673 research outputs found

    Policy Uncertainty and Precautionary Savings

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    In 1997 Chancellor Kohl proposed a major pension reform: he pushed the law through Parliament explaining that the German PAYG system had become unsustainable. One limitation of the new law - one that is crucial for our identification strategy - is that it left the generous pension entitlements of civil servants intact. The year after, in 1998, Kohl lost the elections and was replaced by Gerhard Shroeder. One of the first decisions of the new Chancellor was to revoke of the 1997 pension reform. We use the quasi-experiment of the adoption and subsequent revocation of the pension reform to study how households reacted to the increase in uncertainty about the future path of income that such an event produced. Our estimates are obtained from a diff-in-diff estimator: this helps us overcome the identification problem that often affects measures of precautionary saving. Departing from the majority of studies on precautionary saving we also analyze households' response in terms of labor market choices: we find evidence of a labor supply response by those workers who can use the margin offered by part-time employment.Pension Reform, Precautionary saving, uncertainty, Germany

    The household effects of government spending

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    This paper provides new evidence on the effects of fiscal policy by studying, using household-level data, how households respond to shifts in government spending. Our identification strategy allows us to control for time-specific aggregate effects, such as the stance of monetary policy or the U.S.-wide business cycle. However, it potentially prevents us from estimating the wealth effects associated with a shift in spending. We find significant heterogeneity in households’ response to a spending shock; the effects appear vary over time depending, among other factors, on the state of business cycle and, at a lower frequency, on the composition of employment (such as the share of workers in part-time jobs). Shifts in spending could also have important distributional effects that are lost when estimating an aggregate multiplier. Heads of households working relatively few (weekly) hours, for instance, suffer from a spending shock of the type we analyzed: their consumption falls, their hours increase and their real wages fall

    Digital Fourier microscopy for soft matter dynamics

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    Soft matter is studied with a large portfolio of methods. Light scattering and video microscopy are the most employed at optical wavelengths. Light scattering provides ensemble-averaged information on soft matter in the reciprocal space. The wave-vectors probed correspond to length scales ranging from a few nanometers to fractions of millimetre. Microscopy probes the sample directly in the real space, by offering a unique access to the local properties. However, optical resolution issues limit the access to length scales smaller than approximately 200 nm. We describe recent work that bridges the gap between scattering and microscopy. Several apparently unrelated techniques are found to share a simple basic idea: the correlation properties of the sample can be characterized in the reciprocal space via spatial Fourier analysis of images collected in the real space. We describe the main features of such digital Fourier microscopy (DFM), by providing examples of several possible experimental implementations of it, some of which not yet realized in practice. We also provide an overview of experimental results obtained with DFM for the study of the dynamics of soft materials. Finally, we outline possible future developments of DFM that would ease its adoption as a standard laboratory method. \ua9 2014 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Active diffusion and advection in Drosophila oocytes result from the interplay of actin and microtubules

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    Transport in cells occurs via a delicate interplay of passive and active processes, including diffusion, directed transport and advection. Despite progress in super-resolution microscopy, discriminating and quantifying these processes is a challenge, requiring tracking of rapidly moving, sub-diffraction objects in a crowded, noisy environment. Here we use Differential Dynamic Microscopy with different contrast mechanisms to provide a thorough characterization of the dynamics in the Drosophila oocyte. We study the movement of vesicles and the elusive motion of a cytoplasmic F-actin mesh, a known regulator of cytoplasmic flows. We find that cytoplasmic motility constitutes a combination of directed motion and random diffusion. While advection is mainly attributed to microtubules, we find that active diffusion is driven by the actin cytoskeleton, although it is also enhanced by the flow. We also find that an important dynamic link exists between vesicles and cytoplasmic F-actin motion, as recently suggested in mouse oocytes.MD and IMP were supported by the BBSRC, the Department of Zoology (Cambridge), the University of Cambridge, and an Isaac Newton Trust fellowship to MD. FG and RC acknowledge funding by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research, Futuro in Ricerca Project ANISOFT (RBFR125H0M) and by Fondazione CARIPLO-Regione Lombardia Project Light for Life (2016-0998)

    High-ranking alleviates male local competition in lek mating systems

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    Territoriality entails demanding social interactions with competing individuals, typically males. Variation in quality of males can be predicted to affect the spatial arrangement of territories. We present a model aimed at understanding the spatial properties of territories on leks, where the presence of a hierarchy in a population of males leads to the clustering of individuals around high-ranking \u2018hotshot\u2019 males. The hierarchy results in a decrease in the number of nearest neighbors interacting directly with high-ranking males, with potential socio-sexual benefits for such males

    Tumour sublines with different metastatic capacity induce similar blood coagulation changes in the host.

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    This paper is aimed at investigating how metastatic tumour growth influenced the haemostatic system of the host. Blood platelet count, blood fibrinogen level, the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and the prothrombin time (PT) were determined at various intervals during growth and metastasis of a murine fibrosarcoma (mFS6) or one of its sublines with different metastatic capacity. Progressive thrombocytopenia and increase in fibrinogen level were observed during development of the tumour in all the animal groups studied, irrespective of the metastatic potential of the various sublines. No significant changes were observed in the PT or APTT values. These data support the concept that primary rather than metastatic growth influences the haemostatic system of tumour-bearing animals

    Tracking-Free Determination of Single-Cell Displacements and Division Rates in Confluent Monolayers

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    A biological tissue is an ensemble of soft cells in close physical contact. Events such as cell-shape changes and, more rarely, cell-divisions and apoptosis continuously occur in a tissue, whose collective behavior is set by the cumulative occurrence of such events. In this complex environment, quantifying the single-cell dynamics is key to extract quantitative information to be used to capture the fundamental ingredients of this collective tissue dynamics for validating the predictions of models and numerical simulations. However, tracking the motion of each cell in a dense assembly, even in controlled in vitro settings, is a demanding task, because of a combination of different factors, such as poor image quality, cell shape variability and cell deformability. Here we show that Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM), an approach that provides a characterization of the sample structure and dynamics at various spatial frequencies (wave-vectors), can be used successfully to extract quantitative information about a confluent monolayer of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. In particular, combining structural and dynamical information obtained at different wave-vectors, we show that DDM can provide the single-cell mean squared displacement and the cell division rate at various stages during the temporal evolution of the monolayer. In contrast with tracking algorithms, which require expert supervision and a considerate choice of the analysis parameters, DDM analysis can be run in an automated fashion and yields an unbiased quantification of the dynamic processes under scrutiny, thus providing a powerful means to probe the single-cell dynamics within dense cell collectives

    Simultaneous characterization of rotational and translational diffusion of optically anisotropic particles by optical microscopy

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    We probe the roto-translational Brownian motion of optically anisotropic particles suspended in water with a simple and straightforward optical microscopy experiment that does not require positional or rotational particle tracking. We acquire a movie of the suspension placed between two polarizing elements and we extract the translational diffusion coefficient D T and the rotational diffusion coefficient D R from the analysis of the temporal correlation properties of the spatial Fourier modes of the intensity fluctuations in the movie. Our method is successfully tested with a dilute suspension of birefringent spherical colloidal particles obtained by polymerizing an emulsion of droplets of liquid crystal in a nematic phase, whose roto-translational dynamics is found to be well described by theory. The simplicity of our approach makes our method a viable alternative to particle tracking and depolarized dynamic light scattering

    Structure and dynamics of concentration fluctuations in a non-equilibrium dense colloidal suspension

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    Linearised fluctuating hydrodynamics describes effectively the concentration non-equilibrium fluctuations (NEF) arising during a diffusion process driven by a small concentration gradient. However, fluctuations in the presence of large gradients are not yet fully understood. Here we study the giant concentration NEF arising when a dense aqueous colloidal suspension is allowed to diffuse into an overlying layer of pure water. We use differential dynamic microscopy to determine both the statics and the dynamics of the fluctuations for several values of the wave-vector q. At small q, NEF are quenched by buoyancy, which prevents their full development and sets an upper timescale to their temporal relaxation. At intermediate q, the mean squared amplitude of NEF is characterised by a power law exponent -4, and fluctuations relax diffusively with diffusion coefficient D1. At large q, the amplitude of NEF vanishes and equilibrium concentration fluctuations are recovered, enabling a straightforward determination of the osmotic compressibility of the suspension during diffusion. In this q-range we also find that the relaxation of the fluctuations occurs with a diffusion coefficient D2 significantly different from D1. Both diffusion coefficients exhibit time-dependence with D1 increasing monotonically (by about 15%) and D2 showing the opposite behaviour (about 17% decrease). At equilibrium, the two coefficients coincide as expected. While the decrease of D2 is compatible with a diffusive evolution of the concentration profile, the increase of D1 is still not fully understood and may require considering nonlinearities that are neglected in current theories for highly stressed colloids
