645 research outputs found

    The Internationalization Efforts of Lithuanian Manufacturing Firms - Strategy of Luck?

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    With the enlargement of the European Union, many Central and Eastern European (CEE) manufacturing companies have greater opportunity for internationalizing their activities. Although it is generally held that SMEs have the flexibility and ability to adapt to their environment more quickly than large enterprises, SMEs must be able to use these advantages in internationalizing. This study considers the internationalization efforts of a sample of Lithuanian manufacturing SMEs. Specifically, it is sought to reveal whether any patterns in the foreign market entry decisions of these firms may be found, through an examination of the degree of internationalization and its dependence on company age, size, risk aversion, commitment toward internationalization and knowledge acquisition. It is revealed that as yet, Lithuanian SMEs are in a state of uncertainty, and rely on manufacturing contracts in their home market. A pattern of “no pattern” may best describe their process of internationalization.internationalization, SMEs, manufacturing sector, Lithuania

    Crisis as a catalyst: the role of Schumpeterian innovation in the Lithuanian economy

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    What circumstances allow businesses to flourish in a stagnant world economy? We ask that question in our discussion of the uniquely favorable circumstances of the biotechnology sector in Lithuania. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lithuania’s ability to expand its economy during a time of crisis, focusing on its unique ability to innovate in such sectors as biotechnology.Schumpeter, innovation, Kondratiev wave, biotechnology, business cluster theory, Financial Economics, International Development, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, O31, O32,


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    With the enlargement of the European Union, many Central and Eastern European (CEE) manufacturing companies have greater opportunity for internationalizing their activities. Although it is generally held that SMEs have the flexibility and ability to adapt to their environment more quickly than large enterprises, SMEs must be able to use these advantages in internationalizing. This study considers the internationalization efforts of a sample of Lithuanian manufacturing SMEs. Specifically, it is sought to reveal whether any patterns in the foreign market entry decisions of these firms may be found, through an examination of the degree of internationalization and its dependence on company age, size, risk aversion, commitment toward internationalization and knowledge acquisition. It is revealed that as yet, Lithuanian SMEs are in a state of uncertainty, and rely on manufacturing contracts in their home market. A pattern of “no pattern” may best describe their process of internationalization.internationalization, SMEs, manufacturing sector, Lithuania

    Feeling the heat: Financial crises and their impact on global climate change

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    This interdisciplinary paper uses world-systems analysis as a theoretical framework to argue that both the 1870s, 1930’s economic depressions reduced mean global temperatures. As global consumer demand fell, factories worldwide began producing less commodities and, as a result, emitted less greenhouse gasses. We find that in both instances there is evidence to support the hypothesis that financial crises lead to cooler temperatures.Kondratiev waves, Schumpeter, world-systems analysis, environmental economics, global climate change, Environmental Economics and Policy, Financial Economics, N22, N50, Q54,


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    Theoretical analysis of research literature has revealed that prevention of risk or at least mitigation of the negative impact of risk factors on the company‘s employees requires reliable management of ergonomic factors risk, which can occur due to insufficient management of processes, quality, possible emergency situations, accidents. The above aim can be achieved by various preventive measures, just keeping in mind that the procedures of the management of ergonomic risk factors are based on assessment of ergonomic risk factors and priorities focusing on the relevant occupational safety aspects in the business company. However, prior to drafting an accident prevention plan, each company should consider the general environment of the company, conditions, and available resources.KEYWORDS: ergonomic risk factors, management process, preventive measures, occupational environment.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v12i1.68


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    Expression of business environment in trading company is being analysed in this article. Theoretically it was determined, that by supervising own business environment the companies must accordingly react to its changes and envisage what influence one or another factor of business environment have on them as insufficient attention to this area may determine inability to adapt to changing business environment. Therefore it may be baneful for trading companies and this topic must be analysed as much as possible. After quantitative research was made and 65 users of trading company were interviewed (customers of services or production), it was determined that alternation of supplies, employees and financial institutions as well as changes in legal, political and technological environment have the greatest influence on the environment of trading company. Obtained results of the research showed practical significance when solving management tasks of changes in business environment under development conditions. In accordance with this information, more rapid and better reaction of trading company into satisfaction of needs of the users is possible. The most important aspects, which must be considered, and which are necessary for managers of trading companies in order to make effective decisions are having of such information, accuracy of information, effectiveness of existing measures to receive and transfer information.KEY WORDS: management of changes, changes in business environment, elements of business environment, trading company.JEL CODES: M12, R11DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v14i3.863 

    An Investigation of the Influence of Economic Growth on Taxes in Lithuania

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    The level of economic interstate competition has been growing significantly in recent decades. Countries are constantly trying to apply lower tax rates to attract large businesses to their territory. They are also trying to improve the efficiency of tax collection on their area of jurisdiction. The paper examines how economic growth affects Lithuania’s tax collections. Based on quarterly data of the 2002–2022 period, ARDL models for the main types of taxes were considered. We find that for all types of taxes, the models have the same structure, which allows comparing the impact of gross domestic product on tax collections both in the short term and in the long term. Analysis showed that the largest reserves are in the corporate sector, where the growth in tax revenues exceeds gross domestic product growth by 115%. The long-term effect for general taxes is almost 19% higher than the growth of the tax base, that is, the Lithuanian economy as a whole has a tendency for a reduction of the shadow economy, which means that there are significant opportunities for further growth


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    Straipsnyje nagrinėjami žemiausiojolygmens vadovų tinkamumo organizacijai nustatymo klausimai, siekiant paskatinti tvarų ekonomikos augimą regione. Nagrinėjama formali žemiausiojo lygmens vadovųveiklos vieta valdymo grandinėje TV–ŽLV–PAV. Nustatyta, kad organizacijoje siekiant maksimalausrezultato, būtinas glaudus tiesioginio vadovo, žemiausiojo lygmens vadovo irpavaldinių valdymo grandinėje TV–ŽLV–PAVryšys ir tinkamumas, kad organizacijos tikslai ir jų siekimo būdai būtų visiemssuprantami. Todėl kiekvieno darbuotojo (grandies) valdymo grandinėje TV–ŽLV–PAV veiksmai darbo procese turi būtisuderinti su kito veiksmais. Parengta metodologija ir sukurtas žemiausiojolygmens vadovų tinkamumo nustatymo valdymo grandinėje modelis pasižymi tyrimometodų (taikyti kiekybiniai ir kokybiniai metodai) ir prieigų įvairove(atliekama kryžminė tiesioginio ir žemiausiojo lygmens vadovo bei pavaldiniųapklausa). Pabrėžiama,kad žemiausiojo lygmens vadovų tinkamumą organizacijai tikslinga nustatytivertinant valdymo grandinėje TV–ŽLV–PAV: kur TV – tiesioginis vadovas, ŽLV –žemiausiojo lygmens vadovas, PAV– pavaldiniai, vertinimo kriterijų, t. y. asmeniniųir dalykinių savybių bei vertybių, pagrindu. Kad valdymo grandinėje TV–ŽLV–PAVtarp grandžių vyrautų tarpusavio supratimas ir veikla būtų darni, būtina tenkintivieną iš dviejų sąlygų: visų vertinimai turi atitikti situacijos vertinimą(kiekvieno asmeninis ir partnerio pateiktas vertinimai turi sutapti); jeigrandžių vertinimai skiriasi, partneriai turi stengtis vienas kitą suprasti irpateisinti arba būtina keisti ŽLV.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: žemiausiojo lygmens vadovai, valdymo grandinė, vertinimo kriterijai, modelis.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v10i2.143


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    System of control of manufacturing process at manufacturing company is being analysed in this article. Generally, reasons of possible inaccuracies during manufacturing process are determined on the grounds of managers’ experience and calculations made. Insufficient attention to this field may determine inability to adopt in variable business environment. After quantitative research in manufacturing company was made as well as after 7 managers and 20 principals, participating in the manufacturing process, were interviewed, many problems were found: resources in the records of critical amounts, management of human resources, change of employees (possibilities of career), preparation of manufacturing tasks, results of activity of employees etc. In case results of this research would not be considered, manufacturing company may not survive in competitive struggle and will be forced to go bankrupt.  In order to change the situation, a system of control of manufacturing process, oriented to results, was recommended. This system regulates many relative functions, starting from determination of amount of producible production, quality requirements, preparation of necessary documents, conclusion of schedules of producible production, planning of needs of raw materials/materials, by necessarily assessing effective usage of all resources related to organisation of manufacturing process control of qualitative production getting into warehouse.KEY WORDS: control, manufacturing process, control system, manufacturing company.JEL CODE: M12, R11DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/rfds.v15i1.97


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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas gamybos įmonės įvaizdis klientų požiūriu. Teorinė analizė atskleidė, kad gamybos įmonės įvaizdžio struktūrą sudaro: organizacijos vidinis, vadovo, darbuotojų, prekės ir paslaugos, prekių ženklo įvaizdžiai. Kadangi klientas pasirenka prekės ženklą, gamybos įmonės įvaizdis turi išsiskirti iš kitų rinkos dalyvių teigiamu aspektu ir būti kažkuo individualus. Remiantis atlikto žvalgomojo tyrimo rezultatais, išskiriami gamybos įmonės įvaizdžio trūkumai: socialinis atsakingumas (7 %), vadovo išvaizda (3 %), darbuotojų paslaugumas (8 %), paslaugos kokybė (7 %), darbuotojų lojalumas prekės ženklui (7 %). Nepašalinus šių trūkumų, galima susilaukti iš klientų netinkamo požiūrio į gamybos įmonę ir taip prarasti klientus. Klientų požiūris į  gamybos įmonės įvaizdį itin svarbus, nes apsprendžia ateities lūkesčius ir galutinius rezultatus.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: įvaizdis, klientai, gamybos įmonė, vadovas, personalas