 36 "Weltrohstoffversorgung: Konflikt oder Kooperation?" erschienen

    Comments on "Economic policy for the European Community - the way forward". Selection of comments prepared for a Kiel Symposium on the report of the Group of Rome

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    Table of Contents: Herbert Giersch, Gottfried Haberler, Jan Tumlir, Juergen B. Donges, Bela Balassa, Europe's Role in the World Economy; Fritz Machlup, Johann Schollhorn, Norbert Walter Pascal Salin, Roland Vaubel, Roads to Monetary Union; Willi Albers, Fritz Neumark, Carl S. Shoup, Dieter Biehl, Fiscal Harmonization; Dieter Biehl, Bela Balassa, Claus Noe, Sebastian Schnyder, The Scope of a Common Regional Policy; Adolf Weber, Tim Josling, New Approaches to Structural Policy? Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy; Gerhard Prosi, Gerhard Fels, Klaus Stegemann, New Approaches to Structural Policy? Industrial Policy, Competition and Social Progres

    A method for estimation of elasticities in metabolic networks using steady state and dynamic metabolomics data and linlog kinetics

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    BACKGROUND: Dynamic modeling of metabolic reaction networks under in vivo conditions is a crucial step in order to obtain a better understanding of the (dis)functioning of living cells. So far dynamic metabolic models generally have been based on mechanistic rate equations which often contain so many parameters that their identifiability from experimental data forms a serious problem. Recently, approximative rate equations, based on the linear logarithmic (linlog) format have been proposed as a suitable alternative with fewer parameters. RESULTS: In this paper we present a method for estimation of the kinetic model parameters, which are equal to the elasticities defined in Metabolic Control Analysis, from metabolite data obtained from dynamic as well as steady state perturbations, using the linlog kinetic format. Additionally, we address the question of parameter identifiability from dynamic perturbation data in the presence of noise. The method is illustrated using metabolite data generated with a dynamic model of the glycolytic pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae based on mechanistic rate equations. Elasticities are estimated from the generated data, which define the complete linlog kinetic model of the glycolysis. The effect of data noise on the accuracy of the estimated elasticities is presented. Finally, identifiable subset of parameters is determined using information on the standard deviations of the estimated elasticities through Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. CONCLUSION: The parameter estimation within the linlog kinetic framework as presented here allows the determination of the elasticities directly from experimental data from typical dynamic and/or steady state experiments. These elasticities allow the reconstruction of the full kinetic model of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the determination of the control coefficients. MC simulations revealed that certain elasticities are potentially unidentifiable from dynamic data only. Addition of steady state perturbation of enzyme activities solved this problem

    Die Weltwirtschaft im Wandel: Symposium 1975

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    Seit einigen Jahren verstĂ€rkt sich der Eindruck, daß die Weltwirtschaft in einem raschen Wandel begriffen ist. Die EntwicklungslĂ€nder fordern eine neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung. Auf die weltweite Hochkonjunktur ist eine scharfe und recht lange anhaltende Rezession gefolgt; aber noch immer dominieren inflationĂ€re Tendenzen. Den Konjunktureinbruch ĂŒberlagert hat die Vervielfachung des Ölpreises Ende 1973. Sie wurde von vielen Beobachtern als Beginn einer Phase mit zunehmendem Rohstoffmangel und nie gekannten Ungleichgewichten in den Zahlungsbilanzen gedeutet. Von den vielfach geĂ€ußerten BefĂŒrchtungen haben sich manche als ĂŒbertrieben erwiesen; denn viele Schwierigkeiten konnte der Markt viel besser als erwartet und ziemlich gerĂ€uschlos bewĂ€ltigen. Gleichwohl erscheint es geraten, die alten und die neuen Probleme der Weltwirtschaft stĂ€ndig zu beobachten. Vom 23. -27. Juni, traf sich in Kiel eine Gruppe unabhĂ€ngiger Ökonomen aus Japan, Nordamerika und der EuropĂ€ischen Gemeinschaft in der Absicht, die Situation der Weltwirtschaft zu analysieren und VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr wirtschaftspolitische Maßnahmen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene auszuarbeiten. Das Institut fĂŒr Weltwirtschaft war Gastgeber. Das Kieler Symposium ist ein Glied in einer Reihe trilateraler Konferenzen ĂŒber weltwirtschaftliche Fragen, die von der Brookings Institution in Washington, dem Japan Economic Research Center in Tokio und dem Institut fĂŒr Weltwirtschaft gemeinsam veranstaltet werden. Die Ergebnisse werden jeweils in englischer, japanischer und deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht; frĂŒhere Berichte in der deutschen Fassung sind als Kieler DiskussionsbeitrĂ€ge Nr. 31 "Welthandel und Strukturanpassung in den IndustrielĂ€ndern" und Nr. 36 "Weltrohstoffversorgung: Konflikt oder Kooperation?" erschienen. --

    Overview of the PALM model system 6.0

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    In this paper, we describe the PALM model system 6.0. PALM (formerly an abbreviation for Parallelized Largeeddy Simulation Model and now an independent name) is a Fortran-based code and has been applied for studying a variety of atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers for about 20 years. The model is optimized for use on massively parallel computer architectures. This is a follow-up paper to the PALM 4.0 model description in Maronga et al. (2015). During the last years, PALM has been significantly improved and now offers a variety of new components. In particular, much effort was made to enhance the model with components needed for applications in urban environments, like fully interactive land surface and radiation schemes, chemistry, and an indoor model. This paper serves as an overview paper of the PALM 6.0 model system and we describe its current model core. The individual components for urban applications, case studies, validation runs, and issues with suitable input data are presented and discussed in a series of companion papers in this special issue
