210 research outputs found

    Anderson localization of a Rydberg electron along a classical orbit

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    Anderson localization is related to exponential localization of a particle in the configuration space in the presence of a disorder potential. Anderson localization can be also observed in the momentum space and corresponds to quantum suppression of classical diffusion in systems that are classically chaotic. Another kind of Anderson localization has been recently proposed, i.e. localization in the time domain due to the presence of {\it disorder} in time. That is, the probability density for the detection of a system at a fixed position in the configuration space is localized exponentially around a certain moment of time if a system is driven by a force that fluctuates in time. We show that an electron in a Rydberg atom, perturbed by a fluctuating microwave field, Anderson localizes along a classical periodic orbit. In other words the probability density for the detection of an electron at a fixed position on an orbit is exponentially localized around a certain time moment. This phenomenon can be experimentally observed.Comment: version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Time crystal platform: from quasi-crystal structures in time to systems with exotic interactions

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    Time crystals are quantum many-body systems which, due to interactions between particles, are able to spontaneously self-organize their motion in a periodic way in time by analogy with the formation of crystalline structures in space in condensed matter physics. In solid state physics properties of space crystals are often investigated with the help of external potentials that are spatially periodic and reflect various crystalline structures. A similar approach can be applied for time crystals, as periodically driven systems constitute counterparts of spatially periodic systems, but in the time domain. Here we show that condensed matter problems ranging from single particles in potentials of quasi-crystal structure to many-body systems with exotic long-range interactions can be realized in the time domain with an appropriate periodic driving. Moreover, it is possible to create molecules where atoms are bound together due to destructive interference if the atomic scattering length is modulated in time.Comment: misprints correcte

    Many-body localization caused by temporal disorder

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    The many-body localization (MBL) is commonly related to a strong spatial disorder. We show that MBL may alternatively be generated by adding a temporal disorder to periodically driven many-body systems. We reach this conclusion by mapping the evolution of such systems on the dynamics of the time-independent, disordered, Hubbard-like models. Our result opens the way to experimental studies of MBL in systems that reveal crystalline structures in the time domain. In particular, we discuss two relevant setups which can be implemented in experiments on ultra-cold atomic gases.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    Time crystals: analysis of experimental conditions

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    Time crystals are quantum many-body systems which are able to self-organize their motion in a periodic way in time. Discrete time crystals have been experimentally demonstrated in spin systems. However, the first idea of spontaneous breaking of discrete time translation symmetry, in ultra-cold atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror, still awaits experimental demonstration. Here, we perform a detailed analysis of the experimental conditions needed for the realization of such a discrete time crystal. Importantly, the considered system allows for the realization of dramatic breaking of discrete time translation symmetry where a symmetry broken state evolves with a period tens of times longer than the driving period. Moreover, atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror constitute a suitable system for the realization of dynamical quantum phase transitions in discrete time crystals and for the demonstration of various non-trivial condensed matter phenomena in the time domain. We show that Anderson localization effects, which are typically associated with spatial disorder and exponential localization of eigenstates of a particle in configuration space, can be observed in the time domain when ultra-cold atoms are bouncing on a randomly moving mirror.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Dodatno svjedočanstvo. Fotografije u prozi Daše Drndić

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    In this paper I will reflect on the role of photographs in the works of Daša Drndić. Mixing fictional and documentary modes is a characteristic feature of her texts. It is achieved among others by utilizing visual representations of the past. In my paper I aim to outline the strategies of visualization applied by the authoress (especially the traumatic, Holocaust-related experience), which materialize through photographs included in her works of literature. In the case of Drndić the visuals include for instance contemporary or archival photographs of places marked by the Holocaust and of Jewish inhabitants of Vienna as well as portraits of war criminals. Generally speaking, in her texts the photographs function as concretization (concretization) of the memory of injustice, of trauma and ultimately of the Holocaust. The photographs are by no means neutral images though they are commonly perceived as such. Interaction between the text (itself skirting the boundary between fact and fiction) and the image puts the latter in a position that is far from neutral. In Drndić’s case, the photos are often used as an inventory (archival) practice, but they constitute predominantly a way of overcoming the crisis, related to the intention of giving an account of the past, particularly a testimony of the Holocaust.U tekstu se posebna pažnja posvećuje ulozi fotografije u tekstovima Daše Drndić. -Treba istaknuti da preplitanje fikcije i fakcije je jedna od karakteristika njene proze. Jedan od načina da se to ostvari je korištenje vizualnih reprezentacija prošlosti. Razmatranja koja slijede posvećena su strategijama vizualizacije pomoću kojih autorica prikazuje traumatsko iskustvo koje je najčešće povezano s Holokaustom. Jedan od načina da se u vizualnoj formi prizove prošlost je na primjer inkorporiranja u književni tekst suvremenih ili arhivskih fotografija mjesta koja su obilježena stradanjem Židova, slika bivših stanovnika Beča ili portreta kriminalaca. Može se reći da u tekstovima Daše Drndić fotografije funkcioniraju kao konkretizacije sjećanja na nepravednost, traumu i Holokaust. Ove fotografije u kontekstu njene proze nikad nisu neutralne, što znači da ne prikazuju neutralnu sliku (kako bi se moglo pomisliti gledajući je uz odsustvo teksta). Općenito može se čak i reći da u Drndičinim knjigama fotografije se najčešće koriste u arhivskom smislu - pomoću njih autorica izlazi iz krize izazvane nemogućnošću adekvatnog prikazanja prošlosti, a posebno prošlosti koja je obilježena Holokaustom

    Провинция с великой историей: музейный пейзаж памяти Сандомира

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    Сандомир – один из примеров города, с течением времени терявшего свои функции. В XI в. он был одной из столиц Королевства Польского, в XIII в. – столицей княжества, в XIV в. до разделов Речи Посполитой – столицей огромного воеводства. В 1816–1837 гг. существовала Сандомирская губерния, но ее столицей стал Радом. С тех пор Сандомир был административным центром области, а позже и по сей день сильно усеченного повята (района). Это интересное явление было даже подробно описано, но в основном с точки зрения истории управления и геополитической истории. Чтобы осветить аспекты памяти об этой странице истории города, в данной статье используется категория музейного ландшафта, формируемого культурными учреждениями Сандомира. Сандомирские музеи способствуют сохранению памяти уже более ста лет. Пейзаж памяти – это элемент дискурса посетителей провинциальных музеев. Он имеет широкие хронологические и институциональные границы, но удален от столичных центров.Sandomierz jest jednym z najlepszych przykładów znacznych ośrodków o zdegradowanych funkcjach. W XI wieku był jedną z kilku siedzib (stolic) Królestwa Polskiego, w XIII wieku stolicą księstwa, w XIV wieku do rozbiorów Rzeczpospolitej – stolicą ogromnego województwa, uszczuplonego już w końcu XV wieku. W latach 1816–1837 funkcjonowało województwo sandomierskie, ale jego stolicą został Radom. Odtąd z Sandomierza zarządzany był tylko obwód, a później, do dzisiaj jedynie mocno okrojony powiat. Te ciekawe przemiany doczekały się nawet opracowań, ale pisanych z punktu widzenia historii administracji i dziejów geopolitycznych. Niniejszy artykuł w celu ukazania aspektu pamięci o tej wielkiej, lecz zdegradowanej historii miasta, posługuje się kategorią pejzażu muzealnego, obecnego w instytucjach kultury Sandomierza. Muzea sandomierskie stosują praktyki w zakresie zachowania pamięci już od stu kilkunastu lat. Pejzaż pamięci jest elementem dyskursu z odbiorcą – użytkownikiem muzeów o wymiarze prowincjonalnym. Jest szeroki pod względem chronologicznym i instytucjonalnym, ale prowadzony jest z daleka od metropolitalnych centrów.Sandomierz is a city with a long history, which gradually lost its former functions. In the 9th century, it was one of the capitals of The Kingdom of Poland; in the 13th century, it was the capital of the Duchy of Sandomierz; from the 14th century until the end of the the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Partition of Poland, it was the capital of the Sandomierz Voivodeship. In 1816–1837, there existed the Sandomierz Governorate but its capital was Radom. Since then Sandomierz has been the administrative centre of the region – Sandomierz County (powiat), whose territory was considerably reduced. The case of Sandomierz is of interest for the studies of the history of governance and geopolitical history. The article relies on the concept of museum landscape, which consists of cultural institutions of a town or city, to analyze the aspects of memory in relation to Sandomierz’s history. Sandomierz museums have been playing a key role in the preservation of local memory for more than a hundred years. The memorative landscape is part of the discourse shared by visitors to provincial museums. Such landscape has broad chronological and institutional boundaries and exists at a certain distance from the metropolitan centres

    Anderson Molecules

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    Atoms can form molecules if they attract each other. Here, we show that atoms are also able to form bound states not due to the attractive interaction but because of destructive interference. If the interaction potential changes in a disordered way with a change of the distance between two atoms, Anderson localization can lead to the formation of exponentially localized bound states. While disordered interaction potentials do not exist in nature, we show that they can be created by means of random modulation in time of the strength of the original interaction potential between atoms and objects that we dub Anderson molecules can be realized in the laboratory.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, references added and minor correction

    Subwersywny potencjał śmiechu, czyli Ključ od velikih vrata Hinka Gottlieba

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    This paper focuses on a short work of fiction written in the 1940s by the Croatian Jew, Hinko Gottlieb. The manuscript of the book was found in one of the Jerusalem archives and,about seventy years later was, prepared for publication in Croatia in 2021.  Undermining the readers’ previous habits, the book uncharacteristically problematises the Holocaust. Gottlieb uses humour as his major aesthetic device to describe internment. the story may also be ascribed to the fantasy genre, or to speculative fiction to be more precise. The purpose of the thought experiment presented here is to examine (in prison conditions) the possibilities that the socalled space capacitor has to offer. Besides acknowledging the occurrence in the text of such categories as science fiction, grotesque and surrealism, the article endeavours to answer the question about their use in the story of the Holocaust.This paper focuses on a short work of fiction written in the 1940s by the Croatian Jew, Hinko Gottlieb. The manuscript of the book was found in one of the Jerusalem archives and,about seventy years later was, prepared for publication in Croatia in 2021.  Undermining the readers’ previous habits, the book uncharacteristically problematises the Holocaust. Gottlieb uses humour as his major aesthetic device to describe internment. the story may also be ascribed to the fantasy genre, or to speculative fiction to be more precise. The purpose of the thought experiment presented here is to examine (in prison conditions) the possibilities that the socalled space capacitor has to offer. Besides acknowledging the occurrence in the text of such categories as science fiction, grotesque and surrealism, the article endeavours to answer the question about their use in the story of the Holocaust

    Discrete Time Quasi-Crystals

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    Between space crystals and amorphous materials there exists a third class of aperiodic structures which lack translational symmetry but reveal long-range order. They are dubbed quasi-crystals and their formation, similarly as the formation of space crystals, is related to spontaneous breaking of translational symmetry of underlying Hamiltonians. Here, we investigate spontaneous emergence of quasi-crystals in periodically driven systems. We consider a quantum many-body system which is driven by a harmonically oscillating force and show that interactions between particles result in spontaneous self-reorganization of the motion of a quantum many-body system and in the formation of a quasi-crystal structure in time.Comment: Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio


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    The Museum of the Sandomierz Region wasone of the more thriving tourism-and-sightseeing-relatedinstitutions of the Second Polish Republic. The paper’s aimis to show the history of its establishment and developmentin the first years of its operation, previously in literatureshown only in very general terms, without resorting to allthe sources. The first historic piece: an urn excavated closeto Linów was donated for the collection by AleksanderPatkowski nicknamed ‘father of Polish regionalism’.An attempt is made to reconstruct the foundation ofthe Museum’s first collection. Table 1 shows the dynamicsof the acquisitions in subsequent years. Apart from singledonations, Museum’s heritage pieces came from amateurexcavations or individual donors, and with time artefacts wereprovided mainly by professional archaeological research. Theartefacts were considered worthy of display, that is why, in1921, the Museum was opened in a provisional facility. In 1923,a catalogue of the archaeological collection was published.The Museum proved to be successful logistically and interms of tourism and regionalism, this demonstrated by theturnout in the first years of its operation shown in Table 2. Theproblem of the lack of Museum’s permanent seat was solvedthrough acquiring a plot of land and having its own premisesraised. The story of the opening of the seat of the branch ofthe Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society, PTK, and of theMuseum of the Sandomierz Region in 1925 is presented inthe paper. It was the first in Poland building owned by PTK,and the Museum took up much of its space. The processof organizing the institution climaxed with a permanentexhibition having been opened to the public. The Museumof the Sandomierz Region was the fourteenth institution ofthe type run by PTK after 1918. In the 1930s, it turned intoan icon of Polish tourism-and-sightseeing-related museology,while the presented reconstruction of its beginning revealsnumerous facts from the history of the activity of Polishsociety in the independent state