43 research outputs found

    Intertextuality in advertising slogans in the novel by Pelevin “Generation P”: sourses and methods

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    The subject of the article is methods of intertextuality in advertising slogans in the novel by V. Pelevin “Generation P”. Main sourses of intertextuality are revealed, which belong to different literature epochs, ages and branches. Dominating methods of introduction of intertextuality are described: quotation, allusion, reminiscence.Предметом исследования стали приемы интертекстуальности в рекламных слоганах романа В. Пелевина «Generation П». Выявлены основные источники интертекстуальности, принадлежащие к разным литературным эпохам, временным эпохам и отраслям. Представлены основные приемы реализации категории интертекстуальности: цитация, аллюзия и реминисценция

    Structure and Corrosion Resistance Against Intergranular Corrosion of Nickel-based Superalloy VDM ® Alloy C-4

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    The structure of VDM ® Alloy C-4 (UNS 06455) in “as received” state was studied. The data on the kinetics of secondary phases formation for “sheet” and “tube” samples in the range from 550 to 1100 ∘C after exposure for various period of time (from 30 min to 1000 hours) are presented. The data concerning the resistance against intergranular corrosion of the material under various conditions were analyzed using ASTM G-28 and RD 24.200.15-90 techniques. Keywords: nickel alloy, structure, VDM Alloy C-4, TTP-diagram, intergranular corrosio

    Role of employment partnership high school graduates

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    Статья посвящена вопросам трудоустройства выпускников в современном мире и роли партнерских отношений рынка труда и образования. Раскрыты задачи, которые ставятся перед профессиональными учебными заведениями и работодателями. Дан анализ ситуации рынка труда молодежи.This article is about the employment of graduates in the modern world and the role of partnerships labor market and education. Disclosed the tasks that given to professional training institutions and employers. Also showed the analysis of the labor market situation of young people

    The creation of high temperature steam flow for plasma chemical gasification of polymer waste

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    © Research India Publications. The process of water steam plasma in the gas discharge with liquid electrolyte cathode was studied experimentally. The studies demonstrated the fact that the steam water plasma contains no ballast components, such as nitrogen in the composition of air plasma. Due to this, it is effective as a power supply, which is used in plasma-chemical reactors intended for recycling. The mechanisms of harmful oxides development such as nitrogen and sulfur oxides are suppressed in steam water plasma. Therefore, the most favorable environmental conditions will be provided. An aqueous solution of sodium chloride in distilled water was used as an electrolyte. The experiments were carried out in the range of 4-11 A currents. The current density based on liquid cathode is maintained within 0. 8-1. 0 A/cm2. The energy balance was studied. The heat loss on the electrodes is determined by the calorimetric method. The regularities of flow electrolyte kinematic parameter influence on the energy characteristics of the plasma generator are revealed. The optimal mode of electrolyte flow through the cathode assembly of the plasma generator is established. The heat loss on the cathode is reduced significantly due to the changes of the flow electrolyte velocity. The possibility of steam water plasma use for the gasification of organic waste is demonstrated. A salable product represented by synthesis gas is obtained from plastic waste. The chromatographic analysis of the synthesis gas is performed. It was revealed that the synthesis gas, which is formed from polyethylene waste, contains less ballast components in the form of carbon dioxide. The prospects of plasma generator use with liquid electrolyte cathode for polymer waste gasification are determined experimentally

    The heating rate influence on the elastic modulus temperature dependence of a corrosion-resistant nickel alloy

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    The temperature dependence of the elastic modulus of nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy C4 was investigated by the method of dynamic mechanical analysis. At all heating rates, an abnormal increase in the elastic modulus is observed upon heating in the temperature range of 200-300 °C. It is shown that an increase in the heating rate shifts the beginning of the observed effect to the region of higher temperatures. The temperature anomaly in the elastic modulus of the C4 alloy is explained from the standpoint of the formation of a short-range order in a solid solution. The thermodynamically equilibrium temperature of the "disorder - short-range order" transition in C4 alloy is determined to be 205 °C. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The Influence of Post Weld Heat Treatment on the Structure and Mechanical Properties

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    The influence of post weld heat treatment nickel alloy Hastelloy® G-35® on the structure and mechanical properties were investigated. Also preferred annealing temperature was found and the regime of heat treatment was chosen


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    The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation at FRC Kazan Scientific Center (grant No. 075-15-2022-1128)


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    Методами растровой электронной микроскопии и микрорентгеноспектрального анализа исследовано выделение вторых фаз в сплавах С4 и ХН65МВУ. На основе металлографических данных построены участки диаграмм выделения вторых фаз в этих сплавах.Using the methods of scanning electron microscopy and micro-X-ray spectral analysis, the second phase precipitation in C4 and XH65MVU alloys has been studied. On the basis of metallographic data, sections of the diagrams «time-temperature- precipitation» in these alloys were developed.Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Президента Российской Федерации № МК-1032.2017.8

    Efficacy of comprehensive dental treatment for lichenoid reactions of the mucoparodontal complex: A single-center pilot cohort study

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    Background. Lichenoid reactions of the oral mucosa are currently recognized as a serious issue for dentists of various specialties, since their knowledge and competence in the diagnosis and pathogenetic treatment of lichenoid lesions of the oral cavity are yet to be improved. Following the data on high oncogenic potential in some forms of lichenoid reactions of oral cavity mucous membranes, the issue should be given serious considerations, and dentists should keep oncology-related suspicion when receiving these patients.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of comprehensive dental treatment for lichenoid reactions of the mucoparodontal complex.Methods. A single-center pilot cohort study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the comprehensive treatment (combination of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy) of patients with lichenoid reactions of the oral mucosa. The observation group consisted of 49 patients (15 males, 34 females) aged 58.92 ± 0.82 years with verified diagnoses of oral mucosa lichenoid reactions. The suggested treatment included pharmacotherapy (highly-potent topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors) and physiotherapy in the form of low level laser therapy (635 nm, 10 W) provided via Matrix laser (Matrix, Russia). Treatment efficacy was assessed by the total scale of treatment efficacy, registering indicators of the area of focal lesions and the severity of pain syndrome, as well as by changes in dental quality of life indicators according to OHIP-49-RU (Oral Health Impact Profile) in the Russian version. Statistical processing of the data involved Student’s t-test and Wilcoxon t-test. Differences were considered significant at p ≤ 0.05. Data statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 13.0 (SPSS Inc., USA).Results. During the follow-up period, the indicators of the total scale of treatment efficacy decreased significantly (p < 0.001) in 100% of patients and amounted (as medians and quartiles): 6.0 (4.0–7.0) points before treatment and 1.0 (1.0–2.0) points after treatment to be objectified by a significant reduction in the area of focal lesions (by 63.2%, p < 0.001) and in pain syndrome (spontaneous pain from 2.0 (1.5–3.0) points before treatment to 0.0 (0.0–1.0) points after treatment; induced pain from 3.0 (2.0–3.0) points to 1.0 (0.0–1.0) points). Along with the clinical improvement, the scores in dental quality of life improved from 83.11 ± 2.58 to 39.94 ± 0.86 points, according to OHIP-49 RU (Oral Health Impact Profile).Conclusion. Early detection and differentiation of lichenoid reactions in oral mucous membranes ensure timely treatment using the developed protocol of comprehensive treatment (combination of pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy). The efficacy of the protocol was confirmed clinically and justified in relation to quality of life